
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [bɜːd]play美 [bɜːrd]play

  • 名词 n. 鸟;年轻女子,姑娘;人,家伙;飞机,飞船,卫星;供捕猎(或食用)的鸟;羽毛球;<英,非正式>监狱,服刑期(doing bird);喝倒彩,起哄(give sb. the bird)
  • 【名】 (Bird)(英、西)伯德(人名)

复数 birds 第三人称单数 birds 现在分词 birding 过去式 birded 过去分词 birded

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


bird /bɜːd/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A bird is a creature with feathers and wings. Female birds lay eggs. Most birds can fly. 鸟
  • 2.
    →see also   early bird
  • 3.
    习语 If you refer to two people as birds of a feather, you mean that they have the same interests or are very similar. 志趣相同的人

    We're birds of a feather, you and me, Mr. Plimpton.


  • 4.
    习语 A bird in the hand is something that you already have and do not want to risk losing by trying to get something else. 已到手的东西

    Another temporary discount may not be what you want, but at least it is a bird in the hand.


  • 5.
    习语 If you say that a little bird told you about something, you mean that someone has told you about it, but you do not want to say who it was. 消息灵通的人

    Incidentally, a little bird tells me that your birthday's coming up.


  • 6.
    习语 If you say that doing something will kill two birds with one stone, you mean that it will enable you to achieve two things that you want to achieve, rather than just one. 一箭双雕

    We can talk about Union Hill while I get this business over with. Kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.






1. in bird [英国俚语]在狱中

2. bird of prey 猛禽;食肉鸟

3. on the bird [美国俚语](电视节目)可以从卫星频道收看的

4. like a bird 轻快地;敏捷地

5. game bird 猎鸟;猎禽

6. big bird 大鸟;倒彩;奚落

7. have a bird [美国俚语]

8. bird strike 飞机与鸟群相撞事故

9. Free as a Bird 自由如鸟 ; 自由自在 ; 自由翱翔 ; 自在安闲

10. for the birds 对牛弹琴;毫无意义的

11. Larry Bird 拉里·伯德 ; 伯德 ; 拉里 ; 拉里伯德

12. dead bird 死球

13. larry bird 拉里·伯德(NBA明星)

