
学考宝 作者:佚名




英 [əˈdɒpt]play美 [əˈdɑːpt]play

  • v. 收养;采取,采纳,接受;正式通过;选定(名字),承袭(风俗);移居,定居;提名(某人)为候选人;保持(姿势);<英>(地方当局)承担(道路)维修保养责任

第三人称单数 adopts 现在分词 adopting 过去式 adopted 过去分词 adopted

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


adopt /əˈdɒpt/ CET4 TEM4 [ adopting adopted adopts ]

  • 1.
    及物动词 If you adopt a new attitude, plan, or way of behaving, you begin to have it. 采纳; 采用

    The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a resolution calling on all parties in the conflict to seek a political settlement.


  • 2.
    不可数名词 采纳; 采用

    The group is working to promote the adoption of broadband wireless access over long distances.


  • 3.
    及物动词/不及物动词 If you adopt someone else's child, you take it into your own family and make it legally your son or daughter. 收养

    There are hundreds of people desperate to adopt a child.


  • 4.
    有变体名词 收养

    They gave their babies up for adoption.





  • adj.

    adopted 被收养的;被采用的

    adoptive 采用的;有收养关系的

    adoptable 可采用的;可收养的

  • n.

    adoption 采用;收养;接受

    adopter 养父母;[化工] 接受管

    adoptee 被收养者;被立嗣者

  • v.

    adopted 采用;接受(adopt的过去式和过去分词)



1. adopt various measures 采取各种措施 ; 采取各种办法

2. adopt various methods 采取不同办法

3. to adopt 采纳

4. adopt an idea 采纳意见

5. adopt a positive approach 采取一种正确的方法 ; 采用一种准确的方式 ; 采用一种准确的办法 ; 采用一种精确的法子

6. adopt a new idea 采纳新意见

7. to adopt advanced technology 采用先进技术和工艺


1. Whereas older generations are sometimes reluctant to adopt new technologies, driverless cars promise real value to these age groups in particular.

虽然老一辈人有时候不愿意采用新技术,但无人驾驶型汽车会特别为这个年龄段的群体带来实实在在的好处。《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

2. There are hundreds of people desperate to adopt a child...


3. With regard to imports , it ( the government , China ) will adopt flexible measures.

对 进口商品 采取灵活措施.《期刊摘选》

4. The adopted child has the right to see his birth certificate.


5. At last the lad decided to adopt it even though he adopted a lark lately.


6. Industry must adopt a much more proactive approach to formulating environmental policy.


7. After a lifetime under socialism, many lack the mindset to adopt western working practices.

经过学多年社会主义下的生活之后, 许多人缺少采纳接受西方实践经验的心态.《期刊摘选》

8. What exchange rate regime should China adopt?


9. It occurred to her that she might adopt a homeless child.


10. Article 8 The adopter may adopt one child only, male or female.


11. The Senate bill would create an independent commission to monitor the pilot programs and recommend changes in Medicare’s payment policies to urge providers to adopt reforms that work.

参议院的议案计划创建一个独立委员会,监测试点方案并对老年人医疗保险制度的付费政策提出调整建议,以此来敦促医疗护理服务机构采取改革措施。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

12. In no way am I going to adopt any of his methods.


13. And, at the risk of sounding parochial, adopt a capital regime similar to the Canadian system.

此外 —— 虽然有狭隘之嫌 —— 采用与加拿大体系类似的资本规则.《期刊摘选》

14. a campaign to encourage childless couples to adopt


15. Why adopt a new, cheaper technology if you cannot increase your margins?

如果不能增加你的边际效益,那为什么还要采取更便宜的新技术 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

16. If you want to improve your situation you must adopt a positive mental attitude.


17. We must adopt remedial measures.


18. It never occurs to me to adopt a homeless child.


19. There are hundreds of people desperate to adopt a child.


20. Podulski had joined the U.S. Navy as an aviator, adopting a new country and a new profession.


21. If you like I will see what message tell me and I will adopt your ideas.


22. We will adopt their suggestions in mass.


23. Pupils should be helped to adopt a positive approach to the environment.


24. To this, website of normal invite applications for a job can adopt relevant measure correspondence normally.

对此, 正规的招聘网站通常会采取相关措施对应.《期刊摘选》

25. Instead, I shall adopt what is known as the Weak Anthropic Principle.

相反, 我宁愿采纳所谓的弱人择原理.《期刊摘选》

26. Asas you remain professional, others will respect your ideas, even if they dont adopt them.

只要你够专业, 别人即使不采纳你的想法也会很尊重你的观点.《期刊摘选》

27. Early Christians in Europe adopted many of the practices of the older, pagan religions.


28. Intense competition made fashion magazine adopt strategies on edit and management to attract readers and advertisers.


