
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈbɒt(ə)l]play美 [ˈbɑːt(ə)l]play

  • n. 瓶子;一瓶(的量);酒;奶瓶,乳饮品;<英,非正式>信心,勇气;<非正式>酒癖,嗜酒
  • v. 装瓶;<非正式>用玻璃瓶砸;<英,非正式>丧失勇气,泄气

复数 bottles 第三人称单数 bottles 现在分词 bottling 过去式 bottled 过去分词 bottled

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


bottle /ˈbɒtəl/ CET4 TEM4 [ bottling bottled bottles ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 A bottle is a glass or plastic container in which drinks and other liquids are kept. Bottles are usually round with straight sides and a narrow top. 瓶子

    There were two empty beer bottles on the table.



    He was pulling the cork from a bottle of wine.


  • 2.
    可数名词 You can use bottle to refer to a bottle and its contents, or to the contents only. 瓶

    She had drunk half a bottle of whisky.


  • 3.
    名词 nerve; courage (esp in the phrase lose one's bottle) 胆量; 勇气
  • 4.
    及物动词 To bottle a drink or other liquid means to put it into bottles after it has been made. 使装瓶

    This is a large truck which has equipment to automatically bottle the wine.


  • 5.
    动词 to injure by thrusting a broken bottle into (a person) 用破玻璃瓶刺(某人)
  • 6.
    可数名词 A bottle is a drinking container used by babies. It has a special rubber part at the top through which they can suck their drink. 奶瓶

    Gary was holding a bottle to the baby's lips.


  • 7.
    →see also   bottled





bravery bottle courage 【导航词义:勇气,胆量】

bravery n. 勇气;勇敢的行为

〔辨析〕 指面对危险等时表现出的勇敢精神或行为。

例1: an act of great bravery


例2: The soldier earned a medal for his bravery under fire.


bottle n. [英,非正式] 勇气,胆量

〔辨析〕 尤指做危险或令人不愉快的事情的勇气。

例1: They never thought she'd have the bottle to do it!


例2: It took a lot of bottle to do what he did.


courage n. 勇气,无畏,胆量

〔辨析〕 指面对危险、困境等时无所畏惧的胆量和品质。

例1: People should have the courage to face hardships.


例2: She didn't have the courage to confess.



1. steel bottle 钢瓶

2. hot water bottle 汤婆 ; 热水瓶 ; 热水袋 ; 汤婆子

3. thermos bottle n. 热水瓶

4. Bottle green 瓶绿 ; 深绿 ; 科技 深绿色 ; 青绿

5. bottle opener 开瓶器;开瓶刀

6. on the bottle ◎靠奶瓶喂养;吮吸奶瓶

7. bottle up 隐藏,克制;装入瓶中控制,严密封锁

8. weighing bottle 分化 称量瓶 ; 分化 称瓶 ; 秤瓶

9. beer bottle 啤酒瓶

10. spray bottle 喷雾瓶;喷药瓶

11. bottle neck 瓶颈

12. plastic bottle 塑料瓶

13. gas bottle 气瓶;洗气瓶

14. snuff bottle 鼻烟壶

15. a bottle of 一瓶

16. empty bottle 空瓶子,空瓶

17. over a bottle 一面喝酒(一面…);手边搁着酒杯,以交谊方式

18. glass bottle 玻璃瓶

19. hit the bottle 酗酒

20. water bottle 水瓶,水壶

21. Klein bottle 克莱因瓶 ; 克莱茵瓶 ; 克莱因壶 ; 西班牙住宅

22. perfume bottle 香水瓶

23. bottle cap 瓶盖

24. Message in a Bottle 瓶中信 ; 一樽浓情 ; 片 ; 漂流瓶

25. Bottle Shock 酒质受损 ; 酒业风云 ; 恋恋酒乡 ; 瓶击

26. like one's bottle [口语]贪杯,嗜酒


1. A bottle of wine had loosened Harry's tongue.


2. He had taken a bottle of cough mixture with him but it hadn't helped much.


3. Twice a day taken in the morning before breakfast and at bed  time. One bottle each time.

一天两次,早饭前一次,晚上睡觉前一次, 每次一瓶.《期刊摘选》

4. We could hear the rattle of milk bottles.


5. Could I get a bottle of whiskey sent up and some glasses and ice?

可以送来一瓶威士忌和两三个玻璃杯和冰块 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

6. The bottle was quite empty.


7. I see she ordered a bottle of alcoholic drink, also did not care about at first.

我见她点了一瓶酒, 起初也没在意.《期刊摘选》

8. If you buy three bottles, the bottle price comes down to $10.


9. Try not to bottle up your emotions.


10. bottled gas (= sold in metal containers for use in heating and cooking)


