extension of time是什么意思_extension of time短语搭配_extension of time权威例句

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extension of time


英 [ɪkˈstenʃn ɒv taɪm]play 美 [ɪkˈstenʃn əv taɪm]play

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. extension of time or upgrade 时间或升级扩展 ; 延长时间或升级

2. extension of time for payment 延长付款期限

3. Request for Extension of Time 请求延期

4. extension of time for payments 延长付款期限

5. Extension of time translation 工期顺延

6. extension of time for filing 税收 延长报税期限

7. extension of time limit 延展时限 ; 时限的延长

8. Claim for Extension of Time 工期索赔 ; 工程索赔

9. an extension of time 时间的延长


1. The object of claim for extension of time is to extend the construction time, to avoid the penalty for delay, and then provide the contract foundation for legality of financial claim.


2. This extension increases data integrity and reduces deadlocks at the cost of reduced concurrency by holding locks for longer periods of time.


3. On the other hand, the deterioration of our health status is often accompanied by an extension of our sleeping time.


4. We are obliged to ask for an extension of time on your bill for 10 , 000.


5. Note that the handle method in every extension to the com.ibm.rcp.net.faults.handler extension point is called every time any type of network fault is detected.

请注意,每次检测到网络故障时,都会调用com.ibm.rcp.net . faults.handler扩展点的每个扩展内的handle方法。

6. Motion changes in heart rate rising as the extension of time, that endurance training is very important for tennis players.


7. All right, your teaching fellows have the authority to work with me and grant you an extension, but you have to ask for it ahead of time.


8. If you need an extension, please tell me ahead of time.


9. Within the context of the AIX Event Infrastructure, an event is defined as a change in state or in value which can be detected within the kernel or a kernel extension at the time the change occurs.

在 AIX Event Infrastructure 的上下文中,事件是指状态或值的变化,变化发生时,可以在内核或内核扩展中探测到它们。

10. Temporary extension of two years will guarantee scientists enough time.


11. In the Chinese economy, the long-term exposure to plan the influence of control means and methods, building and construction projects mostly in cost overruns, complete extension of time.


12. At the time of writing, the version number doesn't seem to have any effect on the functionality of the product extension.


13. Application of learning curve method in calculating the claim for extension of time


14. I acknowledge that we would need an extension of time.

我承认我们需要申请延期( an extention of time)。

15. The Intended Completion Date may be revised only by the Employer by issuing an extension of time.


16. In addition, Purchaser shall grant an extension of time to Contractor if Purchaser 's default delays performance of this Contract.


17. With the extension of time, the IPL with herbal mask group is superior to cure and more effective than IPL group.


18. There are, however, some plug-ins that consume a lot of startup time and, as we'll see, their costs are tied to plug-in activation during the processing of extension points.


19. The extension of time-doma in matrix method


20. Engineering contract claim includes claim for extension of time and financial claims.


21. Due to the expansion and extension of time for continuous cropping of soybean, the trend of Soybean Cyst Nematode has spreaded in Heilongjiang Province.


22. Two views of the virtual extension of a Portal into Second Life; the first shows sensor data over time, the second streaming real-time audio/video into Second Life.


23. The results show that the decomposition rate of hydrogen peroxide was accelerated with the extension of time, the rise of temperature and the increase of pH value.


24. We request that you grant us an extension of time.


25. The average migration quantity of DOM to the heavy metals in soils decreased as the extension of time.


26. If you do need an extension, ask for it ahead of time, not at 5:00 p.m.on Monday.


27. The table WIP_FULL_ARCHIVE contains thus the complete history of each edition -- starting at the time the WIP extension process is put in place.

表 WIP_FULL_ARCHIVE 因而包含每个版本的完整历史 —— 从设置好 WIP 扩展过程之时开始。

28. The defendant applied for an extension of time in which to serve her defense.


29. And the improvement of homework frequency and a continuous work the extension of time, but also to the use of the reliability put forward higher request.


30. With the continuous extension of time smoked, mouse bone marrow erythrocytes injury was increasing continuously.


31. This study showed that all species of proline content in leaves has increased significantly after water stress, and intensify with the extension of time.


