
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈnɒk daʊn]play美 [ˈnɑːk daʊn]play

  • adj. 最低的;可拆卸的;不可抵抗的;压倒一切的
  • n. 打倒的一击;混战;降低

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


knock down [ knocking knocked knocks ]

  • 1.
    动词词组 To knock down a building or part of a building means to demolish it. 拆掉 (建筑物等)

    Why doesn't he just knock the wall down?


  • 2.
    动词词组 If someone is knocked down or is knocked over by a vehicle or its driver, they are hit by a car and fall to the ground, and are often injured or killed. (开车) 撞倒

    He died after being knocked down by a car.



    A drunk driver knocked down and killed two girls.



    A car knocked him over.


  • 3.
    动词词组 To knock down a price or amount means to decrease it. 降低 (价格)

    The market might abandon the stock, and knock down its price.



  • adj.最低的;可拆卸的;不可抵抗的;压倒一切的

    lowest   /   minimal

  • n.打倒的一击;混战;降低

    melee   /   mix-up


1. knock down car 就地装配的汽车 ; 就地装配的

2. knock down 撞倒 ; 击倒 ; 拆除 ; 击落

3. knock-down construction 装拆式结构 ; 装拆式布局

4. knock-down export 成套零件输出 ; 成套零件输入 ; 部件出口

5. KDCL knock down in carloads 以散装状态装车 ; 以零星包装状况装车

6. Knock Down Type 装配式设计 ; 安装式设计 ; 装置式设计

7. KDC knock down car 当地组装的汽车 ; 当场装配的汽车 ; 本地组装的汽车 ; 就地装配的汽车

8. Knock-down carcass 可随时拆卸的框架


1. The elephant has such great strength that he can knock down a man with it.


2. But to help our companies compete, we also have to knock down barriers that stand in the way of their success.


3. Yukos's stake in Rosneft was a leftover from the knock-down sale, in 2004, of most of its main subsidiary to a farcical front company, which was itself acquired by Rosneft soon afterwards.


4. A clever lawyer can knock down 40, 000 dollars in a good year.


5. She couldn't sell them even at the knock-down price.


6. After improvement, in converter reduction smelting, Silver concentration of lean slag evidence knock-down and level off under 0.18% A.


7. While these buildings could be renovated at a fraction of the cost of rebuilding the Cathedral, planners are more likely to knock them down and rebuild.


8. Office managers knock down walls to encourage team building.


9. He manages to knock down a guard and grab a knife.


10. The effect and mechanism of HK-ⅱ gene knock-down on chemosensitivity of colon cancer cells


11. When the state failed to repay, the tycoons were allowed to buy key state assets at knock-down prices.


12. The elephant can knock down a man with his trunk.


13. Knock down the machine before shipping.


14. Why doesn't he just knock the wall down?


15. Luc: Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you and Barbara have a knock-down, drag-out fight last month?


16. How much can you knock down a year?


17. The appraisal results are usually diverging from the knock-down prices, which reflects the defects involved in the theoretical and technical aspects of appraisal.


18. User can scan , knock down and annotate the geometrical model , and read thefeature information.


19. But the open wireless communications channel knock-down its rapid development at the same time, so solving the security problems is an urgent work.


20. They're just defenseless dolls we set up to knock down at our leisure.


21. Knock Down of 150 Vehicles as a container.


22. Even AIG and Bear Stearns shareholders losing most of their equity was preferable to Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley gaining access to the discount window and other support at a knock-down rate.

即使aig和贝尔斯登的股东失去了大部分股权,也比高盛(goldman sachs)和摩根士丹利(morgan stanley)以极低的利率获得贴现和其它支持的情况要好。

23. See, I can even knock down walls with my kungfu.

看见没, 我用我的功夫把墙都撞倒了.《期刊摘选》

24. His carnivores get all their meat and poultry at knock-down prices from Jewish slaughterhouses.


25. Acid resistance research on acid-sensing ion channel 1a knock-down in cells


26. OriginallyArticle activity Gao , low remain, speed quick, knock down dint strong, Destroy insects a table wide.

本品活性高 、 低残留 、 速度快 、 击倒力强 、 杀虫谱广.《期刊摘选》

27. By overexpression or knock-down of genes in cultured mammalian cells in vitro and analysing the consequent changes in signal transduction pathways and/ or cell phenotypes, gene functions can be identified directly.