11. In the blinding snowouts, it's just like flying inside a milk bottle.


12. He claims he keeps a bottle of brandy only for medicinal purposes.


13. But don't expect to see bottles of hippo sweat on the shop shelves any time soon.


14. The baby sucked at the bottle.


15. May I have a bottle of your best German beer , please.


16. Look at the tiny milk bottles.


17. A bottle of imported beer will set you back $7.


18. The bottle contains two litres.


19. I'll swap these two bottles for that one.


20. Don't go out in the sun ─ get a fake tan from a bottle.


21. Don't forget to swill out the bottle before returning it to the milkman.


22. Then, I caught a few fish on the bottle, and keep company shrimp.

接着, 我又捉住几条鱼放在瓶子里, 和虾做伴.《期刊摘选》

23. Yes, a bottle of white wine.

好, 来一瓶白葡萄酒.《期刊摘选》

24. A new perfume from Russia came in a bottle shaped like a tank.


25. You need a box to send these bottles.


26. We ordered another bottle of champagne.


27. He gave the bottle a long, uncomprehending look.


28. It took a lot of bottle to do that.


29. He looked disapprovingly at the row of empty wine bottles.


30. He stands and opens a bureau and pulls out a bottle of scotch.


31. Put the top back on the bottle.


32. If only we could bottle the fresh air.


33. With our Computerized Steaming & Stewing Mug, you can disinfect milk bottle & tableware cook.

采用我公司的电脑蒸炖盅, 可消毒奶瓶 和 餐具.《期刊摘选》

34. After his wife died, he really hit the bottle (= started drinking heavily) .


35. Simon pitched the empty bottle into the lake.


36. Did she do things like bottling fruit or making jam?


37. Milk bottle tops are made of tin foil.


38. Photoelectric control system stops machine when the bottle is blocking or lacking.


39. Once she is used to taking a bottle, you can holdas you usually would for feedings.

一旦宝宝习惯吃奶瓶了, 你就可以用你通常的姿势来喂他了.《期刊摘选》

40. After his wife died, he really hit the bottle.


41. The seal on the bottle has perished.


42. There's still some wine in the bottle.


43. You have some subtle thought and it comes out like a piece of broken bottle.


44. I take a bottle of beer and open it.


45. When I needed disinfect the nursing bottles, I would come here to use the microwave oven.

当我需要给奶瓶消毒的时侯, 就会到这里用微波炉消毒.《期刊摘选》

46. The empty whisky bottle clinked against the seat.


47. It's not the first copyright infringement lawsuit against China's online video sites.


48. He celebrated by opening a bottle of his favourite champagne.


49. Avoid bottles, pacifiers, etc. caused by unclean utensils disinfection of newborn cavity, gastrointestinal infections.

避免奶瓶 、 奶嘴等用具消毒不洁而造成新生儿口腔 、 肠胃感染.《期刊摘选》

50. When the bottle is clean, rinse it thoroughly and then it can be sterilized.

当瓶子是干净的, 彻底冲洗,然后它可以消毒.《期刊摘选》

51. We made up some formula and, putting it in a bottle, offered it to the foal.

我们配制了些喂养奶, 把它放进瓶子里,喂小马驹吃.但是, 它不会吮硬奶瓶.《期刊摘选》

52. Therefore, for a variety of reasons, bottle feeding may be appropriate for some women.

因此, 由于种种原因, 奶瓶喂食可能适合某些妇女.《期刊摘选》

53. Doing this will make the bottle more beautiful and colorful.


54. There were two empty beer bottles on the table...


55. She was swinging a bottle of wine by its neck.


56. The wines are bottled after three years.


57. After my mother died my father started hitting the bottle.


58. They heard a bottle being smashed, then more raucous laughter.


59. bottled beer/water/pickles

瓶装啤酒 / 水 / 腌菜《牛津词典》

60. He popped the cork and the champagne fizzed out over the bottle.


61. Despite the fact that the bottle is tinted a delicate shade of green, an observant visitor would soon notice that it is filled with what looks like a thick, greyish substance.

