
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [nəʊ]play美 [noʊ]play

  • v. 知道;认识到,懂得;熟悉,了解;确信,确定;把……看作是;将……称为;认出,辨认出;能区分;精通,掌握;经历,体验

第三人称单数 knows 现在分词 knowing 过去式 knew 过去分词 known

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



know /nəʊ/ CET4 TEM4 [ knowing knew known knows ]

  • 1.
    及物动词/不及物动词 If you know a fact, a piece of information, or an answer, you have it correctly in your mind. 知道

    I don't know the name of the place.



    "People like doing things for nothing."—"I know they do."



    I don't know what happened to her husband.



    "How did he meet your mother?" —"I don't know."

    “他是怎么遇到你母亲的?” —“我不知道。”

  • 2.
    及物动词 If you know someone, you are familiar with them because you have met them and talked to them before. 认识

    Gifford was a friend. I'd known him for nine years.


  • 3.
    不及物动词 If you say that you know of something, you mean that you have heard about it but you do not necessarily have a lot of information about it. 听说过

    We know of the incident but have no further details.



    The president admitted that he did not know of any rebels having surrendered so far.


  • 4.
    不及物动词 If you know about a subject, you have studied it or taken an interest in it, and understand part or all of it. 了解

    Hire someone with experience, someone who knows about real estate.



    She didn't know anything about music.


  • 5.
    及物动词 If you know a language, you have learned it and can understand it. 懂 (某种语言)

    It helps to know French and Creole if you want to understand some of the lyrics.


  • 6.
    及物动词 If you know something such as a place, a work of art, or an idea, you have visited it, seen it, read it, or heard about it, and so you are familiar with it. 熟悉

    No matter how well you know this city, it is easy to get lost.


  • 7.
    及物动词 If you know how to do something, you have the necessary skills and knowledge to do it. 知道

    The health authorities now know how to deal with the disease.


  • 8.
    及物动词 You can say that someone knows that something is happening when they become aware of it. 意识到

    Then I saw a gun under the hall table so I knew that something was wrong.


  • 9.
    及物动词 If you know something or someone, you recognize them when you see them or hear them. 辨认出

    Would she know you if she saw you on the street?


  • 10.
    及物动词 If someone or something is known as a particular name, they are called by that name. 把…称作

    The disease is more commonly known as Mad Cow Disease.



    ...Peter and his wife Antonella (also known as Tony).


  • 11.
    及物动词 If you know someone or something as a person or thing that has particular qualities, you consider that they have those qualities. 认为

    Lots of people know her as a very kind woman.


  • 12.
    →see also   knowing known



  • adj.

    known 已知的;知名的;大家知道的

    knowing 博学的;狡猾的;心照不宣的

    knowable 可知的;能认识的;易知的

  • n.

    knowing 认知

    knower 认识者;理解者

  • v.

    known 知道(know的过去分词)

    knowing 知道;认识;确信(know的ing形式)



know recognize 【导航词义:认出】

know v. 认出

〔辨析〕 指辨认出某人或某物,强调辨认、区分的能力。

例1: It had been so long, I hardly knew her any more.


例2: I couldn't see who was speaking, but I knew the voice.


recognize v. 认出,辨认出

〔辨析〕 指认出原先见过、听过、经历过的人或事物。

例1: You've changed a lot. I can hardly recognize you.


例2: He walked along in the shadows, hoping no one would recognize him.



1. You Know 你知道 ; 你要知道 ; 你了解 ; 我说

2. I know 我知道 ; 水瓶座 ; 我晓得

3. know nothing adj. 不可知论的

4. as you know 如你所知;正如你知道的

5. don't you know [口语][用作插入语]你也知道;你是知道的,不是吗?