28. Greedy for power, the general plotted a plan to knock down the government.

因为权欲作祟, 这个将军阴谋推翻政府.《期刊摘选》

29. Priscilla: Wow, I think I prefer our knock-down, drag-out fights!


30. They knock down all the pins, but what they don't do is they don't smile after they knock down the pins.


31. This product is widely used in construction, railways, highways, bridges, water conservancy, electric power, petroleum, tourism and forces as a removable knock-down room.


32. He skyrocketed into the room and knock down a chair.


33. The storekeeper decided to knock down his remaining winter stock.


34. Russia has created a large class of "state companies" that have an uncanny knack for acquiring assets from the private sector at knock-down prices.


35. I managed to knock him down to $400.


36. McCain was quick to knock down the lie.


37. She couldn't sell them even at the knock-down price.


38. There was a low protecting wall to knock down the heat blasting from the pit of the furnace.


39. They had to knock the door down to get in.


40. The aim in bowling is to knock down all the pins with one or two bowls.


41. Knock-down cab enables a wide work range;


42. I didn't knock down the shots like I wanted to, but that will come in time.

我没有像我想的那样投中很多球, 但是有的球很及时.《期刊摘选》

43. The altered gene profile of human osteosarcoma cell after knock-down of double functional gene apurinic/ apyrimidinic endonuclease


44. In addition, the effects and the research value of iNOS gene knock-down by antisense oligodeoxynucleotides ( AS-ODN) on GMC were also investigated.

此外,该部分研究中还对AS-ODN iNOS基因封闭技术对系膜细胞的影响及其研究价值进行了探讨;

45. Please don't knock down all those cans.


46. Influence of knock-down TGF-β 1 gene on development of alveolar in neonatal mice


47. Thus under the condition of without component as sembling diagram, solve the problem of assembling projectile weaving machine with knock-down parts.


48. The market might abandon the stock, and knock down its price.


49. She won that case Because her lawyer made a knock-down argument.


50. You can knock down everyone else's target with the shock wave of your bullet going downrange.


51. You'll feel every punch, grimace at every brutal knock-down and celebrate every win as if it were your last in EA's fantastic boxing video game.


52. In 2014 City Hall developed a plan to knock down the building and replace it with affordable housing.


53. 2: The battle to pass the President's budget plan through Congress turned out to be a real knock-down drag-out fight, with loud arguments, hot tempers and a very close final vote.


54. Please don't knock down all those cans.


55. The news of my failure came as a knock-down blow to me.

失败的消息对我来说是个晴天霹雳。《provided by jukuu》

56. If you'll knock down the price by another 5, it's a deal.

如果你再把价格降5美元, 我就买了.《辞典例句》

57. No sooner had I sat down than there was a loud knock on the door.


58. Results The half lethal dose ( LD50) and the half knock-down time ( KT50) of compound of Chlorpyrifos and Fendona were close to or less than on using separately.


59. Drawing and application of assembling structure flow chart of projectile weaving machine knock-down parts


60. Knock-down furniture from Sweden has become very popular in recent years.

瑞典的组合家具最近几年非常受欢迎。《provided by jukuu》

61. Hurricanes bring tremendously strong winds, so strong they can knock down buildings.


62. a knock-down punch


63. In 2014, City Hall developed a plan to knock down the building and replace it with affordable housing.


64. By changing from the solid welding structure of vibratory drum to the knock-down centrifugal chamber structure ( i.e. independent centrifugal chamber), the major method to the service life of vibratory bearing is improved.