尽管瓶子呈现嫩绿色, 但观察力敏锐的客人不久会注意到,瓶子里装的看上去像是浓厚的灰色物质.《用法词典》

62. Measure the volume of cooled, boiled water into a sterilised feeding bottle.


63. It's time for her bottle.


64. Put the bottle in a plastic bag in case of spillage.


65. Formula, which must often be mixed with water and placed in bottles, can become contaminated easily.

通常,配方奶必须用水混合并放入奶瓶, 可能容易受细菌污染.《期刊摘选》

66. Our lowest prices are around $6 a bottle, but those are table wines

我们最低价位的大约六美元一瓶,但那些都是佐餐酒。《18年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

67. You should not leave the baby to suck milk from the bottle by himself.


68. This stopper won't fit into the bottle.


69. He littered the yard with bottles and cans.


70. You can’t read the labels on the bottles in the supermarket—if you can get to a supermarket.

你读不懂超市里瓶子上的标签——如果你有条件去超市的话。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

71. He threw the empty bottles in the bin.


72. He knocked over a bottle of ink and ruined the table cloth.


73. Mother always preserves fruit in bottles.


74. Shake the bottle well before use.


75. A standard bottle of milk holds one pint.


76. ...bottled plums.


77. a wine/beer/milk bottle

酒 / 啤酒 / 奶瓶《牛津词典》

78. The police station taxed the boy with stealing the milk bottles.


79. That's why its easier to combine breast and bottle feeding with Avent.


80. There were two dead bottles of wine on the table.


81. The baby sucked ( away ) ( at its bottle ) contentedly.

那婴儿舒适地嘬着 ( 奶瓶 ).《期刊摘选》

82. Exclusion of air creates a vacuum in the bottle.


83. Pour each glass a third full with the appropriately numbered wine ( bottle into glass # 1 ).

每个杯子里倒三分之杯对应的葡萄酒 ( 瓶子 号对应 杯子号 ).《期刊摘选》

84. Used economically , one bottle will last for at least two months.

只要省着用, 一瓶只要可以用两个月.《期刊摘选》

85. Someone smashed a bottle.


86. Give me a little, well, just a bottle of beer.

少来一点儿, 嗯, 就来一瓶啤酒吧.《期刊摘选》

87. We always wipe the bottles out before returning them to the milkman.


88. This is our last bottle of water.


89. The doctor mixed me a bottle of medicine.


90. Tag the bottles now or we'll forget which is which.


91. Can you remind me to buy a bottle of wine?


92. He bottled up his feelings.


93. Shall I open another bottle?


94. He made up a bottle of cough medicine.


95. B : One bottle of whisky and cigarette one carton.


96. He went to his cellar and routed out a bottle of wine.


97. This is a large truck which has equipment to automatically bottle the wine.


98. I found a bottle with some rum and found and some bread and cheese for myself.


99. She had drunk half a bottle of whisky.


100. Wash your hands before you handle these bottles.


101. I always keep a bottle of wine by in case friends call round.


102. The bottle with the bottle inside scrub brush, wash all the milk stains.

用瓶刷擦洗奶瓶内面, 洗掉全部奶渍.《期刊摘选》

103. Pour milk out of the bottle into the glass.


104. The baby cried loudly when he emptied his bottle.


105. Only drink bottled water and check the seal isn't broken.


106. He peered at the label on the bottle.


107. You've got some egg on your necktie.


108. I just had some fish and beef and a bottle of beer.


109. All bottle accessories are specially added the antimicrobial agent , effectively controlling from the virus invading babies.

