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权威例句 实用例句


1. When we spoke I was very happy to hear that while he was kicking around ideas for a new film, he also had an idea to pitch me for an animated short that Gnomon could produce, entitled Plus Minus.

当我们交谈的时候我非常开心直到他正在为下一个电影构思,他同时也有一个想法提案我做一个动画短片并且由Gnomon制作,题目是Plus Minus。

2. Obama published the plan on the revamped White House website, which, together with his YouTube address, marks a bold new media strategy to pitch ideas directly to the American people.


3. At the start of the session, set a timer and let everyone know that the group has "X" amount of time to pitch as many ideas as possible.


4. They used chiefly to pitch story ideas to media outlets and try to get their clients mentioned in newspapers.


5. I quickly discovered just how addicting it was to brainstorm about cutting edge technologies, write up our ideas, and pitch them to our company's patent review boards.


6. I am happy because we showed good play on the pitch, played very well in the first half and had good ideas to play.


7. Several other start-up entrepreneurs have indicated that they would prefer to pitch their ideas through a presentation that doesn't include an actual business plan.


8. I did this illustration to pitch a few art direction ideas to the Brothers.


9. Pitch ideas to them when you have something to communicate.


10. An IDF spokesman says it is "highly acceptable" for soldiers to point out problems and pitch ideas to superiors.


11. Do not pitch comedy ideas to a company that produces action films or pitch a big budget idea to a film company that makes low-budget movies.


12. Additionally, those in attendance will have the opportunity to pitch story ideas, semi or scripted, directly to those execs in the business with the possibility of having their project green lighted.



1. When pharma and device companies approach health systems to pitch their ideas for lowering the cost of healthcare, the conversation gets delegated to purchasing managers who just want to negotiate down the price of the drug or implant.

FORBES: Healthcare's Elusive "Economic Customers"

2. Employees are invited to pitch their ideas in the meeting when every role is present to make a decision.

FORBES: How Jeff Bezos Makes Big Decisions At Amazon

3. Many of the story ideas I pitch to my editors are rejected.

FORBES: Success Secrets Of The World's Most Powerful Women

4. In fact, inspired by the startup challenge, and in collaboration with Ashoka, the Banks for a Better World session gave five social startups the opportunity to pitch their ideas to Prof.

FORBES: The Future Of Doing Good In Banking, Inspired By Muhammad Yunus

5. But Virgin said the pitch--which included Merkley staffers' written ideas taped to windows--seemed unpolished.

FORBES: The Winner's Circle

6. At the end of the bootcamp, they would pitch their ideas to a jury, composed of Alcatel-Lucent Belgium executives.

FORBES: The Castle And The Sandbox - Book Preview

7. To put it another way, the power of personality and the clarity of their ideas was a key part of David Cameron's pitch for cities to switch to a mayor.

BBC: UK Politics

8. The center has hired a tech entrepreneur to pitch ideas to businesses and a Beltway lawyer to direct policy pronouncements.

FORBES: Rethinking Old Age

9. All four of these start-ups are still in the midst of being mentored by Microsoft's finest business and technical minds, but they're currently on schedule to pitch their ideas to a room full of deep pockets come June 28th.

ENGADGET: Kinect Accelerator company profiles: Freak'n Genius, GestSure Technologies, Kimetric and Styku

10. The enthusiasm about startups can also be found in small gatherings such as the Open Mic Idea Jam, a standing room-only event that was held at a popular pub in downtown Dublin in which entrepreneurs have three minutes to pitch their ideas.

FORBES: How Entrepreneurs Can Save Ireland

11. At the end of it all, they'll get to pitch their ideas to industry leaders and angel investors in the hopes of taking it to the next level.


12. Held at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, home to the well-known Sloan School of Management, it saw more than 170 contestants from 12 different schools pitch ideas in business areas ranging from health care to environmental products.

CNN: Going up! The elevator pitch

13. Attempts by David Miliband, the foreign secretary, to float big ideas to galvanise the government are also seized upon as an early pitch for the top job.

ECONOMIST: The Labour government

14. "I was even invited to go on Dragon's Den (a popular British TV show where entrepreneurs pitch their products and ideas to prominent businesspeople) but there's no way I'm going on that, " he added.

CNN: Picture this: The world's tiniest fisheye camera



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