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  • n. 对讲电话;工作联络电话

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talk back [ talking talked talks ]

  • 1.
    动词词组 If you talk back to someone in authority such as a parent or teacher, you answer them in a rude way. 顶嘴

    How dare you talk back to me!




1. talk back telephone 对讲电话

2. talk back facilities 对讲设备

3. talk-back system 回答系统 ; 对讲系统

4. Talk Back System 专用对讲

5. talk-back speaker 通话扬声器

6. talk back 回嘴 ; 顶嘴 ; 反驳 ; 对讲

7. talk back circuit 对讲电路

8. talk back equipment 对讲设备


1. Portable Sentinel Alarm and Talk-back System Based on Wire/ Wireless Combination Communication


2. Design and Application of the Embedded Video Communication and Monitor System That Used in Visual Talk-Back of the Intelligent Building


3. Everyone knows that money talks, but only he, it was said, knew how to talk back.


4. You should not talk back to your mother.


5. Norma Jeane was careful, especially not to talk back.


6. I couldn't wait to go back to school and talk with my French teacher.


7. Second, don't talk to the wall in the back or to the window or to the side.


8. What have I left out? Talk Back and Let Me Know.


9. Chinese children are always taught never to talk back to their parents.


10. Children who talk back are regarded as cheeky and disrespectful.


11. First let me back up a bit and talk about vision correction before the printing press.


12. Let's back up again and talk about the time period from the 1860s to the 1880s and talk more about what happened in women's art classes.


13. He laughed and came back to the log and began to talk about the flower seeds again.


14. Please inform you the real name, the talk-back !


15. How dare you talk back to me!


16. Improve Building Safty& Talk-back System Using Code-decode IC


17. If you're breathing too hard to talk in complete sentences, back off.


18. Little children should not talk back to their parents.


19. Don't talk back to your mother like that!


20. The implements can talk back, telling the tractor that it's going too fast or needs to move to the left.


21. Susan was tired of having her three children talk back to her.


22. Talk Back and Let Me Know.


23. Li stopped for a moment."Wait. Sit back down. I think we need to talk some more."


24. In this us restates, we ever do not suggest the buyer in a question and answer version row plain-text telegram postal and the talk-back!


25. Don't talk back to me!


26. This programme gives TV viewers a chance to talk back.


27. Not wanting to talk back either, he simply glared.

也不愿还口.他只瞪了她一眼.《汉英文学 - 骆驼祥子》

28. His parents were very worried about him and came back to talk with him.


29. He tried to talk back, but his sister vociferously talked him down.

他想回嘴, 但他姐姐大声吵嚷,压倒了他.《互联网》

30. It can talk back and forth with a server all it wants, without the user ever knowing about what's really going on.


31. He used to talk back like that.


32. Once this is completed, Dr Herzing and her team hope to create a language they can use to talk back to the dolphins using the machine.


33. This system provides the visual talk-back capability between the tenement and the caller, reduces the receive time and monitor circumambience.


34. Don't you talk back to me or I'll hit you.


35. How could you talk back to your boss like that?


36. Do come back again, and we won't talk about cats or dogs either, if you don't like them!


37. The researchful objects in this paper include: talk-back system of video, CCTV, guard system of perimeter and house access control system management system of parking lots, background music system etc.


38. The extended methods of voice synchronization and talk-back and the key technology of voice communicating in the basic communication system are introduced particularly. Shanghai Online& Internet ( 6) Network Functions in Shanghai Online ( Pt. 1)


39. My mind kept straying back to our last talk together.


40. Dad would never let anyone "talk back" to Aunt Mary Maria.


41. Don't talk back to me.


42. They're also better able to talk back without sounding like a machine.


43. How dare you talk back to me!


44. Don't talk back to your grandpa.


45. Maybe it's deciding to talk back to just one negative thought you have every day.


46. Don't you talk back to me or I'll hit you.


47. Robert had the impudence to talk back to his teacher.


48. His teacher called his parents and advised them to come back and talk with their son in person.



1. As India dug its heels in, American officials dropped talk of freeze and roll-back, and most of the post-test sanctions have gone too.

ECONOMIST: Hail to the chief tourist

2. And here, it seems the talk and whispers are coming back -- even though violence is far below its peak.

CNN: Analysis: Baghdad weary amid pullout and death

3. Back then, there was talk of an easier, browser-based LOIC tool, but it took another year before it was finally used en mass with the recent Megaupload attacks.

FORBES: Click 'n Hit: How Supporters Of Anonymous?Are Making It Easier To Cripple Websites

4. We're going to come back and talk about green-collar jobs, what the future of those are, and the future of high-paying blue-collar jobs.

CNN: Transcript of June 'CNN Money Summit: Money & Main St.'

5. Since Winfrey is contractually barred from hosting another Oprah-style chatfest until she concludes her syndicated series in September 2011--whether she'll launch one at that time remains one of the industry's favorite guessing games--OWN will feature the next best thing: back-stage access to her top-rated talk show.

FORBES: Daytime Television

6. It's a more powerful method than something called a cross-sectional study, and I'll come back in a later lecture and talk about these in more detail, but a cross-sectional study means you're taking a snapshot of a population of people at one time.

