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  • n. 莫斯科(俄罗斯首都)

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  • n.莫斯科(俄罗斯首都)



1. pfc cska moscow 莫斯科中央陆军足球俱乐部 ; 莫斯科中央陆军

2. Moscow Raceway 莫斯科赛道

3. Battle of Moscow 莫斯科战役 ; 莫斯科保卫战 ; 台风作战

4. Moscow Kremlin 克里姆林宫 ; 克林姆林宫

5. Moscow Nights 莫斯科郊外的晚上 ; 莫斯科之夜 ; 东方之珠国语 ; 唱片名

6. Moscow Oblast 莫斯科州

7. FC Moscow 莫斯科足球俱乐部 ; FC莫斯科

8. Moscow Exchange 莫斯科证券交易所 ; 莫斯科交易所

9. Moscow Metro 莫斯科地铁


1. A church in Moscow became a repository for police files.


2. They are filming in Moscow right now.


3. Washington and Moscow are believed to have similar views on Kashmir.


4. Now Moscow has reportedly agreed that the sale can go ahead


5. They have thrashed out a compromise formula acceptable to Moscow.


6. He told reporters today that the president's trip to Moscow is up in the air.


7. Renaissance Capital, the Moscow investment bank, estimates banks'hard currency stash at $ 110 bn.


8. Moscow is fourth with average room rates at $ 218 per night - down 52 % since last year.

莫斯科排在第四(有点无法想象),均价218美元每晚 —— 比起去年下降52%.《互联网》

9. Reports speak of Berlin putting together an aid package for Moscow.


10. The offer of talks with Moscow marks a significant change from the previous Western position.


11. Moscow is anxious to stay in step with Washington


12. Locally passed laws are of superior authority to those laws passed in Moscow.


13. Readjust your watch. You are now on Moscow time.


14. When America boycotted the Moscow Olympics it cheapened the medals won.


15. He reopened ties with Moscow earlier this year.


16. They put together a Western economic aid package for Moscow.


17. For the record, most Moscow girls leave school at about 18


18. For the record, most Moscow girls leave school at about 18.


19. There are unconfirmed reports that Aziz will return to Moscow within hours.


20. Mr Baker flew in from Moscow.


21. They returned to Moscow on 22 September 1930


22. More and more nobles made Moscow their home during Catherine's reign.


23. In the long term the company hopes to open in Moscow and other major cities.


24. Why Jerusalem , and not London, Beijing, New York, Rome or Moscow?

为什么是耶路撒冷, 而不是伦敦 、 北京或纽约 呢 ?《互联网》

25. The City Council of Moscow has decided that it will begin rationing bread, butter, and meat.


26. A flu epidemic is sweeping through Moscow.


27. I've been walking around Moscow and the town is terribly quiet


28. He reopened ties with Moscow earlier this year


29. Reports speak of Berlin putting together an aid package for Moscow


30. Washington and Moscow are believed to have similar views on Kashmir


31. They have thrashed out a compromise formula acceptable to Moscow


32. Lithuania is heavily reliant on Moscow for almost all its oil.


33. The five years she spent as a news correspondent in Moscow were five years that shook the world.


34. Lithuania hasn't had any direct communication with Moscow.


35. Coup plotters tried to seize power in Moscow.


36. He had been recruited by the Russians as a mole and trained in Moscow.


37. Delhi first began to develop strong ties with Moscow in the 1950s.


38. Moscow and the Baltic republics are reopening channels of communication.


39. It's eleven o'clock at night in Moscow.


40. American films are showing at Moscow's cinemas.


41. Moscow is running critically low on food supplies.


42. It's eleven o'clock at night in Moscow


43. The Queen is on a state visit to Moscow.


44. Moscow is anxious to stay in step with Washington.


45. The US president is making a return visit to Moscow.


46. It's been bitterly cold here in Moscow.


