
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈrɒkɪt]play美 [ˈrɑːkɪt]play

  • n. 火箭;火箭发动机(=rocket engine/rocket motor);火箭武器,火箭弹;火箭式焰火,流星焰火(=skyrocket);<英>芝麻菜,大蒜芥;<英,非正式>严厉的斥责;(像火箭般)快速行动者,飞快行进的物体
  • v. 快速增长,猛增;迅速移动,飞速行进;用火箭武器攻击;(使)迅速成功,迅速提高地位;用火箭运载

复数 rockets 第三人称单数 rockets 现在分词 rocketing 过去式 rocketed 过去分词 rocketed

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


rocket /ˈrɒkɪt/ CET4 TEM4 [ rocketing rocketed rockets ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 A rocket is a space vehicle that is shaped like a long tube. 火箭

    ...the Apollo 12 rocket that took astronauts to the moon.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A rocket is a missile containing explosives that is powered by gas. 火箭弹

    There has been a renewed rocket attack on the capital.


  • 3.
    可数名词 A rocket is a firework that quickly goes high into the air and then explodes. 火箭弹烟花
  • 4.
    不及物动词 If things such as prices or social problems rocket, they increase very quickly and suddenly. 飞速增加; 飞速上涨

    Fresh food is so scarce that prices have rocketed.


  • 5.
    动词 to propel (a missile, spacecraft, etc) by means of a rocket 用火箭运送
  • 6.
    不及物动词 If something such as a vehicle rockets somewhere, it moves there very quickly. (车辆等) 疾驰; 飞奔

    A train rocketed by, shaking the walls of the row houses.


  • 7.
    不可数名词 Rocket is a vegetable with green leaves that are used in salads. 芝麻菜

    ...a small salad of rocket and chopped tomato.




  • n.

    rocketry 火箭学,火箭技术;火箭(集合称);火箭研究



1. carrier rocket n. 运载火箭

2. sounding rocket 航 探空火箭 ; 探测火箭 ; 音响火箭

3. rocket engine n. 火箭发动机;火箭引擎

4. rocket artillery 火箭炮 ; 火箭弹 ; 多管火箭车

5. rocket propulsion 火箭推进;[计]喷射推进

6. multistage rocket 航 多级火箭 ; 多级 ; 多级辐射跃迁

7. AB ROCKET 健腹器 ; 运动机 ; 挺腰器 ; 收腹机

8. rocket scientist 火箭专家;股市分析高手;[喻]行家

9. rocket science 复杂的事;航天器学

10. ad rocket 家用健身器材 ; 货到付款 ; 健腹器 ; 尊享款

11. rocket launcher 火箭发射装置,火箭发射器;火箭筒,火箭发射车

12. rocket projectile 火箭弹;喷气火箭

13. space rocket 航天火箭

14. rocket fuel 火箭燃料

15. water rocket 水火箭 ; 水火箭户外试射 ; 小火箭脚踏船


1. The Rockets hadn't out of the first round since 1997.


2. The first stage of rocket is thrown away only minutes after the rocket takes off.


3. Even if ET has mastered building a rocket that can travel at the speed of light, he may be lying dead inside a weakened craft .


4. The rocket launched two communications satellites.


5. Unlike a rocket engine , the jet engine , as you konw, is an air breather .

正如你们所知道的, 这种喷气发动机与火箭发动机不同:它是 “ 空气喷气发动机. ”《辞典例句》

6. The Rockets and Lakers play Game 4 of their Western Conference semifinal series on Sunday.


7. Fresh food is so scarce that prices have rocketed...


8. Then he slowed down and began making a rocket.


9. First a house took a direct hit and then the rocket exploded.


10. The rocket soared (up) into the air.


11. The reliability of operational liquid rocket engine is closely related to the health monitoring technology.


12. The integrity test of Liquid Rocket Engine ( LRE ) must be carried out before its launch.


13. A new modular method is proposed for static simulation of liquid rocket engine.


14. For example, when a satellite hit an old Russian rocket in 2009, it broke into more than 2,000 pieces, increasing the amount of space junk.


15. The rocket soared into the air.


16. There was a huge bang as if someone had exploded a rocket outside.


17. The installation of the Falcon hybrid rocket has been decided, using a "simple" clamp at the back end and a quick-release connector at the front.


18. It's not, as my friend Jake says, rocket salad.

就像我朋友杰克说的那样, 它可不是芝麻菜.《期刊摘选》

19. There has been a renewed rocket attack on the capital.


20. Rocket motor cases and the specially designed production equipment therefor.


21. Rocket motors have many advantages over other forms of propulsion.


22. What rockets are the most sought after by other GMs: Yao, then AB Budd, then Ariza.

火箭队中最让其他GM流口 水的球员是谁?姚明, 其次是AB, 然后补丁,然后铁扎.《期刊摘选》

23. The craft may have its own small rocket engines for orienting and maneuvering.


24. Soldiers using a multiple rocket launcher scored a direct hit on the steeple of a church.


25. The tiny rocket is attached to the spacecraft and is designed to propel it toward Mars.


26. It was several years before the rocket scientists got the show in the road.


27. Rockets, mortars and artillery rounds rained on buildings.


28. In spare moments he applied his mind to how rockets could be used to make money.


29. The rocket penetrated the enemy's tank.


30. If we could power such an elevator with solar energy, we could simply rise up into space for a fraction of the cost of a trip by rocket or shuttle.