这种方法比所谓的横断面研究更加有效,我将在以后的课中,再仔细讨论这个问题,但横断面研究是指,你一次记录下一群人的状况关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. Trips back home involved enduring endless one-upmanship talk of assets and their 'big plans' for retirement.

BBC: Irish election: Enda Kenny claims opposition victory

8. This talk might seem a foolhardy boast, soapy residue from the high-tech bubble that popped back in March of 2000, but for two critical factors.

FORBES: What Makes Cisco Run

9. The Los Angeles writers' strike has shuttered late-night talk shows and will almost certainly set back a few drama series.

ECONOMIST: California

10. At this point, the McClellan Oscillator that I talk about went from -78 on Tuesday to back above Neutral on Friday.

FORBES: Stocks Flat At Monday's Open But Still Looking Strong

11. Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson refused to talk about the sending off of his Brazilian right-back Rafael.

BBC: Boss Harry Redknapp says Tottenham are title outsiders

12. Talk of reaching a framework agreement that is sufficiently robust to win Turkish-Cypriot voters back to Mr Talat is risky and may well not work.

ECONOMIST: Cyprus, Turkey and the European Union

13. Inevitably, the success of a seemingly recession-proof economy gets this country a very strong financial press - even if, as we noted a few weeks back, the talk over the coming months will be of whether it has been infected by the "Dutch disease", an over-reliance on the booming resources sector that is having a distorting effect on the economy as a whole.

BBC: Australia: The Consequential Country

14. You can, in effect, talk back to yourself, with counter-messages that are accurate and positive.

FORBES: How to Make 2013 Your Best Year Ever

15. If you want to talk about the weather, our number is 1-800-989-8255, 1-800-989-8255, 1-800-989-TALK. Getting ready to talk about the weather, it is - we did, as I say, back east we got our first taste of snow this - last night.

NPR: Can Climate Change Explain Odd Weather?

16. By the early 2000s, many Chinese executives would bristle at the talk of corruption and back-door practices.

FORBES: Understanding China's Leadership Transition

17. Now we'll go back further than 10,000 years to talk about the history of food, but in those--but at 10,000 years ago several very important changes happened that have shaped to a great extent what our modern relationship with food is.

让我们回到一万多年前,来讨论饮食史,但是,一万年前,发生了一些很重要的变化,这些变化很大程度上塑造了,现代人类与食物的关系关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. It didn't hurt that he could "talk the same language" when tracking car parts across Europe--back in the day DeLorean cars were assembled in Northern Ireland, thanks to millions of dollars in development incentives from the British government.

FORBES: Magazine Article

19. The biggest retailer in the world said on Feb. 19 that it was expanding its e-commerce investments in China and further north there is talk of the company wanting to get back into Russia after leaving Moscow in 2010.

FORBES: Wal-Mart Expanding In China, Possibly Returning To Russia

20. And then maybe ten minutes later I'll be like 'Oh,well, I need to talk to so-and-so,' and so then I'll go back on it, every thirty minutes or something."

VOA : special.2009.09.14

21. Their discussions led to the concept of taking a night, during the back-to-school window, where parents would be asked to talk with their children about money.

FORBES: Parents and Teachers: Join National Money Talk Night

22. And despite lots of big-picture talk about success and giving back, Obama made it clear that without appropriate focus on those closest to you, big-picture accomplishments mean little.

CNN: Obama to new grads: "No time for excuses"

23. Sales reps calling on customers are trained to first talk up how Give Something Back can save both time and money, for instance, guaranteeing free next-day delivery on 40, 000 items.

FORBES: The Profit Givers

24. Early indications are that he will focus on the economy and talk in particular about turning the nation back towards the middle class and middle-class values.

FORBES: What Obama Should Say (But Won't)

25. Finally today, as we wrap up this special broadcast from WDET in Detroit, you talk back to us - Detroiters only, please.

NPR: Residents Tout Detroit As City Of Ideas, Arts

26. France has - nobody's actually said, but there's a lot of talk in the back rooms.

NPR: U.N. Resolution Points to Peace in Lebanon

27. Dropcam HD includes night vision, digital zoom and two-way talk back so users can respond to what they're watching as it happens.

ENGADGET: Dropcam's iOS app goes big, now optimized for iPad

28. For a while, they persuade him to mount the standard campaign of dealmaking, double-talk and false promises, until Hepburn brings him back to his senses and to her.

CNN: All The Presidents' Movies

29. They can use Cisco 7920 wireless voice-over-Internet Protocol phones to talk to the drivers or to mechanics back in the garage.

FORBES: The Indy 500 Goes Wireless

30. That original Siri voice-to-text app -- powered in part by Nuance's technology -- also worked by people speaking commands into their phones, although it didn't talk back.

CNN: Why computer voices are mostly female

31. And b2c is not the only place where this talk-back technology can take hold.

FORBES: Google Pushes Marketing Talk-Back Button

32. Speaking at a postperformance talk-back, the puppeteer noted how he eagerly took advantage of the stage's full 44-foot depth outfitted with an elaborate rigging system in place for hanging sets.

WSJ: A Puppeteer's 'Rite' of Passage | Basil Twist | By Robert Greskovic

33. The president, he says, would need to bring over Big Labor and talk back the most ardent pro-immigration groups from "unrealistic" positions on citizenship for illegals.

WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Marco Rubio: Riding to the Immigration Rescue





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