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英 [ˈpæsəl]play美 [ˈpæsəl]play

  • n. 一批;一群

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passel /ˈpæsəl/

  • 1.
    名词 a group or quantity of no fixed number 一批; 一群



1. Jeffrey Passel 帕赛尔

2. Jeff Passel 帕塞尔 ; 帕赛尔

3. Passel Argente 帕塞尔·阿金特 ; 帕塞尔·阿根特

4. Passel Jorum 大量

5. Peter Passel 帕塞尔


1. The test date and the relevancy of the referenced distributions were obtained by using the gray correlative analysis method to solve the problem of a passel of date matched with various distributions. According to the relevancy, the optimized distribution model was confirmed.


2. A passel of excellent Anti-Japanese works appeared in the first 30 years but beyond satisfaction on the whole.


3. The enterprise has possess of experience many years, Equipped stronger R&D and full equipment, and possess of passel professional personnel of technology and search.


4. " Why, he means the boys are a passel of fools!"

“怎么,他把这些小伙子们都看成傻瓜了!”《provided by jukuu》

5. There was a passel of top-shelf models who, in a spirit of making do, changed clothes in freight containers parked curbside on 21st Street.


6. Jeffrey Passel, a demographer at the Pew Hispanic Centre, estimates that the number of illegal immigrants in America fell by 500,000 between 2007 and 2008.

皮尤西班牙裔研究中心(Pew Hispanic Centre)的人口学家杰弗里•帕赛尔(Jeffrey Passel)预计2007至2008年间美国非法移民的数量下降了50万人。

7. Brother got a passel of old goods casually . It will keep you busy these days!


8. With the aims of changing recent situation and of promoting a rationalization of the pear industry in Hunan Province, a passel of sandy pear varieti.


9. Download the stress test shell script and a passel of other useful tests at the Linux Test Project home page.

在Linux Test Project主页下载压力测试shell脚本以及其他一些实用的测试。

10. When his acquisitions portfolio was reviewed by the Alliance Directorate, Dassyne was granted the rank of general by Passel Argente himself.


11. Download the stress test shell script and a passel of other useful tests at the Linux test Project home page.

在Linux Test Project主页下载压力测试shell脚本以及其他一些实用的测试。

12. Strong of technology power, have a passel of high ability management expert and IT elite.

公司技术力量雄厚, 拥有一批高水平的治理专家和IT精英.《互联网》

13. With the deepening of institutional reform in China, a passel of urban needy population has gradually formed, which consists mainly of urban laid-off or jobless workers.


14. With the modern science technique developed deeply, appearance of a passel of advanced automobile virtual testing soft offer nicer foundation for research of automobile side impact passive safety.


15. The single most surprising finding in the report, Passel says, is that 22% of newly wed black men married women who were not black.


16. See the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos.


17. The new figure is six times the intermarriage rate of roughly 2% in 1960, says senior demographer Jeff Passel, the report's lead author.

这个新的数据六倍于1960年约2%的异族婚姻率。高级人口统计学家、该报告的主要作者Jeff Passel如是说。

18. We isolated a passel of microorganism from soil polluted by dimethoate for many years. There were over 200 bacteria strains and over 100 fungal strains totally. They all could grow on culture medium without any other C except dimethoate.


19. With a creative or credulous enough Google search, a self-serving "truth" can always be found, along with a passel of supposed experts to vouch for it and a clique of fellow disciples.


20. We have a passel expert engineer on machinery electricity, mould design and product develop, also introduce advanced equipment and technologies experience to upgrade the manufacture levels.


21. Abstract: In China, the literary arena has appeared a passel of the after-80s writing group early or later since 1990s. Their works are loved by their contemporary and became the cossets by lots of businessmen.


22. Results: The three isomers of irone was speculated according to the MS _ splitting _decomposition law. Irone in two passel of Iris tectorum material was determinated.


23. If developing, the Chinese insurance must have a passel of insurance companies of having international competition ability.


24. Dey is de shiflesses, mos'ungrateful passel of no - counts livin '.

俺说过多回了,他们全是懒虫, 不识好歹.《飘(部分)》

25. We fabricate micro hardwares and machinery parts which others don't produce. you clients with an order of a passel or a piece all are our clients!


