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英 [ˌsentrəlaɪˈzeɪʃ(ə)n]play美 [ˌsentrələˈzeɪʃ(ə)n]play

  • n. 集中化;中央集权管理

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1. fiscal centralization 财政集中制

2. centralization and decentralization 集中与分散 ; 中心化与去中心化

3. centralization of repair 集中化修理 ; 集中修

4. Network Centralization 网络中心势 ; 中心度 ; 全网集中势 ; 网络集中化

5. telegraphy centralization 电报集中


7. centralization of control 集中控制

8. centralization of capital 金融 资本集中

9. Centralization or Decentralization 中的原则 ; 集中的原则 ; 中心化或去中心化


1. The conclusion also explains the positive correlativity between excess land centralization and land reform.


2. Nowhere in Britain has bureaucratic centralization proceeded with more pace than in Scotland.


3. Centralization: lower managers are not capable at making decisions.

集权: 较低层次的管理者不能制定决策.《互联网》

4. Tending or directed away from centralization, as of authority.


5. Discussion on data centralization in Shanxi power communication resource management system


6. With economic growth has come centralization: fully 76 percent of.


7. Analysis of Peak Regulation Power Based on Centralization Degree


8. Impact of Information Technology on Power Distribution within Organization: Decentralization Based on Centralization


9. Centralization of access to all of the enterprise data through specialized data services requires business services to use them for all of the data access.


10. Game Theory Analysis of the Centralization Strategy


11. Some effective measures must be adopted in practising financial management of centralization.


12. Adopted centralization construction to reduce the operating charges;


13. With economic growth has come centralization.


14. The power and ability of reform is related to the centralization.


15. the introduction of redundant service logic, which runs contrary to Logic Centralization (136)

冗余服务逻辑的引入,这和逻辑集中(Logic Centralization,136)相违背

16. The Innovation and Application of the Financial Centralization in China Mobile on the Province Level


17. The crux of this scenario is the virtualization and centralization of information to create a set of consistent, reliable data.


18. The last is centralization, which is a general trend of English development.


19. Centralization and decentralization are in constant contradiction with each other.


20. Evolution of the Administrative Pivot and Centralization of power in Ancient China


21. Unfortunately we are now seeing the consequences of this centralization.


22. Research on Centralization and Optimization of the Layout of Car Inspection and Maintenance


23. Study on "Four-dimensional Centralization" Agricultural Circular Economy Development Mode in Our Country


24. Application of Fuzzy Centralization Statistical Method in Weighted Index Value of Coal Mine Safety Assessment


25. The Research of Data Centralization Model for Postal Savings Computer System


26. The centralization of workflow logic into the abstract superclass is an example of inversion of control.


27. The test system not only implement the test centralization but also the test opening and network.


28. The adoption of whole - building systems control has often been accompanied by centralization of decision making power.


29. Industry Centralization 、 Competitive Superiority& West Development


30. Financial Information Centralization in Universities and Internal Control


31. Centralization and Flexibility of Organization in Dynamic Environment: an Empirical Study


32. The reformation of envoy system presents two big characteristics: centralization of power and efficiency.


33. Research on Bi-level Programming Model for the Layout of Vehicle Repair Centralization


34. This is not simply a problem of financial centralization or decentralization.


35. Centralization, Sub urbanization, Counter urbanization and Re urbanization are the main phases in the life cycle of metropolis.


36. The grand centralization is the developing direction of the banking.


37. The most important aspect of centralization and unification is unifying our thinking.


38. Moral belief has the features of sanctification, centralization and integration in its practice.


39. While centralization ensures that all students are equipped with roughly the same resources and perform at roughly the same level, it also discourages experimentation.


40. It presents a typical Centralization ventilating and cooling structure in this article.


41. A Research on Possibility Analysis and Model Selection of Centralization of Fund Management of A Construction Corporation


42. Centralization is an important growing trend for corporate.


43. Essential differences exist between re-centralization and original centralization on the life cycle chain of industry location.


44. Ironically, centralization of services is being accompanied by increasing interest in mobile computing.


45. The term centralization describes where the decision __ making authority is.


46. The emerging IT paradigm enables them to achieve these objectives through a different mechanism: centralization.


47. Study on Funds Centralization Management of State Enterprise Groupe


48. Application of PLC in "Signal Centralization Interlocking" System of Shaft Station


49. Two of the most important dimensions of structure are centralization and departmentalization.


50. Epitome standard includes market shares, market centralization degree, enterprise scales, technique innovation abilities etc.