所有组件均特别添加抗菌剂, 有效控制细菌入侵婴幼儿.《期刊摘选》

110. Under the entire production process is controlling, including grape wine bottling and sale.

整个生产过程都在控制之下, 包括葡萄酒的装瓶和销售.《期刊摘选》

111. Six bottles should be enough.


112. No friend would take a man's last cold bottle on a hot day, where does it?


113. He drank a whole bottle of wine.


114. He flung out a bottle which was broken into a thousand pieces.


115. I drank a bottle of wine for company.


116. The bottle contains six doses of liquid medicine.


117. The bottle smashed against a wall.


118. Her bottle collection is arranged on glass shelves in the window.


119. The bottle's nearly empty.


120. Bottle feeding: An opportunity for Daddy to get up at 2 am too.

奶瓶喂奶: 让老爸也在凌晨2点起床的机会.《期刊摘选》

121. He drank his beer out of the bottle.


122. He was scheduled to appear on the Russell Harty Show, but bottled it at the last minute.


123. He opened a bottle of wine to crown the feast.


124. Empty milk bottles are rowed on the windowsill.


125. Disinfect the household articles such as tableware, towels, clothes , baby's bottles, toys and undergarments, etc.

可用于日常生活用品的杀菌消毒:如餐具 、 牙具、衣物、毛巾 、 奶瓶 、 宝宝的玩具 、 妇女的内衣物等.《期刊摘选》

126. He bought a Hershey Bar and a bottle of Coca-Cola.


127. Here is a bottle of soda for you.


128. Gary was holding a bottle to the baby's lips.


129. I got a bottle of smash in my car.


130. Each bottle comes with a level 1 nipple and a cover.


131. We were left with an open bottle of champagne three-quarters full.


132. The utility model provides a perfume bottle for controlling the perfume volatilization quantity conveniently.


133. Check bottles for leakage before use.


134. We drank a whole bottle each.


135. He was pulling the cork from a bottle of wine.


136. The boy put the ink bottle back where it came from.


137. Bring us a bottle of champagne.


138. I was warming bottles when I felt a hand on my shoulder.


139. Take one bottle daily, half in the morning, half in the evening.

每天服一瓶上午半瓶, 下午半瓶.《期刊摘选》

140. You need to take the top off the bottle first!


141. The cork came out of the bottle with a loud pop.


142. But will anyone have the bottle to go through with it?


143. Give the bottle a good shake before opening.


144. There was a clutter of bottles and tubes on the shelf.


145. But the biggest reward is the message in a bottle finding its way back home

但最大的报酬是瓶子里的信息终于回到家了。 《18年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

146. In some stories, genies are always found inside a lamp or bottle.

在一些故事里, 灯里或瓶子中总是装有妖怪.《简明英汉词典》

147. My foot stumped some empty bottles, which woke him up.

我的脚踢到了几个空瓶子上, 响声把他惊醒了.《期刊摘选》

148. Remove the orange plastic cover on the tip of the bottle.


149. New fathers love bottle-feeding their babies.


150. An overzealous security guard checked inside the baby's bottle.


151. Every bottle goes through the blend process individually.


152. The baby was sucking its bottle.


153. Jake: Can't you just leave a bottle of milk next to his bed?

杰克: 你不能在他床旁边放一瓶牛奶 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

154. A Gourmandize Salad, Chicken Kebab and a bottle of beer.

一份美食沙拉, 烤鸡肉串和一瓶啤酒.《期刊摘选》

155. ...bottled water.



1. What if a child was never breast fed, but fed from the bottle from the start?

如果孩子从未接受过母乳喂养,而是从小就用奶瓶喂养,那又会怎样?心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. Of course you guys are savvy enough to know this, but a lot of people get fooled because many people believe that a serving is what's ever in a bag, or a bottle, or a box, and they don't look and see how many servings are actually in it.

大家很聪明,当然看得懂,但还是很多人搞不清它的含义,因为很多人认为所谓一份食物就是指,一包,一瓶或一盒内的食物总量,而没看清整个包装内实际上有几份食物关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. Do the same if a baby is fed with a bottle.

VOA : special.2009.03.11

4. Members are the only customers allowed to take their bottle to the table and pour their own drinks.

BBC: A Cape Town haven for whisky lovers

5. And I was out there and the only place you could really get water, except for a few drinking fountains, were from the Evian booths and it talks on-- sand o three fifty for a bottle of water, which is pretty typical of these places, but what was interesting was the fact that this is shipped in from France.

我也去看了,除了几个饮水机之外,唯一可以喝到水的地方,就是依云矿泉水的摊位,而它的一瓶水要3.5美元,这种地方通常都是这个价,但有意思的是,这是由法国进口的关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. when I talked on the first day of class about my own boyhood experience when a Coca-Cola was an eight ounce glass or a Pepsi was an eight ounce bottle rather, that was a serving.