47. I've been walking around Moscow and the town is terribly quiet.


48. She wanted him to act as an intermediary in the dispute with Moscow.


49. Most Moscow - based reporters went seldom , if at all, and then only in daylight and well - guarded.

俄国记者裹足不前, 或有勇者全副武装 、 白日“到此一游”.《互联网》

50. There are tangible signs that the republic's successfully breaking its bonds with Moscow.


51. Moscow recently announced that capital flight last year increased to $ 25 billion.


52. Also among the speakers was the new American ambassador to Moscow.


53. Does $ CIVNAME 1's arrogance know no bounds ? Why do your troops threaten Moscow?

难道$CIVNAME1傲慢无礼到这样的地步 吗 ?你的军队竟然有胆威胁莫斯科?《互联网》

54. The discussions were the beginnings of a dialogue with Moscow.


55. I've been to Moscow. So do I.


56. Soon Ho was roaming the earth a covert agent for Moscow.


57. Last year Jiri Jaro? ik joined from CSKA Moscow .

去年加盟的是CSKA的 亚罗西克.《互联网》

58. It was an unprecedented demonstration of people power by the citizens of Moscow.


59. I stopped in Moscow only to change planes.


60. This has set the alarm bells ringing in Moscow


61. It is thought that the 1980 Moscow Village cost around 200 000 000 to build.


62. Ambassador Thompson's cables from Moscow reported Khrushchev's unusual preoc cupation with Cuba.


63. Alexander Anichkin is a foreign correspondent who was educated in Moscow and now lives in Britain.


64. This has set the alarm bells ringing in Moscow.


65. The offer of talks with Moscow marks a significant change from the previous western position


66. In the long term the company hopes to open in Moscow and other major cities



1. Mr Fogle is said to have been a third secretary at the US embassy in Moscow.

BBC: Russia reveals Moscow CIA station chief's identity

2. The Russians are angry and the Cypriot finance minister is heading to Moscow to explain.

BBC: Cyprus bailout: Who messed up?

3. Here, some 65 metres below the sundrenched streets of Moscow, lies a disused communications bunker.

BBC: Remnants of Russias past

4. And he never liked Moscow.

他从不喜欢莫斯科欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. It is an example of what I call the imperialism of the straight line, where you have large boulevards that you can march armies down to, reviewing stands and all of that, totally different than Moscow.

我所称的帝国主义直线型风格的范本,有足以让军队列队通过的宽阔的林荫大道,还有阅兵台之类的设计,这些和莫斯科太不一样了欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. So says Andrei Koztunof of the New Eurasia Foundation in Moscow.

VOA : special.2010.07.10

7. Russian scientist Olga Speranskaya of Moscow won from Europe.

VOA : special.2009.04.27

8. Russia has strong economic and military ties to Syria, and is Moscow's last Middle East ally.

WSJ: U.N. Vetoes to Inflame Syrian Conflict

9. ChevronTexaco, though it has an excellent position in neighboring Kazakhstan, has come up dry in Moscow.

FORBES: On The Cover/Top Stories

10. Black widows are also suspected in Monday's bombings in Moscow.

VOA : special.2010.04.03

11. When she arrived in Moscow, a Soviet official gave her a special travel permit, because he liked her industrial photographs.

VOA : special.2009.05.10

12. Ginzburg was the former head of the theory group at the PN Lebedev Physical Institute in Moscow.

BBC: Magnet repelled over superconductor, SPL

13. When America boycotted the Moscow Olympics it cheapened the medals won.


14. The report criticizes, for instance, Moscow's decision to host the Palestinian militant group Hamas.

NPR: Iran's Nuclear Demands Strain U.S.-Russian Ties

15. Moscow is a top 10 derivatives market and a top 20 equities trading market.

FORBES: Is Russia Ready For Life After Oil?

