hand work翻译_hand work短语搭配_hand work权威例句

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hand work


英 [hænd wɜːk]play 美 [hænd wɜːrk]play

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handwork /ˈhændˌwɜːk/

  • 1.
    名词 work done by hand rather than by machine 用手工而非机器完成的工作



1. He stopped hand work 他停止了手中的工作

2. hand work never killed anybody 付出总有回报

3. art hand work 中元企业公司

4. french hand work 手工洗熨

5. hand-work education 手工教育

6. hand work over 移交工作

7. map of field free-hand work 野外手图

8. Hand-work narrow lace 手编狭花边


1. The farm woman's hands were rough with hand work.

这个农妇常干粗活, 手很粗糙。《新英汉大辞典》

2. Follow the instrumentation engineer instruction to do the hand on work on instrumentation and flight test engine.


3. Now that you put your hand to the work, you should do your utmost to finish it.


4. The two drugs work hand in hand to combat the disease and help to repair damaged cells and tissue.


5. This new machine will emancipate us from all the hand work we once had to do.


6. They gave up their holiday to lend a hand in the work.

他们放弃了假日来帮助进行这项工作。《provided by jukuu》

7. Go over your work for spelling mistakes before you hand it in.


8. Such fine work requires a good eye and a steady hand.


9. They seize upon whatever is at hand, work out their problem, and master the situation.

他们会抓住一切手边的机会, 解决遇到的难题, 并且自己掌控局面.《互联网》

10. The liquid measure in taker car was still relied on hand work at present.


11. The hand brake does not work.


12. If you hand in work like that the teacher will take you apart.


13. The computerized inventory costing methods lead to changes of concept and technology, on the other hand, work out correct solution to many problems which are solved difficultly on the condition of manual process.


14. When the art lesson finally ended, Karen didn't dare to hand in her work.

艺术课终于结束时,凯伦不敢交作业。《中考真题- 2017 上海 阅读表达》

15. Barbara, on the other hand, has missed the excitement of her profession and does not feel she would be satisfied doing volunteer work.


16. In the afternoon, the developing plan is to do hand work which is closely related to nature, which could be natural dyeing, children's handwork out of found objects, wood work.


17. Once there, we are introduced to her fellow campers, Sally stands by them, holding my hand, horror in her eyes, trying to work up the courage to join a game of soccer.


18. Transparent PU primer, excellect priming effect, dry quickly. Suitable for production line and hand work.


19. For the national forest planting area, the central and local officials hold hand to work on it.


20. Smith says he'll provide services ranging from formal seminars to on-farm work-shops on holistic management, to one-on-one hand-holding and an almost 24/7 phone hotline for farmers who are converting.


21. At present, Brond Land comes to China, It inherits the most strict hand work, single-minded board style, your worship and moral's conduct will be made to measure by it.


22. Now the boy began to draw something on the slate, hiding his work with his left hand.


23. The comprehensive application method of Excel in the physical experiment teaching is summarized and designed. The practical experiences prove that mastering the basic skills and methods of calculating citation can be drawn much better by Excel's calculating function than by hand work.


24. In the afternoon, the developing plan is to do hand work which is closely related to nature, which could be natural dyeing, children's handwork out of found objects, wood work.


25. He immediately shook my hand and thanked me for shoveling his driveway and sidewalk, so that he was able to get to work earlier and saved a boy.


26. There are several traditional thread tapping method such as: tapping by hand work, tapping by drill press, vibration tapping.


27. They only use the codes when they hand in their work, which doesn't take them too much time.

他们只有在交作业的时候才使用这个二维码,这不会占用他们太多时间。《中考真题- 2018 衡阳 阅读理解》

28. Finish your home work in time and hand you written work tomorrow morning.


29. You can take a cue from GCC: maintain many sets of environment variables per application and switch from one pool to another depending on the work at-hand.

您可以从 GCC 得到提示:为每个应用程序维护多个环境变量集,并根据手头的工作从一个集合切换到另一个集合。

30. Compares with the traditional hand work test paper, the computer-aided examination questions can reflecting the teaching the actual result more objective, really and comprehensively, it is advantageous to the promotion the enhancement of teaching quality.


31. Hand in work report on regular.


32. Men, on the other hand, work better when the temperature is cooler, according to a study published in the journal PLOS One.


33. Hand in your work here!


34. The farm woman's hands were rough with hand work.


35. The mastery-oriented children, on the other hand, think intelligence is not fixed and can be developed through education and hard work.


36. Suitable for hand work and production line.


37. The software of fixed assets accounts detail system was designed for fixed assets management, which made the management from hand work to computer control.


38. The boss was disappointed in the new hand's work.

老板对于新手的工作感到失望。《provided by jukuu》

39. In these cases, women could do farm work of hand work. And perform home duties such as child care and preparation of meals at the same time.


