by time翻译_by time短语搭配_by time权威例句

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by time

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  • 随着时间的推移:用于表示随着时间的推移,某人、物体、想法等的变化或发展。

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Change picture by time interval 设定时间间隔切换图片

2. charter by time 论时 ; 论时收费 ; 按时间计算的租船 ; 期租

3. stand-by time 待机时间

4. stand-by time record 待时记录

5. Select Keys by Time 按时间选择关键帧 ; 根据时间选择键点

6. Buried By Time 埋葬于时空

7. offense of segregation by time 隔时犯

8. by-time 余暇 ; 闲空 ; 馀暇

9. Routing by time 按时间选择目的地


1. Amy Domini named one of 100 most influential people by Time.


2. By this time next week we'll be in New York.


3. The chart above shows the amount of saving activity by time of day.


4. By that time I had lost interest in the idea.


5. A Time Optimal Control Method Switched by Time


6. Occasionally, the escape from dystopia is made possible by time travel and changing history.


7. In pulse code modulation, a basic group of channels assembled by time division multiplexing.

在脉码调制技术中, 通过时分多路器而组合在一起的一种信道基本群.《互联网》

8. Nukubati, a small island resort, is about as untouched by time as it gets.


9. It's definitely better to first increase the distance (or time, if you prefer to measure by time) of your runs.


10. Fallows was referring to the founder of Time and Fortune, owned by Time Inc. (TWX), my employer.


11. Pressured by time, we ran around looking for signs of bodysnatching.


12. Many people feel that we are rushed into growing up by time.


13. Everything, polished and deposited by time, eventually becomes a habit, a mutuality, a culture.


14. All You and InStyle, which, like Fortune, are owned by Time Inc., each ran ads that used the term digital native; theads were posted about six months ago.


15. You can also see how terms are used by time of day.


16. The length of the workday, for many workers, is defined by time.


17. Our paths, erased by time, won't cross anymore.


18. By that time the new system should be up and running.


19. HBO is owned by Time Warner, CNN's parent company.


20. If is because our love defeated by time.


21. By the time this gets into print, they'll already have left the country.


22. Some historic papers have been seriously damaged by time.


23. Timekpr allow us limit the computer usage time by time frame or time frame.


24. In the teleplays, I usually see love dies and buried by time.

在那些电视剧里, 我看见许多爱情被装进瓶子埋葬掉.《互联网》

25. Nor as regards time, though they appear to some extent in succession, are their contents themselves conceived as affected by time, or as transient and changeable in it.


26. Hailed as the "master of the mike" by Time magazine, King has an estimated fortune of around US$ 150 million and multiple honors including an Emmy and10 CableACE Awards.


27. With a menu of options listed on the screen by time and channel, programme selection becomes a doddle.


28. She was tired and out of sorts by the time she arrived home.


29. Unbound by time or dust or rot.


30. By the time you get there the meeting will be over.


31. Parts of the excerpts released by Time magazine yesterday read like a jarring parody.


32. Time Inc., the venerable magazine publisher whose titles include Fortune, this morning was spun out into an independent company by Time Warner and has begun trading on the New York Stock Exchange under ticker symbol TIME-0.77%.

周一上午,时代公司(Time Inc.,旗下杂志包括《财富》)这家备受尊崇的杂志发行商从时代华纳分拆出来,开始在纽交所上市,交易代码为TIME(TIME-0.77%)。

33. It contained an old piano, its keys frozen by time, and a lone desk in front of a chalkboard.


34. Your proposal for payment by time draft for Order No.1 is accept - able to us.


35. The effects about potential distribution by time - harmonic character and permittivity a.


36. By the time we arrived, someone had grabbed all the good seats.


37. This desperate propaganda by Time magazine has shown the whole world to the lengths which the world media will go to please America, even at the cost of their Journalistic integrity.


