
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˌkʌt ˈpraɪs]play美 [ˌkʌt ˈpraɪs]play

  • adj. 廉价的;打折扣的

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



  • 1.
    形容词 Cut-price goods or services are cheaper than usual. 降价的

    ...cut-price car insurance.




1. cut-price cut-rate watered-down 打折扣的

2. cut-price shop 减价

3. cut down the price 减价 ; 降低价格 ; 削减价格 ; 询问价格可否降低

4. cut price 减价 ; 砍价 ; 削价 ; 降价

5. cut the price 减价 ; 削价 ; 降价 ; 打折

6. cut-price goods 降价商品

7. supply cut-price packages 主办平价的旅行团

8. cut-price offer 贸易 廉价出售商品

9. a cut price 削减过的价格


1. The research suggests that prices fall fairly often: central Banks as well as consumers can give thanks for all those cut-price tins of beans.


2. Universities can offer cut-price tuition, although most have stuck close to the$ 3,000.


3. The new shop has been doing a brisk trade in cut - price clothes.


4. In UK, our shops stay open till late Christmas Eve and often open again on Boxing day with the cut-price "sales". Not much holiday for the poor shop workers!


5. The markets could force further change even if the result is personal care for the truly wealthy and cut-price automation for the rest.


6. Lotus cut the price of Lotus Notes in half, and thus successfully gained a larger market share.

Lotus将Lotus Notes的价格砍掉了一半,因而成功占有了更大的市场份额。

7. Either you have to cut price (and that implies a commensurate cut in the cost structure) or you have to cut distribution to restore the exclusivity of the brand.


8. The funeral home initiative is quite a contrast to another offer announced in Aichi in November, whereby elderly locals could tuck into cut-price noodles if they surrendered their driving licences.


9. While several other manufacturers make similar JE vaccines, the new single-dose Chinese product is the first to be approved for paediatric use and paves the way for cut-price generic competition.


10. He runs a cut - price ticket.


11. But, says Mr Fishburn, a bigger worry is the ambitious plan by China's huge state tobacco monopoly to become a big exporter of cut-price smokes to the rest of the region.


12. It is now hard to find cut-price Gucci anywhere.


13. It could be better to improve the public service or cut the price of energy use in daily life.


14. To lure eatery back, many fine restaurants have done what luxury brands hate cut - price sale.

为了吸引食客回头, 一些上档次的餐馆甚至采取了奢侈品牌最忌讳的措施:打折促销.《互联网》

15. In the past, this meant helping to source rubber mats, hoof-trimming platforms, antiseptic wipes and cut-price loans, while his current priority is feed, the farmers' biggest input cost.


16. But some cut-price charter flight operators wanted to break this club.


17. This paper presents a new model of power cut-price of generators and gives a detailed analysis, under the condition of inter-linkage of several power markets.


18. Private jet charter firms, realizing that their aircraft have to return to base at some point and often do so without the human cargo1 they have just ferried somewhere swanky, have taken to offering these return "empty" legs for cut-price rates.


19. Chinese suppliers have started to show an interest in tenders to supply cut-price regional trains in some European markets, including the UK.


20. Boutiques sell organic yogurt and chic secondhand furniture next to seedy stores stocked with cut-price liquor and junk food.


21. Hosni Mubarak and a businessman who's since fled the country are also accused of corruptly selling cut-price gas to Israel, losing Egypt millions of dollars in potential revenue.


22. And the distributors have no incentive to fill their shelves with cut-price alternatives.


23. I bought it cut - price.


24. GlaxoSmithKline has signed a deal to manufacture cut-price HIV drugs in China in a sign that the UK group is rebuilding its presence there after a corruption scandal that badly damaged its reputation.


25. Cut - price products can be paid for with gift vouchers.


26. And even luxury brands are planning to open new cut-price shops in America's discount outlet malls.


27. It is now hard to find cut - price Gucci anywhere.


28. You're a big customer so I'll cut my price down to $5 per shirt if you agree to buy a thousand.


29. Companies, meanwhile, have been focused on paying down debt, as well as coping with deflation in the domestic economy and competition from cut-price imports.


30. They get to make some extra money out of someone's one-way trip, and the consumer gets a cut-price private jet experience--about which more later--and the flexibility2 to just show up 15 minutes before take-off, get right on board and fly.


31. The tablet eventually disappeared from shelves after a massive price cut.


32. Cut the price down a little bit?


33. Instituting this rule would tame a destructive force and cut the price of the swaps.


34. Many other European smelters could close because they are unable to strike cut-price new deals for electricity as older contracts run out.


