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英 [ˌɑːtʃ ˈraɪvl]play美 [ˌɑːrtʃ ˈraɪvl]play

  • n. 主要竞争对手,劲敌

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  • n.主要竞争对手;劲敌



1. arch-rival detail 主要对手

2. arch- rival 夙敌

3. Arch Rival 劲敌 ; 主要对手 ; 主要竞争对手

4. arch-enemy arch-rival arch-villian arch-traitor 头号的


1. Jose Mourinho has taunted arch-rival Rafa Benitez for failing to win the premiership.

何塞-穆里尼奥奚落主要竞争对手拉法-贝尼特斯未能赢得联赛冠军。《provided by jukuu》

2. Never Take Your Eyes Off Your Competition: playwright Henrik Ibsen would work at a desk decorated with a portrait of arch-rival playwright August Strindberg.


3. It also helps that its arch-rival Morgan Stanley has pulled in its horns.


4. Kasab's trial began in May and has been a public relations triumph for India over its arch-rival Pakistan.


5. The commission accuses Intel of paying illegal rebates to computer-makers to dissuade them from using chips made by Advanced Micro Devices, Intel's arch-rival. See article.


6. The 34-year-old Spaniard won the 9, 500 kilometre event in 2006 and 2009, and faces stiff competition in 2011 from arch-rival and reigning champion Cyril Despres of France.

西班牙人马克·柯马今年34岁,曾为2006、2009年9500公里比赛冠军得主。 2011年,他的主要劲敌是来自法国的卫冕冠军西瑞尔·代斯普利司,这将给他的夺冠带来巨大挑战。

7. This will cost almost 10 billion Euro Dollars but the plane, a rival to Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner, is central to Airbus’s plans to catch up with its arch-rival.


8. Over the past two years, the company has suffered from slumping sales and last year, it lost its place at the top of the PC market to arch-rival Hewlett-Packard.


9. India has won bragging rights over Pakistan after beating its arch-rival on the cricket field and advancing to the World Cup final match against Sri Lanka set for Saturday.


10. India's enhanced capability gives it a considerable edge over Pakistan, its nuclear-armed arch-rival.


11. The 34-year-old Spaniard won the 9,500 kilometre event in 2006 and 2009, and faces stiff competition in 2011 from arch-rival and reigning champion Cyril Despres of France.

西班牙人马克·柯马今年34岁,曾为2006、2009年9500公里比赛冠军得主。 2011年,他的主要劲敌是来自法国的卫冕冠军西瑞尔·代斯普利司,这将给他的夺冠带来巨大挑战。

12. Some analysts had questioned whether Apple would allow a competing app into its tightly controlled App Store from its arch-rival.


13. I scored the winning goal in soccer against our arch-rival.


14. EADS is the parent company of Europe's Airbus, Boeing's arch-rival.


15. Apple's arch-rival Samsung joins them, with just under 4 percent of the Chinese tablet market.


16. KKR looks particularly vulnerable because it is less diversified than its arch - rival in the leveraged - buyout business.


17. This Sunday's tussle between the hometown Chiefs and the arch-rival Raiders generated a crowd roar of 137.5 decibels, according to the home team's sound engineers.


18. Kansas' unbeaten season came to an end at the hands of their arch-rival Missouri.


19. They worry that technology imported from China – a close economic partner of arch-rival Pakistan – could be used against India's national interest.


20. Meanwhile, China can help counterbalance Pakistan's arch-rival, India, including in Afghanistan.


21. We whomped our arch rival in the season's climactic football game.


22. As if to rub salt in the wound, the market capitalisation of arch-rival Apple, whose third-quarter results were as rosy as Samsung's were funereal, this week touched$ 700bn, more than four times that of the South Korean company today.


23. Coca - Cola's greatest challenge was its arch - rival, Pepsi.

可口可乐 的最大的挑战是它的主要竞争对手, 百事可乐.《互联网》

24. Kansas'unbeaten season came to an end at the hands of their arch-rival Missouri.


25. India has won bragging rights over Pakistan after beating its arch-rival on the cricket field and advancing to the World Cup final match against Sri Lanka set for Saturday.


26. China's boss of table tennis Liu Guoliang said last Sunday that it's not a bad thing to suffer a big blow from arch-rival Japan more than three years ahead of the Tokyo Olympic Games.


27. Never Take Your Eyes Off Your Competition: Playwright Henrik Ibsen would work at a desk decorated with a portrait of arch-rival playwright August Strindberg.