6. let you know 让你知道

7. know of 知道,了解…;听说过…

8. get to know 了解;认识

9. how do you know 你怎么知道

10. know-how 专有技术 ; 过程性知识 ; 技术

11. And I know 我知道 ; 而我知道 ; 那里有和平安宁 ; 但我知道

12. know about 了解,知道……的情况;知道关于

13. Know thyself 认识你自己 ; 知己知彼 ; 认识自己 ; 了解你自己

14. How Do You Know 你怎么知道 ; 你怎知道 ; 爱的可能

15. know better 有头脑;明事理;不会上当

16. I know for sure 我心里明白 ; 我会思念你 ; 我知道 ; 我会怀念你

17. don't know 我想不明白

18. did you know 你知道吗

19. as we know 众所周知

20. right to know 知情权 ; 知的权利 ; 知晓权

21. know as 称为

22. know nothing about 一无所知

23. know how 秘诀;专门技术

24. U-KNOW 瑜卤允浩 ; 郑允浩 ; 允浩 ; 东方神起

25. as we all know 众所周知;正如我们所知

26. know from 区别于…

27. know what it is ◎知道是怎么回事,深知其中滋味

28. in the know 知情的;消息灵通的

29. because i know 因为我知道


1. Let Mongolian be known by the world, let Mongolian head for all over the world.

让世界了解蒙古民族, 让蒙古民族走向世界.《期刊摘选》

2. Do you know your ABC?


3. I know you did it ─ I just want to know why.


4. How well do you know Carla?


5. I know that this was truly our Guardian On The Road

我确信那就是我们的 “ 路边天使 ”《期刊摘选》

6. We are a country that cherishes our right to know the truth.


7. It was gratifying to be in the know about important people...


8. They don't know their rights.


9. I'm dying to know what happened.


10. How could somebody who had been there for five weeks, tell the person who had the title “President” that he didn’t really know what he was talking about! And it was a special moment

一个刚在大学里待了五周的人居然能对头衔为“校长”的人说他并不真正了解自己所谈论的内容。这一刻十分特别。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

11. Second, we have to control the attacker's activity without them knowing their actions are being controlled.

其次, 我们必须在攻击者不知情的情况下控制攻击者的活动.《期刊摘选》

12. He professed that he knew nothing about the plot.


13. A personage of know the inside story discloses.


14. I do know if you can manufacture at these dimensions it's fundamentally enabling capability.


15. The problem was that I barely knew anything about 3D printing, and I had only nine months to figure out how to print five fashionable looks.

但问题是那时我对 3D 打印技术一点都不了解,而我只有九个月的时间来设法完成五件时装作品。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

16. I don't know how this happened.


17. Even without knowing what was in the messages, the knowledge of who sent them and to whom was enormously revealing and still could be.

即使不了解信息的具体内容,但其发送者及以及接收者的(身份)信息在极大程度上也会透露内情,且这种情况仍会继续《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

18. This is the limit to which you have the right to know us.


19. The Americans already have a phrase: The Right to Know.

美国人已有了一种说法,那就是: 知情权.《期刊摘选》

20. The personal record file citizen lacks right to know and so on questions.


21. Do you two know each other (= have you met before) ?


22. The first part expatiates concept, classification and kinds that the right to know.

第一部分阐述知情权的概念 、 分类及性质.《期刊摘选》

23. It was after he married he got to know Mary.


24. Get to know the other side

了解对方。《17年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

25. Somebody in the know told me he's going to resign.


26. "I don't know," she said fiercely.


