free of tax翻译_free of tax短语搭配_free of tax权威例句

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free of tax


英 [friː ɒv tæks]play 美 [friː əv tæks]play

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1. free of income tax 税收 免所得税 ; 船方不负责所得税

2. fot free of tax 卡车上交货

3. free of income-tax 出租人不负担


1. Critics have accused FIFA of reaping most of the profits, including all the broadcasting and marketing rights-tax free.


2. The enterprises are driven by the internal motivation of maximizing the after-tax interest, which contradicts with the compulsory and free nature of tax revenue. Accordingly, it follows the fact that the enterprise is facing an inevitable tax risk.


3. The compulsory and free characteristics of tax objectively decide that tax payment is a rigid cash expenditure of enterprises, and tax becomes an important factor that influences enterprise financial management decision-making. Then it is an inherent demand of rational economic man to reduce tax burden.


4. Mr Putin signed the resolution late on Wednesday, cutting from 101 to 12 a list of organisations allowed to make and receive grant payments free of tax.


5. Tax free shopping, more than ever, has become an integral part of the Christmas strategy for retailers.


6. The scientific and educational supplies imported free of tax by colleges and universities ( including medical colleges) and scientific research institutes


7. A brainchild of the ruling al-Maktoum family, the DIFC is a tax-free zone for wholesale financial services.


8. In 2010 nearly 4m of them got $250 tax-free rebates to help pay for drugs.


9. Private funding of universities is rare in germany . this comes from the country \ ' s lack of a donating tradition and rules limiting the amounts of tax - free donations.


10. There are plenty of other benefits, too; it doesn't charge city tax; it has both air conditioning and a heater for the rooms; it also has free Wi-Fi in every room.


11. A payment of 30000 free of tax


12. Say, fee tax is two different categories, shown as mainly they strictly, It is that the paid native of the characteristic is different from free quality of the tax revenue that the ones that charge are benefited;


13. This benefit is free of tax under current legislation.


14. A personal allowance is the amount each individual can earn in a year free of tax.


15. While the charge isn’t strictly a tax, the alternative is (from the recipient’s point of view) tax free.


16. Basic foodstuffs are free of tax.

生活必需食品是免税的。《provided by jukuu》

17. And the savings are free of tax.


18. Even though voters want tax reductions, they were skeptical of a scheme that sounded so much like a free lunch.


19. The state's former Director - General of Police told The Daily Telegraph families wanted their daughters to marry civil servants because they know they will take home high, tax-free bribe payments.


20. He spoke of an idea for a tourist town near the Tunisian border, a tax - and visa-free zone like those in Aqaba and Dubai.


21. A personal allowance is the amount each individual can earn in a year free of tax.


22. You can seek higher yields among corporate bonds and tax-free municipals, which involve varying degrees of extra risk.


23. Prosecco fizzes rather than foams and so, to the chagrin of German bubbly-makers, is deemed to be a tax-free Perlwein, not a Schaumwein.

普罗赛克嘶嘶冒气而不起泡,因此被视为免税的 Perlwein,而不是 Schaumwein,这让德国的香槟酒制造商感到懊恼。

24. Such payments are free of capital gains tax.

这种支付款项可免交资本收益税。《provided by jukuu》

25. Such as general tax or free of tax.


26. If you manage a financial planning firm you could partner with the American Association of Retired Persons and provide free tax consultations at the local library.


27. The newly unemployed should be given more help by reversing cuts in Jobcentre Plus staff, increasing statutory redundancy pay and lifting the amount of redundancy pay that can be taken tax-free.

削减就业中心(Jobcentre Plus)职员的举措应当停止并转而增加职员,以向新的失业者提供更多帮助。 帮助失业者的措施还应包括提高法定遣散费和提高遣散费的可免税部分金额。

28. JOHN: Well, it is different in different countries. But it's because of the high tax that buying liquor duty-free is such a good deal.


29. Such as general tax or free of tax.


30. That's "cash on delivery." While the charge isn't strictly a tax, the alternative is (from the recipient's point of view) tax free.


31. Article 26 An enterprise's following incomes of shall be tax-free ones.


32. Therefore, a suggestion according to the comparison among the countries is made: Duty free of added value tax should be controled to a minimum;


33. The Economic Analysis of the Duty Free of Value Added Tax


34. These goods are free of tax.


35. Contribute to a Roth IRA to the maximum every year you can because, hopefully, eventually you will earn too much to contribute and you'll want to take advantage of tax-free growth while you can.


36. America's wealthy fly their children to summer camp in tax-free private jets amid a real rate of unemployment of over fifteen per cent.


37. US companies have been able to spin off significant shareholdings and other assets free of tax provided they place them in a new company along with ongoing operations.


38. Following years of lobbying by bricks-and-mortar stores, the US Senate is expected today to pass a bill that would help end tax-free online shopping.


39. Lately, some munis have offered tax-free yields of more than 6%.



1. Since 1981, each spouse has been allowed to leave property to the other spouse, free of tax at death which seems only fair.