29. However we adopt healthcare reform, it isn't going to save major amounts of money.


30. Adopt dual tower methanol wash process.


31. Unless inflation abates, more countries will adopt some form of inflation accounting.

除非通货膨胀率下降, 否则将有更多的国家采用某种形式的通货膨胀会计.《期刊摘选》

32. Americans love new words and adopt them continually.


33. Otherwise, It'shall adopt the interest rate provided in the lease agreement as the discount rate.

否则, 应当采用租赁合同规定的利率作为折现率.《期刊摘选》

34. State medical boards also adopt policies and guidelines related to the practice of medicine.


35. Results whether the fetus as predictable as possible to adopt the reasonable parturition in time.


36. She persuaded Shelley to adopt a new job.


37. I move that we adopt the agenda as It'stands.


38. Simulation system adopt HLA frame structure, join federal member in interface standard.

该系统采用HLA框架结构, 接口规范通过调用接口联接联邦成员.《期刊摘选》

39. Please the Court consider and adopt the foresaid opinions!

以上代理意见,请法庭予以采纳! 谢谢!《期刊摘选》

40. Comment: To adopt actions to fulfill disbursement of the counterpart funding especially in county level.

建议: 采取措施,促进配套经费的落实.《期刊摘选》

41. The party must adopt more inclusive strategies and a broader vision.


42. Dillia was careful not to adopt the defensive tone.


43. I adopted a positive outlook on life


44. And adopt a common variety of international operations, inviting and foreign businessmen came to discuss cooperation.

并采用国际上通用的各种经营方式, 诚邀国内外客商前来洽谈合作.《期刊摘选》

45. They had to adopt varying tactics.


46. Adopt lifestyles that emphasize the quality of life and material sufficiency in a finite world.


47. Thirty years or so ago, for instance, white families were encouraged to adopt black children.


48. We're going to adopt you, and send you to school after the summer holidays.

我们要收养你, 暑假之后还要送你去上学.《期刊摘选》

49. Adopt the new philosophy.


50. Many colonists were able to adopt a lifestyle similar to that of middle-class Britons.


51. Which behaviors do these manufacturers adopt?


52. Yet the United States is reluctant to adopt emissions targets without commitments from the newest industrialisers.


53. The national assembly has voted to adopt the budget.


54. The judge permitted the Browns to adopt the homeless orphan.


55. Countries adopt specific legislation, unfair competition law, trademark law, hybrid legislative four protected mode.

各国主要采用专门立法 、 反不正当竞争法 、 商标法 、 混合立法四种保护模式对它进行保护.《期刊摘选》

56. Person who have adopt a child.


57. Enterprises shall gradually adopt measures to control the nitrogen oxide generated by the burning of fuel.


58. You will adopt a certain type of behavior, dress, or attitude in order to be accepted as part of a group of your "peers".


59. You'd better think again. If you don't adopt this solution, we have to abandon this project.

你最好再考虑一下. 如果你不采纳这个方案的话, 我们只能放弃这个项目了.《期刊摘选》

60. I am not talking about requiring people to learn English or to adopt American ways; those things happen pretty much on their own.


61. This orphan girl has found a family that would like to adopt her.


62. Control cost and recovery payment in regional, adopt workable measures.

本区域成本控制与账款回收, 采纳可落实的政策.《期刊摘选》

63. In discussing whether we are alone, most SETI scientists adopt two ground rules.

在讨论我们是否孤独时,大多数 SETI 科学家会采用两条基本规则。

64. In the meeting, all the works agreed to adopt a new idea to reform the factory.


65. to adopt a name/title/language


66. She produced a TV series about adopted children.


67. The Hydraulic system adopt slide system, debugging main tain convenience simple, usage capability is credibity.

液压系统采用滑阀系统, 调试维修方便简单, 使用性能可靠.《期刊摘选》

68. She adopted a brisk businesslike tone.


69. Uncle Wang offered to adopt the homeless child.


70. Xiaorong feels this way is good, adopt willingly.

小容觉得这个办法不错, 欣然采纳.《期刊摘选》

71. We should adopt the consumers'suggestion.


72. She told Peter that she had adopted all the other boys, and would like to adopt him also.


73. The school has decided to adopt a different approach to discipline.


74. He has not make up his mind what attitude to adopt toward her.


75. We couldn't adopt a child, so we decided to foster.


76. But adopt the chip microcomputer error compensating system and can compensation back engagement , raising fabrication accuracy.

而采用单片机误差补偿系统可以对背吃刀量进行补偿, 提高加工精度.《期刊摘选》

77. Too many schools adopt the "win at all costs" moral standard and measure their success by sporting achievements.


78. Maybe we should adopt the policy of "don't ask, don't tell."


79. We should not adopt a tolerant attitude towards those loan sharks.


80. HAAHF should adopt the differential strategy and cost advanced strategy.


81. To adopt this method cannot save so much time and strength as to adopt that method.


82. On the development of the tourism industry in the nation should adopt what kind of countermeasures?


83. Those taxes could force poor people to adopt your life choices.


84. If you think our suggestions work for you, then adopt them.


85. When then heard I had no grandparents, they said, If you like, we can adopt you.

当他们听说我的姥姥 、 姥爷均去世后,就说: 如果你愿意, 我们可以收养你.《期刊摘选》

86. The adopter may adopt one child only, male or female.


87. The Conservatives plan to adopt this strategy by making utility companies print the average local electricity and gas usage on people ’ s bills.

保守主义者计划采用这一方法,即让公共事业公司在个人账单上打印出当地电力和燃气使用的平均值。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

88. Pat Symonds: The strategy we have to adopt this year is totally different.

帕特-西蒙兹: 今年我们必须采取的策略完全不同.《期刊摘选》

89. Try to adopt a greener lifestyle.


90. My mother adopted the suggestion that we should adopt that miserable boy.


91. That, in turn, would scupper the decision of ten other states to adopt the same standard.

继而, 这会摧毁其他十个州将采用相同标准的决定.《期刊摘选》

92. I'd like to adopt her.


93. He trifled with the idea and would not adopt it.


94. She was a wonderful mother to both her natural and adopted children.


95. At program design with adjust to try up adopt from topbottom.


96. Ensure that the General Assembly adopt a resolution not less strong than those passed at the previous sessions.


97. Main electromotor adopt import frequency conversion tecnical.


98. In no way am I going to adopt any of his methods


99. The bill would force employers to adopt a quota system when recruiting workers.


100. He adopted a relaxed pose for the camera.


101. Stephen Smith was accepted into the family like an adopted brother.


102. She was forced to have her baby adopted.


103. To achieve these ends, we must adopt the above mentioned measures.

要达到这些目的, 我们必须采取上述措施.《简明英汉词典》

104. The union said it was unfair to ask workers to adopt a policy of wage restraint.


105. Make use ofof high precision magnetic survey and adopt gauss first place to measure magnetic samples.


106. Therefore, we have to examine the domicile problem again, deepen reform, and adopt feasible steps.

因此, 必须对户籍问题进行再认识, 加大改革力度, 采取有效措施.即:切实做好户籍管理的基础性工作.《期刊摘选》

107. He refused to adopt the plan on the grounds of its high cost.


108. Layout of reinforcement should adopt integrated design and be execution stepstep for these failure modes.

针对这些破坏形式,加固方案宜采用整体设计分步实施的方案. 先柱墙,后顶板.《期刊摘选》

109. Therefore the contractor will adopt of technical measures and bidding technique in order to the bidding.


110. Therefore , enterprises with substantial business in developed countries adopt and persist Enterprise Budget Management.


