TV advertising是什么意思_TV advertising短语搭配_TV advertising权威例句

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TV advertising

网络 电视广告

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短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Best TV Advertising Works 最佳电视广告作品

2. Interactive TV advertising 互动电视广告

3. On TV advertising 在电视上打广告

4. Broadcast and TV Advertising 广播电视广告

5. tV advertising products 产品电视广告片 ; 产品宣传片

6. jingles for TV advertising 为电视广告作的押韵的诗句

7. TV advertising design 影视广告

8. TV advertising market 电视广告市场

9. children TV advertising 儿童电视广告


1. The Analysis of Body Interface in TV Advertising


2. Study on the Attitude of Children from Six to Twelve Years Old to Children TV Advertising


3. On Translation Strategies in Modern Business TV Advertising


4. Media buyers say this will open up the world of TV advertising to new companies.


5. This thesis also analyses the genre intertextual phenomena in Russian TV advertising texts considering the general existence of stylistic hybridization.


6. Don't think TV advertising fits your budget? Think again.


7. With the introduction of the foreign TV advertising media into China, there would be a radical chang in the structure of our TV put-in on advertising.


8. But the surge in broadband content could bring Google new revenue from web and TV advertising.


9. For decades, social scientists have tried to determine how TV advertising affects the children and teenagers who watch them.


10. The Effect of China's Entering WTO on the China's Advertising Put-In on the TV Advertising Markets in China


11. TV advertising has had great social influence on expressing the significance of consumption age by means of TV platform.


12. The Angles of Humanism solicitude in Chinese TV Advertising


13. On the Application of Context in TV Advertising


14. Give people left deep impression, so I think TV advertising and other advertising better than.


15. Many advertisers are stuck in the TV advertising mode, or the half-page newspaper display ad mode.

很多广告客户被电视广告模式或半页的报纸图片广告限制了思维。《provided by jukuu》

16. On the Art of TV Advertising as Aesthetic Object


17. Radio & TV administrative departments above county levels are responsible for radio & TV advertising business in areas under their own jurisdiction.


18. Yet companies are beginning to see social networks as an alternative means of building brands through discussions, which makes them a threat to TV advertising.


19. This paper summaries the important functions of body interface in the course of improving TV advertising communication effect objectively.


20. Although (it is) annoying, TV advertising seems to be effective.


21. DON BRADLEY: Have you heard what they are spending on TV advertising?


22. Although ( it is) annoying, TV advertising seems to be effective.


23. Nevertheless, TV advertising is not only a cultural form but also an art form. It comes from life but is elevated above life.


24. TV advertising has until now kept growing.


25. Owing to the improvement of creation idea, the humanism solicitude has become the important characteristics of current Chinese TV advertising.


26. Advertising on TV advertising the picture of the shape means, light rays use is very important.


27. Safeguard of the Cable Operators-Technique of Digital TV Advertising


28. People are bombarded with information in the form of magazines and TV advertising.


29. Study on the Behavior Propensity in Attitude of Chinese Children to Children TV Advertising


30. Publicitas works currently with leading media companies in the domain of magazine, online and TV advertising.


31. He has cultivated a network to help his management team learn about everything from TV advertising to analyzing data to public relations.


32. AC Nielsen devotes itself to develop the Chinese TV advertising monitoring market


33. The most important statistic of the day, however, was the $100,000,000 in TV advertising fees.


34. In Brazil, TV advertising was worth 15 times as much as Internet advertising last year.


35. In my opinion TV advertising benefits or disadvantages.


36. Because the light can performance object, describe object, can form color class times and space effect, build the atmosphere of TV advertising picture.


37. They often do tons of TV advertising and have huge budgets to accomplish such.


38. How much does TV advertising really influence what people buy?


39. Give people left deep impression, so I think TV advertising and other advertising better than.


40. They hope it will help eradicate wastage in TV advertising by helping remove ads which are irrelevant to certain homes.


41. They often do tons of TV advertising and have huge budgets to accomplish such.


42. "New Order 17" to strengthen the monitoring of TV advertising, but also further strengthen the management of TV shopping programs.


43. The commercial TV advertising becomes one of the most active consuming texts in the present time.


44. Don't think TV advertising fits your budget? Think again.


45. DON BRADLEY: Have you heard what they are spending on TV advertising?


46. A year-long national TV advertising campaign has urged businesses and employers to take part.


47. Total TV advertising is projected to fall 1.9% this year and 5% next year, according to Bernstein research.

据bernstein research称,预计今年的电视广告收入总额将下降1.9%,明年将下降5%。

48. This will help improve mobile TV advertising influence, but also conducive to mobile TV advertising rates increased.


49. The Study on the Strategies of the Precise Traditional TV Advertising Communication of China under the Trend of the Social "Segmentation"


50. Woman : So will you be involved in the TV advertising campaign that Keith talked about?


51. Communication Strategies of Interactive TV Advertising on Experiential Marketing Era


52. The image-like characteristics of consumption age and basic characteristics of TV advertising happen to coincide with each other.


