spinning around是什么意思_spinning around短语搭配_spinning around权威例句

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spinning around

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  • 迅速转动身体:迅速转动自己或他人的身体,使其面向相反的方向。

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Children spinning around 孩童玩耍

2. spinning around my head 在脑海里转不停

3. Spinning Around the Sun 唱片名

4. Slowly Spinning Around 唱片名

5. Did it spinning around 落寞围绕着自己 ; 一切都在旋转

6. Spinning around and around 让我宁愿死亡

7. Hold on to spinning around 坚持住 ; 直到那一刻

8. All the spinning around 不管世界的喧嚣

9. See the world spinning around 看着世界在旋转


1. The amount of angular momentum, say, a spinning skater has depends on both the speed of rotation, and the weight and distribution of mass around the center.


2. She was spinning white flaxen thread, which ran from her spinning wheel down to a pile around her feet, then on down the slope, like a creek.


3. It roared to life and we swerved backward, spinning around to face the winding road.


4. Out on the dance floor I ran into my friend Stefania, a lively young Italian girl I'd met recently in a meditation class in Ubud, and we danced together, hair flying everywhere, blond and dark, spinning merrily around.


5. Many people are like gyroscopes, spinning around at a frantic pace but never going anywhere.


6. A year goes by and their goals remain nothing more than mental laundry continually spinning around in their mind.


7. Or, if you worry about bad luck after breaking a mirror, use the Irish solution of spinning around three times counterclockwise6.


8. Some swimmers, however, focus so much on spinning around QUICKLY, that they sometimes place their feet too high or too low on the wall.


9. I'm dancing, spinning around, happy in the last rhythms of the life I love.


10. I like this sentence from The Purpose-driven life: Many people are like gyroscopes, spinning around at a frantic pace but never going anywhere.


11. If love makes this world spinning around then this couple gives an initial push for it.


12. According to the theory of general relativity, the speed and angular momentum of such a large spinning body twists the space and time around it in a process called frame-dragging.


13. But he can be stubborn, abrasive and quick to anger, terminating a conversation by spinning around and rolling off, sometimes running one of his wheels over the toes of an offender.


14. I actually need to write in order to get the thoughts out instead of spinning around my head.


15. Vertigo: Feeling that one is spinning or that one's surroundings are spinning around one, causing confusion and difficulty keeping one's Balance, sometimes accompanied by nausea and vomiting.


16. When it's spinning parallel to the ground, support your weight on your left foot and use your right foot to power your spin; the momentum of the hoop should carry you around.


17. Vertigo: feeling that one is spinning or that one's surroundings are spinning around one, causing confusion and difficulty keeping one's balance, sometimes accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

眩晕:一种感到周围事物或自身在旋转的幻觉,常表现为头晕,精神迷惑或混乱,严重时可伴恶心及呕吐。《provided by jukuu》

18. They sit in rows, taking hot glass into their gloved hands and spinning it around a cylinder.


19. Audiophiles, on the other hand, stick to belt-driven models which produce less vibration when spinning and maintain higher audio quality — they've also been around as long as direct-drive models.

另一方面,发烧友依然坚持听传动式唱片,这种唱片播放时颤音更少,并且有更高的音频质量- - -它跟磁带一样历久弥新。

20. Then she heard an urgent whisper coming from behind her... "This way , quick , I know another way out!" Spinning around, Lacey was shocked to see another cheerleader standing12 in the bathroom behind her.


21. As if the earth had tilted a bit more and dropped off-centre, spinning the two poles around.

就像地球在绕两极转动时,地面有一点翘起并离开中心。《provided by jukuu》

22. If this were a movie, it would show the hands of a clock spinning around, maybe whole calendar days flipping by.


23. Driving so, surrounded by this rain and distant fogs, with this pure, divine sound of classical music spinning around me...


24. Your brain needs to get off the cycle of spinning around in circles so you can start focusing on solutions.


25. Spinning the truck around, the driver raced back down the road in the direction of the accident.


26. I saw something nearby spinning around but was not sure what it was.


27. But in the months and years that followed, I kept thinking about him sitting there on the sofa, clutching his documents and spouting these ludicrously dangerous suggestions, and I found myself spinning a story around him.


28. One phase of the Xuzhou wool mill spindle spinning around 1 2,000 to 1 5,000 matching a production capacity, second to expand the scale of production to 3 million gross spinning spindle.


29. You may imagine the planets moving in circles and spinning around the sun, but the purpose of all that movement is to generate energy. This movement provides the energy that runs your physical form.


30. all the while spinning around the sun at 67000 miles an hour and whizzing through the milkyway at 600000 miles an hour in a universe that very well may be chasing its own tail at the speed of light;


31. But just let us settle in on ten thousand worlds spinning around ten thousand alien suns and the question will fade away.


32. The planet's crust and mantle will suddenly shift, spinning around Earth's liquid-iron outer core and sending cities crashing into the sea. (Interactive: pole shift theories illustrated.)


33. Squint your eyes a little and move your head slowly to make it look like the world is spinning around you.


34. The pulsar is a rapidly spinning neutron star which is spewing energy out into the space around it to create complex and intriguing structures, including one that resembles a large cosmic hand.


35. He was chosen from the group for his lack of dizziness after spinning around on the three-axis astronaut training machine downstairs.


36. There is one dancer is spinning around.


37. Men spinning around the earth.

人类在绕着地球转。《provided by jukuu》

38. If love makes this world spinning around then this couple gives an initial push for it.


39. I start spinning around to scan my surroundings.


40. She leaned to her left, letting his fingers brush her arm, spinning around him.


41. A Frisbee has this rim so you can actually try to make it rotate around the point on the circumference by holding it near the rim and spinning it there.