111. According to law in force , China cant adopt all of the IAS.

在目前的法律环境下, 我国无法全盘采纳国际会计准则.《期刊摘选》

112. As a special case, we may exceptional adopt the installment payment for our present business.

作为特殊情况, 这次交易我们可以破例接受分期付款方式.《期刊摘选》

113. The company has adopted a firm policy on shoplifting.


114. The government has adopted an aggressive posture on immigration.


115. to adopt a child


116. Britain is free to adopt policies to bolster its economy.


117. We should adopt flexible tactics for the moment.


118. Give me a reason why not to adopt in this way.


119. Adopt a playful, adventurous approach, and stay flexible.

采取有趣 、 富有冒险性的途径, 并保持灵活.《期刊摘选》

120. ...their adopted home in England.


121. to adopt a resolution


122. Adopt the egalitarian neoliberal model or die?


123. After much consideration, the president decided to adopt her suggestion.

总经理再三考虑之后, 决定采纳她的建议.《期刊摘选》

124. They adopt it today and explore that partial field.


125. Circumstances force us to adopt this policy.


126. He is encouraging other states to adopt New York's policy.


127. If you cannot have children of own, why not adopt a child?

假如你们自己不能生育, 为何不考虑收养一个孩子 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

128. He has adopted the accent of a Second World War newscaster...


129. If you want to adopt an animal.


130. The gens can adopt strangers and thereby admit them into the whole tribe.


131. Adopt the original installation import gasoline engine to make the power, stable quality and reliable performance.

采用原装进口汽油发动机作动力, 质量稳定,性能可靠.《期刊摘选》

132. We need to adopt a more pragmatic approach.


133. Uncertain degree is evaluated to adopt EDTA titrimetric law to measure total hardness of water quality.


134. Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson are planning to adopt.


135. The bad region of geography term can adopt the to build up of many layers.


136. Carolyn and Bob are Andy's foster parents. They hope to adopt him.

卡洛琳和巴伯是安迪的养父母. 他们希望收养他.《期刊摘选》

137. While not explicitly repudiating the Frye rule, the Federal Rules adopt a more permissive approach.

联邦证据规则虽然没有明确批判Frye规则, 但是它们采纳了一种更加宽容的方法.《期刊摘选》

138. The number of women who become pregnant after adopting children is legion.


139. The only way to come out on top is to adopt a different approach.


140. The girl was uncertain what to do, or what tone of voice to adopt.


141. The country is free to adopt policies to bolster its economy.


142. She was adopted as parliamentary candidate for Wood Green.


143. The boy was happy as anything when his parents decided to adopt a puppy.


144. I tried to adopt a curled-up position to avoid damaging my limbs.


145. He believes all the teachers will be glad to adopt the habit.


146. The school adopt CATCH in order to change lifestyle of the school children's family.


147. We should adopt them in our oral English class.


148. The Christmas roses begin to lose of their whiteness to adopt a sweet cameo of pink.


149. Taizhou , HuMan and Suqian, which are the fourth group, should adopt an unbalanced strategy.


150. It never occurs me to adopt a homeless child.


151. He was able to persuade capital to adopt his plans.


152. She persuaded Shelley adopt a new job.


153. They have decided to adopt me as their own daughter.


154. Before this, firms could adopt new technology.

过去, 公司是能接受新技术的.《期刊摘选》

155. They wish to adopt more radical methods.


156. Did she not, then, adopt you of her own accord?

那么, 她不是自愿收养你的?《期刊摘选》

157. All three teams adopted different approaches to the problem.


158. The teacher decided to adopt a different approach and teach the poems through story-telling.


159. The British couple who do not have a child of their own are planning to adopt a little girl from China.


160. We would adopt the terms of payment by installment for present purchase.


161. Of these, the Commission proposed a separate study or not to adopt.

对这些意见, 证监会拟另行研究或未予采纳.《期刊摘选》

162. I the hope of the sincerity above of suggest to can be adopt.


163. This is not meant to delimit what approaches social researchers can adopt.


164. The gap between the rich and the poor makes it essential that the government adopt a dynamic solution to the problem.


165. They are the best option for the planet and we urge the UN to adopt them.


166. There is little or no incentive to adopt such measures.


167. They were discussing which system to adopt.


168. There is little or no incentive to adopt such measures


169. What's interesting about the Song of the Sea is that here the Hebrews adopt the language of Canaanite myth and apply it to Yahweh.


