approval of翻译_approval of短语搭配_approval of权威例句

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approval of

网络 批准;同意

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词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. approval of import 进口许可 ; 贸易 批准进口

2. approval of arrest 批准逮捕 ; 批捕

3. approval of registration 核准注册

4. approval of repairs 修补的批准

5. approval of drawings 批准的绘图 ; 批准的图纸 ; 批准的图则

6. Give approval of 许可

7. approval of order clause 承认订单条款

8. express approval of 支持 ; 赞同


1. Any alterations had to meet the approval of the local planning authority.


2. Writer-director Paul Greengrass has gone to great lengths to be respectful in his depiction of what occurred, proceeding with the film only after securing the approval of every victim's family.


3. Approval of the plan presupposes that the money will be made available.


4. Discussion on the common problems in type approval of fire product


5. Bright flags wave, hands play , the crowd roars its approval of the parade of athletes.

那时,彩旗飘扬, 乐曲齐奏, 观众对列队行进的运动员报以雷鸣般的欢呼和掌声.

6. Article 65 In one of the following cases, the rural collective economic organizations may recover the land use right with the approval of the people's government that gives the approval for the use of land:


7. Timely client reviews and approval of business and technical solutions before implementation takes place.


8. They voiced their approval of the plan.


9. On Examination and Approval of Insurance Clause and Premium Rate


10. Approval of the control point implemented through e-signatures.


11. A Comparative Study on Standards for Approval of Listing in the Growth Enterprise Market


12. The testing and approval of new drugs will be speeded up.


13. While external affirmations are important, the approval of your heart is equally important.


14. That the said proposal has received the sanction and approval of this Association.


15. No car can be used before approval of requisition except in emergency situation.


16. His works won the enthusiastic approval of his readers.


17. Article 59 With the approval of the people's governments at the county level, people's governments of townships, nationality townships or towns may, on the basis of voluntariness and according to their own capability education; such funds shall not be diverted to any other purposes.


18. But under anti-bribery laws, proof must be made of concrete benefits, such as approval of a contract or regulation.


19. The deal had the tacit approval of the President.


20. In many scenarios, the general approval of the Life teaching has given permission.


21. In August, he shocked the sugar beet industry by revoking approval of the beets until the USDA carries out an environmental impact study.


22. Don't wait or rely on the approval of others.


23. Bright flags wave, hands play, the crowd roars its approval of the parade of athletes.


24. The crowd chorused their approval ( of the decision ).

群众 ( 对该决定 ) 齐声表示赞成.《辞典例句》

25. His works won the enthusiastic approval of his readers.


26. A long-term Harvard University survey released last year found that Chinese citizens' satisfaction with the Party and the government has increased across the board, with the central government receiving a strong level of approval of 93 percent in 2016, the end of the survey period.


27. Ethics committee review and approval of the protocol;


28. Article 40 For developing waste hills, land or beachland whose use rights have not been ascertained, animal husbandry or fisheries, the use rights may be given to developers or individuals for long-term use with the approval of the people's government at and above the county level according to law.


29. System perfecting: appraisal and approval of the national social science fund items in China


30. The new proposals have won the approval of the board.


31. Then there's the Dealing Department, who do the buying , selling, preparation and approval of contracts.

其次是业务处, 一切买卖业务 、 准备合同、审批合同都归他们.《辞典例句》

32. A workflow model of examination and approval of business based on TBAC


33. First, it is necessary to receive the approval of the regulators.


34. Rather than having to wait for users to register their approval of your products and services, why not simply buy a whole shed-load of 'likes' and instantly demonstrate your popularity? To do this, you employ the services of a click farm.


35. There are two required stages for Congressional approval of agency funding.

国会批准行政机关的资金须经两个法定步骤.《英汉非文学 - 行政法》

36. C.Communicate and obtain approval of the engagement plan from board.


37. Under anti-bribery laws, proof must be made of concrete benefits, such as approval of a contract or regulation.


38. "Chinalco is using force to win approval of its project," Ancietasays.


39. Examination and approval of business workflow model based on Petri net


40. May I have your approval of... by the end of this month?


41. The pact still needs to get the final approval of the U.S. Congress.


42. It concluded with approval of the emphasis on the agrarian movement.


43. She purred her approval of the suggestion.


44. The students chorused their approval of the suggestion.


45. When online platforms or apps try to get the approval of users in processing their facial information, the specific clauses have to be presented to the users for special consideration rather than buried in the general terms of use, says the document.


46. An Approach to the Procedure for Examination and Approval of Environmental Impact Statement and List


47. Whereas the land compensation fees and resettlement fees paid according to the provisions of the second paragraph of this article are not enough to maintain the original level of living, the resettlement fees may be increased with the approval of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.