38. More experienced management from NBC may help although its own prime time line-up has recently been the subject of some very high profile troubles but the move is a reversal of the split undertaken by Time Warner last year.

nbc经验更丰富的管理团队也许会有所帮助尽管其自身的黄金时段节目最近也出现了一些备受关注的问题但此举与时代华纳(time warner)去年的分拆行动恰恰相反。

39. Calculation of the level crossing rates of a random oscillation system by time domain simulation


40. By the time I arrived on the scene, it was all over.


41. No longer would judges oversee the vote, as they had done by time-honoured tradition.


42. As reported by Time magazine, researchers found that body shape is the key to which diet a person will be able to stick with.


43. One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate.


44. Packaging for the middle - aged is primarily to conceal the furrows ploughed by time.


45. He got paid by time.


46. It was dark by the time she got home.


47. So you get length divided by time squared.


48. The research shows that populations' genetic footprints on the planet are deep, sharp and not easily covered over by time.


49. All you see here is washed and selected by time, before becoming a custom, a consensus, a culture.


50. God grants me the boon of vision unrestricted by time or space.


51. Experience is accumulated by time to time.


52. The length of the workday, for many workers, is defined by time.

对于许多工人来说,工作日的长度是由时间决定的。《四级真题- 2015年 12月 1卷 阅读A》

53. I can't stand you hurting him time by time.


54. Taking historical evolution and experience as groundwork, the original sorting of management system design theory has opened out the concerned problems of management system design varying by time, laid out the nature course of the theory and practice.


55. Triggered by time?


56. Viewed from the angle of impact exerted by time spirit on genre style, Yuanhe poetic sect is a rather typical case.


57. Every part of it is polished by time, which in turn gives rise to a custom, an agreement, and a kind of culture.


58. Total data rates for each network adapter by time of day.


59. Speed can be calculated by dividing distance by time.


60. In communications, a channel derived by time division multiplexing.


61. In 1954, Sports Illustrated was first published by Time Incorporated.

在1954年, 运动杂志首次被时代股份有限公司出版.《互联网》

62. If your words are timeless, not bound by time, then your words today can affect your past as well as your present.


63. By the time he'd fixed the leak, I was into him for$ 500.


64. Her singing career was all washed up by the time she was 27.


65. Apart from tears, only time could wear everything away. While feeling is being processed by time.


66. All these elements, tempered and deposited by time, settled finally into a custom, a tacit understanding and a culture.


67. By this time I was a gibbering wreck.


68. The report on the simulation, obtained by TIME last week, warns that transportation would be a major problem.


69. Next was spending time with friends, followed by time with a significant other.

其次的回答是“与朋友在一起”, 然后是“与重要的人在一起”.《互联网》

70. Packaging for the middle - aged is primarily to conceal furrows ploughed by time.


71. In this case, the costs are represented by time and effort needed to work around the problems.



1. As a boy,Carl said he knew if it was time to go to school by the sound of a train.

VOA : special.2009.11.01

2. Mr Carney was once listed by Time Magazine as one of the 25 most influential people in the world.

BBC: Profile: Mark Carney

3. Our destiny must remain subject to American sovereign will and be determined by time-tested deliberative processes.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Karen Lugo: How Much For A Piece Of The First Amendment?

4. By this time, Jackson had decided that Van Buren would be the best man to follow him as president.

VOA : special.2009.01.01

5. But according to an investigation by Time, there might really be no Olive Garden culinary institute.

FORBES: Is Olive Garden's Culinary Institute a Fiction?

6. Any innovation that has efficiency at its core is sure to be greeted with interest by time-strapped consumers.

FORBES: The Top 10 Fashion And Beauty Startups This Year

7. By the time he returned to England in October of eighteen thirty-six, he was already a well known geologist and naturalist.

VOA : special.2009.02.25

8. By the time John Henry was a young man, he was one of the best steel-drivers in the country.

VOA : special.2009.02.21

9. It tells the unusual story about a man who is born old and gets younger as time goes by.

VOA : special.2009.02.20

10. So, I'm not going to waste your time by asking what happens if you put it in.

我不会问你们把式子带进去以后怎么算,这完全是浪费时间基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. By the time Bush asked me to be his WHCF in early 2006, I had already long experience working for the president.

