middle schools是什么意思_middle schools短语搭配_middle schools权威例句

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middle schools

英 [ˈmɪdl skuːl]play美 [ˈmɪdl skuːl]play

  • 中学,通常包括五年级到八年级或六年级到八年级的学校

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Elementary and middle schools 中小学

2. In Secondary Middle Schools 在中学初中学校

3. Senior Middle Schools 高中 ; 高级中学

4. rural middle schools 农村初中

5. key middle schools 重点高中 ; 重点中学

6. countryside elementary and middle schools 农村中小学

7. Chinese Teaching in Middle Schools 中学语文教学

8. Junior Middle Schools 初中


1. Research on the Relative Efficiency Evaluation for Middle Schools in China


2. Now, many primary schools and middle schools are recycling textbooks. In my opinion, it's necessary.


3. The writing skill is an important Chinese ability in middle schools.


4. He got a job as a teacher in one of the senior middle schools.


5. Development of Multimedia Software of Chemistry Experiment Teaching in Middle Schools


6. As more high schools begin teaching it, the door could crack open for middle schools, and, perhaps inevitably, elementary schools, to incorporate a truly more multicultural curriculum.


7. The rate of graduates of primary schools entering junior middle schools is 92.62 percent.

升入初中的为92.62%.《汉英非文学 - 白皮书》

8. In Jilin province, heavy rains and strong winds have forced many cities to close their primary and middle schools and kindergartens for one or two days, including in the capital city Changchun, as well as Songyuan and Baicheng.


9. To cultivate positive affect is an important task of English teaching in middle schools.


10. Over two hundred competitors were from forty six middle schools.


11. However, also had some middle schools to raise own objection.

不过, 也有一些中学提出了自己的异议.《互联网》

12. Many middle schools are crying out for good English teachers.


13. The city's public high school, as well as a number of daycare centers, preschools, elementary and middle schools, fell in the lowest 10%.


14. The study involved 137 students from three key middle schools of Beijing.


15. Now, most universities and middle schools have stopped hiring for the fall semester.


16. Characteristic Service Functions of Electric Library in Middle Schools


17. Soft drink makers, including giants Coca-Cola and Pepsi, will stop selling sugary soda in elementary and middle schools.


18. Discussion on Teaching Reform of Wushu in Primary and Middle Schools


19. Chinese Language Teaching in Broad Sense in Middle Schools


20. Research and Practice of Chemistry Reflective Teaching in Middle Schools


21. But some of the middle schools have to delay classes.


22. Study on Using Parents Resource in Primary and Middle Schools


23. Strategies of carrying out mathematical quality education in Middle Schools


24. Most of the graduates have gone on to middle schools.


25. All local governments are working on establishing a mechanism12 for adjusting the salaries of teachers in primary and middle schools in line with those of government officials.


26. Mathematics is an important basic course in middle schools.


27. Discussion on Quality Structure of Chinese Teachers in Middle Schools


28. Pedagogical Knowledge Development of Physical Education Teachers in Middle Schools


29. Robot classes are provided in many Chinese elementary schools, middle schools and training institutions.


30. Research on Condition of Physical Education Teaching Staff in Middle Schools in Hebei Province


31. To learn about the status of tuberculosis infection in rural middle schools.


32. An investigation and analysis of China ′ s middle schools ′ English teaching


33. On the Present English Grammar Teaching in Middle Schools


34. Primary and middle schools must teach the anthem to their students and make them understand the song's spirit and history.


35. English is required for study in middle - schools in China.


36. The Sense of Comparative Literature and Chinese Teaching in Middle Schools


37. Both history and geography are required courses in our middle schools.


38. The function of training the headmasters of primary and middle schools is to develop managerical ability of theirs.


39. The application of artistic language in Chinese language textbooks for middle schools


40. A Study of the Construction of Distributed Geography Teaching Resources Base in Middle Schools


41. Since March last year, the governments have launched a lot of policies, requiring that colleges, middle schools and primary schools pay more attention to teaching students practical skills.