32. Extension of time slice circular scheduling in UC/ OS-ⅱ kernel


33. TIA for the Analysis Methods of the Claims for Extension of Time


34. Silk degumming rate increase as the extension of time and present a first fast and then slow down change trend.


35. To Analyse on Piling Up Effect and Weakening Effect in Claiming for Extension of Time


36. With the extension of time in vitro, the myocardial cells in the stent gradually gathered and grew to myocardial tissue.


37. Usage: Takes this 10 gram Tu After losing weight the loose spot to massage 15 minutes then, the extension of time massage effect is better.


38. As a kind of special claim, claims of loss efficiency usually claimed for extension of time, and seldom for financial compensation.


39. And the improvement of homework frequency and a continuous work the extension of time, but also to the use of the reliability put forward higher request.


40. The XSL transforms provided with this article (see Download) are an extension of an open source project I developed five years ago as an attempt to shorten both documentation and QA time.


41. OpenSpime is an extension of XMPP, enabling real-time communication between objects connected to the Internet.


42. However, with the extension of time and the changes in technology, energy-saving results are often difficult to maintain.


43. If you have systems in, or interact with customers from that part of the world, be sure to check the support site for information on the extension of Daylight Savings Time in New Zealand.


44. Bacteria changed from the normal form of the rods into spherical or approximate spherical, with the extension of time, all become spherical shape gradually.


45. On Performing Conveyance Obligations and Its Effectiveness When Transferring Creditor s Rights; extension of time [ deed of assignment]


46. Chlorophyll and carotenoid contents increased by the extension of time in favor of soil water deficit.


47. Design of Anti-aliasing Filter for Data Acquisition To Analyse on Piling Up Effect and Weakening Effect in Claiming for Extension of Time


48. Does the contract contain suitable conditions to enable extension of time?

合约有否注有适当的延展服务条件?《provided by jukuu》

49. Venture capital in China relationship of technological innovation mechanism showing the positive impact of delay characteristics, and its impact as an extension of time mechanism is gradually weakened.


50. Waxy rice gelatinization viscosity with storage the extension of time, the viscosity accretion.


51. With the continuous extension of time smoked, mouse bone marrow erythrocytes injury was increasing continuously.


52. It indicated that with the extension of time, the biomass on the carrier kept growing and finally tended to be stable.


53. The defendant applied for an extension of time in which to serve her defense.


54. Along with the extension of time, compared with the blank group, the experimental results changed significantly.


55. With the extension of time, the content of soluble sugar in Ginkgo leaves are also increased.


56. In addition, Purchaser shall grant an extension of time to Contractor if Purchaser's default delays performance of this Contract.


57. The Intended Completion Date may be revised only by the Employer by issuing an extension of time.


58. Late delivery will not be accepted unless anfor extension of time is granted by the court.


59. As a kind of special claim, claims of loss efficiency usually claimed for extension of time, and seldom for financial compensation.



1. An annual event, the commemorative day will be a permanent extension of Veterans' Awareness Week which was held for the first time last year, a spokesman said.

BBC: NEWS | UK | First Veterans' Day Lottery boost

2. In some circumstances, taxpayers get an extension of time to file without having to ask.

FORBES: Not Ready To File Your Taxes? Extension Form, Details Available

3. Once upon a time Branson's products and services seemed almost an extension of his brash young persona--hip, fun stuff at a fair price.

FORBES: Red Baron

4. The president also included for the first time the chained CPI sought by Republicans, and dropped an extension of a payroll tax cut from the past two years.

CNN: Boehner proposes short-term tax fix; Democrats say no

5. If you need more time, you can request an additional four month extension by filing federal form 4868, Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return (downloads as a pdf) by June 15.

FORBES: Tax Tips for the Military on Memorial Day

6. Do you see any prospect at all for compromise on this, especially on the extension of the upper-bracket tax cut, perhaps a limited time or something like that?

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

7. At the same time, the extension of unemployment insurance from the usual 26 weeks time period to two-year period has discouraged people from actively searching, finding, and accepting jobs.

