
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [əˈhed]play美 [əˈhed]play

  • adv. 在前面,朝前面;领先,占优势;提前,预先;在将来,今后;(数量或价值上)更多,更高;取得进步,获得成功;超出预期地,超前地
  • adj. 在前的,提前的

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ahead /əˈhɛd/

  • 1.
    副词 Something that is ahead is in front of you. If you look ahead, you look directly in front of you. 在前面地; 笔直向前地

    Brett looked straight ahead.



    The road ahead was now blocked solid.


  • 2.
    副词 You use ahead with verbs such as "push," "move," and "forge" to indicate that a plan, programme, or organization is making fast progress. 向前地

    Western countries were moving ahead with plans to send financial aid to all of the former Soviet republics.


  • 3.
    副词 If you are ahead in your work or achievements, you have made more progress than you expected to and are performing well. 提前地

    First half profits have charged ahead from $127.6m to $134.2m.


  • 4.
    副词 If a person or a team is ahead in a competition, they are winning. 领先地

    Australia was ahead throughout the game.



    The Communists are comfortably ahead in the opinion polls.


  • 5.
    副词 Ahead also means in the future. 在将来

    A much bigger battle is ahead for the president.


  • 6.
    副词 If you prepare or plan something ahead, you do it some time before a future event so that everything is ready for that event to take place. 提前地

    The government wants figures that help it to administer its policies and plan ahead.


  • 7.
    副词 If you go ahead, or if you go on ahead, you go in front of someone who is going to the same place so that you arrive there some time before they do. 提前地

    I went ahead and waited with Sean.




beforehand ahead 【导航词义:事先,提前】

beforehand adv. 事先,预先,事前

〔辨析〕 指在时间上先于另一事发生或完成,尤用于谈论准备或计划的事情。

例1: If you have completed most of the homework beforehand, you'll enjoy the evening more.


例2: Please inform us of your arrival time beforehand.


例3: Saunas can be dangerous if misused. Avoid a big meal beforehand.


例4: How could you tell beforehand that I was going to buy a Ford?


ahead adv. 事前,提前

〔辨析〕 词义同 beforehand,常可换用;但以 ahead of time/schedule 出现时,则其中的 ahead 不可与 beforehand 换用。

例1: Do book ahead/beforehand as the hotel is very popular.


例2: Winter weddings need to be arranged months ahead/beforehand.


例3: If you had warned me ahead of time, I wouldn't have done that.


例4: The train left 3 minutes ahead of schedule.