27. It will be good to have someone around who I know.

有个认识的人在旁边很好。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

28. I know him, but not very well.

我跟他认识倒认认识, 就是不太熟.《现代汉英综合大词典》

29. I don't know what you're on about.


30. And I think once they are convinced you will know it.


31. The UN wanted credibility in the ability go after anybody against who knows a reasonable case.


32. You are excused for not knowing it.


33. If they take you on, tell them you know a friend who’d be really good, too

如果他们录用了你,请告诉他们你认识一位也很棒的朋友。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

34. There were a whole lot of people I didn't know.


35. Mary only seems standoffish; once you get to know her, she is nice.

玛丽只是看起来冷漠; 一旦你认识她, 她人很好的.《辞典例句》

36. She said hi with the blithe assurance of someone who knew how much she'd been missed.


37. There is no shortage of people in the know about this.


38. From the lack of surprise on Niemand's face, Graham felt sure he had known.

尼曼德的脸上毫无惊诧之态, 格雷厄姆确信他已知情.《英汉非文学 - 科幻》

39. Gordon: I reckon you're smartest person I know.

戈登: 我认为你是我认识的人中最聪明的.《期刊摘选》

40. Becks hasn't changed since I've known him. He's always been a Cockney git.

自从我认识他以来,小贝从来没有改变过. 他一直就是个光芒四射的伦敦饭桶.《期刊摘选》

41. Most of us know her as the woman who used to present the television news...


42. So he should know.

因此他应该了解情况。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

43. Hire someone with experience, someone who knows about real estate...


44. If you know you are correct, then you aren't.

如果你确信你是对的, 那么你就是错的.《期刊摘选》

45. You know Molly's pissed at you.


46. Perhaps that is why we explore the starry skies, as if answering a primal calling to know ourselves and our true ancestral homes.

或许这就是我们要探索星空的原因,就好像是在回应一个原始召唤,即了解我们自己和我们的祖先的真正家园。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

47. So that shareholders have the right to know, to maintain market stability.

让股民有知情权, 保持市场稳定.《期刊摘选》

48. The intimate nature of genuine criticism implies something about who is able to give it, namely, someone who knows you well enough to show you how your mental life is getting in the way of good writing.

真挚的批评,其固有本质暗示了什么样的人才能够给予这样的批评,那就是对作者足够了解,能指明作者的心理活动在如何阻碍其写出好作品的人。《15年12月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

49. You have to know how to handle yourself in this business.


50. He was born as John Birks Gillespie, but everyone knew him as Dizzy...


51. You wouldn't know him.


52. These problems are all in your mind, you know.


53. Most jewelers and consumers know and accept this.


54. The new neighbours were getting to know each other...


55. If you must move, don't follow a stream unless you know it, and in that case, you are not lost

如果必须移动,则不要跟随溪流的方向,除非你认识它,那样你就不会迷路。《17年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

56. I thought I knew the voice.


57. I didn't know how much to bring.


58. She didn't know anything about music but she liked to sing.


59. Here are some of the important proposals in the  House and Senate bills to try to address those problems, and why it is hard to know how well they will work.

下面让我们看看上述参众两院的两项议案中一些意图解决上述问题的重要计划方案,了解一下为什么难以知晓这些计划方案效果如何。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

60. Rachel already knows as many words in German as she does in English...


61. What if I don't know anyone?

如果我一个人也不认识 怎么办 ?《期刊摘选》

62. Maybe it has done and I don't know.


63. I don't know how you can say things like that.


64. How did you come to know him?

你怎么会认识他的 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

65. I'll have a think and let you know tomorrow.


66. Put your hand up if you know the answer.


67. If I go to a grocer I know and trust, I can safely assume the eggs will be fresh.


68. I know thee, Hester, for I behold the token.

我可认识你, 海丝特, 因为我看见了那个标记.《期刊摘选》

69. Are you sure you know the way, Marian?

“你确信你知道路吗, 玛丽安? ”.《期刊摘选》

70. What difference will it make if he knows or not?


71. Quit acting like you didn't know.


72. You don't know the facts, so keep your mouth shut!

你不了解情况, 别多嘴!《现代汉英综合大词典》

73. What does the woman want to know about the man?.

女士想了解男士的什么?。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

74. That her reproductive organs also know best may come as more of a surprise.


75. You know how prickly she is.


76. Do you two know each other?...


77. The other sections you should get to know are the frozen foods and the canned goods.

你需要了解的还有冷冻食品和罐头食品。《15年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

78. Do you know if he's married?


79. He was convinced that doctors and dentists knew best.


80. Do you know how to work the coffee machine?


81. She loved learning about the success of people she knew when she was just a teenager.

她喜欢知道她十几岁时就认识的那些人的成就。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

82. Persons in the know also revealed some malpractices at the fair.


83. I know somewhere we can go.


84. I know him to have been a promising student of intelligence and ability.


85. Does he know to come here first?


86. I don't know how she puts up with him.


87. A friend who is in the know says she already left the country.


88. Does everybody know what they want?


89. W: There aren’t any interpreters I know who don’t have professional qualifications and training.

女:我认识的口译员没有不具备专业资格并经过训练的。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

90. Lots of sports he knew made their living at this game, and a good living, too.

他认识的很多赌徒就是以此为生的, 而且还过得很不错呢.《英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹》