FORBES: How to Solve the US Long-term Debt Problem: Rebalance the Roles of Markets and Government

8. Filing for extension generally gives a taxpayer a six month extension of the original time to file.

FORBES: What Romney and I Have in Common With More Than 10 Million Taxpayers

9. Now they want an extension of the first-time homebuyer credit, and more federal spending on infrastructure such as air-traffic control.

ECONOMIST: Manufacturing's future

10. The last bit is important because an extension is an extension of the time to file and not an extension of time to pay.

FORBES: Not Ready To File Your Taxes? Extension Form, Details Available

11. National took advantage of the extension of time to pay the taxes.

FORBES: Executive of Bankrupt Airline Liable for Millions in Excise Tax

12. Now that she lives full time in Napa, Ms. Fleming uses the winery as an extension of the house and entertains there.

WSJ: In Napa, Kelly Fleming Blends House and Winery

13. The extension of detention time was essential to "balance the scales of justice", said Mr MacAskill.

BBC: Criminal Procedure Bill: Stage 1

14. "What's different this time round is that instead of having one new extension every few years we will have hundreds coming out in one year, " said domain investor and blogger Michael Berkens.

BBC: New domain name endings set to shake up the net

15. Extension of Time To File U.S. Individual.

FORBES: Not Ready To File Taxes? Extensions Are Better Anyway!

16. You have until October 17, 2011 (because October 15, 2011, is a Saturday), to re-characterize your 2010 rollover or conversion to a Roth IRA if you file your 2010 tax return on time, including any extensions, and regardless of whether you requested an extension to file your 2010 tax return.

FORBES: Before you get out the checkbook, second thoughts on your Roth IRA conversion...

17. At that time, the draft statute was under consideration by both organizations as an extension of the Uniform Commercial Code, and was known as Article 2B of the Uniform Commercial Code.

CNN: Opponents blast proposed U.S. software law

18. The report said that 91% of requests received were answered within 20 working days, or within a permitted time extension, and information being fully disclosed in 76% of cases.

BBC: Press behind 11% of FoI requests

19. Correspondents say Seoul has for a long time argued for an extension of the range limit, but this took on greater urgency earlier this year.

BBC: South Korea expands ballistic missile system range

20. It warns, however, that values may have merely received a boost from the spring season (home values typically have their best stretch as the weather warms) and the extension of the first-time-buyer tax credit that expired last month.


21. Rather than fight for continued extensions, SEIA President Rhone Resch has pursued a different approach, asking for a one-time extension of the credit, but for eight years.

FORBES: Magazine Article

22. As one Foreign Affairs article at the time stated, the Clinton cabinet seemed to view foreign policy as an extension of social work.

MSN: Read an excerpt of Joe Scarborough's new book

23. Filing for extension gives you a six month extension of the original time to file.

FORBES: Not Ready To File Your Taxes? Extension Form, Details Available

24. Instrument makers of the time also invented a trumpet with a sliding, telescoping tube extension.

NPR: Young Tuba Player Gets Nod from Phila. Orchestra

25. The biggest problem is that while the ad spends all of its time talking about the 90s, and by extension, Internet Explorer in the 90s, it says close to nothing about Internet Explorer in 2013, or why we should care about it.

FORBES: Microsoft's Wonderful, Cloying, and Woefully Misguided 'Child of the 90s' Ad

26. They have been known to misrepresent information leading an extension of the 7-year time frame known as reaging.

FORBES: Many Consumer Bankruptcies Do More Harm Than Good

27. In due time she came to portray her quarrel with the Labour Party as a domestic extension of the same global struggle.

ECONOMIST: The hardest act to follow

28. There were reports of people who were deceased being registered to vote as well as an illegal extension of voting time.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Civil disobedience as an option for Venezuela

29. Tronox said in motion papers that it was requesting the extension of the DIP maturity date in order to provide more time to work out a plan for emerging from bankruptcy protection, including the handling of numerous environmental claims.

FORBES: Bankruptcy Judge Scolds Latham Attorney Over Disclosure Of Fee

30. Remember that an extension is an extension of the time to file and not an extension of time to pay.

FORBES: What Romney and I Have in Common With More Than 10 Million Taxpayers





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