40. First of all, work is being done to the system on the left-hand side.


41. You'd better hand the work to the professor directly.


42. I read upbeat fiction, and did creative hand craft work that demanded no intellectual or verbal energy.


43. She's really good at farm work.; She's a dab hand at farm work.


44. It's high time that you concentrated on your work at hand!


45. When the art lesson finally ended, Lucy didn't dare to hand in her work.


46. Hand in your work, please.


47. The Dutch people are famous for their beautiful flowers and hand work.


48. Though machine industry has automated highly, complex curved surface finishing is done by hand work of well-skilled workers, which is not only bigger in laboring intensity, but also lower product quality and finishing efficiency.


49. I agree that individuals, governments and large companies, should all work hand-in-hand to address the serious problems facing the world today in terms of improving the environment.


50. The mastery oriented children, on the other hand, think intelligence is not fixed and can be developed through education and hard work.


51. She's really good at farm work.; She's a dab hand at farm work.


52. Success is the result of perfection, hand work, learning from failure, loyalty and persistence.


53. Rose is skillful neat and tidy, always good at hand work.


54. I have a classmate, he is good at studying, every time when he takes the exam, he almost can get the full mark, but he is week in hand work.


55. Instead, we find the Invisible Hand at work.


56. On the other hand, if she can find fulfillment through work outside the home, work and marriage can go together to create a stronger and more stable union.


57. The replacement of computer design drawing to the hand work drawing is the epochal conversion of engineering design. By taking reasonable course system, cultivate the computer drawing ability and synthesis ability, improve the integrated diathesis of students.


58. On one hand, work stress plays a predominate role in ensuring normal operation of organization and society as well as improving job performance.


59. Go over your work before you hand it in.


60. Now that you put your hand to the work, you should do your utmost to finish it.



1. We are fully supportive of their actions and will continue to work hand in hand with them to counter the belligerent actions of the North in order to provide security not just to the people of the Republic of Korea but to provide stability throughout the region and throughout the world.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

2. The jerky hand-held camera work helps build the tension of the various unfolding storylines.

BBC: 24 continues to thrill

3. "I saw first hand the work that they do and it just inspired me, " he said.

BBC: Stuart Kettell on stilts

4. This simple idea, which eliminates the tedium of searching for connections by hand, seems to work.

ECONOMIST: A genetic paperchase

5. Let's divide it up into the two sides, the work going on on the left hand side, my left hand side or your left hand side, and the work going on on the right hand side.

仅仅是功的大小而已,让我们把它分成两部分,左手边功的变化,和右手边功的变化。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

6. They work hand-in-hand with the new program to clear the way for developers to bring more globally interoperable NFC solutions to market.

ENGADGET: NFC certification program announced just in time for Android 2.3 Gingerbread launch on Monday?

7. With the American President, we talked about the future of the G20, and I said to him in very clear terms that we wish to work hand in glove, France and the United States, on these issues.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with President Sarkozy

8. The chair of the Public Accounts Committee, Margaret Hodge, welcomed the report, saying it showed the government needed to "work hand-in-glove" with businesses and individuals to build awareness about the threats of cyber crime.

BBC: Montage of types of computer threats

9. The game was already won before good hand work helped Glenn Morrison stretch and touch down for the clincher.

BBC: Bradford 38-12 Huddersfield

10. Now Susan Mayne, who is a Professor here in the School of Public Health, has done some very interesting work with an electronic device that can be passed over the palm of your hand and measures pigmentation in the hand as a way to assess vegetable intake in people.

苏珊·梅恩,我们公共卫生学院的教授,做了些值得关注的工作,通过电子设备,扫描你的手掌,测算其上色素沉淀,可以得出人们蔬菜的摄入量关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. And you do your work product and you bring it to sections and hand it in to your TA in section each time.

请完成并带好你们的作业,并在每次上课时交给你们的助教聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. Leveaux said Bloom came aboard first several years ago, thirsty to try his hand at the work despite the director saying there were easier ways to make his Broadway debut.

WSJ: Bloom, Rashad in Broadway's 'Romeo and Juliet'

13. Because the law encourages courts to hand class action work to firms with the biggest clients, lawyers are in an arms race to line up suit-happy state, local and union pension funds.

FORBES: Companies, People, Ideas

14. Our New Newsroom will do everything it can to train, guide and work hand-in-hand with our full-time editors and reporters as well as our growing base of qualified contributors.

FORBES: 9 big steps in 9 short months, now Forbes is building The New Newsroom

15. Dr Hand admires the meticulous work of Steve McIntyre, a mining consultant and blogger, who unearthed statistical problems in another climate analysis.

ECONOMIST: Climate science and its discontents: A place in the sun | The

16. It goes out to the outside world, interacts,gets its hand and mind dirty, does work outside and then applies its work and learns from "the dirty experiences" and brings it back to the lab and so on and so on in an upward spiral.

