
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈfjuːtʃə(r)]play美 [ˈfjuːtʃər]play

  • n. 未来,将来;前途,前景;期货;(动词的)将来时态
  • adj. 将来的,未来的;(动词)将来时态的

复数 futures

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


future /ˈfjuːtʃə/

  • 1.
    单数型名词 The future is the period of time that will come after the present, or the things that will happen then. 将来

    The spokesman said no decision on the proposal was likely in the immediate future.



    He was making plans for the future.


  • 2.
    形容词 Future things will happen or exist after the present time. 未来的

    She said if the world did not act conclusively now, it would only bequeath the problem to future generations.



    ...the future king and queen.


  • 3.
    可数名词 Someone's future, or the future of something, is what will happen to them or what they will do after the present time. (某人、某事物的) 未来

    His future depends on the outcome of the elections.



    ...a proposed national conference on the country's political future.


  • 4.
    复数型名词 When people trade in futures, they buy stocks and shares, commodities such as coffee or oil, or foreign currency at a price that is agreed at the time of purchase for items which are delivered some time in the future. 期货

    This report could spur some buying in corn futures when the market opens today.


  • 5.
    习语 You use in the future when saying what will happen from now on, which will be different from what has previously happened. 在将来

    I asked her to be more careful in the future.






1. for the future 将来;从今以后

2. future market 未来市场;期货市场

3. look into the future 展望未来

4. Back to the Future 回到未来 ; 回到将来 ; 回到未来三部曲

5. future life 来生;来世

6. future reference 备查

7. Faraday Future 法拉第未来 ; 法拉第 ; 法乐第未来 ; 法拉第将来

8. in future 从今以后,往后

9. look to the future 展望未来;考虑未来

10. Future X-Cops 未来警察 ; 将来警察 ; 未来差人 ; 将来差人

11. near future 不久的将来

12. in the distant future 在遥远的未来

13. future plan 未来计划

14. bright future 光明的未来,光明的前途

15. future use 将来使用

16. Future Shock 未来冲击 ; 未来的冲击 ; 麦琪的梦 ; 未来震撼

17. have no future 没有前途

18. Future Cops 超级街头霸王 ; 超级学校霸王 ; 超等学校霸主

19. future value 未来值;将来值

20. immediate future 在最近的将来

21. Future Boy Conan 高立的未来世界 ; 未来少年柯南 ; 将来少年柯南

22. future tense 未来式;[语法]将来时态

23. future development 未来的发展前景,未来发展

24. in the near future 在不久的将来

25. promising future n. 发展前景;光明的前途

26. in the future 在将来




bright future 光明的未来

distant future 遥远的未来

immediate future 即期

near future 近期

uncertain future 未卜的未来


discuss the future 讨论未来

have a future 拥有未来

plan for the future 规划未来

predict/see the future 预测/预见未来


future date 未来的日子

future events 未来事件

future generations 子孙后代

future plans 未来计划

for future reference 以备查


1. The browser of the future is likely to become the virtual machine that hosts all applications.


2. Long, the various varieties of the main seat is more chaotic, including futures broker's background image.

多头方面, 各品种上的主力席位却较为混乱, 其中不乏券商背景期货公司的身影.《期刊摘选》

3. Generally speaking , futures contract, not the commodity , is sold and bought in the futures market.

上买进卖出的是期货契约, 而不是商品.《期刊摘选》

4. Thus, the Commodity Futures Modernisation Act of 2000 exempted credit default swaps from these laws.

因此, 2000年出台的《商品期货现代化法案》(CommodityFuturesModernisationActof2000)使CDS免 受这些法律的监管.《期刊摘选》

5. Alan spoke of his fears for the future.


6. The exchange rate is likely to fall in the near future (= soon) .


7. Her future is uncertain.


8. What will Susan’s future job involve?.

Susan 将来的工作包含了什么内容?。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

9. His future is closely bound up with that of the company.


10. Happiness is not a point future and not a moment from  the past, but a mindset that can be designed into the present. 