42. We have a newly-constructed swimming pool, too, that is rarely seen in other middle schools.


43. Recruit: Those who graduate from junior middle schools allover China.

招生对象: 面向全国招收初中毕业生.《互联网》

44. English is taught in all middle schools.


45. The campaign aims to curb1 school bullying2 in primary and middle schools, including physical and verbal bullying. Cyberspace3 bullying will also be targeted.


46. The Youth Climate Summit, a week-long festival of climate action for primary and middle schools in the UK, starts on 9 November.


47. About 80 per cent of the graduates advanced to senior middle schools.


48. There are two middle schools in this little town.


49. Mathematics is a main subject in middle schools.


50. This thesis attempts to apply schema theory to the teaching of reading comprehension in middle schools.


51. The Education Department plans to expand the program to three other middle schools next spring.


52. An Investigation of Science Teaching of Ethnic Middle Schools in Western Regions


53. The contents below are taken from the book Extra Reading for Middle Schools.


54. Writing is both subject and means of teaching in English teaching in middle schools.


55. A Design for Teaching Chinese Prose in Middle Schools


56. Primary and middle schools should provide students with hard-working spirit classes every week, according to the guideline.


57. Middle school Matters is the most comprehensive research-based program to be applied to middle schools.


58. Characteristics and Ideas on the Management of the Library in Primary and Middle Schools


59. Wenchang High School is one of the best middle schools in Hainan.


60. Primary and middle schools should provide students with hardworking spirit courses every week.


61. In most US middle schools, teachers give students a reading list every few weeks.


62. Chapter Two describes the current situation of English teaching in middle schools in China.


63. Zhou Benchi made rapid progress in his English learning. And he proudly began to make speeches among some middle schools.


64. Comparative Study of the Personality Characteristics of Teachers in Primary and Middle Schools


65. Hip - Hop will generally develop in the middle schools of China.


66. There are two middle schools in this little town.


67. Carol: Now, please tell me something about American preschools, kindergartens, elementary schools, and middle schools.


68. During the air pollution red alert, the Beijing Commission of Education ordered all kindergartens, primary schools and middle schools to suspend classes.


69. Comprehension and Application of English Teaching Principles in Middle Schools


70. On the Function of Moral Education of Social Practical Curriculum of Middle Schools



1. Only 1 in 3 children is active on a daily basis and only 4% of elementary schools, 8% of middle schools and 2% of high schools offer daily P.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

2. Daniel Pipes, a conservative Mideast historian who runs the Middle East Forum and Campus Watch websites, he says a number of private Islamic schools in America offer their students a curriculum laced with extremist content.

VOA : standard.2010.07.12

3. There are 32 elected school boards, which have primary responsibility for elementary and middle schools.

ECONOMIST: New Yorks schools

4. Migrant children are eligible to attend local primary and middle schools, but barred from Shanghai's high schools.

ECONOMIST: Problems for migrants

5. Before that law was passed, more than three in four middle schools sold things like candy and salty snacks and soda to the kids.

WHITEHOUSE: Let's Move Rally in Jackson, Mississippi

6. Chairs made for older and bigger students are being used in middle and elementary schools to comfortably fit overweight and obese students.

CNN: Obese children outgrowing kids' clothing and furniture

7. In its School Organisation Review, Suffolk County Council is replacing the three-tier system of primary, middle and secondary schools with the two-tier system which cuts out the 40 middle schools.

BBC: Suffolk's middle schools closure programme starts

8. That gave Schad the confidence he could implement a BYOD policy to his middle and high schools.

FORBES: How This School District Turned its Students' Love of Mobile into Better Learning, Test Scores

9. And a lot of the strikes that you see in high schools and in-- I better get to my lecture,but-- you see in high schools and even in middle schools, have to do with the State,somebody saying, well we're going to take away two-hundred teachers in your department, or we're going to maintain a curriculum that doesn't seem to make any sense.

在高中里可以看到很多罢课,我最好回到正题,但还是再讲一点,在高中,甚至在初中有很多罢课,为了反对政府的某项规定,比如说要在这个系减少两百个教师,或者主张一份,完全不合理的课程安排1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. But does this happen at comparable San Francisco Unified School District middle schools?