16. Chechen rebel leader Doku Umarov claimed responsibility for the Moscow bombings in the name of Islam.

VOA : special.2010.04.03

17. The United States also continued in the nineteen twenties to refuse to recognize the communist government in Moscow.

VOA : special.2011.02.03

18. What's important about the construction of St. Petersburg-- I don't know how many of you have ever been there; I haven't been there for a very, very long time-- this city is not like Moscow at all.

那么修建圣彼得堡到底有什么重要的意义呢,我不知道你们之中有多少人去过那儿,我并没有在那个地方逗留过很久,但这座城市和莫斯科完全不一样欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. Following the Moscow bombings, some international security experts say this kind of violence cannot be permanently stopped.

VOA : special.2010.04.03

20. She thanked Lech Walesa and his Solidarity Labor movement in Poland and Mikhail Gorbachev, the reformist leader in Moscow.

VOA : standard.2009.11.09

21. Now, to be sure, in Siberia in the far reaches of the north, North Asia, this empire amounted to little more than a series of trading posts, and it took a very long time for any semblance of Russian authority from Moscow and soon from St. Petersburg, for reasons that we'll see, to reach there.

现在,可以肯定,当时的俄国,在西伯利亚和北亚并没有多少商栈,俄国耗费了很多时间,才使得其首都市容变成现在这样,无论是莫斯科,还是之后的圣彼得堡,原因我们会讲到欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. On Monday Ivanov said the new anti-terror partnership between Moscow and Washington had strengthened the OSCE.

CNN: Powell: Do more to stop terror

23. After the sale his mother phoned to complain about Moscow's abuse of the Chechens.

FORBES: Babble Rouser

24. Nor does Moscow have a judicial system like Britain's that protects them from unwelcome inquisitors.

FORBES: Welcome to Londongrad

25. He had left Moscow several hours before.

VOA : special.2009.03.18

26. The next morning, we alighted at Tynda, the unofficial BAM capital, nearly 7, 000km east of Moscow.

BBC: A train to nowhere in Siberia

27. At no stage will Moscow be setting the price or volumes of global gas supplies.

FORBES: Russia: Shell-Shocked From U.S. Shale Over Shtokman

28. In 1943, young Rostropovich entered the Moscow Conservatory, where he studied with Dmitri Shostakovich.

NPR: Master Cellist, Conductor Rostropovich Dies at 80

29. Critics fear it will dilute Ukraine's sovereignty and help return Ukraine to Moscow's sphere of influence.

BBC: Ukraine police clash with Kiev crowd over language law

30. One of the things that's very true about Moscow, right into the twentieth century, is that you had all sorts of peasants living on the edge of Moscow living in these wooden houses.

有一件关于莫斯科的史实,直到二十世纪,在莫斯科的郊外,还有许多农民住在这样的小木屋里欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. They build huge houses in the seventeenth century in Moscow with very old-fashioned traditional Russian architecture.

在17世纪,他们在莫斯科建造了巨大的房屋,用的是老式传统的俄国的建筑风格欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. In Moscow he ran Mr Putin's presidential campaign and chaired Gazprom, the gas giant.

ECONOMIST: Russia's presidency

33. Russians are lured by its four-hour proximity to Moscow, strong capital markets and favorable tax laws.

FORBES: Welcome to Londongrad

34. Or, if you take Russia, Moscow was always the religious core.

或者,再说说莫斯科,莫斯科过去是宗教中心1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. Like many other authoritarians, Vladimir Putin's regime in Moscow derives its legitimacy in part from anti-Americanism.

WSJ: Deaf to His Charms

36. Russia's fifth largest bank, Bank of Moscow, has been given the biggest bail-out in Russian history.

BBC: Russia rescues Bank of Moscow in record bail-out

37. The Moscow Times newspaper reports that women were involved in about sixty percent of the nearly forty rebel attacks since two thousand one.

VOA : special.2010.04.03

38. In an apartment on the edge of Moscow, 18-year-old Maxim sits watching the news on TV.

BBC: Brutality sparks flood of Russian desertions

39. The United States had refused to recognize the government in Moscow after the Bolsheviks took control in nineteen seventeen.