快乐不是未来的某一 点,也不是过去的某一刻,而是一种有意融入当下的心态。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

11. Futures prices recovered from sharp early declines to end with moderate losses.


12. The futures exchange also traded in four currency futures and 17 stock futures contracts.


13. The future belongs to democracy.


14. This deal could safeguard the futures of the 2 000 employees.

这个协议可以保障2 000名雇员今后的生活。《牛津词典》

15. Therefore, China's industry has a future, real estate, household, industrial ceramics and so on are promising.

因此中国的产业前途是光明的, 房地产, 家居, 陶瓷工业等等都是大有可为的.《期刊摘选》

16. I'd like to say a few words about future plans.


17. Future buildings, roads, and cities may be made from garbage.

将来的建筑物 、 公路和城市都可能用垃圾制成.《期刊摘选》

18. The judge's decision sets a precedent for future cases of contempt of court.


19. The future we may no longer be unlimited, in fact a time when it is infinite?

我们前途或许也不再是无限的, 其实它又何曾是无限的?《期刊摘选》

20. Comex futures edged higher on the devalued dollar as did corn, while copper retreated midday.

纽约商业交易所期货在美元贬值仍保持较高位置, 而铜在中午就退缩了.《期刊摘选》

21. Everybody is concerned about the future of his country.


22. Intentional actions committed under the influence of anger cannot lead to a happy future.


23. At last they were able to feel secure about the future.


24. She made no definite plans for her future.


25. It's always hard to speculate about the future.


26. The interviewer asked me about my future plans.


27. We learn the past, experience the present and hope for success in the future!

我们从过去中学习, 在现在中体验,并展望未来的成功.《期刊摘选》

28. The prospects of futures market is still prosperous.


29. We need to plan for the future.


30. Future: we are yet to be raised in Christ.

第二次的复活是将来的 ﹕ 我们还要与基督一同复活.《期刊摘选》

31. The reactionary officials took bribes insatiably, giving not the least care to the future of the nation.


32. Glycyrrhizin is a kind of food additive which has a bright future.


33. I can't see any future in this relationship.


34. There is considerable uncertainty about the company's future.


35. Success or failure of journalistic education is directly related to the future of journalism.


36. future generations


37. I like men who have a future and woman who have a past.


38. Future lawyers could study this text with profit.


39. The prospects for the immediate future are good.


40. The future of this firm will be very bleak indeed if we keep losing money.


41. Their future was full of promise.


42. She has a great future ahead of her.


43. Finally , suggestions are given on the direction of future work to be done.


44. The future direction of the exchange rate reform will increasingly reflect the market demand.


45. What will the cities of the future look like?


46. Your decision is critical to our future.


47. Our future prosperity depends on economic growth.


48. Of course, things may change in future , but we must act according to these principles today.

当然, 将来可能有变化, 但这是将来的事,今天必须这样做.《期刊摘选》

49. You young kids have a bright future ahead of you!


50. Two choices blow sail in the quiet sea to history and future terminal point.


51. In future the President will be chosen by the people instead of by the National Assembly...


52. In the future, pay increases will be related to productivity.


53. The city improved its cash flow by borrowing against future revenues.


54. These abandoned children have now got a future...


55. A rock band come from future.


56. I deliberated with him on his future course of conduct.


57. The prognosis is for more people to work part-time in the future.


58. Will future investors really take investment banks seriously when they proffer advice about risk management?

当投资银行提供风险管理建议时,期货投资者真的会把它们当回事 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

59. Futures trading can help protect against losses.


60. However, the future market is under uncertainty, such as the uncertainty of demand.

但是未来的市场情况在当前具有不确定性, 比如需求的不确定性.《期刊摘选》

61. How can we best serve the needs of future generations?


62. It's quite natural that a boy of nine is thoughtless of future.


63. Allocating historical costs to future revenues.


64. She felt very depressed about the future.


65. Her political future is in question.


66. Any future plans must address these realities.


67. The movie is set in the future.


68. While at school, pray everyday to God, to get guidance as to your future.

在学校期间, 每天向神祷告, 求他引导你未来的路.《期刊摘选》

69. You had a cry, because the future was too enormous to grasp.

你哭了一场, 因为前途茫茫,难以意料.《辞典例句》

70. The work will be carried out at a future date.


71. Futures trading can get highly complex.


72. Futures markets, which show only a modest recovery of prices to around $60 a barrel by 2019, support this view.

从期货市场目前的趋势看,到2019 年也只会略微回升至大约60 美元一桶,这就支持了这样的观点。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