14. Flappy Bird 像素鸟 ; 疯狂的小鸟 ; 飞扬的小鸟 ; 飞翔的小鸟

15. birds of a feather n. 一丘之貉

16. bird migration 鸟类迁徙

17. an early bird 早起的人;早到者


19. Brad Bird 布拉德·伯德 ; 布莱德柏德 ; 导 ; 布拉德伯德

20. bird cage n. 鸟笼

21. early bird 早起者;早到者

22. bird nest 鸟窝;炉渣

23. bird flu n. 禽流感

24. little bird 小鸟;消息灵通的人士

25. migratory bird 候鸟

26. Bird Island 伯德岛 ; 鸟岛 ; 江口鸟洲


1. In pain the bird catcher threw down the twigs and the noise the Dove take wing.


2. This species of bird is decreasing in numbers every year.


3. The girl asked her father to free the bird from the cage.


4. Chase after elephant's hunter in course of, can not stop to strike bird.

正在追赶大象的猎人, 不会停下来打鸟.《期刊摘选》

5. The male and female birds take turns in sitting on the eggs.


6. Bird strikes happen all over And they are not rare.


7. Rose: A bird dog?

罗斯: 是捕鸟犬 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

8. He popped at the bird.


9. The male bird has distinctive white markings on its head.


10. Ten new cases of bird flu were reported yesterday.


11. Some birds which were once a common sight are now becoming rare.


12. a wise old bird


13. There's a bird in the tree.


14. The bird ruffled up its feathers.


15. Jessie got in the plane and took off after the bird.


16. Birds wheeled above us in the sky.


17. Huge numbers of birds had flocked together by the lake.


18. There's another free bird __ airplane.


19. The baby fish are easy prey for birds.


20. The bird fanned out its tail feathers.


21. They warned him that next time he'd find himself doing bird.


22. He held the bird gently in the palm of his hand.


23. a bird's nest with two eggs in it


24. I can see that aeroplane, but I can't see a bird.

我能看见那架飞机, 但是小鸟我就看不见了.《用法词典》

25. On the road there is little to protect them from mud, insects, and bird droppings.

在路上,几乎没有东西去保护他们免遭泥土 、 昆虫和鸟粪的侵袭.《期刊摘选》

26. The cat is on the chair trying to get at the bird.


27. The bird caught the insects in mid-air.


28. He shot at a bird, but missed it.

他开枪打鸟, 但没打中.《简明英汉词典》

29. A is for the airplane above thehigh, soaring and singing, like a big bird in sky.

代表“飞机”, 像一只大鸟,在高空翱翔 、 盘旋和歌唱.《期刊摘选》

30. With a flap of its wings, the bird was gone.


31. You don't often see this bird in daytime.


32. Researchers observed one bird impale a rodent on a cactus.


33. A bird had been locked in and was by now quite frantic.


34. The male bird has a red spot on its beak.


35. The penguin is a flightless bird.


36. The sound was not unlike that of birds singing.


37. This bird employs its beak as a weapon.


38. Think of those fleeting moments when you look out of an aeroplane window and realise that you are flying,higher than a bird.

想想那些稍纵即逝的瞬间:当你透过飞机窗口往外看,意识到你在飞,飞得比鸟儿还高。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