48. Claim this work item and enter true or false for the approval of this order.


49. No employee can be recruited without the prior approval of the manager.


50. Approval of the plan presupposes that the money will be made available.


51. Upon approval of the application, the media organization may send resident journalist to China.


52. Second, you should always get a doctor’s approval of any new workout plan.


53. Plan, examination and approval of medical equipment and consumptive materials


54. Explorations on the Examination and Approval of the Foreign Investment in the Road Transportation Industry


55. Traceability of Impulse Voltage Measurements and Approval of Measuring Systems


56. The Jew nodded an expressive approval of this mode of treatment.


57. Even in Germany, parliamentary approval of the rescue package now seems likely.


58. Chapter IV Examination and Approval of Application for Patent


59. We want to fit in, to bond with others, and to earn the respect and approval of our peers.


60. The said proposal has received the sanction and approval of this Association.


61. Still, she seeks the approval of others in everything she does.


62. Examination and Approval of Construction Coordination Design by Supervision Management


63. The Constitution requires the president to seek the prior approval of Congress for military action.


64. The IAEA's approval of the plan is a key condition for enacting the deal.


65. The deal, subject to the approval of the NBA, is to be announced on Monday.


66. The testing and approval of new drugs will be speeded up.


67. The young couple was betrothed with the approval of both families.



1. In the interim, many look forward to the approval of Xigris, formerly known as Zovant.

FORBES: Eli Lilly Faces Fate

2. It has the coveted approval of the State Administration for Radio, Film and Television.

FORBES: Magazine Article

3. Alaska Senator Mark Begich is leading a group of other United States senators, organizations and businesses to try to stop the FDA approval process.

VOA : special.2010.10.05

4. Tesco has sought a judicial review of Highland Council's approval of an Asda supermarket in Tain.

BBC: Tesco wants Asda's Tain store approval reviewed

5. But the people in the theater offered loud,warm approval of his performance.

VOA : special.2010.03.07

6. Despite U.S.demands for Israel to stop or restrain construction of Jewish housing in disputed East Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank, during the Biden visit Israeli officials announced their approval of construction of 1,600 new Jewish housing units in East Jerusalem.

VOA : standard.2010.03.11

7. The former president went with the approval of the Obama administration.

VOA : special.2009.08.08

8. The president's signature domestic policy initiative, health care reform, faces one last round of congressional negotiation and debate before approval.

VOA : standard.2010.01.06

9. The approval of the New Jersey plant is at least a step in that direction.

FORBES: Good News For Dendreon As Manufacturing Site Approved

10. Herman Zweibel, founded Fars with the government approval of the late Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini.

FORBES: Iran's Fars News Agency Picks Up Bogus Obama Story from The Onion

11. Last week the Senate voted final approval with the aid of three Republican senators.

VOA : special.2010.07.23

12. Amylin and Lilly have also been working together toward the approval of a successor drug, Bydureon.

FORBES: Diabetes Market Booms As Substitutes Sought For Daily Insulin Dosing

13. They told Buchanan that approval of the constitution would end the Kansas problem.

VOA : special.2009.05.21

14. And it comes after a recent U.N.Security Council vote to impose another round of sanctions against Tehran for its nuclear program and the U.S.Congress's approval of harsher unilateral sanctions against nations that supply Tehran with gasoline.

VOA : standard.2010.06.29

15. By moral judgment I mean not empathetic feelings, not feelings of caring and love or approval and disapproval, so they're not feelings of caring and love and empathy, but notions like something is good or bad, something--like something is fair or unfair.

我所说的道德判断不是移情,不是关心,爱,认同或不认同,道德判断不是关心,爱或移情,而是好坏之分,公平和不公平之分。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. OrbiMed Managing Partner Samuel Isaly was unhappy with the board's approval of the Orapred acquisition.


17. Determine the direction of the programme and projects with the approval of the Director and ADG.

UNESCO: Vacancy : Chief of Section (5/7/2011) (ED 109 - (P5))

18. He was the man most responsible for gaining congressional approval of the bill that opened Kansas to slavery.

VOA : special.2009.05.07

19. U.S.officials say there was spontaneous applause at the meeting, at a New York hotel, when word arrived of Senate approval of the five-year Pakistan aid plan, which would triple civilian U.S.assistance to about Expected to win final approval in the U.S.

VOA : standard.2009.09.24

20. It says major parts of the program use authority already provided by Congress, but some pieces require approval.

VOA : special.2009.02.20

21. After Senate approval of his treaty with Lord Ashburton, Webster decided that he could be of no more real use to the administration.

VOA : special.2009.02.05

22. Its application for the drought order has to get the approval of the Scottish government.

BBC: Black Esk reservoir - courtesy Scottish Water

23. Both companies' boards approved the transaction, which still needs the approval of Carphone shareholders.

NPR: Best Buy Exits Europe, Selling Joint Venture Stake

24. Lord Feldman said the idea had the approval of the Prime Minister David Cameron.

BBC: News - Conservatives want UUP to disband and form new Tory-led party

25. Sanaria is now preparing to ask the United States Food and Drug Administration for approval to begin federal testing of the vaccine.