31. Fresh food is so scarce that prices have rocketed


32. Unemployment has rocketed up again.


33. The research result has some reference values to rocket engine research institute building and strategy development.


34. The following contents are studied: Ascent equations of motion are given for the orbiter with rocket engines.

主要内容包括: 针对以火箭发动机为动力的轨道器,建立了上升段运动方程.《期刊摘选》

35. Rockets and shells continued to hit the battered port.


36. He made a model rocket for me yesterday.


37. The idea took off like a rocket (= it immediately became popular) .


38. At the moment, the Rockets look like a pretty solid playoff team with a good future.

目前, 火箭看起来像一直非常稳固的、前景美好的季后赛球队.《期刊摘选》

39. Four nozzles , canted outboard, split the exhaust of the solid rocket motor into four equal tails.


40. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to make a rock record.


41. Mo nozzle for the rocket engine nozzle professional.


42. The liquids employed for rocket propulsion are called propergols.


43. Two rockets homed in on it from behind without a sound


44. When a rocket approaches, people have only 15 seconds to run for cover.

当火箭的方法, 只有15秒跑作掩护.《期刊摘选》

45. The rocket tumbled out of control shortly after lift-off.


46. Oxygen could be used to breathe, and hydrogen could be turned into fuel, rocket fuel.


47. He gained recognition from rocket scientists worldwide.


48. Dublin has rocketed up the charts to become one of Europe's most popular tourist destinations for city breaks.


49. The rocket steepened its ascent.


50. David, turn off your computer now! People watched the rocket flying up into the sky.


51. A Delta II rocket was launched from Cape Canaveral early this morning.


52. To Rockets coach Rick Adelman, the difference was McGrady's approach more than anything physical.

而对火箭主教练阿德尔曼来说, 区别更在于麦迪的打球方式而不是任何身体上的状态.《期刊摘选》

53. High speed rotation affects the performance of solid propellant rocket motor.


54. For me, fame is like rocket fuel.


55. As the rocket gets farther into space, the earth's atmosphere is left behind.

随着火箭越来越远地进入空间, 地球的大气就被抛在后面.《辞典例句》

56. The world urban population is rocketing upwards at a rate of 6.5 per cent per year.


57. Electric rocket is a power device to transform electricity energy to kinetic energy.


58. The 4G mission is set to launch from Cape Canaveral in the United States on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket in 2019.

4G 任务将于2019年在美国卡纳维拉尔角启动,搭载的是 SpaceX 猎鹰9号火箭。

59. Gap design of solid rocket motor nozzle was analysized through thermal and structure analysis.


60. The satellite was launched in a rocket.


61. a space rocket


62. A train rocketed by, shaking the walls of the row houses...


63. Their beans had wonderful names like "Rocket" or "Top Crop".


64. The rocket soared skywards.


65. The rocket crashed a few seconds after it left the ground.


66. From the beginning, the Rockets said this season about winning in the playoffs.

赛季之初, 火箭就说他们将赢得季后赛.《期刊摘选》

67. However, the object does not come from a rocket or missile.


68. Outside clouds of smoke rose in the distance as troops fired rocket launchers.


69. This space rocket carries two satellites.


70. For one thing, they simplify the design of a rocket engine.

首先, 它们可以简化火箭发动机的设计.《辞典例句》

71. A train rocketed by, shaking the walls of the row houses


72. Afterward the Rocket exchanges him Magic and trades rye, hereafter he changes to Nikesidui.

之后火箭队把他交换到魔术队并换来麦迪, 此后他又被转到尼克斯队.《期刊摘选》

73. The leak of Liquid Rocket Engine ( LRE ) is very common and dangerous.


74. The band rocketed to stardom with their first single.


75. The explosive mixture in a rocket consists of both a fuel and a supply of oxygen.


76. The rocket boosts the astronaut into space.


77. Those rockets landed in the desert.


78. The roar of the engines diedout as the rocket vanished into the clouds.


79. The rocket site is providing precise measurements of lightning voltages and allowing engineers to check how electrical equipment bears up.


80. I still think the Rockets need to work on adding athleticism to their team.


81. The car rocketed out of a side street.


82. Unlike a rocket engine , the jet engine , as you know, is an air breather .

正如你们所知道的, 这种喷气发动机与火箭发动机不同:它是 “ 空气喷气发动机 ”.《辞典例句》

83. The rocket was launched in March 1980.


84. The rocket is due to lift off at noon on Friday.


85. