feel strongly about是什么意思_feel strongly about短语搭配_feel strongly about权威例句

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feel strongly about

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短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. to feel strongly about 热衷


1. They feel strongly about the matter.


2. Many choose to sponsor causes they feel strongly about.


3. They feel strongly about enforcing the new law.


4. He must feel strongly about whatever people were saying.


5. Of course, caring leaders do more than feel strongly about helping people.


6. Another employee, Haris, says he does not feel strongly about Jackson's death, although he loved listening to his music during his childhood.


7. Nuclear power is another issue that people feel strongly about.


8. Master Huang: Does he feel strongly about keeping it small?


9. Thee relentless back-and-forth in Congress, the courts and state legislatures transfixes the minority of Americans who feel strongly about this issue.


10. They find something they really feel strongly about, and they're usually wildly intelligent people.


11. I think it will discuss a number of key issues but it will also talk about things we feel strongly about.


12. Furthermore, 64% of consumers were willing to pay more than 0% extra for either Coca-Cola or Pepsi Cola given that they contribute to a cause that they feel strongly about.

此外, 64 %的消费者愿意支付超过10%额外费用,无论是可口可乐还是百事可乐因。 他们要为一个事业作出更大贡献使自己感到强烈的影响。

13. So long as I remain alive and well I shall continue to feel strongly about prose style, to love the surface of the earth, and to take a pleasure in solid objects and scraps of useless information.


14. If you're not sure, sort of a mix of hope and concern -- I think that makes "cope" -- mix and match with a heavier weighting with the group you feel more strongly about.


15. So long as I remain alive and well I shall continue to feel strongly about prose style, to love the surface of the earth, and to take a pleasure in solid objects and seraps of useless information.


16. Sometimes parents can feel so strongly about their differences that it may lead to arguments.


17. It's not a scientific survey, since those polled are a self-selected sampling and tend to feel strongly about certain sites, both pro and con.


18. We feel strongly about delivering value to customers and they seem to agree.


19. If you feel strongly enough about it that you want to sign up, copy it.


20. Obviously you feel very strongly about this.


21. Last year, I made a prediction about social media as part of the fundraising mix and I still feel strongly about it.


22. There is no point in supporting causes that you do not feel strongly about or visiting events that are not interesting to you.


23. New data suggest that when employees pursue work that they feel strongly about, and can move their ideas forward within their organization, they are more enthusiastic and productive.


24. If you feel strongly about something, you should spend at least some time trying to understand the other side.


25. Know that you have important things to say and do. When you feel strongly about something, speak loudly and clearly and make eye contact with people. Be yourself.


26. Steepling is important to get your point across that you feel strongly about what you are saying, it is probably the most powerful display of confidence that we possess.


27. Do you feel strongly about a particular problem or issue?


28. There is one exception to this rule, however. When you feel strongly about an item, even if it seems illogical, you go for it.


29. If you feel strongly about something in the moment, that's probably a good sign that you need time to think before trying to communicate it.


30. This is something I feel strongly about.


31. I feel strongly about making sure we have regular recurring meetings, helping to identify new goals for each release cycle to accomplish the long-term roadmap goals.


32. However, he does not feel strongly about the cause, and certainly is not out for glory.

不过, 他并不感到强烈的事业, 而且肯定是不会出来的光彩.《互联网》

33. "I feel strongly about this for a number of reasons," he wrote.


34. The relentless back-and-forth in Congress, the courts and state legislatures transfixes the minority of Americans who feel strongly about this issue.



1. And even though they acted poorly you still feel strongly about them,

即便他们表现得很差,你还是对他们很有感情。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I can't help but 课堂

2. Yet the outreach efforts by Clinton and Obama should serve as an example to all Democratic officeholders that ignoring voters who feel strongly about their faith, and also public policy, will continue to lead to losses.

CNN: Commentary: Democrats finally getting religion on religion

3. And I feel strongly about the obligation to make the world a more peaceful place.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | President Bush Wants to Liberate Iraq, But the UN Security Council Does Not

4. And that probably hasn't helped the Western cause at all because there will be Afghans who feel strongly about the fact that their relatives have been killed.

BBC: Defence correspondent, BBC News

5. "The extremists feel strongly about what is happening in Syria they feel strengthened by what is happening in the Arab world, " said Mr. Attiyah.

WSJ: Violence Kills Scores in Iraq

6. Finally, it looks as if people who feel strongly about Europe who tend to be Eurosceptics are more likely to vote in these elections.

ECONOMIST: This time it matters

7. We feel very strongly about the legal foundation for the course of action the President took.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

8. "We're talking about the future head of state and I think people in Wales feel very strongly about the Prince of Wales and I think, logically, and in fairness, there should be a Princess of Wales in future if the heir to the throne is a woman, " he told BBC Wales.

BBC: Wales

9. Another thing visitors to Dollywood feel strongly about is God.

ECONOMIST: What the Backwoods Barbie's theme park says about America

10. Again, this may help explain why so many people feel so strongly about the issue.

BBC: France's gay marriage fight

11. Some of those are families of union members but some are those who have been affected by the cuts and feel strongly about it and contacted us.

BBC: Wales TUC joins anti-cuts protest in London

12. Even if not all politicians feel so strongly about this, they suspect (rightly) that voters do so.

FORBES: Holy Scripture and the Welfare State

13. It is a hard decision, but one we feel strongly about.

FORBES: Uber Goes Back To Higher-Fare Surge Pricing For NYC Post-Sandy, E-Mail Explains Why

14. All of our restaurants are owned by franchisees with very strong ties to their locales, and they feel strongly about to giving back.

FORBES: IHOP's Natalia Franco On National Pancake Day And Free Pancakes

15. The clear moral of this tale is that shareholders should require those they hire to run their firms to be Trappists certainly when it comes to controversial topics unrelated to the company's activities, and which customers may feel strongly about, but perhaps in general.

ECONOMIST: Business.view: Silence is golden | The

16. Chinese consumers like Japanese technology, but feel strongly about the territorial dispute that is playing out in the East China Sea.

FORBES: Winners And Losers In China's Passenger Car Industry

17. If they want to gain critical mass, I think they need to really come up with a few key items that they feel strongly about and communicate it more effectively.

FORBES: Is Occupy Wall Street For Real?

18. That's why we will have more directly-elected Mayors, and will legislate to create Citizens' Initiatives giving people a new power to get local referendums on issues they feel strongly about.

BBC: Cameron's data speech in full

19. But it leaves out three major components that I feel strongly about - one is jobs, one is energy and one is this mortgage crisis.

NPR: Despite Polls, Hillary Clinton Is Optimistic About S.C.

20. "I don't think we lost as much as we gained, and I feel strongly about that, " she said.

CNN: The Challenger disaster's teachable moment

21. If the American people feel strongly about these issues and they push hard, and they reward or don't reward members of Congress with their votes, if they reject sort of uncompromising positions or sharp partisanship or always looking out for the next election, and they reward folks who are trying to find common ground, then I think you'll see behavior in Congress change.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a News Conference

22. But most men who wear suits feel strongly about them, she says.

FORBES: Herms Designer: No Such Thing As A Bad Suit

23. And if members of Congress on some of these issues that they feel strongly about want a debate on some of these issues, then they should write a bill and it should be debated in the House or the Senate accordingly.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

24. But you feel strongly about them, like, you really love them.

但实际上你觉得他们是你生命中重要的人,你是爱他们的。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I don't care课堂

25. you still feel strongly about them in your heart.

你在心里还是爱他们的。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I can't help but 课堂

26. People feel quite strongly about what their digital face to the world looks like.

FORBES: Facebook Timeline Has Inspired Hilarious YouTube Rants

27. You say, this is what I feel strongly about.

你觉得这是你有强烈感觉的事情,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : It's important 课堂

28. "I'm announcing today a change of heart on an issue that a lot of people feel strongly about that has to do with gay couples' opportunity to marry, " Portman told CNN.


29. "I've always felt as a coach that you have to push your team,". "And they pushed themselves and I really feel strongly that this is about them.

VOA : standard.2009.12.24

30. But families that feel strongly about trick or treating can find a safe way to do it, and that involves going to homes they know.

CNN: Kate Kelly: Halloween safety

31. What we have said and feel very strongly about is we need to take action on the debt ceiling.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

32. It's something I feel strongly about - these things should be written in stone, as they are with players.

BBC: Ask Steve Claridge

33. Bill Frist, R-Tennessee, announced his support for tightly limited embryonic stem-cell research, a spokesman for Kerry said the senator felt it was important to make it clear to the White House there were more than just a handful of senators who feel strongly about the issue.

CNN: 61 senators urge Bush to OK stem-cell funding

34. And I believe I am, and I'm going to make that case, and at some point it will either be accepted or it won't be, but I feel strongly about making it.

CNN: Sources: Senate superdelegates will throw support to Obama

35. "I think the issues I feel really strongly about are the ones simply dealing with morality, " said junior Mike Barrera.

CNN: U: The hot issues for Nebraska students

36. and that you don't feel strongly about it.

又或者你不是非得到不可。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I don't care课堂





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