
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈreləvənt]play美 [ˈreləvənt]play

  • adj. 有关的,切题的;正确的,适宜的;有价值的,有意义的

比较级 more 最高级 most

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


relevant /ˈrɛlɪvənt/

  • 1.
    形容词 Something that is relevant to a situation or person is important or significant in that situation or to that person. 相关的

    Is religion still relevant to most people's lives?






1. Relevant experience 相关工作经验 ; 有关经验 ; 相关经验 ; 工作经验

2. relevant failure 计 关联失效 ; 计 关联故障 ; 相关失效

3. relevant issues 相关问题

4. relevant cost 相关成本

5. coverage of relevant retailers 相关零售商的销售范围 ; 相干零售商的发卖规模 ; 相干零售商的销售范畴

6. relevant works 有关工程

7. extract relevant information 摘取相关信息 ; 摘取关联信息 ; 摘取相关 ; 资讯

8. relevant authority 有关当局;监管当局

9. Relevant issues 相关问题 ; 相干问题 ; 相干题目 ; 相关题目

10. relevant document 相关文件;关联文件

11. relevant character 相关字符;关联字符

12. Relevant indication 相关指示 ; 相关显示

13. relevant experience 相关工作经验

14. Relevant market 相关市场 ; 有关市场 ; 特定市场 ; 中的关联市场

15. Relevant statistic procedures 推射

16. relevant information 相关信息

17. relevant data 有关数据

18. relevant parameter 相应参数;关联参数


1. Do you have the relevant experience?


2. We are trying to make politics more relevant to younger people.


3. Does our final structure pass the relevant logic test?

最后的架构是否通过有关的逻辑测试 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

4. Radiation effects relevant to this formalism are additive.


5. In the course as described in the syllabus below, what are the most relevant chapters?

作为下列的课程大纲, 哪些章节是学生认为与其工作最相关联的?《期刊摘选》

6. Moreover, I completed the senior course of Computer Basics, plus five relevant pre-college courses.


7. He consulted a number of relevant books and periodicals.


8. Her appearance is not relevant to whether she can be a good teacher.


9. Access to fashion, and the brands who police it, are becoming less and less relevant.


10. Instead the review can cover relevant product information such as catalogues or advertising material.


11. I tried googling but couldn't find anything relevant.


12. This is a relevant question.


13. Clarification pending from the relevant government authorities application of withholding to the returns.


14. Give enough background to indicate why the subject of your message is relevant, significant, and timely.

给出足够的背景情况来指出为什么你的信息的主题是有关的, 有意义的和及时的.《期刊摘选》

15. Amendments have been made taking into account the establishment of new Recommendations relevant to these systems.


16. What he said has no direct relevance to the matter in hand.


17. As usual , the relevant facts cut across one another.


18. Her novel is still relevant today.


19. Shanghai Zhongya Neon Technology Company is a professional manufacturer of neon lights and relevant products.


20. The key is to weave relevant personal anecdotes into your writing.


21. a relevant suggestion/question/point

相关的提议 / 问题 / 观点《牛津词典》

22. Licence is needed to deal with relevant business.


23. This point is really relevant and we had better move on.


24. Our final study is from 1980, but it's still relevant today.


25. All of the facts relevant to the accident are to be included.


26. The point she made was never the relevant point, her arguments conclusive but barren.

她的意见永远是不中肯的, 她的论据武断而又缺乏分析.《辞典例句》

27. a classic play of contemporary relevance


28. Relevant work experience is required for overseas postings.


29. All discharges and disposals of radioactive waste from Springfields were within relevant limits.


30. Earnest consultation between relevant countries about problems involving food safety is as important.


31. Assist the Technical Support Department to collect relevant technical standards and technical information.


32. Copies of the relevant documents must be filed at court.


33. This process improves access to relevant information, without old memories interfering.


34. Could you give me the relevant papers?

你能给我有关的文件 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

35. Take all relevant factors into account in interpreting their data.


36. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


37. A business site as required accompanied with suitable safety and other relevant facilities.


38. He has decided to prosecute her after careful consideration of all the relevant facts.


39. Available in English, French, German and Italian, it has links to other relevant tourism sites.


40. I think there was deliberate concealment of relevant documents.


41. We have passed all relevant information on to the police.


42. But there is no explanation about relevant causes.


43. To get grants and jobs, you have to be relevant and achieve some level of public recognition.


44. She brought him, unasked, the relevant file.


45. Xiumei department is distributor of electrical appliances relevant departments approved for registration by the state enterprises.