当布什让我做办公室主任时,也就是2006年初,我已经有很长的时间,和他一起工作了。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

12. There will be grumblings about the specs and the 7-hour stand by time.

FORBES: Amazon Launches All-Out Tablet Price War

13. By the time we get to 1644, this is the year that Areopagitica appears, we're well into the English Revolution.

到1644年,就是《论出版自由》出版的那一年,我们真正进入了英国革命。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. That area was controlled by Egypt at the purported time of the Exodus Running north to south, next to that coastal plain, is a region of low mountains.

在出埃及记时期,这个地区被埃及所控制,南北分布,靠近海岸平原,是低矮的山区。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. They are persuaded by time or inducements that there is no need to fight.

CNN: Behind the Scenes: Surge helping, but Iraq still on knife's edge

16. Fortune is also owned by Time Inc. and says it might not be part of a sale.

WSJ: Report: Bidder eyes buying Time Warner magazines

17. Pictures, owned by Time Warner, Twentieth Century Fox, owned by News Corp, and Paramount Pictures, owned by Viacom.

FORBES: Cars 2 Can Help Drive Disney Stock Down The Track

18. CNN, which is owned by Time Warner, has a thriving international division.

ECONOMIST: Life is hard for a non-partisan cable news channel

19. By the time of the American Revolution these are the elements that were known.

到了美国革命的时候,这些元素都已知了。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

20. But by the time he was thirteen years old, he was winning against players two times his size and age.

VOA : special.2010.02.07

21. Alright. So, since we have these terms defined, we know the frequency and the wavelength, it turns out we can also think about the speed of the wave, and specifically of a light wave, and speed and is just equal to the distance that's traveled divided by the time the elapsed.

好了,我们已经定义了,这些术语,我们知道了,频率和波长,现在可以来考虑,波的速度了,特别是光波的速度,速度等于它走过的距离,除以所用的时间,因为我们。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

22. The study found that those who received lower doses of steroids by mouth spent less time in the hospital.

VOA : special.2010.06.23

23. You can't just say it once. You have to try to fill that void by saying it two times and by invoking his father a third time.

你不能只讲一次,你必须说第二遍,并且第三次提到迪安的父亲,来填补中间的空隙。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. In addition to loans, the financial barrier would be reduced by time allotted.

FORBES: Why Market Based Immigration is America's Best Bet

25. It was gradually adopted by other countries through time and the United States didn't officially adopt it until 1900.

随着时间的流逝,它渐渐被,其它国家所采用,美国直到1900年才正式采用金本位制度。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. Some of those kids will need coronary bypass surgery in their twenties; some of them will be blind by the time they're thirty.

这些孩子有的要在二十多岁时,做冠状动脉搭桥手术,有些人在三十岁的时候会失明关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. He was adding to his earnings by selling short stories and by working from time to time on movies in Hollywood.

VOA : special.2010.01.10

28. By the time he finished high school, Roberto had received several other offers from major league teams in the United States.

VOA : special.2010.04.11

29. SpectrumCo is owned 63.6% by Comcast, 31.2% by Time Warner Cable and 5.3% by Bright House Networks.

FORBES: Verizon Wireless Buying SpectrumCo Licenses For $3.6B

30. Milliways is located at "the end of the universe" and is only accessible by time travel.

FORBES: Magazine Article

31. The SOCIALSPREADS co-founders hope to get about 10, 000 registered users by time the 2012 college football season kicks off.

FORBES: Sports Betting Suggestion Site Supplants Traditional Point Spread With Wisdom Of The Crowd

32. Funny or Die has a partnership with HBO, which, like CNN, is owned by Time Warner.

CNN: Funny or Die making spoof Steve Jobs biopic

33. And by this time all educated Roman men were expected to be able to speak Greek, well if possible.

那时所有受过教育的罗马男子,有可能的话,都要会说希腊语。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. He says looking back thousands of years can help researchers look forward by understanding how a disease changed over time.

VOA : special.2010.06.29

35. Topsy lets you slice the results by time, so by the last hour, two hours, or day (and further).

FORBES: Topsy Takes On Google In Timely Searches

36. Today, they stand in varying states of decay, ravished by time, vandals and wild weather.

BBC: New Orleans outside of the French Quarter

37. Instead, among the forty candidates under consideration by Time is Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student and advocate for free contraception.