91. He's really very human when you get to know him.


92. We know that pilfering goes on.


93. We hardly know each other.


94. Very few people know that.


95. The health authorities now know how to deal with the disease...


96. It helps to know French and Creole if you want to understand some of the lyrics...


97. No matter how well you know Paris, it is easy to get lost...


98. I don't know what to say.


99. I know that this is a bad time to ask for help.


100. But then, as you get to know the person, that's the lyrics are underneath.

歌词, 是继曲调的喜爱之后进而吸引人深入认识的所在.《期刊摘选》

101. I grew up knowing I was different and I hated it.


102. He planned to end the welfare system as we know it.


103. I know she's honest and reliable.


104. The disease is more commonly known as Mad Cow Disease...


105. After all, if everyone you know is going to college in the full, it seems silly to stay back a year, doesn't it?

你认识的每个人都在秋季上大学的话,推迟一年上大学就会显得有些愚蠢,难道不是吗?《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

106. We are sure that you know very well the advantages of representations.


107. No comment. I don't know anything.


108. I don’t know much about song writers

我对作曲家的了解不多。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

109. A person may become unconscious and unconscious, not knowing what is happening.

病人可能会失去意识, 对周围发生的事情毫不知情.《期刊摘选》

110. Do you know Pete? He's hilarious.


111. I don't know the name of the place...


112. She knows zilch about the fact that his husband failed in the business.


113. She didn't know what life in a foreign country would be like.


114. You must know him ─ he's an institution around here!


115. Only you're the devil we know.


116. Pakistan High Commissioner in London, Hassan said that they knew nothing about the terrorist attacks.


117. INTIMATE Although my brother knew many people, he had few intimate friends.

虽然我兄弟认识许多人, 但亲密的朋友却很少.《期刊摘选》

118. I know nothing about this.


119. Censorship deprives us of the right to know the truth.


120. You'll like her once you get to know her.


121. After reading this book you should know the answer instantly, do you?

在看过你应该立即知道答案的这一本书之后, 你确信了 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

122. When I hear it's river flow, then I surely know this is where I belong.

哦,当我听到那流动的河水, 那我确信这就是属于我的地方.《期刊摘选》

123. She of all people should know the answer to that.


124. I don't know the play, I've just come to see it.


125. If you can speak the language, it’s easier to get to know the country and its people.

如果你会讲当地的语言,就更容易了解这个国家和那里的人民。《15年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

126. Grass by the roadside, watched you and knew nothing away.

在路旁草丛里, 目送你毫不知情地远去.《期刊摘选》

127. I found out from him that he knew the subject thoroughly.


128. If you should change your mind, do let me know.


129. But the one thing we know for sure is that with each advance in globalization and the I.T. revolution, the best jobs will require workers to have more and better education to make themselves above average.

但我们确信无疑的是,全球化和信息技术革命每前进一步,最佳岗位都会要求工人接受更多、更优质的教育,从而使他们从常人中脱颖而出。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

130. I'm not stupid, you know.


131. I was convinced that he knew the truth.


132. I'd really like to see you again and get to know you better.


133. I don't quite know what to do next.


134. As James Fowler, professor of medical genetics at UC San Diego, says, Most people do not even know their fourth cousins but somehow manage to select as friends the people who resemble our kin.

正如加州大学圣地亚哥分校的遗传医学教授詹姆斯·福勒所说,“大多数人甚至不了解他们的第四代表亲,却不知因何会选择和好像亲属的人结交朋友。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

135. Jack is convinced that someone knows they are there.


136. We know her to be honest.


137. We know of the incident but have no further details...


138. Then I saw a gun under the hall table so I knew that something was wrong...


139. The first I knew about it was when I woke up in the ambulance.


140. 'Who's he?' — 'God knows.'


141. One needs the designers, and perhaps the regulators , before the builders and operators, and each group of workers in training has to know there is work waiting beyond graduation.

