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英 [ˈfɜːst taɪm]play美 [ˈfɜːrst taɪm]play

  • adj. 初次的,第一次的

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


  • adj.初次的,第一次的



1. for the first time 首次 ; 开始 ; 初次

2. meet for the first time 第一次见面 ; 第一次会晤 ; 初次见面 ; 第一次碰头

3. First Time 第一次 ; 第一时间 ; 螺丝钉 ; 首次

4. first-time home buyer 首次置业人士 ; 第一次购房者 ; 首次购房者 ; 购房者

5. It's like the first time 如同第一次那样 ; 初次相遇般难舍难离 ; 就像那第一次 ; 就像第一次

6. The First Time to McDonalds 第一次去麦当劳 ; 第一次去麦当

7. Meeting for the First Time 见面介绍 ; 见面先容 ; 初次见面 ; 初次见面开场白

8. The First Time 第一次 ; 初次 ; 犯了许多拼写错误 ; 用法相当于连词用法

9. first-time mother 初为人母


1. Comparison between Two Metabolic Syndrome Definitions Applied in Patients Underwent First-time Coronary Angiography


2. I want you to cast your minds back to the first time you met.


3. More competition could push down prices and attract first-time buyers.


4. It was the first time they had attempted to talk intimately.


5. Is he actually going to become a first-time first baseman?


6. He scored the first time he touched the ball.


7. udges are advised to show greater leniency towards first-time offenders.


8. Survey of needs of first-time hemodialysis patients for health education


9. We also discovered that being a first-time mother had no effect on quality of life scores.


10. Streams had run dry for the first time in memory.


11. Several of these rhododendrons will flower this year for the first time.


12. houses for first-time buyers


13. There is no feeling on earth like winning for the first time.


14. For the first time, a woman will be the keynoter at the convention this year.


15. In the distance we spied the Pacific for the first time.


16. He repeated none of the errors he'd made first time round.


17. A Comparative Analysis Between Reading Aloud and Reading Silent in First-time English Reading


18. This is the first time I've sat behind the wheel since the accident.


19. That data includes low first-time claims for unemployment, growing consumer optimism.


20. It was the first time that she had lived independently.


21. I've been crazy about him since the first time I saw him.


22. It's best not to try a new recipe for the first time on such an important occasion.


23. Analysis on Factors Influencing Effect of the First-time Retreated Pulmonary TB Patients


24. The system must be understandable even to first-time users.

即使对初次使用者来说,这个系统也应该是清楚晚懂的。《provided by jukuu》

25. Many Chinese are first-time car buyers and see owning a new vehicle as a status symbol.


26. For the first time Leonard felt irritation at her methods.


27. There are plenty of plus points about being an older first-time mum.


28. Changes in the economic situation during the past few years however have made it increasingly difficult for first-time buyers to get started in the property market, so that there is an emerging2 generation, the so-called generation rent, who may never own their own homes.