35. European companies are being exposed to cut-price dumping by foreign rivals because Peter Mandelson, the EU trade commissioner, has secretly changed trade policy in Brussels, 10 big industries have claimed.

欧洲的十大行业日前声称,欧洲企业正在遭遇外国竞争对手的降价倾销,原因是欧盟贸易专员彼得•曼德尔森(Peter Mandelson)背地里修改了欧盟的贸易政策。

36. Three people died and 31 were injured on Saturday in a stampede to buy cut-price cooking oil in the western Chinese city of Chongqing.


37. Even though they buy in smaller quantities, they save money by buying cut-price goods from cheaper outlets: kerbside haircuts not salons;


38. Reducing waste by incorporating used materials into production can cut costs and decrease the price of procuremen: less to be procured from the outside and more to be re utilized from the inside.


39. And, when they get tired of waiting, they cut price.

当他们厌倦了等待之后, 就会降价出售房子.《互联网》

40. This cut - price dairy produce that turns our bones to dust.


41. Anybody can cut price, but it takes brain to produce a better article.


42. But some cut-price charter flight operators wanted to break this club.


43. Central Banks as well as consumers can give thanks for all those cut-price tins of beans.


44. Examples of bargain blindness include the lure1 of cut-price petrol, which may cost motorists more by the time they've driven the extra five miles to get it, and "deals" on return train tickets, when two singles would be cheaper.


45. The move marks the biggest simultaneous expansion outside the US in the ride-sharing group's history and underlining its attempts to keep pace with cut-price local rival Ola.


46. The new shop has been doing a brisk trade in cut-price clothes.


47. Developers will be hawking cut-price flats and houses.


48. Companies and law firms are turning to India for cut-price legal services.


49. Those who benefited from the controversial cut-price, insider "loans for shares" privatisations of the mid-1990s are all well represented.


50. Both groups are hoping that by offering cut-price triple or quad-play bundles of data, video and voice – potentially both wireless and fixed-line – they can attract and retain customers.


51. Perpendicular website considers each estate become the person that cut price.


52. I tend to be a bit leery of cut - price ` bargains '.


53. Kate, 36, who was with Prince George and Princess Charlotte, mingled with crowds in cut-price outlet The Range.

今年36岁的凯特带着乔治王子和夏洛特公主,跟随人群进入打折店The Range。

54. US sales unexpectedly fell, as rising unemployment hit breakfast sales in particular and rivals ramped up cut-price marketing campaigns.


55. While several other manufacturers make similar JE vaccines, the new single-dose Chinese product is the first to be approved for paediatric use and paves the way for cut-price generic competition.


56. Those who benefited from the controversial cut-price, insider "loans for shares" privatisations of the mid-1990s are all well represented.

上世纪90年代中期, 俄国出现了一场颇有争议的销价内部“债转股”私有化运动,而该私有化运动的受益者在排名中明显靠前。

57. Some Chinese travel agencies have cancelled group trips to Malaysia and stopped promoting cut-price tickets for fear of angering customers.


58. In response, Softbank offered a series of cut-price tariff packages, including the offer of free calls to other Softbank subscribers.


59. With two toddlers in the trolley clamouring for cut-price Barbies and Finding Nemo wrapping paper, I quickly forgot the big picture.


60. The new shop has been doing a brisk trade in cut - price wader.


61. Even though they buy in smaller quantities, they save money by buying cut-price goods from cheaper outlets: kerbside haircuts not salons; open-air stalls not supermarkets; toddy not wine.


62. Bear was sold to JPMorgan in a cut-price deal in March.


63. Similarly, I also heard a story about how a US car company tried to sell a cut-price version of its bestselling car to India and removed the rear-seat electric window controls to save costs.


64. Companies, meanwhile, have been focused on paying down debt, as well as coping with deflation in the domestic economy and competition from cut-price imports.


65. As foreign manufacturers face ever greater competition from cut-price Chinese rivals, he says the only way to beat them is to take a more enlightened approach to developing the workforce.


66. When India put a cut-price satellite in orbit around Mars last September, one media company could not resist a comparison with China.


67. Reducing waste by incorporating used materials into production can cut costs and decrease the price of procurement: less to be procured from the outside and more to be re-utilized from the inside.


68. Their loss was partly due to a vicious price war between manufacturers that has cut margins to the bone.


69. The new shop has been doing a brisk trade in cut-price clothes.



1. To keep American prints off the operation, he ordered anti-aircraft guns from Israel, bullets from Egypt and cut-price AK-47s from China.

ECONOMIST: Charlie Wilson

2. Companies, meanwhile, have been focused on paying down debt, as well as coping with deflation in the domestic economy and competition from cut-price imports.