VOA : special.2011.04.28

40. Despite support from MPs, and the British embassy in Moscow, officials demanded extra payments and paperwork.

BBC: Customs row puts charity fire engine into reverse

41. He says Moscow's actions reflect a historical inability to find a place in the international community.

NPR: Hamas Leaders Meet with Russian Government

42. Moscow and the Baltic republics are re-opening channels of communication.


43. When he is gone from Moscow and then St. Petersburg, there was always this tendency to have these sort of cabales to get together and sort of plot.

当他离开莫斯科和圣彼得堡外出时,就会有人秘密集会,结党营私,秘谋造反欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. When you look at Moscow you see these old traditional, the skyline is dominated by churches, the influence of the Russian Orthodox Church.

在莫斯科,你会看到许多古老的传统教堂,其尖顶高高耸立于天际,即那些受俄国东正教风格影响的教堂欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. Eclipsed by the economic powerhouse of Moscow, St Petersburg feels a bit like a large museum.

BBC: St Petersburg goes back to the future

46. Napoleon's army began its advance on Moscow.


47. United Press raised his pay and later made him its chief in Moscow.

VOA : special.2009.08.16

48. When he was lodged he liked living in your basic Russian wooden, peasant house, such as you could find on the outskirts of Moscow.

当他要投宿时,他喜欢住在朴素的俄式农舍,就如你能在莫斯科郊外找到的那种欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. Our correspondent Tim Whewell, who has recently returned from Moscow, reports on the changes.


50. An exhibit entitled "Joseph Beyrle - Hero of Two Nations" opened Thursday at the World War II Museum in Moscow.

VOA : standard.2010.05.07

51. "The press here is so cowed, it's disgusting, " says a top U.S. official in Moscow.

FORBES: Magazine Article

52. I'm going to the Russian Stabilization Fund in-- I think I've got an arrangement to meet with them in Moscow in March-- that would be during the semester.

我还要去俄罗斯平准基金一趟-,我想我跟他们已经就,三月在莫斯科会面达成了共识-,就是这个学期的事情。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. Elsewhere in the region Russia's RTS index was down 0.9% in Moscow during the afternoon.

FORBES: Europe Markets Brief

54. Andrei Koztunof of the New Eurasia Foundation in Moscow says both countries essentially agreed not to make it a major issue.

VOA : standard.2010.07.09

55. Russian officials say they need more time to consult Moscow, BBC UN correspondent Barbara Plett reports.

BBC: Russia threatens UN veto over Syria resolution

56. This also, by the way, gets him interested in Baroque and these kinds of Baroque masquerades that he had back in Moscow and then in St. Petersburg as well.

这也同时,使他对巴洛克艺术有兴趣,他在莫斯科有许多巴洛克风格的面具,后来在圣彼得堡也有欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. In later years Moscow became their secondary base, after Peter the Great founded his new capital St Petersburg.

BBC: Inside the Kremlin walls

58. For Moscow, that price comes in the form of complete political loyalty from Turkmenistan.

FORBES: Turkmenistan: Desperate for a Gas Market

59. In short, tampering with a skeptical, scared jury in Moscow may not even be necessary.

FORBES: Magazine Article

60. The Moscow shops are stuffed with luxury goods.


61. Moscow is the only member of the quartet that doesn't consider Hamas a terrorist organization.

NPR: Hamas Leaders Meet with Russian Government

62. Then,one night in July, Soviet officials announced that German bomber planes were flying toward Moscow.

VOA : special.2009.05.17

63. Earlier,Soviet forces had succeeded in breaking German attacks at Stalingrad,Moscow and Leningrad.

VOA : special.2011.06.16

64. Russians Nicolay Basov and Aleksandr Prokhorov did their research in Moscow.

VOA : special.2010.09.01

65. On Monday,two suicide bombings on Moscow's underground train system killed thirty-nine people.

VOA : special.2010.04.03
















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