而是走到外面的世界,与外界互动,接触那些“肮脏“事物,在外面工作,并吸取经验,从“肮脏经验“中学习“,将得到的经验带回实验室,诸如此类,就像一个上升的螺旋。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

17. We need to overcome cultural and religious differences, motivating our governments to work hand in hand with each other, perhaps in an unprecedented way.

CNN: Mariane Pearl: Husband's spirit lives on

18. "There's a classic one here which is lads walking to work, it's early morning you can see on the left hand side there's a band which is very typical of these big work institutions,".

VOA : standard.2009.12.09

19. Hard work may be a virtue and digging ditches by hand is certainly hard work.

FORBES: Stiglitz on Inequality and Monetary Policy

20. While the suction hand does not work well with porous objects (clothing) or flat items, such as disks, it can pick up most hard objects, including glasses or bowls.

FORBES: Welcome, with a Nod to Robotics

21. Millennials, on the other hand, largely view work simply as means to an end.

FORBES: Why Do The Mega Rich Continue To Work?

22. On the right hand side, the work, let's call this left hand side, let's call this right hand side.

在右手边,让我们先在这里,标下标表示左手,这里示右手。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

23. And so we've got to leave our egos at the door and go in and work hand in hand.

CNN: Philadelphia Police Commissioner John Timoney

24. The cheap-o HDMI cables I had on hand seem to work fine.

FORBES: Best Buy's Problem Is It's Not The Best Buy

25. Package makers work hand in glove with chip companies and know a lot of secrets about future designs.

FORBES: It's all in the packaging

26. In Section IV then, the next, on the next page, blessing is not, on the other hand, something to work for.

第四节里,在下一页,另一方面祝福不是努力就能获得的。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. So it's these little differences that you'll very quickly acclimate to but it's these stupid little syntactic details that trips off, especially those less comfortable early on because if you leave out a single character, namely that semicolon on the right hand side, nothing will work.

你会很快适应这些,微小的区别,但我们正是要把这些罗里吧嗦的语法细节,尤其是那些让人非常头大的句子啃下来才行,因为如果我们一旦遗漏掉某个符号,譬如一个分号,从另一方面看来,很有可能什么都工作不了。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

28. We will continue to work hand in hand with the city of New York and the NYPD as we plan for upcoming events.

WSJ: Mayor Sets Precautions Following Boston Marathon Explosions

29. Kerner will work hand in hand with Wedbush's investment bankers.


30. So use work out of right-hand side to run left-hand backward.

利用右边输出的功,来驱动左边的热机反方向运行。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

31. But really these two goals work hand in hand.

FORBES: What a Long Strange Trip it's Been: From the Apple IIe to India's New $50 Tablet

32. They could work hand-in-glove with a screening algorithm, reviewing comments deemed spammy, suspending serial offenders, etc.

FORBES: How Amazon Should Fix Its Reviews Problem

33. These cities have powerful taxi unions that work hand-in-hand with city governments to step up fares continuously in exchange for letting the city set the price.

FORBES: Uber Goes Back To Higher-Fare Surge Pricing For NYC Post-Sandy, E-Mail Explains Why

34. Let us seize the opportunity to forge ahead, hand in hand, and work together to enhance cooperation as partners, and let us work with all other countries to build a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity.

WHITEHOUSE: China State Visit Arrival Ceremony

35. Social entrepreneurs are increasingly driving change from the grassroots to global levels, and we need to work hand-in-hand with these innovators to focus their efforts and ideas on improving the lives of girls and women.

FORBES: Making Girls and Women a Priority Today and Every Day

36. Tucker does all his work by hand, using only pictures of the buildings.

VOA : special.2010.07.30

37. V Minus p2, V2. Minus p delta V. So the total work is the work from the left hand side plus the work on the right hand side, p1 V1- p2 V2 which is p1 V1 minus p2 V2.

负p2V2【w=-p2v2】,即负pΔ,所以全部的功就是,左边的功加上右边的功,等于。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

38. Though there's no documentary evidence showing Livingston's hand at work, Foster became convinced that the poem closely matched Livingston's literary style and point of view.

FORBES: Magazine Article

39. OK, so w, first of all, work is being done to the system on the left hand side here.

好的,首先,我们通过左边对系统做功。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

40. Do you have to have your - you have to raise your hand, or do you have to have your hand on any work of literature or any book?

NPR: A Quick Trip Through the History of Capitol Hill

41. Or they simply are pushing forward without taking time to think about anything but the work at hand.

FORBES: New Year's Resolution for Leaders: Take Better Care of You!

42. "SYNC and AppLink work hand-in-hand to answer consumer demand for safer, smarter control of smartphones while in the car, " said VanDagens.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar





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