ECONOMIST: Twenty years on Japan is still paying its bubble-era bills

3. The Kenyan government was worried that cheap hooch was making people seriously ill, so it offered to excuse Diageo from excise duty if it produced a cut-price beer.

ECONOMIST: Schumpeter

4. Brandishing pepper spray to fend off competition for a cut-price waffle maker has become something of a holiday tradition.

FORBES: When Good Customers Go Bad: How To Pick Up The Black Friday Pieces

5. The research suggests that prices fall fairly often: central banks as well as consumers can give thanks for all those cut-price tins of beans.

ECONOMIST: Economics focus

6. Several are competing to supply as many as 860, 000 cut-price tablets to Thai schoolchildren under a government-to-government program.

FORBES: Thailand Taps China For Cut-Price 'One Tablet Per Child' Program

7. But most parents do not want cut-price boarding schools in remote parts of the country.

ECONOMIST: Private schools: Old school ties | The

8. Eavesdrop on a bunch of Britons (whom Egyptians generally consider to be the meanest spenders of all) landing up in Luxor in reply to a cut-price advertisement.

ECONOMIST: For a tourist, Egypt can be either

9. And even when a hot new title comes out, High Street shops find that their profit margins are under threat from supermarkets offering cut-price deals.

BBC: GAME over on the High Street?

10. Luckier villagers, from all the main caste-groups, have got their names down for another scheme, Antodaya Anna Yojana, which provides 35kg of cut-price rice a month.

ECONOMIST: India's languishing countryside

11. The RPS scheme cannot outlaw disreputable sites, or the unwanted emails offering cut-price deals on medicines such as the anti-impotence drug Viagra.

BBC: NEWS | Health | Logo shows 'approved' drug sites

12. That has certainly been the case at Merrill, where brokers fought furiously against the introduction of cut-price e-brokerage.

ECONOMIST: Death by 1,000 clicks

13. Responses to a public consultation on cosmetic surgery have shown strong support for a ban on cut-price deals and aggressive selling.

BBC: Tighter restrictions on cosmetic surgery urged

14. It appears that none of the other Chinese manufacturers could supply a similar cut-price model with sufficient features.

FORBES: Thailand Taps China For Cut-Price 'One Tablet Per Child' Program

15. Lenders offer new borrowers cut-price loans at the outset, which is possible only because these inducements are cross-subsidised by existing borrowers.

ECONOMIST: No he can't

16. David Neeleman has founded two cut-price airlines: JetBlue in America and Azul in Brazil.

ECONOMIST: Schumpeter

17. Now, cut-price airlines are being formed in many other parts of the world.

ECONOMIST: Back to old tricks | The

18. The Co-Op was the first chain to sign up to the optional scheme in Ipswich to remove any cut-price extra-strong long drinks.

BBC: Street drinker

19. Airlines such as Swissair, Sabena and Aer Lingus, were already facing severe difficulties not least because of the growing competition from cut-price airlines such as Ireland's Ryanair and Britain's EasyJet.

ECONOMIST: Partners in a storm | The

20. If your travel dates are flexible, you can easily tailor your trip according to the days when a cut-price seat to your destination is bookable.

CNN: Technology: Flight Planning 101

21. Or do you sell him now, for what will likely be a cut-price fee?

WSJ: Soccer's Borussa Dortmund Faces Uphill Battle to Maintain Success

22. Removing the effects of cut-price sales, where data were available, made little difference: sales, it seems, matter much less than in America.

ECONOMIST: Economics focus

23. Scotland will also look at other measures addressing cut-price promotions and the marketing and advertising of alcohol in superstores and other licensed premises.

BBC: 'Minimum price' demand on alcohol

24. But few can resist the temptation of buying a rising asset with a cut-price loan.

ECONOMIST: Michael Lewis

25. Commercial banks used their huge balance sheets to offer cut-price loans to companies in return for securing investment-banking mandates.

ECONOMIST: Economic woes

26. Unlike many of the big carriers, cut-price operators in Europe and America have survived the downturn in much better shape.

ECONOMIST: Back to old tricks | The

27. Similar cut-price operators are now emerging in Europe, such as Britain's EasyJet and Ireland's Ryanair.

ECONOMIST: Pterodactyls across the Atlantic | The

28. Last August Mr Ayling spelled out his intention to shift his focus gradually from cut-price leisure travellers to the premium passengers from whom airlines make money.

ECONOMIST: British Airways

29. These are modeled after Walmex's bare-bones, cut-price Bodega Aurrera store format.

FORBES: Magazine Article

30. Instead, they must have seen the confab as a sterling opportunity to buy or trade some cut-price Iranian crude.

FORBES: Renegade Pals Help Iran Dodge Oil Sanctions





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