上课第一天,我讲了我少年时代的经历,那时可口可乐装在八盎司的玻璃瓶里,百事可乐也一样,那是一餐份量关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. The baby drank her bottle.


8. However, the ability is there and the genie is very much out of the bottle.

FORBES: The Dark Side of Technology

9. tamper-proof bottle caps


10. But now if you have a twenty-ounce bottle, your cue for when the drinking event ends is completely different than when I was a child, and its two and a half times different then when I was child, and so people have become calibrated to what difference sizes are.

但现在如果你喝了一瓶二十盎司可乐,会觉得现在的饮用量,和我小时候已经完全不同了,是我小时候的2.5倍,人们已经校正了其中差异的大小关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. That, one of my favorite ads of his was a perfume bottle stuck between a woman's legs,

我最喜欢他的那个香水瓶夹在一个女人腿中间的广告,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 喜欢的设计师

12. And if I think back to my own childhood again, not that that was the glory days by any means, but I mean people weren't falling over hour after hour from dehydration because they didn't have a water bottle with them.

如果我回忆一下自己的童年,不是说我的童年有多光辉灿烂,而是我想说当时人们也没有因脱水而倒下,而因为他们没有随身携带水壶关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. We began to drink. By the time we had finished the first bottle, Simon was very drunk.

VOA : special.2011.06.25

14. He was in Albuquerque today doing a bottle signing with a line around the building.

FORBES: Crystal Head to Head

15. Both loved their meal and only wished they had brought along a bottle of Opus One.

FORBES: Magazine Article

16. Now that we know about grapes and geography, we have some important tools for understanding the label on a bottle of wine.

VOA : special.2010.10.13

17. The typical markup on a bottle of wine can be as high as 200%.

FORBES: Magazine Article

18. As Mr. Sohm noted, it can also be the proper evolution from the previous bottle.

WSJ: Second Thoughts: How to Follow Your First Bottle | On Wine by Lettie Teague

19. A bottle full of sleeping powder was on a table near his bed.

VOA : special.2009.07.25

20. The directions also advise people to limit caffeine products and to drink only half the bottle if they want a moderate amount of energy.

VOA : special.2009.07.22

21. "I'll bring ya a two-pound box of candy and maybe a bottle of perfume from the drugstore."

VOA : special.2011.02.27

22. Anyone caught with a bottle was liable to meet an untimely end and scores of merchants did.

ECONOMIST: Iraq and alcohol

23. I can see a wine bottle in your backpack.

我在你背包里看到一个葡萄酒瓶。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 记忆犹新的表演

24. The newer Champagne bottle only weighs about sixty-five fewer grams than the traditional nine hundred gram bottle.

VOA : special.2010.10.20

25. No-one was hit by the thrown bottle that bounced against a wall behind the spectators.

BBC: Shoaib handed ban

26. Similarly, if you're dealing with immature humans and you want your child to get you a beer, you can't just sit, wait for the kid to give you a beer and uncap the bottle " and say, "Excellent. Good. Hugs."

类似的,如果你要训练的是未成年人,如果你想让你的孩子帮你拿一罐啤酒,你就不能只是坐着,等孩子把啤酒拿给你,然后你打开瓶盖,说,“太棒了,来抱一下“心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. They also brought flowers and a bottle of whiskey.

VOA : special.2009.07.04

28. Masson opened a bottle of wine.


29. It was one man's vision that if just two drops, from a bottle like this one, could prevent children from getting the disease, that global eradication could be within reach.

VOA : standard.2010.08.02

30. Keep a large bottle of water at your desk to sip from all day.

FORBES: 10 Experts Share 10 Tips: Feeling Great at the Office

31. Piaget's example would be a baby who's used to sucking on a breast might come to suck on a bottle or on a rattle.

皮亚杰举例说,一个习惯吸吮乳房的婴儿,可能会去吸吮奶瓶或是拨浪鼓心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. This hearty dish is the perfect prelude to a mellow afternoon of kayaking on the bottle-green lake.

