professional organization翻译_professional organization短语搭配_professional organization权威例句

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professional organization

网络 专业组织;专业团体;职业组织

英 [prəˈfeʃənl ˌɔːɡənaɪˈzeɪʃn]play 美 [prəˈfeʃənl ˌɔːrɡənəˈzeɪʃn]play

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1. Medical Professional Organization 药厂和各种专业医学会 ; 专业医学会

2. accounting professional organization 会计职业组织

3. professional sports league organization 职业运动联盟

4. social professional organization 社会专业组织

5. Professional Organization Staff 音乐性专业团体职员

6. Self-Regulatory Professional Organization 自律性专业组织

7. A professional organization 专业组织 ; 专业机构

8. professional organization detail 职业团体

9. Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization 搜索引擎营销专业组织 ; 引擎营销专业构造 ; 专业组织 ; 国际搜索引擎营销专家组织


1. Therefore, the need for the construction of a planned group of technologically advanced, well-equipped, professional organization of production and reasonable treatment plant.


2. The professional organization is called the International Association of quidditch.

专业的组织者叫做国际魁地奇协会。《provided by jukuu》

3. Macau Fair Trade Association is a professional organization which aims to promote develop MICE industry in Macao.


4. The Secret Service is a very professional organization that carries out its mandated duties.


5. CTI is a professional organization for testing , inspecting and verifying industrial and consumer products.

CTI是专业的工业与消费产品测试 、 检验与验证机构.《互联网》

6. The work on setting up the health service in community should be taken as an important task for MCH professional organization.


7. Of a fully professional organization.


8. Being founded in2004, Loreman foreign languages center is a professional organization specialized in foreign language training and translation.


9. The Society for the Study of Symbolic interaction is an international social science professional organization of scholars interested in qualitative, especially interactionist, research.


10. The Vocational Fellowships give Rotarians the opportunity to join an international professional organization through which they can undertake service projects or share information.

职业联谊则让扶轮社员有机会加入国际性专业组织,藉此办理服务计划或分享资讯。《provided by jukuu》

11. Hunter International protection Group, is a professional organization dedicated to provide worldwide protection for high-end customers.


12. AERA is the most prominent international professional organization with the primary goal of advancing educational research and its practical application.


13. The Function Comparing of Education Professional Organization Between China and US-Take China Educational Society and the American Nation Education Association as Example


14. The lawyers' own professional organization, the American Bar Association, has warned college students considering law school that it's no sure path to riches.


15. No matter what your occupation, there's a professional organization for you!


16. They are usually distant from the effects of their work, and they do not have a single unifying and regulating professional organization.


17. Problem on Professional Organization of Highway Environmental Supervision


18. Perhaps volunteering or joining a professional organization can give you some sense of purpose if you can't get it from your workplace, he said.


19. Therefore, the need for the construction of a planned group of technologically advanced, well-equipped, professional organization of production and reasonable treatment plant.


20. The group represents a new type of professional organization for the 21st century, one which embraces the possibility of technology to empower design.

团对代表了21世纪专业化组织的新类型。 它带来了用技术增强设计的可能性。

21. The professional organization is called the International Association of Quidditch.


22. With more than 60,000 consultant and professional staff in more than 160 countries globally, IBM Business consulting services is the world's largest consulting services organization.


23. A New Thinking on Setting up the Professional Organization of Public Libraries


24. The Infectious Diseases Society of America, a professional organization of doctors, cites the case of Josh Nahum, a 27-year-old skydiving instructor in Colorado.


25. The legal affairs organization of the drafting unit is responsible for organizing a hearing, and the relevant professional organization shall cooperate and participate.


26. Finding a charity, professional organization, or community group that could use your help does three good things, Mattson says.


27. The lack of training curling professional organization or institution, backup talents construction the serious lag.


28. Your degree is equivalent to degrees granted by traditional schools accredited through your professional organization.


29. The Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction is an international professional organization of scholars interested in qualitative research, especially interactionist research.


30. Therefore, the professional organization is a new legal person& social legal person, which differs from public legal person and private legal person.


31. The purpose of this is to discover if there is anything you might have in common with them, such as attending the same school or being members of the same professional organization.