42. There is one dancer is spinning around.


43. Magnetic levitation, or maglev, holds the ball in place while it spins around, getting clothes cleaner than a circular-spinning drum ever could.


44. They sit in rows, taking hot glass into their gloved hands and spinning it around a cylinder.



1. But as with any new technological breakthrough, there will be those looking to get around it, and as we can see from people taping Pokewalkers to spinning record players, there will always be the lazy who will go to great lengths to stay that way.

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2. Fallows wraps the saga of two small-airplane builders around the larger story of today's burgeoning American aviation, spinning a gripping tale.

FORBES: Magazine Article

3. Further attempts involved switching on the motors while spinning Galileo on its axis, and also when it reached the point of its maximum acceleration around Jupiter.

ECONOMIST: The long arm of the celestial repairman

4. These were the questions spinning around in my head after my arrest for driving under the influence (DUI).

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5. That aging design, built around an old-fashioned spinning disk drive, can hardly be called the future of Apple.

FORBES: Is It Time For Apple To Kill The Click Wheel?

6. All that would be needed for a holo-conference would be an array of spinning mirrors and projection TVs set up around a table.

FORBES: Technology

7. The trio met at Stanford University, spinning Tableau out of the school in 2003 around the idea that companies needed simpler ways to visualize big data and databases.

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8. Glock had finished bottom in the morning, with the German involved in the only major incident of the day, spinning prior to bouncing heavily over the newly re-moulded and far higher kerbs that now dominate the three chicanes around the track.

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9. What no one dares stop calling the Special Relationship has been defined down the years by images - Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher dancing, George W Bush joking about sharing Colgate with a grinning Tony Blair squeezed into crotch hugging chinos and years later spinning a be-suited and grim-faced Gordon Brown around in a golf buggy.

BBC: David Cameron, Barack Obama and the Special Relationship

10. The economy is simply a big wheel, spinning around and around.

FORBES: GDP And The iPhone Problem

11. For instance, drawing a circle around your fighter unleashes a spinning attack.

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12. The moon is also spinning, as it rotates around the earth, covering a mile in less than two seconds even as the earth spins madly and jets through space.

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13. INDIANAPOLIS March can be as cruel as it is mad: The best team in college basketball doesn't always win the NCAA tournament, or even get to the last weekend of the NCAA tournament, which is why filling out a bracket sometimes feels like spinning around while blindfolded and pinning the tail on a donkey.

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14. Just the sound of the word may call to mind raucous Internet entrepreneurs spinning around in Aeron chairs, burning through money.

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15. Matter falling into them swirls around, and atoms rub together generating heat "like spinning a stick against another piece of wood to start a fire" and producing enough heat to make the material radiate across the electromagnetic spectrum.

WSJ: Book Review: Gravity's Engines

16. In a talk at TED, Levin illustrated her point by conjuring up an example of two black holes spinning around each other and coalescing.

CNN: Cosmic music from dying stars

17. The Libyans then said "roasted chicken", before tying his arms and legs to a metal bar and spinning him around like a chicken on a rotisserie, the doctor said.

BBC: Freed doctor 'tortured in Libya'

18. Once the light enters the ruby, its speed is slowed down to around the speed of sound (approximately 741mph) and the spinning motion of the rod drags the light with it, resulting in the image being rotated by almost five degrees: large enough to see with the naked eye.

FORBES: Slowing the Speed of Light to a Crawl

19. The singer scored a number one with album track Spinning Around during the summer.

BBC: Kylie to spin around Britain

20. Beginning around 1908, needle compasses began to be replaced in ships by gyrocompasses, which use a fast spinning wheel to indicate north and south.

FORBES: No. 3 The Compass

21. PocketZip has some up-and-coming competition from a company called Dataplay , whose tiny disks, also spinning around in a plastic cartridge, will pack 250 MB and 500 MB into a package about the size of a quarter.

FORBES: Ten O'Clock Tech: Mini Megabytes

22. Trying to kick away a sharply spinning delivery from Amit Mishra out of the rough from around the wicket, the ball missed the pad, caught the edge of a horizontal bat and was gleefully snaffled at slip by Dravid.

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23. If your laptop spends more time spinning Netflix hits from yesteryear than yomping around campus, you'll probably love these new offerings from ASUS. It's launching the 15.6-inch N55SF and 17.3-inch N75SF laptops -- depending on budget, you can select an Intel Core i3, i5 or i7 chip and a variety of displays that go up to 1920 x 1080 on the high-end units.

ENGADGET: ASUS N55SF, N75SF multimedia laptops are back... in piano black

24. Shaking the chalice to randomize the ballots is smart, but putting the ballots in a wire cage and spinning it around would be more secure -- albeit less reverent.

CNN: How secure is the papal election?

25. But that will not snap the second strand of tragic narrative the media are spinning around Mr McCain.

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26. That we now have military bases in 175 countries around the world would surely have them spinning.

FORBES: What Would Ben Franklin Say About An America In Decline?

27. Last January Coca-Cola started airing an ad for Sprite featuring skaters doing some gnarly tricks, such as the "frontside frontfoot impossible" (skater jumps up 2 feet or more and wraps board around front foot) and the "540 backside grab" (involves spinning body 1 times in the air, and grabbing board behind leg).

FORBES: Later, Skater

28. Spinning Around, and the forthcoming album Light Years due for release in September, however, seem to show a return to the traditional Kylie sound.

BBC: Kylie to lead gay festival

29. The whole network of clumsy alliances was quickly spinning around her.

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30. "They were doing some things that had us spinning around a little bit defensively, got us on our heels, and offensively we never got into a rhythm, " Spoelstra said.

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