29. A Comparative Analysis of First-time and Repeat Visitors' Behavior


30. She spoke for the first time about the traumas of a broken marriage.


31. The Beatles' Red and Blue compilations are issued on CD for the first time next month.


32. It was the first time she had seen him in person.


33. Total first-time enrolment of international graduate students rose 12 per cent this year.


34. For first-time users, please register first.


35. The environment for first-time entrepreneurs has never been more favorable.


36. House prices are rising for the first time since November.


37. First time strangers, second time friends.

一回生, 二回熟.《现代汉英综合大词典》

38. This was the first time he had confronted an armed robber.


39. This is the first time the company has ventured into movie production.


40. Analysis of the First-time Regeneration of Catalytic Reforming Catalysts 3922 and 3933


41. It was the first time they had ever met.


42. It was the first time I had set foot on African soil.


43. Falling in love the first time is all froth and fantasy.


44. The first time I had chemo I was quite scared.


45. The mean first-time of system described by discrete master equation


46. Researchers interviewed 182 working couples who became first-time parents.

研究人员采访了182对初次为人父母的夫妇。《中考真题- 2015 安徽 阅读D》

47. It's the first time farmers have decided to organize.


48. I'm not really expecting to pass first time.


49. It also shows first-time dads do not have an increased risk for the conditions.


50. The airport road is passable today for the first time in a week.


51. The Beatles' Red and Blue compilations are issued on CD for the first time next month.


52. First-Time Validation Algorithm C: Control;


53. Now I use a false name if I'm meeting people for the first time.


54. For Itani, a journalist and first-time actor, the play hits close to home.


55. The young man displayed his talent for the first time in the scientific and technological circles.


56. It's not the first time that you've found yourself in this situation.


57. First-time success is usually a fluke. First-time failure, by contrast, is expected;


58. That was the first time Elliot stayed out all night.


59. The money spent on prisons could be better spent on training first-time law-breakers to earn an honest living.


60. It was the first time he had seen his name in print.


61. Fewere people were standing in line for first-time claims for unemployment benefits last week.


62. Several of these rhododendrons will flower this year for the first time.


63. First-time licence holders have to work under supervision.


64. Is this the first time that you've flown?


65. Save investment, to reduce first-time equipment investment;


66. It was the first time I had set foot on American soil.


67. Clinical data analysis on 656 schizophrenic patients of their first-time hospitalization


68. Twenty percent of all first-time undergraduates take at least one remedial course.


69. For the first time in years, she felt in command of her life.


70. For the first time in many years, I got carded.


71. This is the first time she has experienced disappointment.


72. I sampled the delights of Greek cooking for the first time.


73. I'll never forget hearing this piece of music for the first time.



1. It's also worth pointing out that there is somewhat of a learning curve for first-time users.

ENGADGET: Nuance Dragon Dictate 2.5 for Mac review

2. Jermain Defoe's 14th goal of the season, a superb first-time finish from eight yards, proved decisive.

BBC: Tottenham 3-0 Manchester City

3. The reason why I have "Time-ins"... This is something that I am introducing this year for the first time.

之所以进行“练习时间。,这是今年新提出的。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

4. Like all first-time visitors I was amazed by the sheer scale and schlockiness of the place.

FORBES: Why I Hate Vegas - And Apple Sync, Too

5. Four years later, North Carolina State University hired her as the school's first full-time women's basketball coach and athletics coordinator.

VOA : special.2009.03.29

6. Bringing this in more slowly means first-time savers will have more catching up to do.

BBC: Automatic pension enrolment timetable

7. What I'd like to do--and this will be the first time I've the clicker thing in the class so let's try out this little quiz and see how it works.

我想要--这是我第一次,在课上使用表决器,所以我们先做个小测试看看效果如何关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. Generally speaking, most borrowers, especially first-time borrowers, are simply attracted by the low initial monthly payment.

FORBES: The State of Negatively Amortizing Loans

9. And what we find, the first example of a Bronze Age-- and I use the word civilization now for the first time, because before the Bronze Age-- there is nothing that we would define as civilization.

我们发现的第一个文明出现在青铜时代,也是我第一次用文明这个词,因为在青铜时代之前,没有任何东西能称之为文明古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. He emphasized first-time quality because, he says, correcting defects makes up 10% to 15% of product cost.

FORBES: How an outsider's vision saved Kodak

11. This year,Lilith Fair returned for the first time since nineteen ninety-nine.

VOA : special.2010.08.02

12. Agreeing to this demand, the government made stalking and voyeurism bailable for first-time offenders.

WSJ: India Parliament Clears Tough Rape Law

13. Thursday morning, the weekly tally of jobless claims showed 385, 000 first-time filings, a third-straight increase.

FORBES: Step Aside Bank Of Japan, Friday Focus Is On U.S. Jobs

14. In nineteen forty-seven, Doctor Beck saved a patient with a defibrillator device for the first time.

VOA : special.2009.08.11

15. Remember I talk those of you who were here the first time: this course is built like a spiral Everything is intra-connected, what I talked about in the first class is connected to what I'm going to talk about today, is going to be connected to lecture 19.

记得一开始我就跟你们说过:,这课程就像个螺旋,内部的一切都是相关的,第一节课讲到的内容,与今天要谈的课题有关,也和第19课有关。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

16. So first time through the loop, the answer is a. Second time it-sorry, as it enters the loop, at the time it enter exits a the answer is a.

当第一次完成循环的时候,答案是a,第二次,对不起,在第一次进入循环的时候,答案就是。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

17. The nineteen fifty-nine album "Time Out" by the Dave Brubeck Quartet was the first jazz album to sell more than one million copies.

VOA : special.2009.11.30

18. A second government program a tax credit for first-time home buyers has helped the housing market.

VOA : special.2009.11.06

19. I was going to say when you first start doing this, even people who have been doing it for a long time still go off on ten-minute daydreams before realizing that their minds were wondering.

我本想说第一次尝试时,但即便是修行多年的人,也会走神十分钟之久,方才意识到自己刚做了白日梦。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

20. Entrepreneurs, like first-time parents, are probably better off not knowing what they're getting into.

FORBES: Impossible dream

21. - Well -- and I'll fix this blue next time -- I'm first telling the compiler I need access to the standard io library because printf is declared there.

哦!--下次我把这个字体颜色改成蓝色的-,我先告诉编译器--我需要使用,标准输入输出库,因为printf在那个库里面申明的。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

22. Melnyk says first-time skishers often panic and have to be taken back to shore.

FORBES: Magazine Article

23. The four-week moving average of first-time filings for unemployment benefits fell by 7, 000, to 408, 000.

FORBES: Trade Deficit Flat; Jobless Claims Dip

24. Nautilus was put to sea for the first time on January seventeenth, nineteen fifty-five.

VOA : special.2010.06.11

25. The first time was the near-collapse of Iceland's banks and currency during the world financial crisis.

VOA : special.2010.04.23

26. Because here he was for the first time in-- well, since my wife and I were together-- someone else is getting much more attention than I was, no matter how much I cried.