73. Because they do not need to worry about my future filial duty!


74. He came back because he believed his future lay with her.


75. This is a great event that concerns the future of our company.


76. In future, make sure the door is never left unlocked.


77. And after entering Mian, often also sleep and disloyal.

而入眠后, 也往往睡而不实.《期刊摘选》

78. Deputy importation, distribution ( futures, spot ), as well as domestic sales and other business.

代理进口, 分销 ( 期货 、 现货 ) 以及国内销售等业务.《期刊摘选》

79. She is my future wife.


80. He met his future wife at law school.


81. His idle habits bode ill for his future.


82. He had no hopes of future preferment.


83. He asked several questions concerning the future of the company.


84. The news removed any doubts about the company's future.


85. But 1 felt like driving through some places and scouting them out for future reference.

但是我有时想要开车经过一些地方作些侦察,以为将来的参考.《英汉文学 - 廊桥遗梦》

86. He obstinately refused to consider the future.


87. You shall not worry about the future.


88. Education budget cuts are and pound foolish since public education is an investment in our future.


89. The future city will be the bionic and ecologic city.


90. People in Guatemala watched their soothsayer's leg; if the leg muscles twitched, the future looked bright.

危地马拉人算命时眼睛盯着占卜者的左腿: 如果右腿的肌肉颤动, 那就表示前途光明.《期刊摘选》

91. Brent futures hit $ 57.65 a barrel, the highest since the contract was introduced in 1988.

布伦特原油期货一度触及每桶57.65美元, 为自1988年该合约推出以来的最高点.《期刊摘选》

92. If the price level rises, the future purchasing power of money over time will go down.

如果物价水平在上涨, 那么在将来的一段时期内金钱的购买力就会下降.《期刊摘选》

93. There were good grounds for pessimism about future progress.


94. His future was radiant, and this day was the needle's eye of his destiny.

他的前途光明灿烂, 这一天正是他命运中的关键时刻.《辞典例句》

95. An annualized measure of the fluctuation in the price of a futures contract.


96. Use the present continuous when you about future plans or arrangements.


97. the futures market


98. Develop creative thinking and determining future trend of modern children.


99. Armstrong is uncertain where his long-term future lies...


100. One critical task in environmental analysis is forecasting future trends.


101. Thousands of individuals, in contrast, trade in commodity futures as speculators.

但成千上万的个人却是做期货生意的投机商.《英汉非文学 - 政府文件》

102. The good results of this examination bode well for his future.


103. My whole future is riding on this interview.


104. The future is not without hope.


105. She said if the world did not act conclusively now, it would only bequeath the problem to future generations...


106. “Sometime in the future,” the paper’s publisher said back in 2010.

早在2010年该报纸的出版商就说过,“也许在未来的某一天。”《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

107. Education is vitally important for the country's future.


108. What does the future hold?


109. Thanks. As for regular orders in the future, could you agree to time L / C?

谢谢. 关于将来的经常订货, 你们能否同意远期信用证 呢 ?《商贸英语会话》

110. Meanwhile, the domestic debate on Denmark's future role in Europe rages on.


111. Broker dealer holding futures company's enterprise value consists of real assets value and option value.


112. For them the connection between Iraq's future and the coursethe war on terror is very clear.


113. CDs, financial futures and bullion.

我们经营大额存单 、 金融期货和金银块买卖.《国际金融英语口语》

114. Stock index futures is an instrument for risk management in international capital market.


115. The opponents of negotiation maintained that the Soviet change of heart was still in the future.


116. IB has advised me that future trading is highly speculative and carries serious financial risk.

IB己 向本人作出劝告期货交易是高度投机和可能带来严重财政风险.《期刊摘选》

117. We wondered what the future would hold for our baby son.


118. He was making plans for the future...


119. Our future looks uncertain.


120. at a future date


121. A variety of special meaning and specified usage of verb Future Tense in Uygur language.


122. Better to have the attitude that you can't help future programmers make their changes.

最好的心态就是,你 根本 帮不了将来的程序员去做改动.《期刊摘选》

123. Most people, once they understand how futures work, are flooded with greed.

大部分人, 如果明白了期货的原理, 就会变得非常贪婪.《期刊摘选》

124. The future doesn't seem very hopeful.


125. There's no future in this relationship.


126. His hope for future sustained him.


127. The future of the company looks secure.


128. This report could spur some buying in corn futures when the market opens today...


129. That bodes well for his future.


130. The story was headlined 'Back to the future'.


131. This also forms a more comprehensive historical record for researchers of the future.


132. Graeme remains a supremely talented cricketer and must still have a splendid future in the game.


133. This is the prototype for future school buildings.


134. People who invest the future are the true realists.


135. She has thought very hard about her future plans.


136. His future as prime minister depends on the outcome of the elections...


137. The decisions we take now may influence the course of events in the future.


138. But missing from all these data is the sense that today’s young care very much about their country, about the broader civic and political environment, or about the future of their society.

