
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈhelmɪtɪd]play美 [ˈhelmɪtɪd]play

  • adj. 佩戴头盔的
  • v. 给……戴上(helmet 的过去式)

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helmet /ˈhɛlmɪt/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A helmet is a hat made of a strong material which you wear to protect your head. 头盔




1. welding helmet n. 焊工帽;焊工面罩

2. Helmeted Curassow 盔凤冠雉

3. Helmeted turtle 沼泽侧颈龟 ; 钢盔侧颈龟

4. steel helmet 钢盔

5. Helmeted Guineafowl 珠鸡

6. helmeted radio speaker-phone 盔式无线对讲机

7. safety helmet 安全帽,安全头盔

8. crash helmet 安全帽;(飞行员,摩托车驾驶员等的)防撞头盔

9. Helmeted Guinea Fowl 珠鸡 ; 鸵鸟和头盔珍珠鸡

10. helmeted hornbill 盔犀鸟

11. motorcycle helmet 摩托车头盔

12. African Helmeted turtle 沼泽侧颈龟 ; 非洲帽龟

13. helmeted cowling 盔式整流罩


1. To make it worse, there were no police to keep them in check. Not one blue-helmeted officer in sight.


2. Helmeted officers beat protesters with batons and hauled away dozens after skirmishes broke out between the two sides near a bridge leading across the Moscow river to the Kremlin.


3. A helmeted Tough Guy Challenge racer sheds muddy water as he takes a breath, emerging from a water obstacle on Jan.31,2010.


4. Agent Chet Blackburn, the assault team leader, stuck his helmeted head into the cab. "Maybe we should have used an assault chopper."


5. Plainclothes officers darted into the crowds to tackle hooligans, assisting helmeted, baton-wielding poliee.

便衣警官冲进人群,帮助头戴警盔、手握警棍的警察去抓流氓。《provided by jukuu》

6. At once, the stone sprang to life. The horse pawed the ground and the knight turned his helmeted head to look down at Ron.


7. A helmeted angel gazes down as a centaur, armed with bow and arrow, takes aim at a ram. A lion and maiden complete the tableaux.


8. Helmeted firemen were dragging their hoses out of the lobby.


9. THE 30-second clip begins with one figure, usually helmeted or masked, dancing to a catchy mix by Baauer called "Harlem Shake."


10. Girded around with a wild boar's teeth, he shall climb over the mountain summits and higher than the shadow of the Helmeted Man.


11. Biologists at Northeastern University have peered directly at running muscles by measuring blood flow in the legs of the helmeted guinea fowl Numida meleagris.


12. The prize for the robot that looks most like a person, however, probably goes to Robonaut 2, a helmeted model that sports a torso, arms and humanoid hands that can manipulate tools made for people.


13. The photos and graphics on the box are excellent, and I love how the helmeted heads on the outer sleeve have a three dimensional quality.


14. Rolls of coiled steel sat near the end of a long assembly line as a few helmeted workers lounged about, playing with their mobile phones.


15. A remote arc welding robot system has been built, consisting of a six DOF mastermaniplator, a helmeted stereo TV monitor system, a computer control system and a PUMArobot.


16. Two white-helmeted officers gunned their engines into life.


17. Girded around with a wild boar's teeth, he shall climb over the mountain summits and higher than the shadow of the Helmeted Man.


18. For in the end the slave was freed, the Union restored, and the mighty American Republic placed once more as a helmeted queen among nations


19. A picture of Boxers charging into pith-helmeted foreign soldiers covers a wall of their practice room.



1. The theory is that that helmeted cyclists are lulled into a false sense of security and therefore take greater risks than their more vulnerable counterparts.

BBC: Cyclist

2. Helmeted officers decked out in tan fatigues, camouflage and body armor, many carrying long guns, rumbled in rented cargo trucks to and from the property in southeastern Alabama where 65-year-old Jim Lee Dykes and his young captive were hunkered down in a roughly 6-by-8-foot hand-dug bunker with only one small hatch for an entryway.

WSJ: Military tactics, arms, helped rescue Ala. hostage

3. She craned her neck to look up at the vaulted roof, which was helmeted by two blue cupolas.

NEWYORKER: The Repatriates

4. In a Formula One racecar, the driver sits atop an 800-horsepower engine with his helmeted head exposed to the wind.

FORBES: Racecar Drivers To Use Bell Labs Microphone

5. The Security Council has approved a resolution that would transform the African Union force into a blue-helmeted force that is larger and more robust.

NPR: Bush Addresses U.N. on Peace in Middle East

6. Early pictures on the Web site of a local newspaper, L'Union L'Ardennais, showed heaps of debris spilling out of the building onto a grassy esplanade below, with two helmeted people perched on a crane for a look inside.

NPR: 2 Die After Explosion, Building Collapse In France

7. The movement comes after blue-helmeted peacekeepers -- who were in the area because of threats against civilians -- came under attack, the United Nations said in a statement.

CNN: Thousands flee after Ivory Coast attack

8. If you are accosted by a boatload of horned-helmeted Vikings when strolling Dublin's streets, do not be alarmed.

BBC: Dublin's Viking heritage

9. Helmeted officers decked out in tan fatigues, camouflage and body armor, many carrying long guns, rumbled in rented cargo trucks to and from the property where 65-year-old Jim Lee Dykes and his young captive were hunkered down in a roughly 6-by-8-foot hand-dug bunker with only one small hatch for an entryway.

WSJ: Military tactics, arms, helped rescue Ala. hostage

10. That is not because a new wave of primatologists has emerged, pith-helmeted, from the jungle with hitherto unknown specimens.

ECONOMIST: Species inflation

11. The two regimes are not easy to tell apart: the khaki-clad police are helmeted and heavily armed.

ECONOMIST: Bolivia: Clashes to come | The

12. At last Thursday's protest one student danced maniacally only 20 m from helmeted riot police, the red beams of laser-sighted rifles crisscrossing his thin chest.

CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Indonesia: Taking It Right Down to the Wire

13. Its population is almost entirely Latino and Native American, and one day last year Arpaio launched a major raid there, with a helicopter, paddy wagons, and scores of deputies, including helmeted officers on horseback.

NEWYORKER: Sheriff Joe

14. The movement began after blue-helmeted peacekeepers, who were in the area as reinforcements because of threats against civilians, came under attack last week.

CNN: Thousands flee in wake of clashes in western Ivory Coast



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