170. Feedwater, ink supply shut presss adopt high automatization system, magic eye control.

给水, 油墨供应关闭出版社采用高自动化系统, 神奇的眼睛控制.《期刊摘选》

171. Sometimes people adopt certain beliefs in order to leave a favorable impression on those dear to them.


172. The council is expected to adopt the new policy at its next meeting.


173. We cannot expect that all nations will adopt like systems.


174. Many corporate methods have been adopted by American managers in imitation of Japanese practice.


175. Over time, the technology is diffused and adopted by other countries.


176. He asked leave to adopt the boy as his son.


177. The Government decided to adopt the plan.


178. The first generation to experience these changes did not adopt the new attitudes easily.


179. It is hard to make him adopt your idea.


180. He adopted an air of indifference.


181. Pertinently pointed out the government, enterprises and industry association shall adopt measures.

有针对性地指出政府 、 企业和行业协会应采取的措施.《期刊摘选》

182. To adopt the fruits of sin was to give countenance to it.


183. Parliament adopted a resolution calling for the complete withdrawal of troops...


184. They should adopt a more imaginative approach and investigate alternative uses for their property.


185. Plainly, a more objective method of description must be adopted


186. But if they don't, I'll adopt her.

如果找不到, 我就收养.《期刊摘选》

187. After deliberation, the president decided to adopt her suggestion.

“总”经理再三考虑之后, 决定采纳她的建议.《期刊摘选》

188. A lot of small businesses will adopt this, consumers are doing it already.

将会有许多小企业采用这个平台, 消费者已经在这么做了.《期刊摘选》

189. This is the 1 st time I meet him and i adopt himfrom that day onwards.


190. The state will adopt a more restrictive policy on arms sales.


191. We shall of course adopt strict measures to control the quality of our countersale products.


192. Adopt speed regulation of frequency conversion for key device; enhance the control of craftwork operation.

对关键设备采取变频调速, 加强了对工艺操作的控制.《期刊摘选》

193. Universal type soft wiper blade with jacks , adopt 100 % natural rubber, memory alloybacking, beauty as import products.

通用型无骨雨刷, 采用100%天然橡胶, 记忆合金钢片, 媲美同类进口产品.《期刊摘选》

194. It would be wrong to adopt an accommodating attitude towards their errors or shortcomings.


195. Some people prefer to adopt infants.



1. Besides, the New York State legislature, the advocates argued, is too slow unwilling to adopt change.

NPR: New York Court Hears Gay Marriage Arguments

2. Ultimately, nations must decide how much globalization to adopt - and how much to adapt.

CNN: Toward One World

3. In the anonymous chat rooms, he felt free to adopt a persona repugnant to society.

NEWYORKER: The Science of Sex Abuse

4. We should also adopt a 15% optional flat tax, and abolish the death tax.

FORBES: Magazine Article

5. Democrats have occasionally struggled to adopt religious themes when they gathered every four years.

NPR: Why Democrats Are Focused On Faith

6. And we also don't know how many lenders are really going to adopt this thing.

NPR: Credit-Reporting Agencies Create New Scoring Format

7. Ratings agencies, which Mr.Fillon said helped fuel the crisis, must adopt rules for dealing with conflicts of interest and offshore banking centers, which often allow clients to evade paying taxes in their home countries, need to be vigorously regulated.

VOA : standard.2009.03.24

8. Throughout all of this, they are subjected to a course of rigorous study and physical training that will lead them to adopt prominent positions in the military and other branches of public service.

这一进程,需要他们遵循,严格的学习及体能的训练,以便他们顺利接掌重要的军职,及其它公共服务事项。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. And Mr. Gingrich sought to have Republican candidates adopt the message as well in their campaigns.

CNN: AllPolitics - Ethics Transcript

10. When 17 states decided to adopt the euro first without political union, they got it backward.

WSJ: Gerald O'Driscoll: How the Euro Will End

11. This is not meant to delimit what approaches social researchers can adopt.


12. Professional cooks around the country will adopt a local school.

VOA : special.2010.06.07

13. Now his work created a sensation. It undermined of course traditional claims about the authorship of God and the work of Moses. It's still disputed by conservative groups and Roman Catholic authorities, although Roman Catholic scholars certainly teach it and adopt it.