但是从所有这些数据中,我们感受不到今天的青少年对国家,对更广泛意义上的公民环境、政治环境抑或社会未来的强烈关心。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

139. Trade only a few hundred shares or a single futures contract while you're learning.


140. A combination of a long futures contract and a long put, called a synthetic call.

由买入一个期货合同和买入一个看跌期权的组合, 就叫做组合买入看涨.《期刊摘选》

141. Future lawyers could study this text with profit.


142. Your studying foreign languages now will help you in your future work.


143. That’s one reason why we have launched Arc, a new publication dedicated to the near future.

而这也是我们创办致力于研究近期未来的新刊物《弧线》的原因之一。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

144. Not everyone is so pessimistic about the future.


145. That’s why leaders continue to manage the present while building toward the big changes of the future.

这就是为什么领导者在为未来的巨大变革做准备工作时也会继续管理好眼下的事。《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

146. We don't know what the future holds.


147. I often wonder what future generations will make of our efforts.


148. This broadly defines where the hospital wants to be in the future.


149. A politics of the future has to engage with new ideas.


150. Please be more careful in future.


151. You have a great future! Work hard! Don't stop!

你前途光明! 努力工作! 不要停!《期刊摘选》

152. Such people never have to worry about their future.


153. Turn the following sentences into the Future Passive Voice.


154. The film is a dark vision of the future.


155. Rebar contract with the trend of calm day compared to wire futures greater fluctuations.


156. These days, however, futures is a more fitting description.

然而这些天 “ 期货 ” 有一个更加贴切的描述.《期刊摘选》

157. We expect better of you in the future.


158. There is a simple future phrase in the sentence.


159. What does U.S. Bancorp chief Richard Davis say about his future operation?

美国合众银行主管Richard Davis 对他们将来的运营有什么看法?《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

160. Financial time series is composed of bond profit, foreign exchange rate, stock price, futures price, etc.

金融时间序列包括债券 、 汇率 、 股票价格和金融期货价格等等.《期刊摘选》

161. He saw visions of a halcyon future.


162. Bid secure with difficulty persuade seller accept for futures sake.


163. oil futures


164. Gary , whose glimpses into the future evaporated his depression and thoughts of suicide.

格雷, 仅仅对自己将来的一瞥,即蒸发掉他的沮丧感和自杀倾向.《期刊摘选》

165. What is China going to do with all that copper the futures markets, for one thing.


166. The spokesman said no decision on the proposal was likely in the immediate future...


167. In the absence of work, a society designed with other ends in mind could yield strikingly different circumstances for the future of labor and leisure.

在缺乏工作的情况下,一个以其他目的为设计理念的社会可能会在未来的劳动和休闲方面产生截然不同的境况。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

168. The Chinese characteristic accounting theory will play the important guiding part in the future accounting practice.


169. What is Martin Neil Baily’s prediction about the financial situation in the future?.

关于未来的金融形势,Martin Neil Baily 做出了什么预测?。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

170. He enunciated his vision of the future.


171. Also a boss will never treat a yes man as an equal, whichgreatly limits future advancement.

同样的,上司绝不会像信任其他人一样信任这种人, 这会极大限制你将来的发展.《期刊摘选》

172. He is still unclear about his own future.


173. Consumers are very nervous about the future.


174. I asked her to be more careful in future...


175. We need to make plans for the future.


176. The book industry is trying to get a good read on this its future.


177. For Clyde's parents had proved impractical in the matter of the future of their children.


178. She found herself in conflict with her parents over her future career.


179. But that nightmare may hold the key to a cleaner future.


180. Failure to address comprehensively the problem of greenhouse gas emissions, however, exposes all generations, present and future, to incalculable risks.