39. I wish I were [ was ] a bird.

但愿我能 变成 一只鸟.《现代英汉综合大词典》

40. The bird had become entangled in the wire netting.


41. Airplanes can fly farther and faster than the fastest bird.


42. He that will take the bird must not scare it.


43. The male bird is easily distinguishable from the female.


44. It is shaped like a bird and soars like one, too.


45. There was a bird perched on the roof.


46. She held the bird gently in cupped hands.


47. Many British birds winter in Africa.


48. The bird stopped and hovered in mid-air.


49. The male bird is distinguished from the female by its red beak.


50. The bird spread its wings.


51. The bird soared high, with outspread wings.


52. The bird is now a rare sight in this country.


53. The bird folded its wings.


54. Now that I've got my divorce, I feel as free as a bird.

由于我已经离婚, 我觉得自由自在了.《简明英汉词典》

55. The bird landed on the highest branch; The plane landed in Istanbul.

那只鸟在最高枝着陆; 飞机在伊斯坦布尔着陆.《期刊摘选》

56. The birds are found in over 70 different localities.


57. And someone with the handle bird dog says he scored me?


58. The new airplane looked like a gigantic bird.


59. She is that rare bird: a politician with a social conscience.


60. The bird is beating feebly.


61. Khrushchev was far too canny a bird to discuss anything of value in a hotel room.


62. Whether it be bird, fish or beast, the porpoise is intrigued with anything that is alive.

海豚对凡是活的东西都感兴趣, 不管是鸟 、 是鱼,还是野兽.《期刊摘选》

63. Todays and near future, bird strike experiment of aircraft windshield can't be replaced by computational simulation.

在现阶段和不远的将来, 飞机风挡鸟撞仿真还不能取代实物模拟试验.《期刊摘选》

64. We're supposed to put the stuffing inside the bird with our hands?


65. I looked up to and saw what seemed to be a tiny bird wheeling and sailing.


66. A bird skimmed over the stream.


67. The kite's all ready, and the engine's as sweet as a bird.

飞机已准备好, 引擎发动起来象鸟叫一样动听.《辞典例句》

68. The bird had escaped from captivity.


69. Standley's a wise and salty old bird.


70. A bird and aircraft have said its cord.


71. The birds circled in a slow spiral above the house.


72. The wing of an airplane is analogy to the wing of a bird.


73. Birds use warm air currents to help their flight.


74. I'm not sure wether I can win the honor ; it a bird in the bush.

我不敢肯定我能赢得这个荣誉, 这还是未到手的东西.《期刊摘选》

75. You don't often see this bird in (the) daytime.


76. I want to fly, I want to be an unfettered bird.


77. The bird continued to warble.


78. Crane is a kind of bird with very long legs and neck.


79. The forest's dense growth provides nesting places for a wide variety of birds.


80. She seemed as jealous of Romeo going from her, as a young girl of her bird.

她舍不得叫罗密欧走开, 正象一个年轻姑娘舍不得放走她的鸟儿一样.《辞典例句》

81. A plane arrives to ferry guests to and from Bird Island Lodge.


82. The boy threw a stone at the bird.


83. Every day, a plane arrives to ferry guests to and from Bird Island Lodge.


84. She was such a decent old bird.


85. The bird disappeared into the scrub.


86. The birds were singing outside my window.


87. Birds feed on nuts and berries in the winter.


88. a species of bird


89. The bee is flying. The bird is flying, too. The deer is running. squirrel is eating.

蜜蜂在飞. 鸟也在飞. 鹿在跑. 松鼠在吃东西.《期刊摘选》

90. The male bird has a differently shaped head.


91. He shot the bird with his gun.


92. Every time the little girl nearly caught the bird, it flew off.

每当那小姑娘快要抓住小鸟时, 它就飞了.《期刊摘选》

93. The bird is too tame now to survive in the wild.


94. The currents of air that the walls of the ship direct upwards, as well as in line of its course are enough to give the great bird with its immense wings sufficent sustenance and progress.


95. Look, up in the sky ! It's a bird ! It's a plane It's ME!


96. Many caged birds live longer than their fellows in the wild.


97. The bird flapped its wings furiously.


98. The sand martin is a brown bird with white underneath.


99. The cat was on the wall, watching for birds.


100. The bird fluffed its feathers.


101. A bird skimmed low over the heather.


102. The bird gave a startled squawk.


103. The lake is noted as a home to many birds.


104. He shot down another bird.


105. At one point a bird trilled in the conservatory.


106. Two birds settled on the fence.


107. According to this report, bird strikes are a problem to jets all over the world.

据这篇报导说, “ 机鸟相撞 ” 是全世界喷气式飞机飞行中一个有待解决的难题.《期刊摘选》

108. Flies away the rocket but bird cones back.


109. The magician shows you something ordinary, a deck of cards, a bird, or a man.

魔术师会秀出一些平常的东西, 一副牌, 一只鸟或者一个人.《期刊摘选》

110. The bird flapped its wings and flew away.


111. The area has a wealth of bird life.


112. A bird had pecked a hole in the sack.


113. The bird tucked its wings.


114. The altitude plane was and still is a remarkable bird.


115. There is the bird, sitting on a twig halfway up the tree.


116. As usual, Wheeler, a wise old bird, got it right...


117. He was able to shoot down a flying bird with the bow and arrow.



1. After Magic, Bird and MJ, the league had fallen into years of low-scoring thugball.

FORBES: The NBA Blows It

2. a big-bellied bird noshing some heather


3. Fortunately it applies to all the bird species that make our yard their home.

FORBES: Is What We Need From Leaders Prewired Into Our Brains?

4. The researchers say they found one nearly complete flute made out of bones from a bird the griffon vulture.

VOA : special.2009.08.18

5. When we wear or use those feathers, we're calling on the energy of the entire bird.

NPR: Will Disney's New Tonto Be Any Better?

6. Licensing naturopaths is akin to the FAA licensing some guy with a bird suit.

FORBES: Michigan May Legalize Fake Doctors

7. There have also been studies into other causes of bird deaths caused indirectly by humans.

BBC: How many birds are killed by windows?

8. Nick DeCarlo owns a 2, 000-acre bird-hunting preserve in Wiggins, on the prairie northeast of Denver.

CNN: Once-unlikely win for gun control in Colorado

9. and he looks after wild birds of prey and does the bird shows.