1. straight ahead 一直向前;主流爵士乐

2. push ahead 向前推进

3. Dangerous Ahead 险陡

4. keep ahead 领先;保持领先地位

5. go ahead 前进;进行

6. move ahead 前进;进行;进展

7. forge ahead 继续进行,取得进展

8. ahead of time 提前;提早

9. go ahead with 继续进行,继续

10. a step ahead 棋先一招,领先一步

11. ahead ad 在前 ; 提前 ; 领先

12. lie ahead 即将来临;在前面

13. Write-Ahead Logging 预写式日志 ; 日志先行 ; 预写日志记录 ; 日志记录

14. ahead of schedule adv. 提前

15. press ahead 继续进行

16. get ahead of v. 胜过

17. get ahead 获得成功;取得进步;走在前面

18. look ahead 预测未来,计划未来

19. ahead of 在…之前

20. The Road Ahead 未来之路 ; 前路奇缘 ; 拥抱未来 ; 将来之路

21. on ahead 抢先,提前

22. go straight ahead 一直往前走

23. think ahead 事先考虑;预见

24. narrow bridge ahead 前面狭桥 ; 前面窄桥 ; 后面狭桥

25. ahead of the game 领先,占优势;捷足先登


1. Brett looked straight ahead...


2. The fox went ahead, and the tiger followed closely.

狐狸走在前面, 老虎紧紧的跟在后面.《期刊摘选》

3. To move straight ahead or in a direct path.

径直(而行)直着向''.'前移'. ''或沿笔直的路径走.《期刊摘选》

4. Our guide walked ahead with a little flag in hand.


5. Keep your eyes firmly fixed on the road ahead.


6. She finished the race way ahead of the other runners.


7. A squad of six Elites was ahead, hunkered behind a tangle of ducts.

一个班六个精英战士就在前面, 蹲坐在一堆乱七八糟的输送管后面.《期刊摘选》

8. But in spite of a difficult financial environment Formica sees more opportunities than challenges ahead.


9. It must be more felt than seen ahead like prophecy.


10. Beau was pulling ahead of me with his leash.


11. It was a heroic beginning, but even rougher storms lay ahead.

这是一个英勇的开端, 但更加猛烈的风暴却在前面.《辞典例句》

12. The condition of human rights protection always went ahead in the continuous development of law.


13. Do book ahead as the restaurant is very popular...


14. We are moving ahead with plans to send financial aid...


15. The newcomer soon shot ahead and left the other runners far behind.


16. The designers should look ahead.


17. The proposal will go ahead despite strong objections from the public.


18. A much bigger battle is ahead for the president...


19. The dining car is three cars ahead.


20. Millar finished 1 minute and 35 seconds ahead of Thierry Claveyrolat.


21. The reception desk is straight ahead. After you, please.

接待处就在前面, 请您先走.《期刊摘选》

22. As the sun shines through it pushes away and pushes ahead.


23. The washroom is just ahead and to the right.


24. This will create problems in the months ahead.


25. Share prices moved ahead today.


26. We must pledge to ahead with even stronger determination until the work is done.


27. The company is steaming ahead with its investment programme.


28. Advance directives are a way for you to your wishes about such treatment ahead of time.


29. Two boys were ahead of us.


30. This is caused by poor basic training and not thinking ahead.


31. The road forks further ahead.


32. We've got a lot of hard work ahead.


33. Those duffers up ahead are holding up the game.


34. The government intends to go ahead with its tax cutting plans.


35. It's just a casual evening among friends. No need to call ahead, just come over.

这不过是一个朋友间的临时聚会. 不必预先打电话来, 过来参加就是了.《期刊摘选》

36. You just go on ahead. I'll come by later...


37. The tide of revolution is surging ahead.


38. All the indications are that the deal will go ahead as planned.


39. Henry generally stayed ahead of the others in the academic subjects.


40. But an time of reconciliation lies ahead.


41. The school is dead ahead about two miles from here.


42. The porter walked ahead, Corbett and Ranulf strolled behind.

搬运工走在前面, 科比特和拉努尔夫踱着步,跟在后面.《期刊摘选》

43. Labour is ahead in the poll.


44. She spent all night thinking about the future that lay ahead of her...


45. You have to be one jump ahead to survive in this business.


46. The building work will go ahead, despite protests from local residents.


47. In this case, steady precipitation may extend over a l 0 ng distance ahead of the front.

在这种情形下, 稳定性降水可在锋前向前延伸很长一段距离.《期刊摘选》

48. You go ahead and I'll follow on.


49. The Prime Minister was speaking ahead of today's meeting.


50. You are young and your whole life lies ahead of you.