26. Jeff: the development of Chinese clubs will inevitably bring up a passel of professional athletes.

杰夫:中国的俱乐部发展,必然要造就一批职业运动员。《provided by jukuu》

27. They had a whole passel of children.


28. There are a passel of ancient pottery script which have not been recorded in the cultural relic collection room of Jilin University.


29. A passel of new residents have moved in, attracted by small town life and low real estate prices.



1. Spuntech and other arrivistes can also draw on a passel of trade groups.

FORBES: Best Places for Business

2. My favorite memory of him: the night I hosted a book party in his honor (his prolific output, all banged out on typewriter, made this a frequent occurrence), when he dragged in his co-author, Captain Lou Albano, and a passel of other pro wrestlers, for a night of rowdiness and grappling stories.

FORBES: 12 Life Lessons From America's Greatest Raconteur, Bert Sugar

3. Research shows that along with the changing demographics, the country has become more diverse in other ways, Passel said.


4. Maybe, but his path is rutted with a passel of imposing obstacles.

FORBES: Whitacre's Way

5. One of the first wind chill measures, known as Siple-Passel, was based on observing how quickly bottles of water froze in the Antarctic wind.

BBC: Who, What, Why: What is wind chill factor?

6. We also expected to have a passel of children at our party, something you would be unlikely to find at either an upscale, late-night restaurant meal in the United States or at a Spanish tapas bar.

NPR: New Year Is Time for Tapas

7. In addition, the President has invited a storm of criticism by naming a passel of relatives and political cronies to the Canal Authority board.

CNN: The Canal Cronies

8. But the next president will have to repair international relationships and wrestle with a passel of other problems that have arisen during the Bush administration, including rising energy and food prices, faltering financial institutions, an ever-warming planet and the looming threat of terrorism.

NPR: McCain Walks Fine Line With Bush Legacy

9. You git a passel of dese an you c'n fly lak de eagles high, high ober de eart das what de eagles mean on dese monies.

NPR: E.L. Doctorow on Sherman and 'The March'

10. There, a no-nonsense, get-it-done governor, Rick Perry, and a Republican legislature (first time in more than 100 years that the GOP has controlled both houses) have passed a passel of the most sweeping judicial reform bills in America.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

11. You can look back on your career and tick off a passel of accomplishments.

FORBES: Your 2013 Mantra: I Work for Love And Money

12. Soon after the dawn of commerce on the World Wide Web in 1995, a passel of entertainment giants and new-media boutiques tried creating online entertainment, to little effect.

FORBES: Intertaining Yourself

13. Sure, there have been tons of exciting innovations unleashed upon the masses this past year, but there's also a passel of new ideas that we're glad never caught on.

CNN: 9 tech innovations we're thankful haven't caught on

14. Colombian drug lucre, a black market in pesos and a passel of federal agents.

FORBES: Magazine Article

15. "The face of the country is changing, " said Jeffrey Passel, demographer at the Pew Hispanic Center.


16. Grupo Fantasma may have won a passel of Univision Music Awards and been the talk of its Austin hometown, but "Gimme Some" reminds listeners that good press and industry accolades don't pay the phone bill, keep the water running or fill the refrigerator.

NPR: Grupo Fantasma: Five-Minute Pledge Drive

17. Street- smart, smart-alecky Detroit detective Amos Walker gets a bizarre missing-person case that leads to mayhem and murder via a passel of vividly drawn, colorful characters.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

18. Exemplifying what Newsweek and the Washington Post's Robert Samuelson has called a "parody of leadership, " they can inflict far more misery on the nation than a passel of terrorists.

FORBES: Commentary

19. Current Comptroller John Liu, who's also running for the Democratic mayoral nomination, said in a statement the budget plan left "a passel of problems" for the next administration.

WSJ: Contracts a question as NYC mayor presents budget

20. Their number grows by at least 500, 000 a year, reckons Jeffrey Passel of the Urban Institute.

ECONOMIST: Who gets in

21. Besides the companies overtly in this sector, we have a passel of stealth finance companies like Paccar and General Electric.

FORBES: Magazine Article





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