46. And most of us may sometimes feel the frustration of having old memories interfere with new, relevant memories.

有的时候,令我们大多数人感到沮丧的是旧记忆会干扰新的相关记忆。《四级真题- 2017年 6月 3卷 阅读B》

47. I don't think his remarks are relevant to our discussion.


48. S . government guarantees . Citigroup announced that has finalized plans with the government guarantees the relevant provisions.


49. The architects report the feedback lessons relevant for their work.


50. These comments are not directly relevant to this enquiry.


51. Knowing as much relevant information as possible can help us avoid making arbitrary decisions.


52. He has decided to prosecute her after careful consideration of all the relevant facts


53. The relevant inspecting organs shall give assistance thereto.


54. The MOD gave an undertaking to Saville that it had provided him with all relevant material.


55. Maybe you could approach some other departments as well, you know, relevant ones.


56. The three-stage life of full-time education, followed by continuous work, and then complete retirement may have worked for our parents or even grandparents, but it is not relevant today.

接受全日制教育、然后连续工作、直至完全退休,这样三阶段的生活可能适用于我们的父母甚至祖父母,但现在已经不适用了。《四级真题- 2019年 6月 1卷 信息匹配》

57. Because Ink viscosity is and substrate membrane separation of the relevant ratio.


58. One involves physiological changes relevant to memory.


59. Please summarize the information by selecting key features and making comparison where is relevant.


60. For ease of reference, only the relevant extracts of the regulations are included.


61. The library houses lots of unpublished documents that are relevant to your topic.


62. He refused to comment before he had seen all the relevant information.


63. Any more, we have to care our parents and keeping contact with our relevant relatives.


64. Publicize relevant laws, policies and regulations import and export requirements.

宣传双边出入境检验检疫工作有关的法律、法规 、 方针、政策.《期刊摘选》

65. But the really relevant date was seven or eight years earlier.


66. In physics, moving objects have two characteristics relevant to understanding the dynamics of energy systems : inertia and momentum.

在物理学中,运动物体有两个与理解能量系统动力学相关的特征:惯性和动量。《六级真题- 2015年 12月 2卷 信息匹配》

67. You must query the buttons directly to get relevant information.


68. Network group is bought still restrain without relevant regulation at present.


69. We cannot pursue his system except to note a few points relevant to mathematics.


70. Custom will ask to see the relevant document concerning the shipment.


71. Moreover, I completed the senior course of Computer Basics, plus five relevant pre-college courses .

此外,我完成了计算机基础的高级课程,外加五门相关的大学预科课程。《高考真题- 2016 北京 阅读A》

72. Develop local market and promote educational products Responsible for communication and coordination with relevant government agencies.


73. Be in charge of filing HR documents relevant to the position.


74. This means that they have no relevant foundations.


75. Make sure you enclose all the relevant certificates.


76. Lecture classes and case classes alternate, with the lectures covering material relevant to the next case.

授课和个案讨论交错进行, 包含与下一个案件有关的讲义.《期刊摘选》

77. The relevant processes include shadowing consideration and preserving the proper hidden body behavior.


78. Information retrieval: The process of selecting relevant data from databases, usually by means of a computer.

信息提取: 用电脑从数据库内选出有关的数据的情况.《期刊摘选》

79. [不可数名词]I don't see the relevance of your question.