反竞争企业合并的认定标准可以分为概括性标准和具体标准两类,其中具体标准包括市场份额 、 市场集中度 、 企业规模 、 技术创新能力等等.《互联网》

51. Centralization and decentralization are in constant contradiction with each other.


52. Unlike many security agencies or entities in the human world, the most adaptable and successful organisms avoid centralization.


53. Jiang Nan Industrial Centralization Area is located close to Yangtze River Golden Waterway, helping enterprises to reduce transport cost.


54. Industry centralization is the developing trend in international industry market.


55. The information center contains details about the phases. In phase one, the following centralization activities are performed.


56. Analysis on the Seasonal Distribution of Infectious Diseases by using Centralization and Circular Distribution


57. Its standard substantive consist of three essential elements: related market, degree of centralization of the related product market, other factors.


58. Energy Centralization Effect of Blasting Earthquake Wave in the Stratum Media


59. Centralization and dispersion for transport transport monitor system locomotive


60. Mechanistic: A structure that is high in complexity, formalization, and centralization.

机械式: 是一种具有高度复杂性 、 正规化和集权性的组织形式.《互联网》

61. In addition, the regional sites participating in the centralization area are identified.


62. The Application of LCD Module in 6502 Electric Centralization SCM Checking and Measuring System


63. Although it reflects the management principles of human centralization, it has disadvantages.

这虽然体现了以人为中心的管理思想, 但也有其片面性.《互联网》

64. The low comprehensive cost will enhance the competitiveness of enterprises in Jiang Nan Industrial Centralization Area.


65. Organic: A structure that is low in complexity, formalization, and centralization.

有机式: 是一种具有低度复杂性, 正规化和集权性的组织形式.《互联网》

66. Lisp would be Zen Buddhism - there is no syntax, there is no centralization of dogma, there are no deities to worship.


67. The latter contains the three centralization adoption phases.


68. How to determine the degree of centralization or decentralization of power?


69. This is not simply a problem of financial centralization or decentralization.


70. On the Centralization and Decentralization of the Financial Management of the Group Company



1. Nowhere in Britain has bureaucratic centralization proceeded with more pace than in Scotland.


2. This centralization of power implicitly assumes that those who work for government are less fallible than those who work in the private sector, and therefore can be trusted to foresee and avoid the next financial crisis.

FORBES: Lessons From Egypt For The American People

3. Countries could introduce the tax fairly easily because a move toward centralization and regulation of settlement sites makes it simple to monitor transactions and collect the tax.

FORBES: Tobin Tax Shows New Promise, or Threat

4. It assumes and insists upon the centralization of the cult.

它呈现并且坚持宗教的集中化。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. This rendered the websites less useful than their potential for communicating logistics, but still provided some centralization of information.

FORBES: What Sandy Has Taught Us About Technology, Relief and Resilience

6. The simple fact is that the top college football coaches are granted not just increased pay, but a centralization of power that enables and perhaps even encourages improper conduct.

FORBES: Joe Paterno And The Problems With College Football's All-Powerful Coach Culture

7. I'm going to talk about the centralization of the French State and the question of why Paris--and that's kind of fun to talk about- and the role of Paris in centralization, and the particular role of Paris in French economic, political, social and cultural life.

一是讲法国政府的集权化统治,还有巴黎为什么 谈论这个很有意思,巴黎在中央集权政府中的地位,以及其在法国经济,社会,文化领域中的地位1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. So that brings us the decision point what is the right level of centralization.

FORBES: To Centralize Analytics or Not, That is the Question

9. Long the president of Czechoslovakia (and then the Czech Republic) Havel disdained politicians and politics and refused to follow many of his compatriots down the road of centralization of the state, pushing instead to grow the long-withered civil society left so ransacked by the Soviet occupation.

FORBES: Vaclav Havel and the Velvet Revolution in the Age of Social Media

10. For the first time, the country adopted a thoroughgoing centralization of administration, nominally culminating in President Johnson as head of the executive branch, but in fact handing vast and hard-to-account for power to myriad experts running myriad programs in the new agencies.

FORBES: Barack Obama's Election And The Looming Crisis Of Liberalism

11. And,so,that centralization is--also there are mountains there, it's easier to build in Brive.

所以说中央集权是…当然,图勒有山,在布瑞福修铁路会更加容易1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. And,so,the departments,along with the railroads and along with better roads also,and the banking network, increases the centralization of the French State.

各省由铁路相连,当然也有公路和银行系统,以加强法国的中央集权1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. In addition, the rule permits the centralization and management of intellectual property in a foreign company and the receipt of royalties from related foreign subsidiaries without current U.S. taxation.