他照看野生鸟的捕食情况、训练鸟类表演。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 喜欢鸟

10. A bird was nestling in the timbers of the roof.


11. Officials are concerned about the livelihoods and future source of bird supply from chicken farmers.

FORBES: H7N9 Bird Flu Cases In China Rise By Four To 91; Half Have Had No Contact With Poultry

12. The ark also comes to rest on a mountaintop, the hero sends out a bird to reconnoiter the land, to find out if it's dry yet.

方舟停在山顶上,英雄派一只鸟出去查看大地的情况。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. Last time I checked, bird watching doesn't do much to spark adrenaline or improve one's fitness.

FORBES: Three Joy-Giving Products

14. The fossil is a member of the Alvarezsauridae family, a group of bird-like dinosaurs.

BBC: New dinosaur discovery solves evolutionary bird puzzle

15. Even after tossing out all extraneous data, Bird's computers will be storing 15 petabytes a year.

FORBES: Technology

16. And because scores of migratory bird species pass through New York, there is plenty.

WSJ: 4 falcon chicks living on NY-NJ bridge are banded

17. The one where some unemployed bird in Islington gets more than I earn in a year?

FORBES: Explaining The Changes To British Welfare Policy

18. Some of the most famous characters on the show include Big Bird, Cookie Monster,Oscar the Grouch, and Bert and Ernie.

VOA : special.2009.11.27

19. and I love to just walk through the park. I love to bird watch.

而且我就是喜欢沿着公园散步。我喜欢看鸟。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 在公园碰到的母子

20. The Austin-based band Shearwater named its new album after the bird of prey.

NPR: Shearwater: Gone to the Birds, Happily

21. Researchers believe its short arms and large claw show how bird-like dinosaurs evolved independently of birds.

BBC: New dinosaur discovery solves evolutionary bird puzzle

22. Mrs. Ray, Mrs. Bird, Mrs. Stocky, and Mr. Reed, all that love come as a little league of sports and so forth Responsibility for you as well?

雷女士,贝德女士,斯多奇女士,瑞德先生等等,我们就像一个相亲相爱的球队,他们也对你负责?人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

23. It is also home to around 16, 000 bird species, double the number in all Europe.

BBC: Hot springs and hummingbirds in Ecuador

24. Ben decided to take the bird home and fix its broken wings so that it could fly again.

VOA : special.2010.03.20

25. He's a bird keeper.

他是一个鸟类管理员。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 喜欢鸟

26. the patterning of the bird's winter/summer plumage


27. The first goose I made was a disaster, a tough bird swimming in fat.

NPR: How to Cook Your Goose

28. The bird made a peeping sound.


29. Tom Bird, the Globe to Globe festival director, spent months searching the world for Shakespeare performers.

BBC: All of Britains a stage

30. "It's basically a dynamically balanced skateboard, " said Chris Borroni-Bird, GM's director of advanced technology vehicle concepts.

CNN: The future of cars: Drivers not needed

31. Here is the song "I Was a Bird" in which she dreams about flying high in the sky.

VOA : special.2010.05.28

32. The bird flapped its wings furiously.


33. The hope is to develop a vaccine that could give lifelong protection against a majority of flu viruses, including bird flu.

VOA : special.2009.03.04

34. She felt her heart tremble every time he shot an unsuspecting bird as it was singing in the trees.

VOA : special.2010.04.03

35. Haze drove on, leaving the man who has helped him: "The blinding white cloud had turned into a bird with long, thin wings and was disappearing in the opposite direction."

海斯继续开车,离开了那位帮助他的男人:,那朵亮白的云转变成了一只有这长而瘦的羽翼的小鸟的形状,消失在另一个方向“1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. It did not give of bird or bush, Like nothing else in Tennessee.

它不曾产生鸟雀或树丛,与田纳西别的事物都不一样。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. As of 5 September, just one bird had been brought in for weighing at the Saeheimar aquarium.

BBC: Natures biggest treasure hunt

38. Tadpole Rex, a book about a frog who finds his inner dinosaur, caught Bird's attention.


39. I mean, it will wake us up in the morning. It will be the color of a beautiful bird.

我是觉得,那样的颜色会让我们在早上惊醒。它会是一只漂亮的鸟的颜色。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : How about 实战

40. Seventy-one bird species have disappeared forever since people first arrived on the Hawaiian Islands one thousand seven hundred years ago.