因为这是妻子和我在一起后-,第一次有人夹在中间-,另一个人比我获得更多的关注,不管我怎么哭。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

27. All of this means lower prices and greater access for first-time super-yacht buyers, Edmiston said.

CNN: Super-yacht prices plummet as recession hits

28. The point that I'd been emphasizing is well first point of course has been don't confuse the stages with the entire space-time worm.

我所强调的点是,第一个点当然是,别混淆了阶段,和整条时间虫。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. It sells single-family homes under the Richmond American Home name to first-time and move-up home buyers.

FORBES: One Rating Agency's Junk Bond Could Be Your High-Yield Treasure

30. First-time buyers will not find a more reliable, comprehensive or enjoyable dictionary of English.

ECONOMIST: English language

31. In nineteen sixty-three, Benny returned to Broadway for the first time since nineteen thirty-one.

VOA : special.2009.10.11

32. It was shown for the first time in eighteen seventy-six.

VOA : special.2010.07.25

33. Share-cropping made it possible for blacks to work the land for themselves for the first time in their lives.

VOA : special.2010.02.04

34. How many of you are here for the first time who weren't here for the--okay good.

你们有多少是第一次来上这个课,谁上次课没来,好吧关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. Banks are also permitted to discount mortgage rates up to 30% for first-time buyers.

WSJ: China Housing Prices Rise After 9 Months of Decline

36. The Rolling Stones performed for the first time in nineteen sixty-two.

VOA : special.2009.06.21

37. First-time home buyers constitute 50% of all residential property purchases being made right now.

FORBES: Is The American Dream Of Home Ownership Dead? Not Really.

38. "It's a big deal. How big a deal you have to measure piece by piece but clearly it is the first major change in our health care system since nineteen sixty-five so that's a long time coming."

VOA : special.2010.03.27

39. Accordingly, I thought it would be helpful to provide a simple checklist tailored to first-time entrepreneurs.

FORBES: Fundraising 101: Checklist for Entrepreneurs

40. Traditionally, the migration has made East Africa the must-see destination for first-time safari goers.

CNN: , for CNN Travel

41. There were about 19, 000 first-time home owners in 2012, compared to about 16, 500 in 2011.

BBC: Scottish mortgage lending up 5% in 2012

42. Importantly, they help first-time C-level executives navigate the trials and tribulations of those roles.

FORBES: The Entrepreneurial Diaspora Enabled By Biotech M&A

43. You know, I came over on a holiday, the first time. I came on a six-month visa holiday.

那时我是来度假的,第一次来。凭六个月假期签证过来的。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 想当军人的理由

44. The first wave was in the 1960s and, at that time, Congress had limits-- state governments had limits on the interest that savings banks could pay people on their accounts.

在20世纪60年代,那时候国会限制了...,各州政府给储蓄银行,设定了账户利率的支付上限金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. For the first time"--this was, of course, the French aristocrat de Tocqueville "For the first time we have had the chance to examine the effect that slavery produces on a society.

第一次",这位托克维尔即是,法国的那位贵族德·托克维尔,"第一次我们有机会仔细观察,奴隶制对一个社会造成的影响美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. The United States had sent an astronaut of its own into space for the first time in nineteen sixty-one.

VOA : special.2009.07.08

47. Audience surveys indicate that the program, which sells well, has attracted first-time opera goers.

WSJ: A Potent Biblical Bargain, Undermined | Clemency | Boston Lyric Opera | By Heidi Waleson

48. Close to the tourist centre of Pokhara, Lake Begnas has many advantages for the first-time, open-water swimmer.

BBC: Long-distance swimming in Nepals glacial mountain lakes

49. Any first-time castle builder faces tough decisions, starting with location, which can be tricky.

FORBES: Castle 4 Sale

50. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department began offering classes for first-time campers last year.

CNN: In a slump, camping comes into vogue

51. Now it is time to come back to the world of the twenty-first century.

VOA : special.2010.02.03

52. It was the first time an African-American man had won one of the four major competitions in tennis.

VOA : special.2010.02.07

53. Both companies have made Dorsey a billionaire, a first-time member of The Forbes 400.

FORBES: Jack Dorsey: Leadership Secrets Of Twitter And Square

54. For the first time since nineteen ninety-two, the best picture nominees include an animated film.

VOA : special.2010.03.01

55. Another is the credit for first-time homebuyers that went off the books after 2010.

FORBES: Author Bemoans Taxpayer Illiteracy

56. But for young first-time homebuyers, this presented new opportunities but also some new challenges.

FORBES: Buying a First House in the Midst of a Financial Crisis

57. The first-time CEO possesses an acute intelligence, a top-notch strategic mind, exalted ambition and focus.


58. And this is a picture from emersion week-- emersion week is when the very first time students meet together that for 5 days to Penn.

这是一张开学周的照片-,开学周时,同学初次见面,他们来宾州五天。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

59. One reason, say churchmen, is that a minaret on the skyline might mislead first-time visitors.

ECONOMIST: Plans to build a mosque in Athens are in disarray

60. Historically, finding the money for a down-payment was only a problem for first-time home-buyers.

FORBES: Down Payment on Home Out of Reach for Half of U.S., Poll Finds



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