dumb things是什么意思_dumb things短语搭配_dumb things权威例句

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dumb things

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  • 愚蠢的事情:指缺乏智慧或判断力的行为或决定。

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1. We don't do dumb things 高通不做蠢事


1. But for teenagers, doing dumb things now because of alcohol may be just the start.


2. They never understood, they were always saying dumb things.


3. Can we actually see if the monkeys are doing exactly the same dumb things as humans do?


4. You go back to Chicago when they won championships, they did the same dumb things , too.


5. Hiragana were devloped by having a bunch of completely blind, deaf, and dumb Japanese people scribble things on pieces of paper while having no idea why they were doing so.


6. You go back to Chicago when they won championships, they did the same dumb things, too.


7. And they're all talking at the same time and saying dumb things.


8. Of course, if you scour the Internet, you can find people saying dumb, insulting things aboutanything.


9. I say more dumb things before 9 a. m. than most people say all day.


10. Please forgive the first 10 dumb things I say and do (if they are not deal-breakers for you) as I'm a mess.


11. Now Croesus had two sons, of whom one was deficient, seeing that hewas deaf and dumb, while the other far surpassed his companions of thesame age in all things: and the name of this last was Atys.


12. Why do smart people do dumb things?


13. The clueless ones do dumb things like pay too much for acquisitions in an effort to plump earnings per share.


14. When we play, I do a lot of dumb things, and then I also do some extremely dumb things from time to time. But whenever I do something extremely dumb, we usually get a good result.


15. The clueless ones do dumb things like pay too much for acquisitions in an effort to plump earnings per share.


16. If no one else is sitting around all day thinking about the dumb things I've done, why should I?


17. Excitement makes some people do some dumb and silly things, like bungee jumping.


18. Deadlines make people do dumb things.


19. If a program manager says dumb things, the programmer might flip the bozo bit on them.


20. It's a good look at issues in organizational psychology, because it describes in detail how a lot of seemingly smart people worked together to accomplish a lot of dumb things.


21. I'm going to have really dumb users, who manage to find every possible way to break my application, by doing things out of order, in ridiculous ways, and without any thought at all.


22. "What's wrong with DIY is if you do it by yourself, it's easy to do dumb things," Gershenfeld said.


23. They never understood, they were always saying dumb things.


24. We want to scale to a few billion people on the planet and harness the enthusiasm of the maker movement, but don't want to reinvent dumb things.


25. You may be a lot of things, Bill, but you ain't dumb. You're the very least likely one to ever raise those car tags again, so I'm for you.


26. Seeing as how I'm one of those dumb things.

看来我也归属于你做的蠢事之一。《provided by jukuu》

27. This leads people to do dumb things.


28. But apart from giving us easier ways to cackle at dumb things, it's also put more information at our fingertips than any invention in the history of mankind.


29. The internet of things, as it is known, is this universe of objects-everything from cars to printers, lightbulbs to thermostats-that are no longer "dumb," static things: they can learn your habits and be controlled remotely using an app.


30. It's a good look at issues in organizational psychology, because it describes in detail how a lot of seemingly smart people worked together to accomplish a lot of dumb things.


31. Reps will say dumb things like, "half your advertising works and half doesn't — and you'll never know which half." Rubbish.


32. I knew I matured when I realized not every situation deserves a reaction. Sometimes you just gotta leave people to do the dumb things they want to do.


33. During 2008 I did some dumb things in investments.


34. This leads people to do dumb things.


35. As in the past, he admits to some investment errors in timing and judgment confessing, for example, that one of the "dumb things" he did was to buy a large amount of ConocoPhillips stock shortly before oil and gas prices collapsed.


36. And they're all talking at the same time and saying dumb things.


37. If you don't change your business processes to take advantage of CRM, your workers will just be doing dumb things faster and with less waste.


38. Those who work for the pleasure of the hunt tend to do dumb things like even the odds to give the other guy a sporting chance.

那些为了乐趣而狩猎的伙很可能会做出愚蠢的事,例如很奇怪地给与对方逃命的机会。《provided by jukuu》

39. Search engines are pretty smart on many things, but they're still pretty "dumb" when it comes to dealing with many of the routine changes that web site owners make.


40. " I shaved it last year thinking it would help our team, just one of those dumb sports things," walton said. "but it didn't help, so I'm back to hair."

“我去年剪掉头发是认为它会帮助我们的球队,这只是枯燥体育运动中的一种调节,”沃顿说。“但它并没有帮助,所以我就让它长回来了。”《provided by jukuu》

41. But for teenagers , doing dumb things now because of alcohol may be just the start.

但是对青少年来说, 由于酗酒而导致当前做傻事仅仅只是个开始.《互联网》

42. I mean if I ever write a book it will be called: Why Smart People Do Dumb Things.


43. Why do smart people sometimes do dumb or irrational things? "— Philip zimbardo?"


44. But for teenagers, doing dumb things now because of alcohol may be just the start.


45. If you don't change your business processes to take advantage of CRM, your workers will just be doing dumb things faster and with less waste.


46. Please forgive the first 10 dumb things I say and do (if they are not deal-breakers for you) as Im a mess.


47. Deadlines make people do dumb things.


48. Years and years ago, I remember when I was a young minister and pretty dumb about this things.



1. But the authors of this provocative and surprising book say the best way to figure things out is by asking really dumb questions.

FORBES: Magazine Article

2. Spelling. These are just dumb little things to look for. Did you spell all the identifiers the way you think you did. The problem is, when you read code you see what you expect to see.

拼写错误,你可能得找找这些粗心的小错误,你是否拼对了标识符,问题是当你阅读代码的时候,你看到的都是你以为的。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

3. And so the challenge that we have is that at any given moment in the federal government, there may be people who do dumb things.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

4. From reality television to dumb-and-dumber films, contemporary entertainment often amounts to watching stupid people do stupid things.

FORBES: Bigger Debt Problem: U.S. Subprime Or China's Local Governments

5. That means I can keep up with Facebook on the top half of the screen, as I send email from the bottom half about all the dumb things my friends are saying on Facebook.

NPR: Review: Galaxy S4 Decent, But Filled With Gimmicks

6. In the 1980s a lot of smart people said very dumb things about Japanese dominance.

FORBES: Sidelines

7. As a virginal orator, should she choose to unleash her powers, she would have the power of an Orpheus moving dumb things to sympathize -- Orpheus being one of Milton's most prized mythological figures of the powerful poet.

作为一名处女演说家,如果她选择释放自己的力量,她应该会有像俄耳甫斯一样的力量,使哑的东西也受到感动而有同情心,俄耳甫斯是弥尔顿最为称赞的有权利的神话传说诗人。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. And he did dumb things: imposing price controls on gasoline, which led to shortages and huge waiting lines at gas stations.

FORBES: Obama's Jimmy Carter Redux On Economic And Foreign Policy

9. Etsy shows that nearly anyone can design, create and handcraft some very cool (and occasionally pretty dumb) things.

FORBES: USA: The United States Of Design?

10. And because he stopped doing dumb things for Gary, I stopped doing dumb things for him.

NPR: 'Guys Read:' Encouraging Boys to Love Books

11. Sure, my personality was a little hampered by shyness and I did a few dumb things like dropping a ball on her daughter's head and tripping over a Hula-Hoop.

CNN: A kind of courtship: Finding a mom friend in the big city



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