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make commitment to

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1. to make commitment to 承诺 ; 献身于

2. make a commitment to doing 承诺做某事

3. make a commitment to 作出……的承诺

4. make a commitment to V-ing 承诺要


1. Make a commitment to leave on time at least three nights a week.


2. What might lead to a commitment,? a decision to make a commitment to make the relationship last?


3. Universities should make a commitment to cultivate compound talents of English majors to meet the multiple needs of the society.


4. That is an easy commitment to make in the short term.


5. Bill will be100 percent willing to make a commitment to a better future.


6. Seeking advice is a subtle way to invite someone to make a commitment to us.


7. Make a commitment to keep God's standards.


8. What might lead to a commitment,? A decision to make a commitment to make the relationship last?


9. You know how to make a commitment and you're not afraid to get your hands dirty to achieve team objectives.


10. Today, I want to make life-changing commitment to myself.


11. Make sure volunteers are willing to make aspecific time commitment and finish the project by the deadline you give.


12. If you can make a commitment to performing that simple step, it can go a long way toward instilling the right amount of discipline into your process.


13. Most controversially, Japan wanted to be clear that it would not make a new commitment to emissions cuts under the Kyoto protocol after 2012, when its current promise runs out.


14. Not the best time to make a commitment to someone or to start up a new relationship.


15. The company will make unremitting commitment to customer demand, product quality, variety and sought to create after-sales service features.


16. What sort of commitment do I have to make to use this treatment?


17. When you make a commitment to another person, you establish what psychologists call a contingency of reinforcement;

当你向别人许诺时,你就形成了心理学家所说的“后效强化”这么一种情况。《provided by jukuu》

18. But this is not an imperative only for governments and regulators financial institutions, too, must make a commitment to social responsibility.


19. Sometimes it's helpful to call a friend and make a commitment to them, or write it down.


20. She doesn't want to make a big emotional commitment to Steve at the moment.


21. Anyone who is going to make this kind of serious commitment naturally wants to reach their goal as quickly as possible and to do this we must be efficient.


22. Make a commitment to happiness, be happy now.


23. There is no shortcut to excellence. You will have to make the commitment to make excellence your priority.


24. It's not an easy commitment to make.


25. The bait for Barack Obama is that the deal could speed up his commitment to make broadband available to more Americans.


26. Make a commitment to yourself, using the same tools.


27. Wisely, they decided not to make any commitment to marriage until they had met face-to-face.

明智的是,他们决意在相互晤面之前对婚姻不做任何承诺。《provided by jukuu》

28. Today, make the commitment to yourself to take full responsibility for your life And to make the most of it.


29. Also, they are willing to make the commitment to science and technology, which some other countries are not.


30. The supplier shall make relevant commitment to precision and repeatability of inspection signal for the actuator.

供货商对执行机构检测信号的精度与重复性应作出相应的承诺。《provided by jukuu》

31. We are looking for someone who can make commitment to the job.


32. You must make a commitment. You have to decide that you really want to make a change, and that it's more important than almost anything else.


33. Sometimes the easiest way to take action is to make commitment.


34. Make a commitment to try a vegetable you've never eaten or liked once a week, and keep an open mind.


35. Whether it's one post per week or10 posts per day, make a commitment to keep your blog updated.


36. Make a commitment to yourself.


37. I make no commitment to be there if they are not.


38. The White House has so far refused to make a commitment.


39. Make a commitment to learn one list a week.


40. He questioned the government's commitment to peace and called on it to make a gesture of good will.


41. Another way to increase your happiness score is to make a conscious commitment to being the most loving person you can possibly be.


42. At least one foreign bank in the region has been asked to make a formal commitment to provide liquidity if its local unit gets into trouble.


43. We've also made a commitment to not make major breaking changes without a grace period of warning messages.


44. Make the commitment to change, whatever that change may be.


45. The Red Cross is among several organizations urging people to make a commitment to volunteer today and throughout the year.


46. You will have to make the commitment to make excellence your priority.


47. Then make the commitment to contact and interact with at least three customers this year (or whatever seems reasonable in your organization).


48. If you make no commitment to your work, you will get nothing.


49. Yet, once you make a commitment to continuing to breastfeed, you'll find a way to do it.


50. Here are three techniques that will help development team members make good on their commitment to improve customer contact.


51. Where you should start with online video is to make a commitment to using this new medium to connect people to your work.


52. Together we will make a commitment to live out the change we want to see in the world.


53. Then make the commitment to give that a try, to take some of the steps below.


54. She has begun pushing her boyfriend to make a commitment for the future.


55. Taurus likes to plan life but Libra will make no such commitment and this can lead to some violent abuse on both sides.


56. Change moves us to action - if we are really going to change, we must make a commitment to change followed with action.


57. We should make a commitment to peace.

我们应该对于和平做出贡献。《provided by jukuu》


1. But once you step on campus, you make a commitment to the university, you should have to stay there for three years.

WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Dick Vitale: Dickie V Marches Toward the Madness

2. So we're going to have to make a commitment to our long-term infrastructure.

WHITEHOUSE: Creating New Jobs by Investing in High-Speed Rail

3. Every day, make a commitment to write at least one entry about something that you are proud to have accomplished that day.