53. This thesis focuses on modern business TV advertising and attempts to propose appropriate translation strategies for this category of advertising.



1. The problem: the coin of the relm for TV advertising was (and is) the Neilsen ratings, which are reported on the half hour.

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2. The Food Standards Agency, which is currently running a TV advertising campaign highlighting the importance of kitchen hygiene, echoed the FDF's advice.

BBC: Most people prepare chicken incorrectly

3. Many companies are successfully integrating digital marketing strategies with direct response TV advertising, print, and radio.

FORBES: TV Advertising VS Digital Marketing

4. Today, the cloud is the focus of national TV advertising campaigns.

FORBES: Is Your Data Safe In The Cloud?

5. Because it is a web series, the campaign reaches people who actively click on the video links, as opposed to reactive TV advertising.

FORBES: KFC Says 'Grow Up and Get Out' to Young Adults

6. But PepsiCo also spent heavily on TV advertising, aiming the Pepsi Refresh Project at its traditional customer base.

NEWYORKER: Snacks for a Fat Planet

7. Cash4Gold evidently thought that TV advertising, mail order and the internet would allow them to collect materials at less than the value created.

FORBES: The Cash4Gold Bankruptcy: This Is The Basic Problem With Recycling

8. He called for the government to introduce food labelling and restrictions on TV advertising to help change dietary habits.

BBC: Person eating a burger

9. It predicted that television would boost its proportion of advertising budgets to 38.6% from 38.1%, but the total spent on TV advertising would fall by 5.5%.

BBC: Bleak prediction for advertising

10. And I think the same holds true for advertising and in this case, TV advertising.

FORBES: What Makes A TV Commercial Memorable And Effective?

11. And over the next three months, you're going to see more TV advertising than you've ever seen in your life.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

12. The U.S. TV advertising market is showing improvements not just for broadcasters but for cable TV networks as well.

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13. Mr Moriarty said TV advertising, which Jersey has included in its 2012 campaign, "was never going to be featured" in Guernsey's own campaign.

BBC: Guernsey to increase tourism adverts on internet

14. Like television itself, the business of TV advertising has had to learn to cope with audience fragmentation.

NEWYORKER: Streaming Dreams

15. With this model, passive TV advertising is transformed into engaging and actionable experiences.

ENGADGET: Microsoft talks plans for premium content production, details Xbox 360's transition to an 'entertainment console'

16. The above ad has been yanked from UK airwaves by Clearcast, the approval body for UK broadcast TV advertising.

FORBES: UK Pulls Sodastream Ad For 'Denigration Of The Bottled Drinks Market'

17. The TVBlog recently pointed out that national television advertising for sporting events is increasing faster than TV advertising in general.

FORBES: Connect

18. With social media, TV advertising becomes more important not less important.

FORBES: Innovative Advertising Is About Integrating TV with Social - Kia Motors Uses Social Media to Reach the New Audience

19. The latter is typically pushed out to consumers through TV advertising.

FORBES: Rise: A Motto, Not A Tagline

20. "There is a proliferation of them available these days, and the TV advertising suggests they can cure you very easily, " he says.

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21. Advances in TV advertising technology now allow for much more cost effective advertising investments and performance models.

FORBES: TV Advertising VS Digital Marketing

22. While TV advertising has generally grown slowly in recent years, advertising on NFL games has soared.

WSJ: NFL Reaches TV Deals With Fox, CBS and NBC

23. In 2011 Slim stopped advertising with Televisa and Azteca after a dispute over phone rates and TV advertising rates.

FORBES: Exclusive Rights To Broadcast Olympic Games Helps Tycoon Carlos Slim Enter Television

24. Using this approach, the company reversed its plans to cut TV advertising and boost search after realizing that TV actually helped its search.

FORBES: 5 Steps To Squeeze A Lot More ROI From Your Marketing

25. So during the 1980s when there was a tremendous amount of TV advertising, people got these ads mixed up.

FORBES: The Curious Case Of Ed McMahon And The Publishers Clearing House

26. This infographic provides an excellent comparison of TV advertising and digital marketing and media buying.

FORBES: TV Advertising VS Digital Marketing

27. The national TV advertising plan includes :15 and :30 spots on the Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Disney XD and The Hub.

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28. After just one month, the seemingly crazy app, downloaded more than 380, 000 times, had made TV advertising relevant again, and created a branded cultural phenomenon.

FORBES: Mapping Mobile: What Does it Take to Crack China?

29. According to Nielsen, the increase in TV advertising spending tracks the amount of live TV sports content available on TV and cable.

FORBES: Connect





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