65. The knock-down of Lm-TSP also caused reduction in protease activity and cuticle degrading activity of the molting fluid.


66. Knock down: To cause any part of an obstacle to fall.

碰倒障碍: 使障碍物的任何一部分下落.《期刊摘选》

67. 1: Every cowboy movie I've seen has had a knock-down drag-out fight. It's usually in a bar with everybody jumping in, knocking each other down and breaking up the furniture.


68. The market might abandon the stock, and knock down its price.


69. Due to the manufacturing process and assembly process, the honeycombs for practical applications contain a variety of defects which result in a knock-down effect on the honeycombs' in-plane effective moduli.


70. Research of the Application of CPC in Chinese Motorcycle Export in Terms of Knock-Down


71. We fell some trees to knock down the fire and prevent it from spreading further.


72. He wanted to knock down a bank.


73. Even if Mr Wang is straining at the leash to buy at knock-down prices, he should dig in for a tough negotiation.


74. Most Canada-EU goods trade is already tariff-free, which means the barriers left standing, such as those on farm products, are the hardest to knock down.


75. I must put that little boy on the tree. Then I must knock down the wall.

我一定要把小男孩放在树上, 而且,我要拆除围墙.《期刊摘选》

76. The main reason for Investor’s resilience is that it entered the downturn flush with cash, giving it the means to support struggling subsidiaries and buy distressed assets at knock-down prices.


77. German cameras at knock-down prices flooded the British market.


78. Both cats and dogs can knock down and break glass ornaments, then cut themselves on the pieces.


79. They would knock down the shrine and they would stop saying the god's name.


80. He manages to knock down a guard and grab a knife.


81. So, they knock down all the pins but what they don't do, is they don't smile after they knock down the pins.


82. He's got a position where he is able to knock down good money.


83. One of the surprising findings from the new study, published Monday in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine, was just how little it took to knock down defenses against the common cold.

新研究中一项令人吃惊的发现,发表在周一的《内科医学档案杂志》, 即睡眠不足会让感冒抵抗力降到很低。


1. Khan took Limond's Commonwealth lightweight title on Saturday, but he had to pick himself up after a sixth-round knock-down to do so.

BBC: Limond camp question Khan ability

2. The main reason for Investor's resilience is that it entered the downturn flush with cash, giving it the means to support struggling subsidiaries and buy distressed assets at knock-down prices.

ECONOMIST: The Wallenbergs

3. Only the knock-down-drag-out fight that ends the second act fails to register, in part because Rob Howell's distractingly spectacular deco-modern set isn't cluttered enough to let Elyot and Amanda whip up a sufficiently chaotic mess.

WSJ: Private Lives | When Coward's Amanda Turns Cougar | Theater Review by Terry Teachout

4. Banned for life from their event after a knock-down, drag-out fight, they return from years of exile to compete as the first all-male pair.

NEWYORKER: Blades of Glory

5. The former Connah's Quay goalkeeper couldn't keep out Coates' fierce shot 17 minutes from the end, however, after he had been set up by Nugent's knock-down.

BBC: Swansea director of football Brian Flynn

6. The Cherries responded, with Pitman heading wide from a corner and narrowly missing with a crisp strike from a Fletcher knock-down.

BBC: Sport - Football - Burton Albion 0-2 Bournemouth

7. Individuals or companies can buy distressed debt from lenders at knock-down prices if it the borrower is in default or behind with payments and are then free to do with it as they see fit, including cancelling it free of charge.

FORBES: Links 10 Nov: Finally, An Occupy Wall Street Idea We Can All Get Behind, The Rolling Jubilee

8. Danny Rose scored the only goal from close range just before half-time after a knock-down from Andy Carroll.

BBC: England U21 1-0 Portugal U21

9. Rather than let the bank fall into foreign hands, however, the government cancelled the tender and sold it to a local Polish consortium for a knock-down price.

