prefer ... to ...翻译_prefer ... to ...短语搭配_prefer ... to ...权威例句

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prefer ... to ...

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短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Prefer to believe them 宁可信其有

2. Prefer to do something 更喜欢做某事 ; 喜欢做某事 ; 喜欢做一些事 ; 倾向于做某事

3. prefer to do sth 更喜欢做某事 ; 宁愿做某事 ; 喜欢做某事 ; 更喜欢马上去做某事

4. Prefer To Do 宁可做某事 ; 更喜欢做某事

5. prefer to be 宁愿做 ; 更愿意被 ; 希望能够

6. prefer to wear jeans 宁愿穿牛仔裤

7. prefer to doing sth 喜欢做某事 ; 宁愿做某事

8. prefer to 更喜欢 ; 宁愿 ; 宁可 ; 更喜欢做某事

9. prefer to doing something 喜欢做一些事 ; 喜欢做一些事情 ; 宁愿做某事

10. i prefer to foreign stars 我更喜欢外国明星 ; 我宁愿以外国明星


1. I'd prefer to walk.


2. It is commonly asserted that older people prefer to receive care from family members.


3. I prefer to see a woman doctor.


4. Given the choice, they prefer to continue working.


5. 'I'd prefer to walk,' she answered him.


6. I prefer to go on self-catering holidays


7. Women prefer to learn dancing.


8. 'I'd prefer to walk,' she answered.


9. I prefer to read.


10. Movie stars often prefer to travel incognito.


11. Many would prefer to see him step aside in favour of a younger man.


12. Nowadays, many consumers prefer to shop on the Internet.


13. The receivers will always prefer to sell a business as a going concern.


14. Small businesses would prefer to be taxed only on profits.


15. Movie stars often prefer to travel incognito.


16. "I prefer to work in black and white, which allows me to show different specific worlds more clearly ."

"我更喜欢白纸黑字地工作,这样可以更清楚地展示不同的具体世界。"《高考真题- 2016 四川 阅读C》

17. She answered that she would prefer to walk.


18. I prefer to do housework rather than sit there doing nothing.


19. Don' t worry! I prefer to take a walk there.


20. They prefer to bargain with individual clients, for cash.


21. I prefer to watch the film again.


22. They prefer to bargain with individual clients, for cash


23. Some women prefer to move about during labour.


24. I, for one, would prefer to postpone the meeting.


25. We prefer to travel off-season.


26. I prefer to work to a deadline.


27. I still prefer to play in defence.


28. She answered that she would prefer to walk.


29. I personally prefer to stay home.


30. Airlines would prefer to update rather than retrain crews.


31. 'I'd prefer to walk,' she answered him.


32. I prefer to wait and see how things go.


33. Would you prefer to settle the matter in court or out of court?


34. Some girls prefer to do their revision at home.


35. I prefer to work to a deadline.


36. I'd prefer to have pork.


37. Children universally prefer to live in peace and security, even if that means living with only one parent


38. In order to avoid the heavy traffic on the roads, some people prefer to travel by night and rest during the day.


39. However, when they grow up, they prefer to live alone.

然而,当他们长大后,他们更喜欢独居。《中考真题- 2016 陕西 阅读C》

40. I prefer and my family prefer to come here.


41. Old people prefer to stay in their own homes.


42. 'I'd prefer to walk,' she answered.


43. We prefer to travel off-season.


44. I prefer to go out and be out .

我更喜欢出去走走。《高考真题- 2019 全国2卷 阅读C》

45. Airlines would prefer to update rather than retrain crews.


46. It is commonly asserted that older people prefer to receive care from family members.


47. I personally prefer to be in a town where there's lots going on.


48. When planting seedlings I prefer to mark out the rows in advance.


49. I prefer to see a woman doctor.


50. Most of the students prefer to live out.


51. I prefer to deal with him direct.


52. Most plants prefer to be lightly shaded from direct, hot sunlight


53. They prefer to live in houses.


54. Some mothers prefer to nourish their babies with milk.


55. Children universally prefer to live in peace and security, even if that means living with only one parent.


56. I'd prefer to reserve judgement until I know all the facts.


57. The receivers will always prefer to sell a business as a going concern.


58. They prefer to drink low-fat milk.


59. Students prefer to rely on peers to relieve stress and anxiety.


60. I prefer to think of peace not war.



1. The U.S. seems to as always prefer to construct a series of complicated tax laws as opposed to doing the right thing which is to acknowledge that it is wrong.

FORBES: Americans Are Undesirable As FATCA Closes More Doors

2. I tend to prefer things that are more abstract.

我更喜欢抽象点的东西。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 关于现代美术

3. Volume does not always equate to value or quality however, and many U.S.-based firms prefer keeping certain operations in-house altogether to avoid any risk.