然而,如若不能彻底解决温室气体排放的问题,现在这代人以及未来的世世代代都会面临不可估量的风险。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

181. My future stands on what my teacher thinks of me.


182. He was making plans for the future.


183. Her plans for the future are still in embryo.


184. The aim of the study was to have a greater understanding of death benefit future patients.


185. I wrote down the name of the hotel for future reference.


186. Foresight tells us that China has a bright future.


187. Young people today face a very difficult future at work.


188. That one mistake seriously endangered the future of the company.


189. Would you enlighten me on your plans for the future?

请给我解释一下你将来的计划好 吗 ?《简明英汉词典》

190. Our cause is glorious and our future is bright.



1. NPR's Ted Robbins spoke with activists on both sides about the hearings and the future of immigration.

NPR: Activists React to Planned Immigration Hearings

2. Better brains can make for better behavior for some, and a better future for all.

CNN: Opinion: Unlocking crime using biological keys

3. And he says more lives can be saved in the future if the programs continue to receive the money they need.

VOA : special.2010.03.10

4. And unless it is tackled, the prospects for future world economic growth might well be derailed.

BBC: Analysis

5. We're up there in heaven thinking about our lives in the future, as people, and what would we do?

我们在天堂某处思考着将来,生而为人的生活,我们会怎么做?金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. And I hope in the future 0 if we get to 2010, 2020 that this is the preferred way to teach the large courses in MIT

我希望以后,如果到2010年或2020年0,这会成为在麻省理工,教授大课所推崇的方式媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

7. A lot has also been written about the possible effects that a name might have on a child's future.

VOA : special.2009.07.06

8. Professor Christiano says the next step is to repeat the study in future research, with a larger number of patients.

VOA : special.2011.04.05

9. In the future, other works by female artists will be shown as part of the museum's "New York Avenue Sculpture Project".

VOA : special.2010.05.07

10. What will our government do if a double-dip recession occurs in the near future?

FORBES: U.S. Debt Bomb's Detonation Sped Up By Five Years

11. This Michael guy really needs to get out of the past and into the future.

FORBES: Readers Say

12. The take-away for now is really to look back at some of the examples we've seen in lecture, some of the examples that you've now seen in the super sections and in the future sections really, for guidance.

抛开那个,我们回头看看,我们在演讲中看到的例子,其中一些,你们在超级课程中看到的例子,在以后的课程中,作为指导。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

13. In the long run, 3G, with its high speed, definitely has a good future.

FORBES: Thoughts Of Li Ka-Shing

14. So quickly I realized that we were too optimistic about the future of Internet in China.


15. The researchers had a theory. They thought that people who were bitten by infected mosquitoes,but recovered, were protected in the future.

VOA : special.2011.05.31

16. A lone seabird swooped in low overhead, scenting future pickings.


17. So I'm using the same kind of tricky language that we'd used before, not to trick you, but so that you're not tricked in the future.

我这次用了和以前一样,迷惑性的语言,不是为了迷惑你们,而是,让你们以后不会被迷惑。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

18. In the future, rising temperatures may open up possibilities to countries that otherwise could never compete in the wine industry.

VOA : special.2010.10.20

19. In those periods it was deliberately investing in the future at the expense of current profits.

FORBES: Analytic myopia

20. The future is uncertain.


21. Mr. PAUL SAFFO (Institute for the Future): This is a money machine for Google.

NPR: San Francisco Weighs Wi-Fi Plans

22. It's also a scene of crossings, bridging past and future.

同样也是遍布着连接过去与未来的岔路口。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. Sometimes he took a sketchbook and did roughs for future landscapes.


24. There would be similar arrangements cropping up in asset management in future, he added.

FORBES: Amvescap Gets Wilbur Ross

25. Today the focus is on the future of Trident which probably Washington is less interested in.

BBC: A Very British Coup 35 years on

26. Or patients might be advised to think less about the past and more about the present and the future.

VOA : special.2010.04.13

27. Use this pattern whenever you want to find out about the timing of an event in the past, present, or future.

当你想知道过去、现在或者未来某件事发生的时间时,你都可以使用这个句型。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : When 课堂

28. We'll be seeing this kind of argument and people presenting positions about it going on into the future.

我们会不断地看到这种观点,而且人们会始终表达关于这一问题的立场古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. But Lord Hall will also look to the BBC's future amid rapid technological change and growing competition.

BBC: director general Tony Hall 'confident' about future

30. Thrasymachus We will also see Thrasymachus, a cynical intellectual who rivals Socrates as an educator of future leaders and statesmen.