WSJ: Tax Report: Avoiding Estate-Tax Traps

2. Here's the best part:Their yields are substantial, and as much as 95% of the cash they pay out is treated as a tax-free return of capital, meaning you don't pay any tax until you sell your shares.

FORBES: Pipeline for Profits

3. When transferring assets to grandchildren, grandparents can make several moves free of gift tax.

WSJ: Family Value: Last Chance to Foil a Gift Tax

4. Germany prohibits retailing on Sundays so shoppers by the thousands throng to Sunday flea markets, many of which sell goods free of tax.

ECONOMIST: Light on the shadows

5. The rest will pass to the heirs free of gift tax when the trust term ends.

FORBES: Koch Bros. Could Pull A $40B Dividend -- But Probably Won't

6. The kicker is that earnings and withdrawals are supposed to be free of income tax.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

7. Free of the French tax system.

FORBES: Why France's 75% Income Tax Rate Is Going To Be So Disastrous

8. Despite the public outcry over the BP oil spill earlier this year and an extraordinarily active lame-duck Congress within the last month, oil companies managed to wriggle free of some big tax hikes aimed at the industry.

FORBES: Big Oil Escapes A Big Tax Hike, But The Show's Not Over Yet

9. HSAs are modeled after IRAs--money for medical purposes can be deposited free of tax, it can grow tax free, and it can be spent for medical care, tax free.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

10. This presents a unique opportunity for noncorporate taxpayers to invest in Section 1202 stock for the next year and enjoy the benefit of tax-free gain on a subsequent sale of the stock five years down the road.

FORBES: Secrets Of The Fiscal Cliff Deal

11. The unified credit is an opportunity every individual has to pass property to the next generation free of estate tax.

FORBES: The Unified Credit Freeze, Not the Philly Freeze

12. ISA, where they will build up free of tax and, unlike a pension, can be drawn upon when they like.

ECONOMIST: Gordon says saving is good for you

13. If all works as planned, at the death of the survivor of them the couple passes property of a value at least equal to twice the unified credit to the next generation free of Federal estate tax.

FORBES: Estate Planning in the Current Environment

14. In addition to taking advantage of free tax services, there are many other ways to save.

WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

15. But many are also in a very low tax bracket, nullifying the supposed benefit of the tax-free status of muni bonds or the tax-deferral of fixed annuities.

FORBES: Connect

16. Once Germany's tax reforms come into effect, the bank will be able to sell these free of capital-gains tax.

ECONOMIST: German banks

17. The company said the split would be in the form of a tax-free distribution of the domain business to holders.

FORBES: Demand Media Says Board Mulls Split Into 2 Companies

18. At the death of the first spouse a chunk of his or her assets--equal to the exemption amount--would go into a "bypass" or "credit shelter" trust, with the rest going directly to the surviving spouse, who can inherit an unlimited amount free of estate tax.

FORBES: Before It's Too Late

19. All payments for qualified medical care and tuition also are free of gift tax if the donor pays the institution directly.

WSJ: Best Year-End Tax Moves

20. By now you probably know that earnings of Section 529 college savings accounts are free of federal tax if used for higher education.

FORBES: Pay Now, Learn Later

21. Every individual can pass property of a value up to the up to the unified credit free of Federal estate tax.

FORBES: Estate Planning in the Current Environment

22. More precisely, it may be partly free of tax, depending on your income and on how much of the bond proceeds go to tuition and fees.

FORBES: Paying For College: A Tax Dodge For College Students

23. But at her death what's in it bypasses her estate and goes to the kids, free of estate tax.

FORBES: Estate planning

24. If you want, you can leave the whole Roth to your heirs free of income tax.

FORBES: How Entrepreneurs Can Get Big Tax Breaks For Retirement Savings

25. These licenses, which vary by location, allow you to purchase merchandise wholesale free of sales tax--with the understanding that you will collect sales tax when you sell the goods (and give it back to the government).

FORBES: Magazine Article

26. This winter Ace's U.S.-based competitors raised a stink about a tax rule that enables a corporate parent in Bermuda to import premiums free of corporate income tax by reinsuring some policies sold by its American subsidiary.

FORBES: Who's Afraid Of Brian?

27. Very popular over the last ten years and different from the defective grantor trust discussed above, grantor retained annuity trusts (GRATs) have been used to transfer appreciating assets to future generations free of gift tax.

FORBES: I'm Okay with Mitt Romney's Income and Estate Tax Planning

28. However, done properly, you pay no gift tax on those payments, and when you die the trust will receive the policy proceeds free of estate tax.

FORBES: With Trusts, 'Crummey' Is Good

29. If you qualify for the tax benefit, the interest income is free of tax.

FORBES: Paying For College: A Tax Dodge For College Students

30. Ron Paul later sponsored the Honest Money Act (HR 2756) of 2007, the Free Competition in Currency Act of 2007 (HR 4683), the Tax Free Gold Act of 2008 (HR 5427), and the Free Competition in Currency Act of 2011 (HR 1098).

FORBES: My Day In Washington, Testifying Before Rep. Ron Paul











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