在需要建筑者和操作员之前,可能最先需要一位设计师或管理者,而且每一组接受培训的工人都需要了解在毕业之后有工作等着他们。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

142. She is best known for her work on the human brain.


143. What does Dana say about the interpreters she knows?.

关于Dana 认识的口译员,她说了什么?。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

144. People who did not know him would think of him as a instant noodle maker.


145. Life isn't like in the movies, you know.


146. I've known David for 20 years.


147. ...those values of our culture that are essential to civilisation as we know it.


148. I know that you led a rifle platoon during the Second World War...


149. Gifford was a friend. I'd known him for nine years...


150. Old Gunga spoke God knows how many languages...


151. He takes crucial decisions without consulting people in the know.


152. Do you know his address?


153. We know what to do to make it work.


154. Don't you dishonour their memories by pretending you didn't know!


155. You know I'll always be there for you.


156. On this latter point he felt almost certain, knowing her freedom from levity of character.

这后一点他简直确信不疑, 因为他了解她的性格绝不是轻浮的.《辞典例句》

157. The right of informedconsent consists of the right to know and the right to agree.


158. She's very nice when you get to know her.


159. Lots of people know her as a very kind woman...


160. She didn't know anything about music.


161. Susan made believe not to know anything about the matter.


162. He didn't know how to begin.


163. Iago . Even he, sir; did you know him?

伊阿古正是他, 先生.你认识他 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

164. The president admitted that he did not know of any rebels having surrendered so far...


165. This would be an environment in which teachers and students actually knew each other.

在这样的环境下,教师和学生才可能真正相互了解。《16年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

166. One of the astonishing revelations was how little Rebekah Brooks knew of what went on in her newsroom, how little she thought to ask and the fact that she never inquired how the stories arrived.

其中令人震惊的一个发现是丽贝卡·布鲁克斯对发生在她的新闻编辑部的事情几乎毫不知情,她几乎不询问相关内容,也从来不过问这些新闻是如何得来的。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

167. Children can be difficult as we know only too well.


168. Mm, I know what you mean.


169. I'm sure I don't know. Cook tossed her head.


170. She doesn't know diddly about it.


171. Some people don't know when they're well off.


172. We know them as inaccurate and misleading property descriptions...


173. To help ourselves and others, it’s important to know something about drugs.

为了帮助我们自己和他人,了解一些关于毒品的知识是很重要的。《15年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

174. Serena: Well , you can't be worse than the guys I do know.

至少, 你比我认识的那些男生强.《期刊摘选》

175. When you've be particular places, That you know you've never been before, Can you be sure?

当你到了一个地方, 你知道自己以前从未来过这个地方, 你真的确信不疑 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

176. You know who I'm referring to.


177. I don't know what to make of the new manager.


178. Would she know you if she saw you on the street?...


179. The soldiers — all of whom we knew as neighbours — stood around pointing guns at us.


180. Knowing Ben , we could be waiting a long time (= it is typical of him to be late) .


181. Let me know if you have any problems.


182. Flack said it was too early to know whether the benefits of plentiful food outweighed the risks of feeding on landfills.

Flack 说现在下定论还太早,我们尚不了解充足的食物带来的好处是否大于在垃圾填埋场觅食的危险。《17年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

183. She's said to be very beautiful by people she ought to know.


184. One is quite sure that you know all about this.


185. You know about Andy, don't you?


186. I didn't know he was gay.


187. He knew (that) he could trust her.


188. I don't know anyone called Scott.


189. If we know female job screeners are more likely to reject attractive female applicants, we can help

screeners understand their biases-or hire outside screeners.如果我们知道,女性招聘官更可能拒绝有魅力的女求职者,就可以帮助招聘官们认识自己的偏见——或是聘请外部招聘官。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》


1. Yes, I know.


2. See, if you know the Periodic Table then you know where elements are relative to one another.

如果你足够熟悉元素周期表,你可以知道,任何元素与另外元素的关系。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

3. "I was ashamed, too shy to tell him I didn't know how to pray, " Leuco wrote.