BBC: The adventure playground of the Azores

33. Every time I opened a bottle, I thought about what I wanted to eat.

WSJ: Italian Wines, the World's Best With Food | On Wine by Lettie Teague

34. Several iterations later (including sketches on the proverbial napkin), the Define Bottle was born.

FORBES: Clinton Applauds Carter Kostler (Age 14) at Health Matters Conference

35. "It's so simple. With a two-liter bottle you add sugar, you add extract, you add a small amount of yeast and water, cap it up and in two days they've got root beer.

VOA : special.2011.08.01

36. Didn't Fleming know that Bond could not possibly be drinking a half bottle of Pol Roger?

WSJ: At Home in the World

37. It used to be the case that-- well I mean my guess is that very few of you probably go through a day without interacting with a water bottle at some point.

以前的情况是,我是说,我猜在座很少有人经历过,一整天不带水壶的日子关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. His face is covered. He places a bottle of French cognac and three roses on the grave.

VOA : special.2009.02.02

39. The bottle bulb was inspired by engineer Amy Smith, from the D-Lab in MIT.

CNN: Plastic bottles light up lives

40. Miss Khatun had a small bottle of water with her, which soon ran out.

BBC: Bangladesh survivor: 'I was waiting for death'

41. Sample a glass or two here, or bring a bottle back upstairs for a post-dinner drink.

FORBES: Tips for Entertaining in a Small Space

42. After the meal, a bottle of the local tipple, hierbas, is brought to the table.

BBC: The three colours of Ibiza

43. Crowding can also mean warmer-than-usual conditions -- carry a bottle of water to stay hydrated.

BBC: Navigating the London 2012 exodus

44. Martin eyed the bottle at Marianne's elbow.


45. If passed, these regulations will let the privatisation genie fully out of the bottle.

BBC: Doctors and nurses

46. These are a makeshift wardrobe, a mobile phone safe-box and a bottle of water.

BBC: Mark Simpson: How technology has transformed the job

47. I bought a bottle of Californian white.


48. That's the type of feeling you just want to bottle up and take home forever.

NPR: Dickerson Homer Gives Orioles 7-5 Win Over Tigers

49. We turned to Mr. Zillier, who confirmed that the bottle would probably require that many friends.

WSJ: Drinking Wine With Mike Piazza | On Wine by Lettie Teague

50. There is a bottle of Champagne from Elvis' wedding to Priscilla Beaulieu, and clothing worn by his daughter Lisa Marie.

VOA : special.2010.04.02

51. All four went back to the hostel with a bottle of vodka and cans of beer.

BBC: High Court in Edinburgh

52. How do they get that information? What is a star, if not just a giant gas bottle, containerless?

他们是怎样得到信息的?星星是什么?,如果不只是一个巨大的,空空的气体瓶呢?固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

53. He showed her the little silver bottle and told her what the medicine inside it might do.

VOA : special.2009.05.30

54. Alternative Organic Wine commissioned a super-green wine bottle from The Creative Method, an Australian design firm.

FORBES: UPSVoice: From Tuna To Tea, 'Greenwrapping' Makes Food Sustainable Beyond Ingredients

55. Professor Baglioni put the little bottle on the table and left Giovanni's room.

VOA : special.2009.05.30

56. Even closed containers a sealed six-pack or an unopened bottle of wine are contraband during ban hours.

WSJ: End of the Line for Midnight Drinkers

57. At home I opened a drawer of the hutch and took out the brown bottle.

NEWYORKER: Miracle Polish

58. You didn't go and have another one, or another one, or another one, and now the default is a twenty-ounce bottle, so you get a sense of how those sorts of things have changed.

而不能再喝另一瓶了,根本不能一瓶接一瓶的喝,但现在的包装都是二十盎司一瓶,这种改变由此可见一斑关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. He makes artistic statues from bottle caps and other found objects.

VOA : special.2010.04.14

60. When he came back and saw me waving the bottle he was beside himself.

NEWYORKER: Diary of an Interesting Year

61. Experts say if you decide to put your baby to sleep with a bottle, give only water.

VOA : special.2009.03.11

62. It takes 10 to 15 pounds of agave to make one 750ml bottle of booze.

FORBES: Mexican Invasion

63. But who were we, and why was my bottle of Quink in the Prayer Room?

NPR: In The Kitchen With Madhur Jaffrey

64. The bottle of ancient tipple was purchased from the Antique Wine Company in London.














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