FORBES: Fiscal Cliff Tax Deal Extends Key International Rule

14. Edward Richards, the head of Britain's regulator, Ofcom, warned that the "centralization of power to Brussels, plus a new European bureaucracy" would not enhance regulation during an interview with the Financial Times.

FORBES: Magazine Article

15. Given the very different route that Prussia, Austria, Russia, Sweden and France went with a centralization of absolute rule, why did it work out so differently for England/Britain and the Netherlands?

在选择政体时,当普鲁士,奥地利,俄国,瑞典,法国,都伴随着中央集权走上绝对主义国家的道路,为什么英国和荷兰会如此与众不同呢欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. In the reform bill there are other examples of the centralization of clinical decision-making.


17. And,he of course pushes centralization even further, where he liked to brag-- it's one of these famous lines you find in textbooks, but--that he could look at his watch and see the high schools,were studying at any one time.

他进一步的推动了中央集权,他喜欢自吹自擂,这是在教科书里经常可以看到的,他自称,他看着表就可以知道,学习情况1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. We have to oppose their attempt of further centralization.


19. That is they don't want--or more broadly they don't want centralization of power in the government.

那意味着,他们不希望-或更广泛地说,他们不希望权力全部集中在政府手中。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. And, what they were trying to do was imagine a new world which would be less centralized; but, for the socialists, they wanted more centralization.

他们留下的目的就是,能生活在一个没有中央集权的社会中,但是,对于社会主义者来说则正相反1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. And he makes state centralization even more important.

他加强了中央集权的统治1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. Because the concomitant forces that have made public life so scarce suburbanization, virtualization, and the centralization of the home as the venue for experience have created a new premium for public experience.

FORBES: The Power of Place

23. So let's isolate now some of the major themes of Deuteronomy, before we close our study of the Pentateuch. First of all as I've mentioned, the centralization of the cult: that's a key theme in the book of Deuteronomy and it had very important effects.

那么让我们对申命记的几个主题分别讨论,在我们结束摩西五书的学习之前首先就像我们所提到的,那样,信仰的集中化:这是申命记中的,最关键的主题,并且它产生了重大的影响。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. Sure, the European Commission has put forward proposals for further centralization of powers, but Brussels bureaucrats always engage in these fantasies.

WSJ: What Cameron Needs to Say on Europe

25. Business Units or functional teams will always resist centralization of analytics because they would not get dedicated capacity anymore.

FORBES: To Centralize Analytics or Not, That is the Question

26. Now,that has changed, for sure; but,the centralization of the French government and the domination of Paris over the life of the nation is very difficult to change, over a long period of time.

现在,情况已经发生了改变,但是法国政府的中央集权化,以及巴黎在国民生活中的支配地位,在相当时间段内,都很难得以改变1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. Mr. Yang quickly saw that in Hayek's warnings about the dangers of economic centralization lay both the ultimate explanation for the tragedies of his youth and the predicaments of China's present.

WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Yang Jisheng: Reading Hayek in Beijing

28. Brussels parlays fear into opportunity, but how could Europe increase centralization yet keep statecraft pure?

FORBES: Europe's Debt Crisis Is No Failing Of Federalism

29. FLPs also offer the additional significant benefits of excellent asset protection from future creditors, centralization of investments, family succession, and participation of younger family members in management of family assets and investments.

FORBES: Estate Planning Moves To Consider Before 2010 Is Done

30. Even decades later, the lack of centralization allowed, for example, Airbus engineers in Toulouse and Hamburg to use different industrial-design software.

WSJ: The Unsung Beauty of Bureaucracy

31. Dutch rejectionists feared that the centralization of Europe put at risk their liberal legislation on issues such as gay rights and euthanasia.


32. Address scarcity added to the gravitational force of centralization and control.

FORBES: The Link Between Scarce IP Addresses and the Centralization of the Internet

33. In particular, to produce meaningful analytics, companies in this industry need to improve the capture, quality and centralization of the data to support the creation of actionable intelligence and outcomes.

FORBES: Risk Analytics: Insights for Chemicals Companies

34. Airbus has since taken the gospel of centralization to heart, consolidating decision-making and design for its newest aircraft, the A350.

WSJ: The Unsung Beauty of Bureaucracy

35. There we see in Book II Aristotle offering his criticism of the claims for the sort of excessive unification of centralization concentration of property.

我们在第,II,册中看到,亚里士多德提出了这个评论,针对过度要求,集中一致性,集中财产的主张。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. And, one of the reasons why the role of the dominance of Paris is so great is precisely because of the centralization of the French state.

巴黎能够取得支配地位的一个原因,恰恰就是法国政府的中央集权化1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课



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