FORBES: How Improving Your Relationship to Success Will Help You Succeed

4. Power companies have been reluctant to make a larger commitment to natural gas because of worries about supply and price volatility.

WSJ: Daniel Yergin on the Shale Gas Revolution: Stepping on the Gas

5. But the first step has to be for the Eastern Europeans to make a larger commitment to their own defense.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Eastern Europe can defend itself

6. But,I make a commitment here that once we get to our final report, we will not shy away from making criticisms either of institutions, or processes or individuals wherever they are truly warranted,"

VOA : standard.2009.11.25

7. We still need every business that has not yet joined this effort to make a commitment to hire or train our veterans and military spouses.

WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

8. Another set of university reforms collapsed when a majority of professors refused to make any commitment to higher teaching standards and submit themselves to peer review.

ECONOMIST: Greece's riots

9. We just have to make the commitment to do it.

WHITEHOUSE: The First Lady Takes On Childhood Obesity

10. Make a commitment to do this for a few months and let me know your experience!

FORBES: How Improving Your Relationship to Success Will Help You Succeed

11. If financial stress has hampered your holiday joy in the past, make a commitment to try a different approach this year.

FORBES: 3 Money Steps Toward Joy This Holiday Season

12. Yesterday, in Cedar Rapids, I proposed a new economic blueprint for 21st century America, a plan to create new jobs, to make a commitment to clean energy and innovation, which will be a job engine and creator, just as it is being now here in Iowa, to restore fairness to our economy.

CNN: Clinton's October 9, 2007 speech on retirement security

13. With BCAP incentives in place, farmers are much more inclined to make a commitment to planting these crops.

WHITEHOUSE: Bringing Practical Biomass Energy to Rural Communities

14. It must also make a commitment to growth by actively pursuing trade liberalization agreements like the WTO Doha Round and the TPP.

FORBES: Japan Association of Corporate Executives' "Vision for Japan 2020"

15. It must also make a commitment to initiate such deployments an express part of its ratification request to the Senate.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Post-Wyoming Damage Control: Start Without SDI Should Amount To No Deal

16. One component is setting up a mechanism where people who just can't afford their mortgage right now are able to renegotiate with banks, and the banks lower their interest, and the homeowner assures that they're going to make a commitment to pay a certain amount every month, and the government helps to step in to bridge the gap.

WHITEHOUSE: Online Town Hall

17. We can make a commitment to ourselves that, never again will we go on vacation without having a Prudent Reserve fund.

FORBES: Superstorm Sandy, Refrigerators and Prudent Reserves

18. Number three, Israel will make a commitment to continue to supply all the economic needs of Gaza and to reopen the passages, etc.

NPR: Israelis, Government Divided on Dealing with Hamas

19. From that time to the present, the United States has sought to make its commitment to the security of the Republic of Korea as unequivocal as possible.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Must History Repeat Itself? Congress Should Not Invite North Korean Aggression

20. " But he said Afghans need to show that they are "willing to make the commitment to build their capacity to secure their own country.

CNN: Report: U.S. general calls for more troops in Afghanistan

21. If you're willing to make a commitment to purchasing a first instrument and feel like you could use the encouragement, our gut impression is this is gonna make a powerful learning tool.

ENGADGET: Rock Band 3 Pro guitar preview: the guitarist vs. the guitar hero

22. Motsepe is the first African to join the Giving Pledge, a campaign spearheaded by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett to encourage the wealthiest people in the world to make a commitment to give at least half of their wealth to philanthropic causes.

FORBES: South African Billionaire Patrice Motsepe Joins Giving Pledge

23. They also sent a jointly signed letter to Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart, Dmitry Medvedev, who were about to meet for the first time, urging them to make a commitment to eliminate nuclear weapons and start making further big cuts in their own arsenals.

ECONOMIST: Banning the bomb will be hard, but not impossible

24. However, any president must make the commitment to live near headquarters in Plano.

FORBES: J.C. Penney: What Mike Ullman Should Do In The Next 100 Days

25. On Wednesday, Mr Connolly called on the Northern Ireland Executive to make a public commitment to establish an inquiry into clerical sex abuse.

BBC: Dr Joseph Duffy was Bishop of Clogher for 31 years

26. We can make a commitment to ourselves that we will honor that money by not using it for anything but a true emergency.

FORBES: Superstorm Sandy, Refrigerators and Prudent Reserves

27. Make a commitment to reach your goals by outlining specific actions to accomplish them.

FORBES: How Committed Are You To Getting The Results You Seek?

28. If health care professionals make a commitment to learning, a lifetime commitment, I think we'll go a long way.

FORBES: Carolyn Clancy, M.D.

29. Until demand increases to the point where employers are unable to meet it with existing employees, they will not make the commitment to hire more.

FORBES: Yep, hiring remains chilly in October

30. What might lead to a commitment, ? a decision to make a commitment to make the relationship last?

为什么作出承诺,决定承诺维持双方的关系?心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. But Ms Rousseff needs to make a clear commitment to clean government.

ECONOMIST: Brazil's presidential election







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