他的作品引起了轰动,当然,它削弱了传统的关于,摩西是”上帝“这个称呼和《律法》的作者的主张,尽管天主教学者也会接受并传授他的作品,但它仍然在保守派和罗马天主教当局中备受争议。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. Wales will become the first place in the UK to adopt the opt out system.

BBC: BMA calls for fresh debate on rate of organ donation

15. It was gradually adopted by other countries through time and the United States didn't officially adopt it until 1900.

随着时间的流逝,它渐渐被,其它国家所采用,美国直到1900年才正式采用金本位制度。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. Why did the painter ask her to adopt that pose?


17. After the loss of a baby, a husband and wife adopt an older child.

VOA : special.2009.06.12

18. The ASPCA is receiving offers to adopt the animals from other New York residents every day.

CNN: Stranded pets now being rescued

19. There are hundreds of people desperate to adopt a child.


20. Analysts say the country needs to adopt the 2010 budget to resume cooperation with the IMF and pay for natural gas imports from Russia.

VOA : standard.2010.02.14

21. As a physician, I encourage everyone to adopt a healthy lifestyle, including proper diet and exercise.

FORBES: Big Brother Has A New Face, And It's Your Boss

22. And yes, if you adopt the culture completely and integrate into the society completely,

是的,如果你完全适应这里的文化,完全融进这个社会,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 机会之地,伦敦

23. It's in this period that Milton increasingly begins to adopt, or assume, Saint Peter's confident and denunciatory rhetoric.

就是在这段时间弥尔顿越来越接受,去采用,圣彼得的有信心的责难似的语言。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. Netflix illustrates a design principle that any company aspiring to succeed at disruptive innovation must adopt.

FORBES: How Netflix Innovates and Wins

25. Suppose we adopt that version of the body view.

假设我们接受了那个版本的肉体论。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. There was a famous case in the 1970s or '80s, there was a family called Trognon, and a trognon is a cigarette butt, and when they tried to adopt a baby, it would be called, let's say Jean-Philippe Trognon, they said,"oh,no, that baby would be damaged by having such a last name; you don't have the right to adopt this baby."

在上世纪七八十年代有一个出名的案例中,这家人姓特鲁侬,意思是香烟屁股,他们想要领养一个婴儿,取名为,简·菲利佩·特鲁侬,法国人说,不不,取这样一个名字有损于这个婴儿,你们不能领养这个孩子1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. He is encouraging banks to adopt new rules to limit payments to top executives in future crises.

VOA : standard.2010.07.23

28. Mhle says businesses that adopt practices like these are ahead of the curve and that the business climate is changing.

VOA : standard.2009.03.30

29. And I would strongly appeal to other parts of the world to adopt similar instruments for the protection of internally displaced."

VOA : standard.2009.10.23

30. "When people adopt 64-bit computing, no one wants a new engineering environment, " Mitton said.

CNN: AMD takes a different path with Sledgehammer chip

31. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will also be at the U.N.this month, attending a Security Council session expected to adopt a resolution expanding the protection of women in conflict zones.

VOA : standard.2009.09.02

32. It's morally imperative for developing nations to adopt policy that addresses these global change, he said.

CNN: Climate change may displace up to 200 million

33. "I think we have as individuals the right to follow the same policy or to adopt the same way of thinking."

VOA : standard.2009.10.08

34. Mr.Medvedev said he wants to make special mention that potential negative consequences from decisions (to go through with the NATO exercises) will completely and thoroughly be the responsibility of officials who adopt them.

VOA : standard.2009.04.30

35. Well, you can't adopt the policy of "I'm going to wait for this pig to dance " and when it does I'm going to reinforce it" because it's going to take you a very long time.

那么,你就不能说,“我要等这头猪跳舞,然后再对它进行强化“,因为这会花掉你很长的时间。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. His own mother will volunteer to be his nurse, and Pharaoh's daughter will eventually adopt him and name his Moses: again, this is an Egyptian name.

而他的亲身母亲则会自愿当他的奶妈,法老的女儿最终会收养他,给他命名“摩西“,再说一次,这是一个埃及名字。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. But if you find someone who is raw in intelligence exceeds theirs but has 10 years lots of experience then they can probably adopt and learn way quicker.