FORBES: Outsourcing Redefined

4. The U.S. would prefer not to act alone, because that would play into Saddam Hussein's apparent strategy to divide the coalition.

CNN: AllPolitics - U.S. Officials Stand Firm Against Iraq

5. Hungarian police say the men, And we also found the little boy. aged 28 to 42, were captured Friday in the eastern city of Debrecen on suspicion of involvement in deadly attacks against Gypsies, who prefer to be known as Roma.

VOA : standard.2009.08.22

6. Simon Henderson says that Beijing would prefer to keep its relationship with Iran separate from other countries' efforts to curtail Tehran's nuclear program.

VOA : standard.2010.06.29

7. Another indicator is that more and more of the younger crowd are preferring Android while the older populations and journalists prefer iOS. The latter makes tech journalists like the author of the article blind to trends.

FORBES: 4 Key Areas For Apple and Its Future

8. Another Joan Ganz Cooney Center report revealed that 89.9% of surveyed iPad owners prefer to read print books to their kids.

FORBES: Bookboard Streams Kids' Books to the iPad; But Are E-books Good For Your Children?

9. So, it's out with the old 30-pin dock, but there's still optical, AUX, video out, RCA and 3.5mm jack connections if you prefer to keep things physically connected.


10. Certain industries, such as those investment funds regulated within U.S. securities law, still might prefer to do business within an American-based jurisdiction.

FORBES: Why All Governors Need A 'Empleos Ahora' (Jobs Now) Tax Haven Strategy Like Puerto Rico

11. Instead I prefer U.S.-based companies that have considerable business exposure to China, but trade on a U.S. exchange.

FORBES: Three Moneymakers From China's Slowdown

12. But polls show Americans would prefer fewer days of mail delivery to higher prices for mailing letters and packages.

VOA : standard.2010.04.13

13. I'd prefer to make it out of platinum if I had my way.

我更愿意用铂来做,如果可以的话。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

14. If he could, Mr. Immelt would prefer not to meet with customers.

FORBES: Decoding Jeff Immelt and GE's New Act: U.S. Manufacturer

15. Although the single-line method may be faster, Mr. Hammack says customers generally prefer to "jockey for position" in separate lines.

WSJ: Find the Best Checkout Line

16. Now,just two do. That's because - while Spanish is still the language in many homes - the children of immigrants from Cuba and other Latin nations speak English in school and on the street, wear American clothes and prefer upbeat Anglo rock music to their parents' dreamy, old Spanish ballads.

VOA : standard.2010.04.19

17. And they would prefer to hear French than to hear Russian.

他们更喜欢听到法语,而不是俄语心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. According to a compilation of 27 polls conducted between Nov. 26, 2010 and as recent as Sept. 16, 2011, U.S. voters prefer higher taxes over no tax hikes and strict spending cuts as a means to reduce the deficit.

FORBES: Taxes Or Spending Cuts? Americans Prefer Taxes

19. To encourage us, everyone who participates in a successful Event gets loot. (Brevik says you can play the storyline solo, if you prefer.) Next, on to the subway, where I defeated Shocker.

FORBES: A First Look at the Upcoming MMO 'Marvel Heroes'

20. Though revenue per performance is actually up slightly, Mr. Gelb said he would prefer, on balance, for more people to be coming through the door.

WSJ: Metropolitan Opera Ticket Prices Set to Drop

21. That is my problem with what you have done." Republicans cite recent public opinion polls that generally show Americans would prefer to try the alleged terrorists in military commissions, where the rules of evidence favor the prosecution.

VOA : standard.2009.11.25

22. The Sensei (Mr. Miyagi, or Mr. Han, depending on whichever movie version you prefer ) has to do everything he can to avoid the blows of his newly inspired sparring partner, who suddenly realizes he is ready for his next match.

FORBES: You Are Interviewing For Your Next Job -- Now

23. He said he would prefer to have the fans singing or chanting.

VOA : standard.2010.06.14

24. That belief in Christ is to some a matter of life and death has been a stumbling block for readers who would prefer to think it a matter of no great consequence.

有些读者认为,对基督的信仰是关乎生死的大事,这对于那些对基督教,不以为然的人是一个障碍。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. Today its clients include Japan's Fujitsu, a handful of U.S. government agencies and several tech giants (they prefer to remain anonymous).

FORBES: Magazine Article

26. Mr. GHERKIN: Well, I prefer Allen, but I think I'm going to vote for Webb.

NPR: Virginia's Allen Hopes Gay Issue Helps Turnout

27. I invite you to ask questions in class or, if you prefer, after class as well.

我邀请你在上课的时候提问,如果你愿意的话,课后也行。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. So Captain America needed to be someone we could all believe Robert Downey, Jr. would respect and defer to, and someone the God of Thunder would prefer to follow rather than lead.