80. E . moving any additional information that is relevant into the new db.

大肠杆菌 移动任何附加信息到新的数据库相关.《期刊摘选》

81. Relevant qualifications and training, including special training and apprenticeship.

有关的资历及训练, 包括特殊训练及学徒训练.《期刊摘选》

82. Because if I won't be implying those things, my response would not be relevant.


83. The response conveys some relevant information, but is clearly incomplete or inaccurate.


84. It may also consider the bill's detailed provisions and propose amendments relevant to the bill.


85. Museums should have a more involved or relevant public role.


86. To get grants and jobs you have to be relevant and achieve some level of public recognition.

要想得到资金和工作,你必须有相关经验,并取得一定程度的公众认可。《六级真题- 2017年 12月 2卷 信息匹配》

87. Yesterday, however, his views seemed scarcely relevant


88. Then we collected all relevant technical data available in the country.


89. If a relevant and important idea occurs to you now, work it into the draft.


90. One important maxim is simply: be relevant.


91. The philosophy professor says it is as relevant today as when it was first written many centuries ago.

这位哲学教授说,无论是在首次问世的许多世纪以前还是在今天,这些智慧都冋同样适用。《四级真题- 2016年 6月 3卷 信息匹配》

92. Relevant theories are not developed to the point where they can be unambiguously tested against observations.


93. These values are relevant in a relative sense.


94. Government should also draft relevant regulations as soon as possible.


95. These materials are relevant to the case.


96. First all, our government should play a key role in making relevant rules and protecting animals.

首先, 我们的政府应该在制造有关的规则而且保护动物方面担任一个主要角色.《期刊摘选》

97. Education should be closely relevant to students' needs.


98. The author has designed a relevant analysis calculation program module, which has been testified by experiments.

设计了相应的分析计算模块, 用实验进行了验证.《期刊摘选》

99. The court asked the witness to supply the facts directly relevant to the case.


100. In a sense, forgetting is our brain's way of sorting memories, so the most relevant memories are ready for retrieval.

从这方面来看,遗忘是我们大脑整理记忆的一种方式,所以我们可以检索到最相关的记忆。《四级真题- 2017年 6月 3卷 阅读B》

101. However, that comparison omits other relevant factors : leisure time, life expectancy, and economic inequality.

然而,这种对比方法忽略了其他相关因素:休闲时间、预期寿命和经济不平等。《六级真题- 2018年 6月 3卷 阅读A》

102. Relevant security measures shall be taken to sell, transport and store the commercial password products.

销售 、 运输、保管商用密码产品,应当采取相应的安全措施.《期刊摘选》

103. The applicant has experience in teaching and, more relevantly, in industry.


104. The fall in the cost of living is directly relevant to the drop in the prices of many industrial products and agricultural produce.


105. On presentation of the relevant identity documents you may collect your property.


106. The government and relevant institutions have already presented various proposals for specific policies.


107. Put all relevant material on this topic together into an integrated whole.


108. All the relevant records are easily available ready to hand.



1. vocationally relevant subjects


2. Now let's just say something now, which I'll probably forget to say in any other moment of the class, but today it's relevant. Game Theory, me, professors at Yale, cannot tell you what your payoff should be.

这里我们要解释一下,我差点就忘记说了,博弈论,还有我 耶鲁大学教授,无法说出你的收益应该是什么样的博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. We were knocking down prices by hundreds of thousands by finding relevant prior art.

FORBES: Patent Stalker

4. The DUP MP added that the relevant planning permission was passed before devolution was restored.

BBC: Peter Robinson has sold part of his garden for development

5. The alternative is to try to find some relevant difference between the watch case and the tower case.

还有一种方法是去找到,手表和搭积木塔这2个例子,之间的不同。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. Gender differences, he says, are no more relevant when it comes to positions of political rule being bald and being hairy.

他表示,当性别差异,放到政治支配的位置时,秃发与多发间的区别无关。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. To get more relevant suggestions, filter ideas by category, such as restaurants, outdoor, kid-friendly, beauty and cooking.

BBC: Four new impromptu-activity apps

8. Mr. Straiges's set fuses socialist realism with Chagall-accented surrealism to more persuasive (and relevant) effect.

WSJ: Brecht After the Idol-Smashing | Caucasian Chalk Circle | Classic Stage Company | The Misanthrope | Court Theatre | By Terry Teachout

9. You can bring any calculator you want, we don't actually have restrictions for calculator types here, but what you can't do, is you can't program any relevant chemical or information about constants in there.

你可以带你想用的任何一种计算器,我们并不限制计算器的类型,但是有一点是不允许的,那就是你不能使用编程的功能来记录,相关的化学常数或其它信息。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

10. Small process improvements are considered through the relevant line management, not by a corporate group.

FORBES: How to Keep Big Ideas Big

11. Once the platform spreads, Twitter will be able to serve up ads in contextually relevant places.

FORBES: Twitter's @Anywhere Hints @Twitter's Future

12. (One line in the song is particularly relevant:) "Yeah,you apologized, you admitted you're wrong, but we're the ones that got to suffer.