32. The professional organization has the collective right, through which the professional organization can realize the interests of members in the name of them.


33. It is indicated that the common problems of fisheries economic professional organization construct are small scope, slow speed and nonstandard government.


34. Buck Gee is an executive adviser to Ascend, a pan-Asian professional organization.


35. Instead opt for groups that show your professional aspirations or social involvement, such as an organization for advertising professionals or the charity you volunteer at.


36. CTI is a professional organization for testing, inspecting and verifying industrial and consumer products.


37. The professional organization, elaborate plan, and good service win the standing to its organization.

组织专业, 安排精细, 服务周到,为机构赢得了好的信誉.《互联网》

38. If you can't find someone in the company, join a professional organization and build connections there.


39. Join a professional organization and attend the meetings.


40. The internal factor including the audit professional organization's management pattern, the office scale, audit personnel quality, audit pattern and so on.


41. As to the legal nature, the market objects not by the state or the private establish the professional organization.


42. As an organization the Academy requires its members to have achieved a certain professional status before they may join.


43. Being founded in 2004, Loreman foreign languages center is a professional organization specialized in foreign language training and translation.


44. SHE DID NOT set out to become a superpower in the already booming world of professional organization.


45. Outsourcing is the enterprise to do your most capable of things (Yang has director), the other job outsourcing can do these things from the professional organization (already short).


46. In China, with the development of market economy, it is necessary to authorize professional organization to manage the property.


47. The American Historical Association is the largest professional organization serving historians in all fields and all professions.


48. Mars in Sagittarius suggests one or two friends - or your membership in a professional organization - will be helpful in giving you tips on new opportunities to pursue.

在射手座火星建议一个或两个朋友 - 或者你在一个专业组织的成员 - 将在新的机会给你提示,以追求很有帮助。

49. The lawyers’ own professional organization, the American Bar Association, has warned college students considering law school that it’s no sure path to riches.


50. Donate your skills to a nonprofit. Finding a charity, professional organization, or community group that could use your help does three good things, Mattson says.


51. The Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction is an international professional organization of scholars interested in qualitative research, especially interactionist research.


52. They are usually distant from the effects of their work, and they do not have a single unifying and regulating professional organization.


53. One presentation of note at the CSA meeting was a broad and in-depth review of what the ASA is as a professional organization.


54. BeingArt Gallery is a professional organization of contemporary art management, focusing presently on sculpture on shelf, and painting etc.


55. The Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction is an international social science professional organization of scholars interested in qualitative, especially interactionist, research.


56. Types of Architects ′ Professional Organization and Work Way


57. If your school is accredited by a professional organization (such as the American Library Association), your degree will be honored by those in your profession.


58. Join a professional organization and attend the meetings.


59. This group is a professional organization for doctors who work in hospital emergency departments.


60. Professional organization for medicalwriters and associated professionals.

医学撰稿人的职业联盟组织。《provided by jukuu》


1. In another experience, informal coffees, lunches, and after-work chats were deliberately orchestrated by senior leadership, in order to better build and solidify personal and professional relationships across the organization.

FORBES: Three Simple Steps To Becoming A Better Nonprofit CEO

2. Folks, this is the best run professional sports organization in North America.

FORBES: San Antonio Spurs: North America's Best Run Professional Sports Franchise

3. Pulling this information into daily productivity tools such as Outlook email client or CRM, for instance in a way that allows people to manage their social networks and stay up-to-date directly in that tool, is a real benefit to the sales professional and the organization as a whole.

FORBES: Social Tools At Work Can Help Manage And Close Deals

4. For example, the American Society of Journalists and Authors is an organization for professional writers in which you can meet other freelance writers with varying levels of experience.

FORBES: Businesses You Can Start For Under $1,000

5. If a church or professional organization wishes to sponsor insurance for its members, they should be able to do so.

CNN: McCain's October 11, 2007, speech on health care

6. Also reappearing this month is Deloitte, the professional services organization, which specializes in audit, consulting, financial advisory, risk management and tax services.


