take photograph翻译_take photograph短语搭配_take photograph权威例句

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take photograph

play play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Me take your photograph 我给你拍照

2. to take a photograph 摄影

3. I take your photograph 我给你拍照

4. take a photograph of 拍一张照片 ; 拍 ; 照一张……的照片 ; 摄影

5. Take photograph of Jack good 杰克拍的相片不错

6. nto take a photograph 摄影

7. take a photograph 照相 ; 照一张相 ; 拍照

8. take photograph for sb with 用给某人照相

9. take a photograph with sb 和某人照相


1. Find a neighborhood garden where flower shoots are sprouting. Have your child take a photograph of them.


2. I am recruiting for someone to photograph and take video when she’s ready for him to let go though, because I don’t think I can watch.


3. Ask the whole family to come out so that I can take their photograph.


4. Please take a photograph of me in front of the Merlion.


5. The family intends to take photograph of the whole family.


6. People here like to take photograph. The kids will show their favorite "gesture" when facing camera.


7. Y: Relax Donne, and take a look at this high resolution photograph of human intestines that I carry around for just these kinds of science listen information emergencies.

我们来看看这张高分辨率的人体肠道照片。 这可是我为了应对这种科技节目紧急情况特意随身携带的呢。

8. Please stand still while I am ready to take the photograph.

站着别动,我给你们照相。《provided by jukuu》

9. Just smile naturally while I take your photograph.


10. We didn't wait to take a photograph but we ran away as fast as we could.


11. The official looks my way. I try my luck and motion to take a photograph.


12. Would you like to take a photograph with me?


13. For example, if you write a story based upon another book or take a photograph of a painting, even though you created a new work, it could be what is known as a derivative work and infringement.


14. He gets close enough to take this beautiful forest with this beautiful bear, eating a salmon, and make it all come together in a photograph that captures your imagination.


15. Methods: Use the Grating Spectrograph to take photograph of atomic emission spectrum of unknown sample and make quantitative analysis Results: Quantitative determination of trace elements in nutriment.


16. He wants to take a photograph of the Great Hall of the people.

他想拍一张人民大会堂的照片。《provided by jukuu》

17. Are you going to take a photograph?


18. If you're going to take my photograph, I must go and prime myself up a bit first.

如果你要是打算给我照相,那我得先去打扮打扮。《provided by jukuu》

19. At peony river, I arrived eight females of the Zhao hurl river statue front take photograph.


20. The device can take a photograph of the surrounding location to determine where it is being used.


21. At peony river, I arrived eight females of the Zhao hurl river statue front take photograph.


22. Can I take a photograph?


23. But combination take a photograph against Tao yi.

而摄影与陶艺的结合。《provided by jukuu》

24. Shandong omits observatory proposal, weather of overcast and rainy may give traffic, big canopy vegetable birth etc bring adverse effect, should notice to take photograph official seal model measure.


25. I asked the eldest to take a picture of Katim and myself. Another photograph for his album.


26. I would suggest, captain, that you take your photograph from here.

我想上校你可以在那个地方拍照。《provided by jukuu》

27. A: I want to take a photograph.


28. Try not to jerk the camera when you take a photograph.


29. Perspective is what gives a photograph an edge over thousands of others. Want to take an edgy group photograph?


30. You didn't take the photograph. I did.


31. A lamp for providing momentary light to take a photograph.


32. Special porous hairs (see photograph), located on the animal's flank, take up the poison, which is also used by some Kenyan hunters to tip their arrows.


33. Can I take a photograph ?


34. I'm very excited. Let's take a photograph now.


35. Is there enough light to take a photograph?

拍照的光线强度够不够?《provided by jukuu》

36. Take photograph doctor at correct of clap each Angle for you of tooth photograph, provide for use, also for contrasting in the days to come.


37. So you remember where each square was placed, either take a photograph or number the backs.


38. Stand still while I take your photograph.

我给你拍照时,站着不要动。《provided by jukuu》

39. Before I move into a new place, I take my camera and photograph every bit of damage I can find.


40. When did he take that photograph?


41. To take a photograph of this type, really it's a dream come true for me.


42. Philip asked me to take a photograph of himself and his wife.


43. You can't even take a photograph of your Nan without cropping her head off.

你连给你奶奶拍张全身照都不会。《provided by jukuu》

44. The contrast of these symbols of life and springtime next to a symbol of death was so striking, I decided to take a photograph of it.


45. Since drying degree under mobile condition can not be measured by gravity, therefore, image processing is introduced and used to analyze drying quality real-time, automatically continuously take photograph and identify drying object.


46. The Re is seeing then thing before, you see this first, this is my father at'evaporate'before take of photograph.


47. You can actually take a photograph of that.

你甚至都能给它们拍张照片。《provided by jukuu》

48. So, this is a photograph that someone took on the Internet of a real world receipt from a restaurant somewhere I think in the UK and I think the take away will perhaps be cleared pretty fast.


49. Methods:Use the Grating Spectrograph to take photograph of atomic emission spectrum of unknown sample and make quantitative analysis Results:Quantitative determination of trace elements in nutriment.

方法:用平面光栅摄谱仪拍摄未知样品之原子发射光谱图,并作定量分析。 结果:测定营养品中微量元素的含量。

50. A:I want to take a photograph.


51. Then he'd take a photograph, turn the print upside-down, and get his elevation view.


52. Hold yourself still for a moment while I take your photograph.


53. Hoist her up, boys. We want to take a photograph. So...



1. When it got too late, Schreiner would take a photograph of where he was, and return the next morning after spending the night in a hotel.

WSJ: The Kid Who Skated to Yankee Stadium Jason Gay

2. The nurses, who will be equipped with cervical screening and treatment tools as well as standard smartphones, will take a photograph of the cervix with their phone and send it via SMS to a medical expert in a specialized clinic.


3. Now comes the latest idea: that everyone can be an artist, because everyone can take a photograph with a smart phone.

FORBES: Everyone's An Artist Now. (Oh, Really?)

4. If it's something too graphic, then I think you definitely just have to pass, or you know, possibly you do take the photograph but you don't submit it for publication.

NPR: Photographer Feels Weight of His Myanmar Images

5. The staff will take a photograph of your tattoo then they will send the image to Paris where the designer himself will review and approve it.

FORBES: Christian Louboutin Wants Your Tattoo On His Shoes

6. Lubin said Thursday night, after the FBI released photos of the two suspects, that he decided to take a closer look at Green's photograph on the off chance Green had captured anything unusual.

NPR: Fla. Runner Gets Photo Of Suspect Fleeing Marathon

7. Mr. Giammetti even paused to take a photograph with his iPhone of a woman with a bob identical to Anna Wintour's, and then shared it with his dinner partners, the designer Diane von Furstenberg and the agent Bryan Lourd from the Creative Artist Agency.

WSJ: A New Principal at the Ballet

8. Photograph the bride before she gets into the car to take her to the ceremony - if wearing a veil this is the only time you will find her with it in place over her face.

BBC: How to take perfect wedding photos

9. At a lab at the University of Michigan, researchers are using an MRI scanner to photograph test subjects' brains as they take on different tasks.

NPR: Think You're Multitasking? Think Again

10. Yet by the turn of the century, when anyone could take a snapshot with their lightweight Kodak, the seemingly secure position of the photograph among art collectibles was again changing.

ECONOMIST: Snapping up the past

11. For those not aware, to take a photograph of lightning you must open the shutter and hope - or perhaps pray.

BBC: Lightning really does strike twice



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