CNN: The 'cold call' Pope rings again

4. Some people might not have firm plans yet for New Year's Eve, but others know exactly what they will be doing.

VOA : special.2009.12.28

5. Rudolf found it hard to believe that there was someone in the world who did not know what violin was.

VOA : special.2010.05.08

6. Hamas, as we know, is listed as a terrorist group by the West and Israel.

NPR: Gaza Cease-Fire Disrupted by Gun Battle

7. I don't know. It's a rental.


8. Since what we want to know is whether the soul is immortal, how do we know it can't break.

既然我们想知道,灵魂是否不朽,我们怎么知道它会不会破裂呢。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. We can all talk about the 200 friends we know, or the 2, 000 friends we know.

NPR: Women Of Color Lag Behind In Wealth

10. What I do is I always know who I am writing for, I always know the ensemble or the soloist.

VOA : special.2010.07.12

11. Depending on what kind of chemistry you go in to, you might accidentally memorize parts of the table, which is fine, but what you really want to know how to do is know how to use the periodic table.

取决于你今后从事哪个方向的化学研究,你可能会不经意地记住周期表的某一部分,这就够了,但是要注意,你真正需要知道的是如何使用元素周期表。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

12. And indeed you know falling into despair is sometimes a c .... comfortable option.

BBC: Rocky times

13. Okay. I know one person in the department who is one of the most connected people I know on earth.

好的,我认识系里的一个人,他是我认识的人中连接性最强的人。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. "Where he is next season, I don't know, it's not for us to say, " he said.

BBC: Tosh tips Hennessey for the top

15. Much of the jazz world doesn't quite know what to make of Marco Benevento.

NPR: Marco Benevento: Jazz Not Jazz

16. He didn't know where the gloves came from or who had written those words.

CNN: 9/11 museum: Tragedy turns the mundane into memorial

17. John Glenn, the former astronaut who was then a senator from Ohio, put it this way: "I know the Great Lakes.

VOA : special.2009.01.05

18. Nanthachai Tubtimsuwan wants to know about the history of the Statue of Liberty, one of the most famous statues in America.

VOA : special.2010.09.17

19. And you know, um, what I'm doing in health I think is extremely important.

BBC: Rocky times

20. "You know, the judge sentenced me here, so my first thoughts were kinda, you know,uh,this is kinda, Shakespeare's not my thing.

VOA : special.2010.06.03

21. Well, probably you want to know some of it but you might not want to know all of it right?

可能你只希望知道其中一些,而不想全部都知道生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. You no longer need to know HTML, the computer publishing language, to build a basic site.

FORBES: Better Late Than Never

23. I don't tattle, you know.


24. You will hardly know who I am or what I mean, But I shall be good health to you nevertheless.

VOA : special.2009.04.12

25. We know their dream; enough ; To know they dreamed and are dead; And what if excess of love Bewildered them till they died?

我们知道他们的梦,他们曾梦过,死了;,在他们死前就算过多的爱,曾使他们困惑,又怎样呢?现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. Another problem: How do they know that money causes meanness, and not the other way around?

FORBES: Study: More Money Makes Managers Meaner

27. Because you never know: This might be the year that nature takes a sabbatical.

NPR: Morel Satisfaction: Stalking the Wild Mushroom

28. We have degrees, we have jobs, we have nice cars, we have, you know, nice homes.

NPR: Women Of Color Lag Behind In Wealth

29. I don't know. Who?


30. All you have to know is that politicians like to spend other peoples money.

FORBES: Rothify now

31. That is all I know." Here is Billie Holiday singing a popular song of the Nineteen thirties, "More Than You Know."

VOA : special.2010.02.28

32. The interviewer wants to know if the person understands the demands of life as a medical student and doctor in training.

VOA : special.2009.06.02

33. One easy precaution is to make sure you know where your oysters come from.

FORBES: A Giant Shucking Sound

34. There is little question that people living in America should know how to speak English.

CNN: Why it's good to speak Spanish in America

35. Interaction of a slow-paced kind: if you really wish to know a country, walk it.

BBC: Northern Spain's Camino de Santiago 2010

36. You know from experience if you've ever mixed them to make salad dressing, they don't mix too well. And you may know that if you heat them up, they mix much better.