51. John had been sent ahead to make appropriate arrangements.


52. Go on ahead. I'll catch up with you.


53. The road ahead was blocked.


54. She walked ahead of Helene up the steps into the hotel.


55. You hang around here in case he comes, and I'll go on ahead.


56. A That sounds clear . Straight ahead at the lights, then turn right.

B是的. 看到那些交通指示灯了吗?一直向前走到红绿灯处然后向右拐.《期刊摘选》

57. Pod production is advance rapidly develops ahead more.


58. He ran on ahead.


59. Turn right out of the hotel and then go straight ahead.


60. The government wants figures that help it to plan ahead...


61. He forged ahead, panting and breathless.


62. I am always looking ahead.


63. This question examines your ability to plan ahead and meet your plan with specific actions.


64. I'll run ahead and warn them.


65. After Jesus had said this, he went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem.

耶稣说完了这话 、 就在前面走 、 上耶路撒冷去.《期刊摘选》

66. I didn't want to be first to speak, so I pushed the others ahead.

我不想先说, 所以我把其他人推在前面.《简明英汉词典》

67. The hounds ran ahead, following their noses on the trail of the fox.


68. I probed cautiously ahead of me for mines.


69. We refrain from looking too far ahead, but we do look immediately in front.

我们会尽量忍着不去想得太远, 又确实会对马上要发生的事情做一点预先的准备.《期刊摘选》

70. The Reception Desk is straight ahead.


71. The past is past. Let us look ahead.

过去的事已成过去, 让我们向前看吧.《简明英汉词典》

72. They want to preserve the best of past eras and push ahead.


73. She stared rigidly ahead.


74. While you're at it, go ahead and leave behind your envy, anger, impatience and frustration.

既然你在这儿, 走在前面,留下你的嫉妒 、 愤怒 、 急躁、沮丧.《期刊摘选》

75. Plan ahead – and understand that this type of borrowing is expensive.


76. They had an awesome task ahead.


77. Anne Garrels reports there are still difficult times ahead for Poland...


78. I can't be resting on my laurels. The empire's doing well. It's look ahead.

我不能固步自封. 大企业做得很好. 我应该向前看.《期刊摘选》

79. We looked ahead and saw a huge building.


80. One horse drew further and further ahead.


81. The roads merge a mile ahead.


82. Trading was very light ahead of yesterday's auction.


83. The North Korean economy was pretty strong in its time, and was ahead until maybe 1970...


84. I went ahead and waited with Sean.


85. The new building programme will go ahead as soon as the government releases the funds.


86. The new bridge has been finished two years ahead of schedule.


87. Now BBC World Television is forging ahead on its own.


88. I set out after dinner, with the consular porter going ahead lantern in hand.

我吃过晚饭就动身了, 那个领事馆的门房走在前面,手里提着灯笼.《辞典例句》

89. Police : Drive ahead just a couple of blocks. You can park at that corner lot.

向前开几条街, 您可以把车停在转角的地方.《期刊摘选》

90. Already, she is thinking ahead.


91. This dish may be prepared a day ahead of time and refrigerated.


92. The projected housing development will go ahead next year.


93. Planning ahead had always come as second nature to her.


94. One man went ahead to see if the road was clear.


95. Just look ahead and you'll see a pagoda.


96. The road stretched ahead across the flat landscape.


97. The lead car is now three minutes ahead of the rest of the field.


98. The dogs bounded ahead.


99. The signpost pointed straight ahead.


100. The ship's radar scanned the sea ahead.


101. There's happiness ahead for you.


102. In fact, We're already thinking ahead.

事实上, 我们已经在为未来考虑了.《期刊摘选》

103. She has a great future ahead of her.


104. We can't let those goons get too far ahead.


105. Make a left turn at the stop sign ahead.


106. The road ahead was now blocked solid.


107. The company is pressing ahead with its plans for a new warehouse.


108. I tried to think about all the problems that were ahead of me tomorrow...


109. A girl of the German team was flying two steps ahead of Wilma.


110. Australia finished 20 points ahead.


111. I was elated by the prospect of the new job ahead.


112. Let's try to plan further ahead.


113. We finished 15 minutes ahead of time.