28. Citi is much less exposed to its home market than is its arch-rival, Bank of America (BofA).


29. After 10 years, arch-rival Microsoft has just four retail stores in the us, while Apple has 28 in the UK alone.


30. The commission accuses Intel of paying illegal rebates to computer-makers to dissuade them from using chips made by Advanced Micro Devices, Intel's arch-rival.


31. But unless the expected launch of a new, lower-priced iPhone can stop the rot, Apple will probably be overwhelmed in the profit stakes by the sheer volumes of its arch-rival, as growth shifts to more price sensitive markets.


32. The island's fortunes sank as it lost business to its arch-rival, Singapore.


33. A few days before the game its arch-rival, Coca-Cola, was also bitten by a charitable bug.


34. "I see this as a catch-up release for Apple," says Andrew Lees, head of mobile businesses at Microsoft, an arch-rival which provides software to many handset-makers.

“我认为这是苹果的一次追赶行动”,微软公司移动业务部的头头andrew Lees说。微软提供手持设备使用的软件,和苹果是宿敌。

35. I scored the winning goal in soccer against our arch rival.


36. Manmohan Singh, India's prime minister, on Monday clearly set out striking peace with arch-rival Pakistan and getting on terms with China's economic growth as top priorities for his second term in office.

印度总理曼莫汉辛格(MAnmohan Singh)周一明确宣布,与宿敌巴基斯坦达成和平,并赶上中国经济增长速度,将是他第二届任期内的重中之重。

37. GKN also makes parts for Airbus's arch-rival, Boeing.


38. The island’s fortunes sank as it lost business to its arch-rival, Singapore.


39. In spite of investing hundreds of millions of dollars in its own search business over the past five years, Microsoft has actually lost ground in the search business against its arch-rival.


40. A few months later Microsoft's arch-rival, Google, began building something on an even grander scale-one of the largest corporate solar installations to date.


41. UBS and Credit Suisse are among the handful of global banks to possess them, while even arch-rival Goldman Sachs managed to strike a partnership with a local securities group.

包括瑞银和瑞信(credit suisse)在内的少数几家外资银行拥有此类牌照,而劲敌高盛(goldman sachs)也设法与一家本土证券公司建立了合资公司。

42. According to people close to the negotiation, Carrefour is expected to announce a deal within weeks that will see it follow arch-rival Wal-Mart into the highly protected Indian market.


43. America's arch rival, the Soviet Union, had launched not only the first satellite into orbit, but the first person as well.


44. That could mean losing hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of sales and customers to its arch-rival.


45. It is also continuing to push healthier food options in its stores to burnish its image as a healthcare company and improve its beauty selection to better compete with arch-rival Walgreens.


46. Then on Friday Samsung handed its arch-rival an unexpected gift: one of the most costly product recalls the tech industry has ever seen.


47. That could mean losing hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of sales and customers to its arch-rival.


48. They are also aimed at distinguishing Thomson Reuters from Bloomberg, its arch-rival, which invested heavily through the financial crisis but has remained committed to its one-size-fits-all terminals.


49. What We Learned: If you bully your team's water boy he will later show up inexplicably playing for your arch rival and rupture your spleen.Also, going to class is for suckers.


50. KKR looks particularly vulnerable because it is less diversified than its arch-rival in the leveraged-buyout business.


51., backed by Alibaba arch-rival Tencent, said of yesterday's platform launch: "Ebay's channel on JD Worldwide will showcase a variety of top categories and popular brands."


52. Neither he nor his arch-rival, Giuseppe De Rita, won.


53. But Roshi has a problem of his own - his arch rival, Shen!

但那时的龟仙人有着他自己的麻烦 —— 他的头号对手, 鹤仙人!《互联网》

54. The Real Madrid star beat out arch-rival Lionel Messi of Barcelona for the coveted award, as well as the likes of Antoine Griezmann, Luis Suarez and Neymar.


55. Apple has also revamped its vision of how tablet computers should fit into working life, edging close to ideas pioneered by arch-rival Microsoftas it struggles to revive flagging sales of its once groundbreaking iPad.



1. Sainsbury, which is Tesco's arch-rival in Britain, is also using dedicated warehouses to try to build its Internet sales.