FORBES: Chris Evans Shines As 'Captain America: The First Avenger'

29. I prefer it to classical art.

比起古典艺术,我更喜欢现代艺术。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 关于现代美术

30. The reader should prefer a story with action and dialog to one with none."

读者要偏爱有动作和对话的故事,而不是没有这些元素的“1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. "They start to understand, if there is a Japanese tourist that comes here they would prefer to have this color and then European tourists come here and they prefer this color."

VOA : standard.2010.04.14

32. Then, spice it up by learning how to make salsa... or to shake the salsa, if you prefer stilettos to seasonings.

BBC: Daily deal: Get away to Mexico

33. Lipman says it is no secret that many Russians do not consider the Caucasus to be a part of the "real" Russia and prefer not to think about events there.

VOA : standard.2010.04.01

34. In fact what you might prefer to do is start insulin production and we'll talk about ways to do that in just a minute.

事实上,你们更愿意做的恐怕是,开启胰岛素的合成,我们马上就会讲到这其中的方法生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. But once having been cultivated and educated, people will see, not only see the difference between higher and lower pleasures, but will actually prefer the higher to the lower.

但他同时认为,人一旦接受教育和培养,就应该不仅能区分高级和低级快乐,而且会真的更偏好高级快乐。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. Suresh Kumar, from one Rajasthan travel service, says not only foreigners but also non-resident Indians prefer to come to India to marry.

BBC: NEWS | South Asia | Westerners take to Indian weddings

37. Even were Germany to win, which looks unlikely, Mr Klinsmann might prefer to go back to California.

ECONOMIST: Germany and the World Cup

38. Now I suppose it's my reluctance to get into the intricacies of questions having to do with applied theory that makes me prefer to keep it simple.

我不愿意在,应用理论上纠结,因此想把它简单化。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. Players prefer to be treated as U.S. residents due to the lower tax rates and the benefit of numerous deductions not available in their home countries.

FORBES: NHL Lockout Creates Tax Residency Issue For Players

40. Although Mr. Garone and Mr. Perlut both say they prefer to part ways, some in the facial hair fraternity are urging reconciliation.

WSJ: Hair-Raising Competition Splits the Mustache World

41. but now that I live in the city I prefer to take the taxi.

但自从住在城市里后,我比较喜欢打车了。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : Do you ever实战

42. As I said, I would prefer to do something that uses an accessor that I just wrote.

来完成这个操作,因此p,Cartesian是一种访问器,它可以访问里面的数据。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

43. Graduates of foreign medical schools now make up more than 25% of all U.S. practicing physicians and about half of primary-care doctors because U.S. graduates tend to prefer more lucrative specialties.

WSJ: Squeeze Looms for Doctors

44. The only difference between people is the size of the audience they prefer to talk to.

FORBES: Why Jonathan Franzen Is Wrong About Twitter

45. Now conservative voters in South Carolina have through the ballot box stated that they prefer Mr. Gingrich, with his ethically challenged public and private lives, to Mr. Romney, whose personal life and professional career have been morally and productively impeccable.

FORBES: Mitt Romney's Uphill Battle Against Anti-Capitalist Conservatives

46. Melting-pot institutions like the U.S. military prefer not to dwell too much on the particulars of a soldier's culture: Much of their purpose is to substitute personal belief with common standards of behavior.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Major Hasan: the counterlife

47. Some people will buy stuff online but most will still prefer to go to stores.

FORBES: Why the "Winner Takes All" Strategy Doesn't Always Work

48. No... well yes... well... the Minister "would prefer not to see any independent sector used".

BBC: Yeah but no but to using the private sector in the NHS?

49. The southern U.S. has a poorer record here, but don't be deterred if you prefer NASCAR to snowmobiling.

FORBES: Porch-Swing Communities

50. Ideally, you will never need your recovery image, however this is a choice we would prefer the customer to make vs. having the customer need the recovery image not realizing they needed to create one themselves.

FORBES: Microsoft Tackles Various Surface Pro Concerns, Hints At Battery-Equipped Cover

51. But if you're comfortable with it, it's the name that I prefer to be called by.

但是,如果你们觉得喊着还顺嘴的话,我还是喜欢你们叫我这个名字。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. I personally don't like swings that much and it's the B-/B+ range, so I'd much rather prefer that to a swing from A to C, and that's my reason.

我不喜欢成绩波动很大的,比如B-/B+这个范围,所以我还是喜欢像A到C这样小点的,这就是我的原因博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. Some people prefer only taking the courses that they want to take. What do you think of that?

一些人只愿意学习他们喜欢的课程。你对此怎么看?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 介绍好朋友

54. You can discuss with your friend where he or she would prefer to go.

你可以跟你的朋友讨论他/她想去什么地方吃饭。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : Where 课堂



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