Mars probe翻译_Mars probe短语搭配_Mars probe权威例句

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Mars probe

网络 火星探测器

英 [mɑːz prəʊb]play 美 [mɑːrz proʊb]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. probe to Mars 火星探测

2. Mars probe watches water-ice fade 火星调

3. Mars probe mission 火星探测使命

4. the Mars probe mission 火星探测任务

5. orbit of mars probe 火星探测器轨道


1. YH-1 Mars Probe's Key Technology and its Design Feature


2. Study of the Time-Space Bench Transformation of Mars Probe Orbital Motion Modeling


3. Tianwen 1 is China's first Mars probe.


4. Mars probe travels 300M km


5. Pictures and videos sent back by China's first Mars probe allowed us to see this red planet at such a close distance.


6. China is planning to launch a Mars probe in the year 2020 to carry out an independent exploration of the Red Planet after a joint mission with Russia failed in 2011, said Ye Peijian, a top space scientist and national political adviser.


7. Following the US, China is now the second country in the world to successfully land a probe on Mars.


8. Simulation analysis for the control algorithms makes it clear that the controllers can meet the attitude control task demands of the Mars probe close-loop system.


9. In 2020, CASC conducted 34 rocket flights, including three by Long March 5-series rockets that carried into space the prototype of China's next-generation manned spacecraft, the country's first independent Mars probe and the landmark Chang'e 5 lunar mission.


10. It plans to launch the first Mars probe by 2020 to carry out orbiting and roving exploration.


11. China's Tianwen 1 Mars probe had traveled 300 million kilometers as of Tuesday morning, according to the China National Space Administration. The administration said in a statement that the spacecraft was in good condition.


12. The task and function, composition and major features of China the first YH-1 mars probe were introduced in this paper.


13. The Tianwen-1 Probe landed on Mars on May 15th, 2021.


14. The thesis first narrates attitude description methods like Euler angles, quaternion and MRP, then gives the attitude dynamics equation and the attitude kinematics equation of the Mars probe.


15. The Chinese government has also indicated today its desire to launch its first Mars probe by 2020.


16. Mars probe Tianwen-1 has completed its second orbital correction.


17. On Mars Exploration by Space Probe


18. China's Tianwen-1 mars probe has traveled more than 300 million kilometers since it was launched in July.


19. The Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity were three years away from launch, while the Cassini-Huygens probe was not quite half-way to Saturn.


20. China's Tianwen 1 probe made a historic landing on Mars last week!


21. Scientists are working to rekindle the Russia-China joint Mars probe after the spacecraft failed to enter the intended orbit on day one.


22. China's Tianwen 1 Mars probe carried out its second midcourse correction maneuver on Sunday night, according to the China National Space Administration.


23. China is planning to launch a Mars probe in 2020 to carry out an independent exploration of the Red Planet.


24. China's first planetary probe, the tiny Yinghuo-1 orbiter, will also hitch a ride to Mars with Phobos-Grunt.


25. China's Mars probe has completed a deep-space maneuver about 30 million km from Earth, which was designed to help it achieve a sound rendezvous with Mars.


26. The task and function, composition and major features of China the first YH-1 Mars probe were introduced in this paper.

介绍了中国首颗YH - 1火星探测器的任务功能、组成和主要技术指标。

27. 1971 - Mars probe program: Mars 2 is launched by the Soviet Union.


28. The size and structure of the Mars probe will be similar to Chang'e-3, China's first lunar lander that was launched in 2013, though there are many differences, he said.


29. In nine minutes, the probe had to reduce its speed from 20,000 km per hour to zero, landing from 125 km above Mars.


30. The UAE's Mars probe has sent back its first image of the red planet.


31. China's Mars probe Tianwen-1 is designed to complete orbiting, landing and roving this year.


32. An official report says the construction of China's space station will enter a crucial stage this year and China's Mars probe Tianwen-1 complete its orbiting, landing and roving operations.


33. TianWen 1, China's first Mars probe successfully entered space in February.


34. In this priority inversion scenario, a lower-priority task holds a resource that a higher-priority task requires. ( This problem occurred on Mars in the Pathfinder probe using Wind River's VxWorks.)


35. In the Mars probe control system, the attitude control subsystem plays a significant role.


36. China successfully sent the Mars probe Tianwen 1 from Wenchang, Hainan on July 23, 2020.


37. China's Mars probe, scheduled to be launched later this year, will complete orbiting, landing and roving in one mission.


38. With the arrival of the upsurge of Mars Exploration in the new century, it is going to become hot topic that Mars probe brakes near the Mars and keeps its orbit in a long time.


39. The probe entered Mars orbit in February 2021.


40. The Mars probe will be launched from a Russian launch vehicle.


41. Tianwen I probe sent the first picture of Mars back to China in February, 2021.


42. China on Tuesday released images of a Mars probe and rover which the country plans to send to the Red Planet within five years.