114. She wants to get ahead in her career.


115. Keep your eyes to the front and walk straight ahead.


116. China's economy galloped ahead.


117. Most of them plan things ahead of time and don't like their plans to be changed.


118. The two roads merge a mile ahead.


119. Brett looked straight ahead.


120. Strongly encourage participants to read relevant materials ahead of time in arrive prepared for discussion.


121. Our team was ahead by six points.


122. Current , microsoft provision turns this area go ahead.

今朝, 微软正预备把这个区域推向前进.《期刊摘选》

123. That can make it difficult to plan ahead for what to do after graduation.


124. You need to work hard to keep ahead.


125. I finished several days ahead of the deadline.


126. I went ahead and waited with Sean...


127. Scotland were ahead in their European championship qualifier in Iceland...


128. Check that there is nothing in the water below you, look straight ahead and step off.

看看前面水里是不是没有东西, 向前看,走下去,不要跳下去.《期刊摘选》

129. First half profits have charged ahead from £127.6m to £134.2m...


130. And as we walk, we must make the pledge that shall always march ahead.

当我们行走时, 我们必须保证我们始终是向前行进的.《期刊摘选》

131. Your husband always planned ahead, he left nothing to chance ( para. 7 ).

你的丈夫总是预先计划好一切, 不会遗漏任何一件事情.《期刊摘选》

132. Who took the decision to go ahead with the project?


133. He was looking straight ahead (= straight forward, in front of him) .


134. I saw a man in a blue jacket thirty metres ahead of me...


135. The party was planned weeks ahead.


136. He then sailed ahead in a light vessel but was killed by a stray arrow.


137. The company is forging ahead with its plans for expansion.


138. The expressway on-ramp lay just ahead.


139. Once I had satisfied myself it was the right decision, we went ahead.


140. A few carefully chosen men went ahead while main body remained concealed in the valley.


141. None of us can foretell what lies ahead.


142. Chinese ag economist plows ahead with his push for genetically modified seeds.


143. I peered ahead through the front screen...


144. Practice the 3 F's for happiness: forget, forgive and forge ahead.

要得到幸福,练习这三个F吧: 忘记.原谅. 和向前迈进.《期刊摘选》

145. I want to practice parking in that spot up ahead.


146. It might be more prudent to get a second opinion before going ahead.


147. He pointed ahead through the haze to a darker smudge on the horizon.


148. We can't to set sail right now, because more freezing days are ahead.

我们现在要马上启航, 因为未来几天还会有大风降温天气.《期刊摘选》

149. The zoo is just ahead of us.


150. The election was held six months ahead of schedule...


151. We need to define the task ahead very clearly.


152. Suddenly there was a silver plane, looming ahead.

突然,有一架银白色飞机, 在前面隐约显现.《期刊摘选》

153. Australia were ahead throughout the game...


154. We looked ahead and saw a beautiful garden.


155. He had been continually dispatching scouts ahead.



1. He hoped this would unite the party and give him support in the difficult years ahead.

VOA : special.2009.07.30

2. During rush hours, start edging your way toward the exit at least two stations ahead of yours.

BBC: Riding the rails like a Mumbaiker

3. Milton has just been entertaining the glorious moment of the apocalypse at the end of time because he's always looking further and further and further ahead.

弥尔顿刚要享受,基督启示最后这一辉煌的时刻,因为他总是不断努力朝前看。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. He dispatched scouts ahead.


5. Emerging from a dark and yew-rich wood, I reached an open down that stretched ahead for two miles.

BBC: Englands ghostly South Downs Way

6. But his flight gave Americans the feeling that the United States could pull ahead of the Soviet Union in the space race.

VOA : special.2009.07.08

7. And he offers this advice once you have chosen the record you want to set: Train hard.Plan ahead.Be patient -- don't give up.

VOA : special.2011.05.16

8. Sure, go ahead.


9. SSH I'm gonna go ahead and run this command, SSH, This just means making encrypted connection to someone else's server.