VOA : standard.2010.06.19

13. The move would be an attempt by Microsoft to make itself relevant in the consumer Internet.

FORBES: Microsoft's Acquisition Of Skype: Is It Worth It?

14. I suggested just a minute ago that one of the relevant stories that is always lying behind Milton's discussion of human choice is the story from the Book of Genesis about Adam and Eve's choice to eat the forbidden fruit.

我一分钟前刚说过一个相关的故事,总是藏在弥尔顿对人类选择权问题的探讨背后,是《创世纪》中,亚当和夏娃选择偷吃禁果。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. It is a pivotal point that ensures the film is both poignant and relevant.

FORBES: Connect

16. Judges may be trained to confine themselves to the legally relevant facts before them.

ECONOMIST: The science of justice

17. "Hopefully what we've done is ramped it up and made the themes relevant to this generation."

VOA : standard.2010.04.08

18. "Otherwise you have the really problematic bottom line, which is that the Central Intelligence Agency is running a program that is killing significant numbers of people and there is absolutely no accountability in terms of the relevant international laws,".

VOA : standard.2009.10.27

19. But a strange thing happened to Corvette on its way to irrelevance: It became relevant again.

WSJ: 2014 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray: Drive All-American | Rumble Seat by Dan Neil

20. The fact that it was blue or red is not relevant, and if I threw a gorilla at him it doesn't matter what the color of the gorilla is, what mood it is in.

物体是蓝色还是红色都没有关系,如果我扔给他一只大猩猩,它的颜色和情绪都是不重要的基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. But did LinkedIn manage to create a good list and is it relevant to you?

FORBES: How To Get a Job At The World's Most Desirable Companies

22. Okay. So that's Richard Strauss's approach to death, not particularly relevant to you young people but for oldergentlemen such as Professor Kagan and myself we're getting close to that. Right, Don?

理查·施特劳斯的死亡与净化讲的是死亡,对你们年轻人可能有些距离,但对于我和卡根教授这些老绅士来说,我们离死亡越来越近,对吧,先生聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. Let's think about it for ten seconds why this could be interesting and relevant, and I want to ask if anybody changed their mind.

首先我们来,考虑下这条,提示几秒钟。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

24. Members are drawn from people living in the relevant area.


25. It is not about making the material relevant and easy to apply in given opportunities to do that. It is not about creating interaction in community.

不是整理相关材料,以便于时机适宜时容易,利用,不是,在社群内进行互动。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

26. "This will be the subject of a full investigation. If there is any evidence that any government agency could have or should have done better, we will certainly be taking all relevant action to address that,"

VOA : standard.2009.03.13

27. The experiment seemed especially relevant now that he had three young daughters of his own.


28. This amount is uncapped, says Mr. Luscombe a fact relevant to the wealthy who self-insure.

WSJ: The Health-Care Overhaul: What Happens Next

29. Where fat is distributed is relevant, but both men and women can have fat above the waist in what's called this abdominal obesity pattern.

脂肪的不同分布模式是有关系的,但男性和女性都会在腰以上囤积脂肪,这叫做腹部肥胖模式关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. So the criterion is: is it relevant to the unified form that we as critics are trying to realize in the text?

所以,这里的标准是:,隐含的意义是否和文本的一致性有关,而这正是我们作为文学批评家,要通过文本实现的?文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. The relevant issue is whether the crowd in Washington should copy those failed examples.

FORBES: Illinois Downgrade Provides More Evidence that Higher Taxes Make Fiscal Problems Worse, not Better

32. "What we do here must be relevant to their lives.

VOA : special.2010.02.27

33. Mr. Icahn has a career that is really relevant to some of the topics we have talked about in this course.

伊坎先生的职业,和我们这门课程中,所讨论过的一些内容有很大关系。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. The father,Alhaji Umar Mutallab, who is a responsible and respected Nigerian with a true Nigerian spirit, had earlier reported his concerns about his son's activities to the relevant American authorities.