7. Association of Fine Arts of Montenegro (AFAM) is a professional organization of artists and creators in Montenegro.

UNESCO: Fondo Internacional para la Diversidad Cultural

8. According to Andrew Bell, director of American Sommelier, a professional educational organization, his group is "900 times" busier today than it was in 1998 when he founded his first chapter in New York.

WSJ: Daniel Boulud's Sommeliers on What Makes a Great One | On Wine by Lettie Teague

9. Get introduced via one of the social networks, or a professional organization, before you approach a VC with a business proposal.

FORBES: Will Your Startup Get Venture Capital or IPO in 2013?

10. Statisticians, statistical groups and several groups that use the data have lined up in opposition to the bill, including the American Statistical Association and the American Association for Public Opinion Research, a professional organization of pollsters.

WSJ: Census Gets Questions on Its Mandatory Queries

11. "If you have one of these risk factors, that may increase your risk of having others, " says Dr. Khosla, who is president of the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, a professional organization of osteoporosis specialists.

WSJ: Health Journal: Yes, You Are Getting Shorter

12. "Furthermore, it seems likely that the promotion of change therapies reinforces stereotypes and contributes to a negative climate for lesbian, gay, and bisexual persons, " says the APA, the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States.


13. Through its new DMC Program, PES hopes to support its more than 60 professional organization and over 100 licensing board clients think HR Certification Institute, Project Management Institute, and the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards in providing additional, highly specific micro-credentials as a precursor for, or an add-on to, an existing credential.

FORBES: Badges Lend Gravitas To Free Education Revolution

14. Ask the preparer if he or she belongs to any professional organization that includes a code of ethics and that requires continuing education.

WSJ: How to Build Your Financial Dream Team

15. Our professional organization works hard to make trade shows part of a larger destination for attendees.

FORBES: 5 Ways To Improve Your Customer Service

16. Business is not a fashion contest nor do looks dictate success, however most successful applicants are well put together and, when dealing with clients are going to represent your organization as professional and organized.

FORBES: 15 Traits Of The Ideal Employee

17. At the time, I was executive director of the professional organization Investigative Reporters and Editors and Wallace had been invited to be on a showcase panel at the annual conference in New York City.


18. Access to couple's counseling: To gauge resources for couples who hit a rough patch, we collected the zip codes of members belonging to the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, a professional organization for marriage and family therapists.

FORBES: Special Report

19. Raise your profile in at least one professional organization or association in your field of work.

CNN: Looking beyond lunchtime: The art of career planning

20. It depends on the country and the robustness of its professional tennis organization.

FORBES: Magazine Article

21. IEEE, a large, global technical professional organization is dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.

ENGADGET: Ethernet gets new IEEE standard, still requires your thumbnail

22. The FDIC says Crowe should have followed the professional standards promulgated by the Institute of Internal Auditors, an international professional organization for internal auditors.

FORBES: A Tale of Two Lawsuits -- PricewaterhouseCoopers and Colonial Bank

23. However, one of the negatives of building a professional organization is that, over time, the entrepreneur often gets to spend less and less time with their customers.

FORBES: A Simple Way To Get To Know Your Customers

24. Eventually I joined Vistage International, which is a CEO professional development organization with chapters around the country.

FORBES: Do You Feel Lonely As A Leader? Study Says You're Not Alone.

25. And I would humbly suggest that perhaps a professional organization should be following up on these G20 proposals.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with Peruvian President Garcia

26. "Everyone has genetic variations" many of which will never cause disease, says Michael S. Watson, executive director of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics, a professional organization.

WSJ: Making Gene Mapping Part of Everyday Care

27. Those measures have lessened concern over the aQuantive deal among search engine marketing firms, says Jeff Pruitt, president of Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization.

FORBES: Microsoft Plays Both Sides Of The Ad Game

28. Jane Perdue is CEO of Braithwaite Innovation Group, a female-owned professional development organization.

FORBES: The Path to More Women in Senior Leadership: A User's Guide

29. In 1995, he took over Professional Bull Riders (PBR), which is an international professional bull riding organization where cowboys compete to see who can stay on the bull for eight seconds.


30. The Health At Every Size professional organization, Association of Size Diversity and Health, this week launched the project Resolved, a response to New Year's weight-loss resolutions.

CNN: Big deal: You can be fat and fit









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