VOA : special.2009.05.12

41. Restrictions are in place at a Suffolk poultry farm after a bird flu outbreak.

BBC: Bird flu found at Bernard Matthews farm in Suffolk

42. The Germans bring in these falcons and they go out and they munch the pigeons; and so this was another reason for them, just like the Germans, these poor little pigeons who became the sort of sacred bird, I guess a pigeon's a bird.

德国人带了很多隼到法国,用以捕杀信鸽,这是改用热气球的另一个原因,拜德军如此行为所赐,可怜的鸽子成为了圣鸟,我想鸽子是一种鸟吧1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. The bird struts around a pen with a jerky gate that is both awkward and thrilling.

FORBES: Magazine Article

44. More than one third of all threatened or endangered bird species in America live on the Hawaiian Islands.

VOA : special.2009.05.12

45. So a bird in the hand may be worth two shares of Best Buy.

FORBES: Connect

46. Now, all the cat is doing is that it's an infinite loop and it's checking if I am not facing bird, - face bird, and it's -- It's constantly chasing the bird.

猫能做的就是一个死循环,并且它能检测我是不是面对着一只鸟,如果没有就转向那只鸟-,它一直不停地追逐这只鸟。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

47. She gathered studies that showed the harmful effects of DDT, including declining bird populations and increased human cancers.

VOA : special.2010.03.14

48. Ask the hotel staff for restaurant recommendations and if any local restaurants offer early bird specials.

FORBES: Money Saving Tips for This Summer's Road Trips

49. Describes going to the dedication of Lady Bird Johnson Grove, in Redwood National Park, in 1969.

NEWYORKER: Progression

50. But more needs to be done. She says there currently are not enough programs to study bird numbers and behavior.

VOA : special.2009.05.12

51. Bird watching? Yes, my son actually works in a zoo.

赏鸟?是的,事实上我的儿子在动物园里工作。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 喜欢鸟

52. But Michael O'Donnell says the number of serious bird strike incidents has remained at or below two hundred each year.

VOA : special.2009.04.01

53. Where should we go to bird watch?

我们应该去哪里赏鸟?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 喜欢鸟

54. In addition, more than three hundred fifty bird species and three hundred species of fresh and saltwater fish live within the park.

VOA : special.2009.06.30

55. The new bird of prey centre will provide two full-time jobs and three part-time posts.

BBC: Sheikh's Borders falcon centre approved

56. I've seen many people in London who are interested in bird watching.

我看到伦敦很多人对赏鸟感兴趣。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 喜欢鸟

57. Another reason for the increase in bird strikes is the growing popularity of air travel in the United States.

VOA : special.2009.04.01

58. It is about a bird named Francine who travels back in time to learn about her ancient relatives, the dinosaurs.

VOA : special.2009.09.23

59. It says that nearly one third of about eight hundred bird species in the United States are threatened in some way.

VOA : special.2009.05.12

60. A bird with broad white wings and a long slender neck flew past Sylvie and landed on a pine branch below her.

VOA : special.2010.04.03

61. To this day, many people in rural Cambodia have never heard of bird flu at all.

ECONOMIST: Animal and human health

62. There are now Angry Bird plush toys, sweatshirts, flip-flops, magical NFC stickers and cookbooks.

FORBES: Angry Birds Developer Partners With Medio As It Heads Into Billion Dollar Valuation Territory

63. The president's wife, Lady Bird Johnson, invited several women to a luncheon to discuss the problem of crimes committed by young people.

VOA : special.2009.06.07

64. In 2006, it was the bird flu that was going to get us all.

FORBES: The Cost Of Minuscule Levels Of Radiation

65. Learning to separate the collider's signals from its noise will take time, Bird says.

FORBES: Technology





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2024辐射防护与核安全专业主要学什么课程 就业前景及方向有哪些

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