但还有另外一类人,没什么经验但是智力过人,能够更快地接受和学习新事物。扎克伯格谈Facebook创业过程课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

38. She has an unbounded capacity to imitate and adopt the new.


39. But eventually, they began to uniformly adopt this system of what's called "Octave duplication."

但是最终,人们开始广泛接受这个体系,它被称作"重复八度"聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. "We will ask all states to put in place a plan to adopt and certify standards that are college and career-ready in reading and math."

VOA : standard.2010.02.22

41. From that point of view, of course, if they are leftover embryos, you should adopt them.

NPR: Slate's Human Nature: Leave No Embryo Behind

42. The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) called for other Scottish councils to adopt the project.

BBC: Retail Rocks Aberdeen project 'should be rolled out'

43. He's telling the men to wield forks and knives as well as weapons, and to adopt non-Russian customs, to bring them into Russia.

他叫人们要像熟练挥动武器一样来挥动刀叉,他把那些非俄国的习俗都引了进来,将他们带到了沙俄欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. The genetic couple then gets to choose who they want to adopt their embryos.

NPR: Ethical Balance of Adopting a 'Snowflake' Embryo

45. No doubt most contributory members do not adopt such measures.


46. Nicholas Lardy, an economist and senior fellow at the Washington-based Peterson Institute, says China's unwillingness to adopt derivative loans and other high-risk financial products helped to shield it from the impact of the world economic downturn.

VOA : standard.2009.11.10

47. What's interesting about the Song of the Sea, this poetic fragment in Exodus 15, is that here the Hebrews adopt the language of Canaanite myth and apply it to Yahweh.

关于海之歌那首出现在《出埃及记》15中的残诗,有趣的是,犹太人改编了迦南人的神话,套用在耶和华的身上。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. It's a wonder he didn't explicitly adopt this tragic view of reality earlier on.

WSJ: Bari Weiss: David Mamet's Coming Out Party

49. Cheap fossil fuels are also undermining efforts to develop and adopt renewable energy.

FORBES: Rationing As An Innovation Driver?

50. Benioff had a good idea and then modeled the behavior he hoped others would adopt.

FORBES: Job #1 of a Leader: Show Up

51. They only had the occasion in a kind of formless matter upon which they could adopt and impose any form they took.

他们仅有的是,在一种无形物质中的机遇,在其中他们能采纳,并强加任何他们喜欢的形式。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. Mr Cameron wants to adopt the US proposal of an automatic exchange of tax-related information.

BBC: Europe's push against tax fraud gains momentum

53. Europe is setting itself a deadline to adopt a grand plan to address unemployment.

BBC: Europe is afraid - the battle for new jobs

54. The SEC alone has almost 40 separate rules that it hopes to adopt before year end.

FORBES: Dangers Abound As Financial Reform Goes From Blueprint To Bricks

55. And we just keep kind of--we feel very fortunate to be able to adopt these girls.

NPR: Ethical Balance of Adopting a 'Snowflake' Embryo

56. The startup is often slammed for its struggle to adopt a serious business model.

FORBES: Don't Buy Into Reports The FTC Is Investigating Twitter

57. And then we have it and we try to, you know, adopt it out.

然后她被留下了,我们试着领养她。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 与流浪狗的相遇

58. Employees will adopt your solution in droves when they see it grow alongside them over time.

FORBES: How To Get Employees To (Really) Use New Technology

59. But doctors are seeing people adopt bad habits that can cut their lives short....

VOA : standard.2010.04.08

60. In 1776, Virginia's colonial legislature became the first to adopt a Bill of Rights.

CNN: Wednesday

61. It was illegal--it's still illegal in France to name a baby a name that is not officially approved, absolutely--or even to adopt one.

给婴儿取一个没有被官方认可的名字,是违法的,至今仍是如此,完全不被允许,领养也不行1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

62. France's National Assembly has approved a law allowing same-sex couples to marry and adopt children.

BBC: France gay marriage: National Assembly backs law

63. Central and South American leaders who will attend the summit have been urging the United States to adopt a more open policy toward Cuba.

VOA : standard.2009.04.13

64. The European Commission communication invites member states, in the strongest terms, to adopt the measures.

BBC: 'Victory' for breast implant victims

65. Certainly poor countries should not be made to adopt American or European environmental standards.

ECONOMIST: Local difficulties
















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