43. Attitude Control of Mars Probe during the Whole Mode Flight


44. A major mean to explore Mars is to observe Mars close using Mars probe.


45. It is the first probe to enter orbit around an object in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.


46. When the probe finally slowed down at 100 meters above Mars, it stayed in the air and checked the landing area.


47. Scientists are working to rekindle the Russia-China joint Mars probe after the spacecraft failed to enter the intended orbit on day one.


48. China will launch Mars probe this year.


49. Do you know when China's Tianwen-1 probe landed on Mars?


50. Scientists used the mothership of NASA's recycled Deep Impact comet probe to look at light reflected off Earth, the moon and Mars.



1. It was the first such mission since the failure of the Mars 96 probe, which also failed to reach Mars after a launch failure.

FORBES: Medvedev: Engineers Behind Russia's Failed Mars Probe Could Face Prosecution

2. The probe was built to land on the larger of Mars' two moons, Phobos, and scoop up rock to bring back to Earth.

BBC: Signal picked up from Russia's stranded Mars probe

3. His argument was that the technique, which makes many copies of a piece of DNA, would be so cheap to put on a Mars probe that it would be silly not to.

FORBES: The DNA Sequencer That Could Go To Mars

4. And on Wednesday, they have another mission scheduled to lift off from the Kennedy Space Center that's going to send a probe to Mars.

NPR: Shuttle Landing Delayed Due to Poor Weather

5. That number includes the cost of the actual Mars probe and its launch, as well as the cost of the NASA crew handling its journey to Mars for almost a year before it started transmitting.

FORBES: Insane Calculation: It Costs More To Send A Text Next Door Than To Mars

6. Based on the Phoenix lander, the craft is tasked with giving us a peek beneath the planet's surface, armed with tools that include a geodetic instrument from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which will be used to calculate Mars' rotation axis, a seismic wave sensor and a subsurface heat probe, to measure the planet's internal temperature.

ENGADGET: NASA InSight tapped for Mars drilling mission in 2016

7. In 1988 Phobos 1, a Soviet Mars probe, was sent a command sequence in which one crucial character was accidentally omitted, causing it to start tumbling in space.

ECONOMIST: Mishaps in space: Foolish, not ghoulish | The

8. Yet this is a race, and whoever is the first to fulfill various objectives, such as being the first to send a man into orbit or a probe to Mars, garners more prestige.

FORBES: The Return of "Buzz Aldrin's Race into Space" Game

9. Last November, the Mars probe Curiosity began its months-long journey to the red planet.

FORBES: Mars Probe Curiosity Is Ready To Land On Monday

10. Nasa's efforts to locate MPL are continuing with cameras on board the orbiting probe Mars Global Surveyor scanning the planet's surface.

BBC: Mars probe canyon crash theory

11. Nonetheless, Mr O'Keefe and Mr Koptev have given the green light to a programme to build a US-Russian space probe for the exploration of Mars.

BBC: Mars rover (Nasa)

12. In 1969, the U.S. space probe "Mariner Seven" flew by Mars, sending back photographs and scientific data.

CNN: Monday,

13. Personally I think that the bouncing ball approach should be the standard way to land a small unmanned probe on Mars.

BBC: Mars 2 - Earth 0

14. So it was to everybody's disappointment that Mariner 4, the first space probe to fly past Mars (in 1965), revealed a place with a surface that appeared to have been static for billions of years.

ECONOMIST: Martian chronicles

15. In 1971, the American space probe "Mariner Nine" blasted off from Cape Kennedy, Florida, on a journey to Mars.

CNN: News Almanac

16. The Mars Global Surveyor, which mapped the Red Planet from the late 90s, and the Near-Shoemaker probe, which visited an Asteroid Eros in 2003, both carried the Westcott technology.

BBC: Juno Jupiter probe gets British boost

17. Russian Mars probe Phobos-Grunt fell into the ocean earlier this month, far short of its goal of reaching the Martian moon Phobos.

FORBES: Russian Gov't Blames Mars Probe Failure On Programming Glitch

18. The probe malfunctioned when it reached orbit and failed to launch its boosters to take it to Mars.

FORBES: Russian Scientist Apologizes For Failed Mars Mission

19. The cost of the Mars Global Surveyor probe was roughly 200 million USD for the satellite and launch, plus 20 million per year.

FORBES: Insane Calculation: It Costs More To Send A Text Next Door Than To Mars

20. Now, using a camera onboard an orbiting probe called Mars Global Surveyor, scientists think they may have spotted something on the surface of Mars that is a good candidate for the remains of this NASA craft.

ECONOMIST: Has a missing Martian probe been spotted?

21. The most recent Russian probe, which was launched to the Mars moon Phobos last November, never made it out of Earth orbit.

WSJ: Mars Mission Seeks a Happy Landing

22. Next year, NASA plans to launch a probe to study the upper atmosphere of Mars, but planners this month are debating what future Mars landings if any the space agency can afford.

WSJ: NASA's Curiosity Rover Lands on Mars

23. Nasa also said it was considering sending a second landing probe at the same time to explore a different area of Mars.

BBC: New probe for Mars

24. Last Wednesday, India celebrated the 65th anniversary of its independence, and officials announced that it would send a space probe to Mars.

WSJ: India's Olympic Achievement: Indifference





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