ECONOMIST: The lesson from online grocery | The

2. In the middle of the 1970s, it began helping Pakistan build a nuclear weapon to keep arch-rival India off balance.

FORBES: Magazine Article

3. So while Apple impresses consumers, their arch-rival at Mountain View profits.

FORBES: The Rise of Artificial Intelligence Could Lead to Apple's Downfall

4. One analyst has even raised the possibility of a merger with BP, its British arch-rival.

ECONOMIST: A damning verdict | The

5. It was a battling display from the 14-time major winner with his arch-rival and fellow American Phil Mickelson earlier shooting a 71 for level-par 144.

CNN: Oosthuizen leads way at British Open as winds cause havoc

6. She was accused of betraying the national interest in 2010, after her arch-rival Viktor Yanukovych had defeated her in a presidential election.

BBC: Ukraine court rejects Yulia Tymoshenko appeal

7. Boeing will be overtaken by its arch-rival Airbus in aircraft deliveries this year.

ECONOMIST: Boeing, Boeing, gone | The

8. Here are tales of two arch-rival clubs, on either side of Glasgow.

BBC: Standing up for the Old Firm

9. Still, with arch-rival Intel looming over it like a corporate Death Star, AMD has posted some pretty ugly numbers over recent years.

FORBES: AMD Still Gets Bullied By Intel And Isn't Worth Your Lunch Money

10. The move is widely seen as an attempt to take market share from arch-rival Apple's iTunes music store.

BBC: Amazon AutoRip service gives out free digital copies of CDs

11. The veteran politician - who served as finance minister and prime minister before succeeding arch-rival Vaclav Havel as president in 2003 - arouses strong passions.

BBC: Why Vaclav Klaus divides Czechs

12. Year-to-date Apple is down 5%, besting the market but still behind its arch-rival, Microsoft, which is even money.

FORBES: Magazine Article

13. He now heads to Shanghai to renew his rivalry with arch-rival Woods.

CNN: Poulter claims one-stroke Singapore win

14. Like many before it, Preussag would rather overpay than be leapfrogged by an arch-rival.

ECONOMIST: Tour operators: A place in the sun | The

15. Goldman's arch-rival, Morgan Stanley, takes a markedly different view of Wall Street's future.

ECONOMIST: Wall Street's new shape

16. Arch-rival SAP broke that rule, and it looks like Ellison is going to make the company pay--in public humiliation if nothing else.

FORBES: Magazine Article

17. Dassault's arch-rival, Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. of the U.S., is also trying to get into the act.

CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Travel Watch

18. But, in these areas, arch-rival Google seems many miles ahead of Apple.

FORBES: Apple Declines To 'Just Fine'

19. Worse yet, they convincingly beat arch-rival Michigan (28-14), yet lost to Michigan in BCS standings.

FORBES: Michigan State Is Bowled Over Again By The BCS

20. But the airplane maker now has some exciting new products to offer its customers: wide-bodied jets built by its arch-rival, Airbus.

ECONOMIST: Psst, wanna buy an Airbus?

21. Fiercer competition at home has hurt, too, as arch-rival Matsushita has filled the shelves with cheaper versions of the flat television that Sony pioneered.

ECONOMIST: Sony: Multimedia is the message | The

22. After arch-rival Live Nation bought Ticketmaster in 2010, AEG moved to build its own ticketing service, now called AXS Ticketing.

FORBES: Phil Anschutz To Glean Billions In Sale Of Entertainment Group

23. But analysts have squared their focus on the meteoric numbers that arch-rival Samsung has put on its scoreboard.

FORBES: Apple: What's It Really Worth

24. She is an arch-rival of Mr Yanukovych, whom she helped oust from power in the 2004 Orange Revolution.

BBC: Tymoshenko case: Ukraine postpones European summit

25. Now, I do like the Prius better than its arch-rival, the Honda Insight, which is cheaper and feels it.

FORBES: Enough With the Prius Love Fest, Already

26. Certainly not the powers-that-be in Hong Kong and Beijing, who regard Singapore as Hong Kong's arch-rival.

ECONOMIST: problem with headline

27. Every manufacturer, except Matsushita ( Panasonic), is scaling back production due to the increase in demand for plasma's arch-rival, LCD.

ENGADGET: What does plasma's future hold? HD

28. Indian police say they have arrested a man suspected of passing military secrets to arch-rival Pakistan.

BBC: India arrests man accused of spying for Pakistan

29. This would enable Sun to distribute Microsoft-independent content to Google's users, making its arch-rival redundant for many computer users.

BBC: Analysis

30. The stock has fared better than arch-rival Coca-Cola, but has still plunged by double-digit percentage points since the beginning of the year.

FORBES: Options Watch
















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