VOA : special.2010.04.20

26. Since 2009, Cameron has been involved in efforts to derail approval of the dam.

FORBES: Schwarzenegger launching a green TV series?

27. Researchers are awaiting approval of additional money from Congress so that two deeper laboratories can be built.

VOA : special.2009.07.21

28. French leader Sarkozy said that such agreement requires the approval of the European Central Bank.

FORBES: Merkel Compromise Sends Euro Sky-Bound

29. Presidents are judged on their ability to quickly demonstrate leadership and win congressional approval of their proposals.

VOA : special.2009.05.02

30. For this reason he fought the approval of the proposed United States Constitution.

VOA : special.2009.04.24

31. Keeping any investigation confined to Capitol Hill clearly has the approval of the White House.

CNN: King: Crisis and controversy dominate Sunday talk

32. In the future, new analytical methods will facilitate the development and regulatory approval of biosimilars.

FORBES: Do You Think 'Biosimilars' Will Reduce Healthcare Expenditures? Think again.

33. The text had the approval of the permanent five members of the council, which includes China.

VOA : standard.2010.05.25

34. The Soviets stalled Security Council approval of the "use of force" resolution for days.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | Caveat Emptor: A Consumers Guide To The Post-Iraq World Order

35. Instead, Dorgan said, the U.S. should require China to obtain annual approval of normal trade relations.

FORBES: Magazine Article

36. And it urged approval of a new law dealing with runaway slaves.

VOA : special.2009.04.02

37. But Mr Hampson says he had the approval of the school's governors for the break.

BBC: Head holidays in school time

38. Sea Containers says it would have to get the approval of the American bankruptcy court.

ECONOMIST: The regulator takes on a tricky target

39. The writer,Kitty Kelley, is known for writing biographies of famous people without their approval.

VOA : special.2010.04.16

40. And I look forward to prompt approval of this law by Iraq's Presidency Council.

WHITEHOUSE: Statement by the President on House Passage of Health Insurance Reform Legislation | The White House

41. And you can't read it but there's a kind of stamp of approval here from the governor Nelson Rockefeller.

你没法领会这个,但是这里有,作为州长的尼尔森,洛克菲勒对此的承认。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. Currently, pharmaceutical firms pay "user fees" that help fund speedy approval of new medicines.

FORBES: Magazine Article

43. "None.There will be no approval of any housing projects during the 10-month moratorium.

VOA : standard.2009.11.25

44. Humans are also hardwired emotionally to generally avoid confrontation and seek the approval of others.

FORBES: Confessions of an SEC Whistleblower

45. However full legalisation depends on approval of a bill being examined by the Congress.

BBC: Brazil judicial decision paves way for gay marriage

46. The Commerce Department's approval of the 2012 .com Registry Agreement contains important new terms and conditions.

ENGADGET: Department of Commerce renews VeriSign control of .com registry, demands price freeze

47. Then the proposal would need the approval of three-fourths of the state legislatures to be ratified.

CNN: Senate debates same-sex marriage

48. The measures need the approval of the country's upper house of parliament, the Senate, which the government does not control.

VOA : standard.2009.05.03

49. The new fiscal pact only requires the approval of 12 countries to come into force.

BBC: Ireland gets to vote on EU fiscal treaty

50. This is a sign of divine approval.

这是好运来临的信号。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. Then, as another bellwether, watch for approval of the economically obvious XL oil pipeline from Canada.

FORBES: Economics 101 Comes to the U.S. Department of Energy: Exporting LNG is Good

52. However, the agreement still requires the formal approval of the power-sharing Northern Ireland executive.

BBC: Green light for H&W land sale

53. He said he believed that he could support all of it and would work for its approval in the Senate."

VOA : special.2009.03.26

54. Tall,beautiful and fair, his appearance was met with a sound of approval and tension.

VOA : special.2009.04.18

55. In 2005, Bush won approval of an energy bill, a trade agreement, and a bankruptcy-reform bill.

NEWYORKER: The Second Term

56. As opponents tried to take away his microphone and gavel, Chairman Park declared the committee's approval of the free-trade deal.

VOA : standard.2009.04.22

57. The new government also wants approval of a law to protect witnesses and to encourage plea-bargaining.


58. Removal from office would have established the idea that the president could serve only with the approval of Congress.

VOA : special.2010.02.04

59. The IAEA resolution, which garnered the approval of 25 of the agency's including China and Russia, was the first taken against Iran since 2006.

VOA : standard.2009.11.28

60. That was compared to an approval rate of fifty-five percent in May.

VOA : special.2009.07.25


















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