ECONOMIST: Polish banks

10. Mathieu Bonello was sin-binned for an intentional knock-down but Northampton could not make any more inroads before the break - Geraghty shinned another three-point attempt as the half-time whistle was greeted by an eerie silence at Franklin's Garden.

BBC: Northampton 18-14 Castres

11. The knock-down price was in aid of charity - following a plea for help from Julien's old school, Twynyrodyn Infants.

BBC: Designer's dresses go for 50p

12. In both the classic 1933 movie King Kong and its 2005 remake, the King of the Apes gets in a knock-down, drag-out brawl with the King of the Dinosaurs.

FORBES: King Kong Vs. T. Rex

13. Against the run of play however, Finnigan grabbed an equaliser from Dean Holden's knock-down with a fine turn and shot which brought the Bairns back into the game.

BBC: St Mirren 2-2 Falkirk

14. Most of the action was at the other end and Hearts survived a strong penalty shout in the 13th minute when Ismael Bouzid challenged O'Brien as he ran on to Sutton's knock-down.

BBC: Motherwell 1-0 Hearts

15. However, Killie's Donovan Simmonds almost made the breakthrough in the 27th minute when he controlled Allan Russell's knock-down on the edge of the box, turned and volleyed inches over the bar.

BBC: Kilmarnock 0-1 St Mirren

16. Cole ran on to a knock-down from the towering striker and had an angled shot saved, with Carroll seizing on the loose ball to send a deflected shot wide.

BBC: Liverpool 0-0 Braga (agg 0-1)

17. After Howson's rapid reply, the Leeds fans grew increasingly frustrated until Becchio put them ahead again with a close-range finish following a Leigh Bromby knock-down.

BBC: Sport - Football - Leeds 5-2 Doncaster

18. With Leinster players queuing up to score however, Quins number eight Nick Easter was sin-binned for a deliberate knock-down, Contepomi stroking over the penalty for a 6-0 half-time lead.

BBC: Harlequins 5-6 Leinster

19. That total is made up largely of apparel, footwear, and knock-down furniture.

FORBES: The US, China, and Jobs: It's Not About The Currency

20. Zamora had no-one to blame for failing to score though when Davies' knock-down found him unmarked 12-yards out.

BBC: Fulham 2-0 West Brom

21. Cash-rich drugs firms, such as Eli Lilly, Roche, Merck and Bristol-Myers Squibb, have all said that the financial turmoil presents an opportunity for them to buy biotechnology companies at knock-down prices.

ECONOMIST: Modern management

22. Completely against the run of play, Sunderland briefly hit back, Zenden slapping the ball into the corner on his old stomping ground from Jones's knock-down.

BBC: Chelsea 7-2 Sunderland

23. Another snag is that several members of parliament in the affected provinces have bought up land at knock-down prices, knowing that the government will compensate them handsomely once the area is flooded.

ECONOMIST: Turkeys latest controversial dam

24. Birmingham took the lead when Murphy, making his first appearance for the home side since breaking a kneecap at Watford 16 months ago, volleyed in after Roger Johnson's knock-down.

BBC: Birmingham 3-2 Rochdale

25. It has already defaulted on two sets of bonds (though it then bought most of them back at knock-down prices).

ECONOMIST: Ecuador's president

26. These, in turn, sell the time to phone users at knock-down prices.

ECONOMIST: Who’s the real winner? | The

27. Mr Franzia, who anticipated the glut, cut production at his own vineyards and then stepped in to buy the excess grapes at a knock-down price.

ECONOMIST: Why a cult $2 plonk has America's wine industry in a spin

28. The supermarket buyers also snap up job-lots at knock-down prices.

ECONOMIST: How supermarkets have become department stores

29. Calzaghe impressed on his American debut as he came back from a first round knock-down to beat Bernard Hopkins in Las Vegas in April.

BBC: Calzaghe postpones Jones Jr fight

30. Indeed, he says, the TNT investigators had knock-down drag-out fights about exactly what should go in their endpoint--some researchers wanted to include stroke, some didn't.

FORBES: Magazine Article







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