FORBES: Sandra Fluke Can Have 2012, Let's Celebrate Non-Coerced Giving In 2013

38. By the time you get to the end of the term, you're going to be dealing with some fairly complex things, so one of the things you're going to see is, we're going to make heavy use of libraries, or code written by others.

当你临近期末的时候,你们将要解决一些,相当复杂的难题,因此你们将会看到的其中一点是,我们要充分利用图书馆,或者别人编写的代码。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

39. It will make more sense when WAP phones charge for data packages downloaded, rather than by time, he said.

CNN: EU official says future WAP worth the wait

40. For example, if you started here and you did all this and you came back here, the average velocity would be zero, because you start and end at the same value of x, you get something; 0 divided by time will still be 0.

例如,如果你从这里开始运动,经过这个过程又回到这里,平均速度就是0,因为初态和末态的位移相同,你得到了什么呢,0除以时间还是0基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. It's sort of this velvety, smooth, world-weary voice that seems to be untouched by time.

NPR: Dylan's Legacy Keeps Growing, Cover By Cover

42. This is a relatively subtle way by Time Warner Cable to test customer response.

FORBES: Time Warner Cable Tinkers With Pricing, Stock Should Slip To $66

43. I don't believe we'll-- I'll--come close to scratching the surface of what I would enjoy doing, by the time I've died.

我不能相信-,我能推测死时,自己会对什么感兴趣。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. ROCKFORD: "So what?" ALLEN: "By the time we came out, we looked like the last two passengers on Noah's Ark."

VOA : special.2009.03.09

45. By segmenting the buckets by time of intended use, more risk-averse investors may feel more comfortable with a balanced portfolio.

FORBES: A Bucket Strategy For Retirement Income

46. He'll be sold again, by the way, a third time, for $2000.00, in Mobile, Alabama, at the Mobile Slave Jail.

他又将被卖掉,顺便说一下,第三次,他被卖了两千美元,在亚拉巴马州一个流动的奴隶监狱美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. Dentists say children should have their first dental visit at least by the time they are one year old.

VOA : special.2009.03.11

48. A youngster who develops diabetes in his teens may need a kidney transplant by the time he's thirty."

VOA : special.2010.06.07

49. The swimmers' performance still varied by time of day, peaking in the evening and hitting bottom at around 5 a.m.

WSJ: Your Body's Best Time for Everything

50. Today's time-travel movies generally follow the blueprint of entertainment-above-science, often farcically ignoring the contradictions caused by time-travel storytelling.

WSJ: The Four Rules of Time-Travel Movies

51. It was financed by Legendary Pictures LLC and released by Time Warner Inc.

WSJ: 'Oblivion' Proves Cruise Still Controls Box Office

52. This is compared to half of students who had looked for a job by this time two years ago.

VOA : special.2009.06.25

53. Well, I think we recognize it all the time, and we recognize it all the time by the way in the writing life.

我觉得我们一直,都了解它的存在,了解的方式主要是通过写作。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

54. But by time the first ball was sent down on the final day, they already looked badly out of sorts.

BBC: Ashes: England break records in draw with Australia

55. The walls are mottled by time and ruffled where stones have crumbled away.

FORBES: In the Yucatan, a pool with a past

56. But by the time we finish the end of that line, we are really right in the middle of very regular iambic pentameter.

但当我们读完这一行的时候,我们才真正进入了正常的抑扬格五步格诗。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. The bastards in her belly--tainted by war, pardoned by need, obscured by time--clamored for food.

CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Books: Catfish and Mandala

58. Objectors said that by time the advert did appear, the deadline for a legal challenge had passed.

BBC: Internal inquiry ordered over plans for Derry waste plant

59. By time, it was the longest game ever played in Oakland and the longest in Angels history.

NPR: Moss Hits 2nd HR In 19th, A's Outlast Angels 10-8

60. According to published reports, People magazine, which is owned by Time-Warner, along with London-based Hello!

FORBES: Magazine Article




























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