VOA : standard.2009.12.28

35. That's not relevant.


36. Use the official website for the Wales Coast Path, which links to regional websites with relevant details.

BBC: Walking the new Wales coastal path

37. Monitoring protected areas is vital to understanding this and for making relevant management decisions.

UNESCO: 2010 UK and Ireland Fellows

38. Dr.Qazi says the Global Action Plan aims to expand coverage to 90 percent of all relevant vaccines.

VOA : standard.2009.11.02

39. "Definitely with something as relevant in our world as genetic research, there are serious moral and ethical concerns and responsibility that is necessary.

VOA : standard.2010.06.09

40. The site has a vast collection of housing-related information relevant to home buyers, investors and developers.

NYTIMES: Housing

41. Thus, by providing a platform for self-expression, Facebook can inadvertently make lifestyle brands less relevant.

FORBES: Why Facebook Is A Threat To Lifestyle Brands

42. But I don't think that it is very relevant if you think that it is better that a baby should die.

但我认为这与你的想法无关,无论你是否认为一个孩子的死亡是件好事。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

43. The prime minister said the inquiry would be fully independent with access to all relevant British documents and witnesses.

VOA : standard.2009.06.15

44. But the sunk costs are not relevant to the decision about how quickly to withdraw.

FORBES: White House Says Costs Will Not Factor Into Afghanistan Drawdown Decision--Really????

45. You don't have to mention any of the local variables, because at this point in the story, they're just not relevant.

你不需要提及任何一个局部变量,因为在这个地方,它们是不相关的。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

46. He defends the decision. "It's relevant to creating that healthy lifestyle."

VOA : standard.2010.02.18

47. "And again it's relevant to the entire community." A growing number of large American companies are finding that health care costs for smokers are higher than for non-smokers.

VOA : standard.2010.02.18

48. But what sorts of data do employers have that might be relevant to health?

FORBES: Would You Trade Privacy for Better Health?

49. And, yes, trust that personal data used to facilitate a relevant conversation will not be shared.

FORBES: Are Email Marketing Security Issues Undermining Your Brand?

50. It is important that relevant legal issues are publicly raised.


51. His impassioned calls for peace are still relevant in the age of ISIS and Boko Haram.

CNN: Pope Francis' powerful signal to the poor

52. Krispy Kreme remains relevant despite changing little in 75 years, and perhaps because of it.

FORBES: Krispy Kreme Gives New Meaning To Word-Of-Mouth Advertising

53. Then bridge to the most relevant message point that you have prepared in advance.

FORBES: Open With A Short Answer -Media Training

54. Dean discusses many issues that are relevant concerns about population growth, including global warming.

FORBES: Does An Aging Population Hurt The Economy?

55. If souls are simples and simples can't split, there's no possibility of having two things with a relevant soul.

如果灵魂是单纯无法分割的,就没有两个实体拥有相同灵魂的可能。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. "One of the lessons is about diarrhea. Diarrhea is about quality of education because it's relevant, because the child would learn in the school about diarrhea and will go tell the mother.

VOA : standard.2010.05.19

57. "It depends on what the Egyptians will do out of it and how they focus the investment foreign policy-wise in key spaces which are relevant to national security issues where Egypt has a greater chance of success."

VOA : standard.2009.11.03

58. The UNESCO Chair in Gender Research strengthens the coordination and development of policy-relevant gender equality research.

UNESCO: Chairs and UNITWIN Networks

59. It provides layers of observations on local shifts in the environment relevant to climate change issues today.

UNESCO: Natural Science

60. Or would be better that more information and more expression was available but to a smaller audience which is probably the relevant audience for any person?

我们也可以选择将,更多的信息以及状态,仅对与用户有联系的,少部分人开放?扎克伯格谈Facebook创业过程课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

61. The challenge was devising a test that accurately simulated something relevant to the behavior being predicted.


62. Concerns raised by employees are said to have been passed to the relevant authority for investigation.

BBC: Scots NHS alert line taking calls from rest of UK

63. Children are entered for the relevant level when their teachers think they are ready.

BBC: All school Sats tests 'might go'

64. "Relevant or relic might be a question if NATO was still camped in Europe waiting to defend the borders.

VOA : standard.2010.06.11

65. any facts relevant thereto

















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