我们还会读到,一位愤世嫉俗的的学者,挑战苏格拉底,身为未来领袖及政治家教育者的角色。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. Smith makes no profit from it, but hopes advertising will fund it in future.

BBC: Find the perfect disability carer, like online dating

32. The future owners of the houses work together with different building designers to create environmentally safe houses that do not pollute.

VOA : special.2009.03.25

33. Building awareness of their corporate brands could help the companies sell drugs in the future.

FORBES: Spin Doctors

34. These events are signposts to the future.


35. It also identifies key priorities for further investment and stronger commitment in the future.


36. We are preparing products for the future and the watch is definitely one of them.

BBC: Do we need watches to tell us more than the time?

37. One shudders to think of the future calamity of an even worse, more epic, flash crash.

FORBES: First Thing's First: Stock Circuit-Breakers In Place

38. But Mr.Ker-Lindsay says Serbs are conflicted because they understand that their country's future has to be a part of Europe.

VOA : special.2011.05.28

39. So in the future, ask not for whom the phone tolls, the toll charge is for thee.

BBC: Graphic

40. If you believe that homosexuals are effeminate, that gay men are effeminate, then this is going to shape how you see future gay men.

如果你相信同性恋者都是娘娘腔,男同性恋者都是娘娘腔,这会影响你对以后见到的同性恋者的看法。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. So in the future what things do you think Biomedical Engineering is going to produce in the future?

你认为将来会有哪些产品,因生物医学工程而生呢生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. Milton's not making just any idle suggestion that he will write a poem that future generations will find themselves incapable of forgetting.

弥尔顿不是仅仅在做一个无用的提议,他将写首后人无法忘却的诗。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. These include uncertainty around the impact of future funding costs and potential credit deterioration, said Ball.

FORBES: Turnaround Terracciano Boosts Sallie Mae

44. The company promises future improvements in tasks like networking, but applications are still a sore point.

FORBES: Doesn't Do Windows

45. And just last week, he released a report that warned of possible future leaks.

NPR: Alaskans Speak Up About Oil Field Shutdown

46. And they got meaningful on-the-job training for what is quickly becoming one of the fastest growing careers of the future.

VOA : special.2009.09.04

47. Is Russell Holly a seer of the future, or did he just manage to get lucky?

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

48. How do you think that's going to affect you into the future?

那你们觉得这会给你们未来,带来怎样的影响?人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

49. The movie is about a man who travels to a distant planet about one hundred fifty years in the future.

VOA : special.2010.01.01

50. Milton anticipated and lovingly invested all of his energy in his future literary power and his future literary fame.

米尔顿预测到了他将来在文学领域的力量和声望,并且钟情的将他所有的精力投入到文学中。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. Game Boy Advance and Nintendo 64 games are scheduled to be added in the future.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

52. Insofar as it deprives you of a future that would have been bad, then death's not actually bad, it's actually good.

当它夺走你的,苦难的未来时,那么死亡其实不是坏事而是好事。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. Her pioneering work in mass spectrometry could have a significant impact on the future of medical research.

UNESCO: Professor Dame Carol Robinson

54. "Obviously there are a lot of people that are unhappy about the potential of altering the future of space flight."

VOA : special.2010.04.28

55. If they succeed, the machines of the future will have longer and healthier lives.


56. Volcanoes have erupted in the past, and will continue to erupt in the future.

BBC: Icelands Cinderella story

57. We're starting to lose any form of working class, we have no future unless we change things.

BBC: Eastleigh by-election a grudge match

58. Yesterday, her future seemed assured.


59. He says the demilitarization of Okinawa is crucial to a peaceful East Asia in the future.

CNN: Legendary animator Miyazaki slams Japan PM Abe

60. If the trend holds, the future of malls may not include stores at all.

FORBES: The World's Largest Malls

61. But is it as important to the company's future as the hype around the event suggested?

BBC: Facebooks Graph targets Google

62. However,the vote did not end the conflict between Congress and the White House over the future of the South.

VOA : special.2010.01.28

63. And,here is the favorite proverb of Marius Meledje in Ivory Coast: "Your defeat now is your victory in the future."

VOA : special.2009.03.01

64. It is imaginable that future investment might be conditional on customs-free zones administered by outsiders.

ECONOMIST: Western mans burden

65. The idea that America stood for some kind of progress, that America meant a prosperous future was just common coin.

那种美国代表了发展进步,代表了繁荣未来的想法是双方共有的美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课





















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