经验告诉我们,你无法把它们混合做成色拉酱调料,他们不会很好的混合,但是你也知道,如果我们把他们加热,就能够混合的更好。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

37. So, as so far I know, you're dying to know about midterm and final and those wretched things.

现在我估计,你们都特别想知道关于,那些期中期末之类的破事1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. Soon there will again be one independent Motorola the one most know little about.

FORBES: The Other Motorola

39. I know what's bothering you.


40. - "She lived unknown and few could know"-- how can she be unknown if few know anything about her?

她不为人知地活着,鲜有人知道她“,如果有任何人知道关于她的任何事情,又怎么能说他不为人知呢?文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. why,when we do not sleep, we do not function well. We just do not know much about sleep at all."

VOA : special.2009.08.26

42. So I think this is a chance for them to know more about China, what China is really like.

VOA : special.2010.02.04

43. Consumer companies have an advantage in surveys like this, because people know their names.

FORBES: The Best Corporate Citizens

44. But it's a lot easier than picking up trash, you know,and doing that, so,you know,I gave it a try."

VOA : special.2010.06.03

45. If you don't know why you're about to eat cake like that you will soon, but you know this.

如果你现在还不知道为什么将要吃到那样的蛋糕,很快就会知道的,你清楚这一点。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

46. But we might safely assume by now that Kim and his circle know that, too.

FORBES: Try Real 'Change' Toward North Korea

47. It's very simple. It's this: if I know what I'm doing, it is almost inevitably the case that you would know also.

实际上十分简单:,如果我知道我创作的是什么,那么你很可能也知道我创作的内涵。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

48. That, you know, these infections do occur in that area in heterosexuals as well.

NPR: Tracking a New Strain of Drug-Resistant Staph

49. We know she was dropped off near the Iraqi-Islamic Party offices in Western Baghdad.

NPR: latest news

50. They know it's wrong to steal and burn down a CVS and an old persons' home.

CNN: Calling people 'thugs' solves nothing

51. The sex life of morels is mysterious, but we know that they are necrophiles.

NPR: Morel Satisfaction: Stalking the Wild Mushroom

52. Weak collaboration, as Andy and Nick put it, involves only those people you know.

FORBES: Come On Now, Hit 'Submit'

53. Didn't I know anything about turn about to right, but now I think I know enough to amuse them and to entertain them.

我从前从不知道这些东西,但现在我已经学的足够多,足够引起他们的兴趣了。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

54. Mr. TAYLOR: That's really a thrill when someone like that picks up your song, you know?

NPR: James Taylor Gets Ready for Summer Tour

55. The very fact that I need to know it in particular is what makes me need to know it negatively.

认识一件事物需要知道,它不是什么。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. We're asking around for possible details and will let you know if we hear more.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

57. I don't know what that dream we're going to dream together is when we read that novel. I don't know what that'll be.

我不知道当我们一起读那部小说的时候,我们将会一起做个什么样的梦,我不知道。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. But certainly we do know that debt is a major issue in this country.

NPR: Women Of Color Lag Behind In Wealth

59. because there's, I don't know what to say, over 50, 60 colleges, you know, that are recognizable in California

因为在加州有,我不知道怎么说,有五六十多所众所周知的大学,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 加州的大学

60. Many people who come to Las Vegas in hopes of winning lots of money do not know when to stop gambling.

VOA : special.2010.03.14

61. Change the accounting rules drastically and most corporate earnings as we now know them could disappear.

FORBES: Why Everybody's Jumping On The Accountants These Days

62. If they are spending time on something, they want to know it s well used.

FORBES: Retirement With A Purpose

63. I know only that the body was buried near the cabin, next to the burial place of his wife.

VOA : special.2009.10.31

64. Common knowledge is: "I know something, you know it, you know that I know it, I know that you know it, I know that you know that I know it, etc., etc. etc.: an infinite sequence.

共同知识是指,我知道一件事,你也知道这件事,你知道我知道这件事,我也知道你知道这件事,我知道你知道我知道这件事,以此类推,一个无限的循环博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

65. It's in the public interest for people to know what the police did and what happened.

BBC: The inquest that may never be



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