运行这条命令:,这样就加密连接到,某个人的服务器上。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

10. Standing at the entrance of the tunnel I could see ahead of me a darkness so absolutely black it seemed a solid.

VOA : special.2009.12.07

11. This week in our Foreign Student Series, we jump ahead to the subject of where to live.

VOA : special.2009.03.26

12. Let's move onto something that really took the giant step ahead, and that was Mendeleev.

我们换个话题,谈论一个很大的进步,那便是门捷列夫。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

13. The implication being that they will forfeit co-operation with Russia for a long time ahead.

CNN: Analysis: Can Europe stand firm against Russia?

14. Moqhali finished in two hours 19 minutes 15 seconds, 27 seconds ahead of Tanzania's Simon Bisiligitwa in 2:19:42.

BBC: Moqhali is the marathon man

15. Do you think I should just go ahead and drop out of school now?

FORBES: Readers Say

16. Energize for the day ahead at Lou Mitchell's (565 W Jackson Blvd) near Union Station.

BBC: A perfect day in Chicago

17. He tells us, to get a little bit ahead of ourselves, that justice is helping your friends and harming your enemies.

他告诉我们稍微设想一些未发生的事,正义会帮助你的朋友,并击败你的敌人。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. So, there will be a whole -- I'm looking ahead now, projecting into some topics that we'll explore more closely later.

所以对于这一部分,大家先有个印象,我们以后将会更细致的讨论古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. Gylfi Sigurdsson had put Reading ahead with a tap-in before Lloyd Dyer levelled with a long-range strike.

BBC: Leicester 1-2 Reading

20. C Company's sentries were just ahead.


21. `roadworks ahead'


22. An unknown state Senator, Kay Hagan, now has pulled ahead of Elizabeth Dole in many polls.

NPR: Democrats Could Reach 60 Senate Seats

23. Okay. What are some of the things that you thought dampened its accuracy and its validity? Go ahead.

你们认为有些什么原因,降低了它的准确性和真实性,你说关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. After dinner, it's a relief to be making for the lights of Sag Harbor ahead.

BBC: Escape from New York

25. When I bade you good-bye for the summer, I was bracing for the storm ahead.

FORBES: Mispriced

26. So if he moves ahead, it looks like Fatah could be having an election with itself.

NPR: Gaza Cease-Fire Disrupted by Gun Battle

27. She suspects that chimps may be a step ahead of humans in how their bodies deal with the virus.

VOA : special.2009.09.08

28. If 25, 000 workers accept, that would pull Ford s attrition rate ahead by about six to eight years.

FORBES: Ford's Big Buyouts

29. That placed us just behind Dominica and Costa Rica, and just ahead of Slovenia and Cuba.

NPR: Excerpt: 'The Healing Of America'

30. Finally, of course, there's the dense, sturdy keyboard, but let's not get too far ahead of ourselves.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

31. All right. Now in giving the example, I've gotten a little bit ahead of myself, so let me reprise a bit.

好,刚刚讲例子,可能讲得有点快,所以我再重复一下。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. OK. Having done this now, I can simply go ahead and run this, and in fact if I go up here to run, you'll see I've got both an option to check the module, though in this case I'm just going to run it.

好,讲完了这些,我可以去执行程序了,实际上如果我在这里运行,你们会看到我同样得到了,一个可以同时检查模块的选项,虽然在这个例子中我就是直接去运行程序了。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

33. The two giants see their fastest growth coming from small and medium-size businesses in the years ahead.

FORBES: Startup Beats Back Death

34. Perhaps a memento from his time at Wellcome might inspire him in difficult times ahead.

BBC: The man who gives away ?600m a year

35. He took the In England you have to publish your economic and financial plans of the Government five years in ahead.

他采用的是,在英国参选人必须提前公布,自己的内阁政府在未来,五年的财政计划博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. Anything in art,music or literature which is very modern or ahead of its time is called avant-garde.

VOA : special.2010.04.18

37. His eyes looked dully ahead.


38. And who managed to sneak ahead of the likes of Nokia, Blackberry and HTC?

BBC: Huawei, Blackberry - and the battle for third place

39. Igor Sikorsky often said: "The work of the individual still remains the spark which moves mankind ahead."

VOA : special.2010.09.10

40. If you look at the normal labs that are in many places, you have a lab on Thursday afternoons, and the labs are either two weeks ahead or two weeks behind the lecture material.