FORBES: The Continuing Success of KIPP Schools

11. Altogether, applications to teach in secondary school have risen by 8.9%, by 24% in middle schools and 17.7% in primary schools.

BBC: Teaching attracts more recruits

12. Since 2006, the program has been introduced into eight area middle schools and followed hundreds of students into 17 area high schools.

CNN: Help for a 'hidden population' of caregiving kids

13. The council started to close middle schools in 2011 but suspended the roll out due to a lack of money.

BBC: Suffolk middle school closures continue

14. New York City plans to open three middle schools with the School of One model in the spring.

FORBES: Breakthroughs

15. The researchers found that the Israeli scheme had much less effect on teaching methods in middle schools than in elementary schools.

ECONOMIST: Not helpful

16. This, while peak student numbers, followed by declines, were reached in primary schools in 1982, middle schools in 1987, and high schools in 1990.

FORBES: Demographic Decline and Investment Intensity in Children -- Observations on China and Japan

17. Before March 11, Namie's school system had 1, 710 children in its elementary and middle schools.

WSJ: Displaced Japanese Town Tries to Stay Intact

18. The district, which has 10 schools, already employs armed guards at its middle schools and high schools, according to Valentine.

CNN: Fla. mom gives $11K for deputies to patrol school

19. So they're traveling around to middle schools and high schools, talking to kids about music and the history of New Orleans' music.

NPR: Hot 8 Brass Band Play For A Living New Orleans

20. Mark got a job teaching in one of the toughest and lowest performing middle schools there (by choice) and started in August.

FORBES: Appreciating the Best of the Best

21. But as the charter movement expands, and more middle-class parents become disenchanted with local public schools, charter operators have pushed to open schools in middle-income and suburban communities, triggering battles in such places as New Jersey and New York similar to that seen in Nashville.

WSJ: Segregation Fear Sinks Charter School

22. Not even high schools, just elementary and middle schools.

FORBES: Steve Jobs is NOT a Visionary; Get Off the Bandwagon Cultists

23. Hanle says the focus is on offering special programs for teachers at middle schools and high schools because that's when the students start to lose interest in studying science.

VOA : standard.2009.11.25

24. But my goal is to challenge more schools and more communities to take part in this, particularly middle and high school students, because right now those 635 students are at the elementary school level, and we need to take this challenge up to kids in middle schools and high schools.

WHITEHOUSE: The First Lady Urges Healthy Diet and Exercise

25. At Fuling Teachers College, most of my students had come from peasant homes, and they trained to become English teachers in rural middle schools.

NPR: An Outstanding Name for an Outstanding Student

26. But it said foreign language teaching in public elementary and middle schools dropped sharply in recent years.

VOA : special.2010.02.04

27. Provided that the project can attract outside funding, it could expand to a deliver a full term of instruction in three middle schools beginning in January 2010.

FORBES: Breakthroughs

28. That is why my wife, Ali, and I started the Joe Torre Safe At Home Foundation, which provides education and safe rooms in middle schools for children caught in an abusive environment.

CNN: Human Factor: Baseball champ and domestic abuse survivor

29. At the end of the 2011-12 school year, a further 11 middle schools will close in the Newmarket, Mildenhall, Brandon, Bungay, Beccles and Leiston areas.

BBC: Suffolk's middle schools closure programme starts

30. All first schools in the county will be phased out by the end of the summer term following the closure of all of its middle schools in 2008.

BBC: Norfolk schools close in education shake-up

31. Four more middle schools in Suffolk are to close after the county council backed plans to continue a move towards a two-tier education system.

BBC: Suffolk middle school closures continue

32. Notwithstanding this, six years of English study is mandated in middle and high schools.

FORBES: Fujiwara Masahiko and Japanese "Internationalization"

33. I'd love to see more career days, where professionals come in--not just to high schools but to middle schools and to elementary schools--and talk about the various careers that are out there.

FORBES: Magazine Article

34. Meanwhile, Patch, the network of more than 800 hyperlocal news sites also overseen by AOL editor in chief Arianna Huffington, is also soliciting adolescent contributors from high schools and even middle schools as it seeks to recruit thousands of community bloggers.

FORBES: Huffpo and Patch Recruiting Bloggers as Young as 13



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