如果你了解其他地方,一般的实验室,比如在星期四下午有实验课,这些实验要么是讲座的两周前,要么是讲座的两周后,才进行。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

41. Sinfield converted and with England 16-14 ahead the Elland Road crowd raised their voice to almost deafening levels.

BBC: England 16-46 Australia

42. So, let's go ahead and think about drawing what that would look like in terms of the radial probability distribution.

让我们来想一想如果把它的,径向概率分布画出来是怎么样的。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

43. But today at the shelter, there is one very little dog with a big job ahead of her.

VOA : special.2009.12.11

44. Since the 1990-91 recession ended, the economy has moved ahead without interruption, and inflation has been dormant.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

45. The Pacific Coast Highway stretches out ahead, tracing rocky headlands and gentle sandy bays.

BBC: The road to Hollywood, California

46. Yet before this week, there were signs of promise of better times ahead for its nine million people.

VOA : special.2010.01.16

47. Farrakhan says black leaders must address moral issues to make progress in the days ahead.

NPR: Minister Louis Farrakhan

48. I'm going to begin at the bottom of 73: If you have your book, go ahead and open it up.

我将从73页最下面开始读:,如果你带了书,那么就打开书翻到那页。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. Green Throttle is ahead of the curve in this department and providing a simple, affordable, and standardized solution.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

50. An orange tree frog hops ahead of us as we emerge from the rocks back into the forest.

BBC: Qubec's wood runners

51. The home side had already threatened through Raul Meireles's miscued sixth-minute shot before going ahead in the 10th.

BBC: Liverpool 3-0 Newcastle

52. He promised that the government will meet what he called "the huge challenges ahead of us."

VOA : special.2010.05.22

53. She said China has taken its own measures to fight climate change and supports pressing ahead with international cooperation.

VOA : special.2009.12.26

54. So we can go ahead and name our molecular orbital, just like we know how to name our atomic orbitals.

我们可以继续命名分子轨道,就想我们知道如何命名原子轨道一样。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

55. But what's interesting with these cases is you couldn't have predicted ahead of time that they would be heroes.

但这些例子所表明的就是,你不可能提前预知,他们会成为英雄心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. England suffered a further blow ahead of Sunday's third one-dayer when Kevin Pietersen (groin) was ruled out.

BBC: Tim Bresnan out of remaining one-dayers in Australia

57. Pension reform aside, he appears more focused on keeping a lid on social discontent ahead of 2012.

ECONOMIST: France's public finances

58. With the synth-heavy, up-tempo Permalight, Rogue Wave is back in business and powering ahead into sunnier days.

NPR: Rogue Wave: To Sunnier Days Ahead

59. But health costs are increasing at an average of about six percent a year -- far ahead of inflation.

VOA : special.2009.05.15

60. Your final exam will be basically one or two questions that I'll give to you ahead of time.

你们的期末论文要讨论1到2个问题,我会提前给你们的。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. The elections are being seen as a vote on Mister Maliki's leadership ahead of national parliamentary elections to be held later this year.

VOA : special.2009.02.07

62. That's why we said on the personality theory,as we went ahead in time, once the P-functioning stops,I don't exist anymore.

这就是为什么根据人格理论的说法,随着时间流逝,人格功能停止,我也不再存在。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

63. Ahead of me, it ran brightly off over the hills, dipping from sight before looping back up again.

BBC: Englands ghostly South Downs Way

64. The practice continues today, with adherents often trying to stay a step ahead of local police.

BBC: Car tows skier through Detroit suburb as news camera rolls

65. But following legal arguments it was decided that it should go ahead without him.

BBC: GMC told of op x-ray mistake



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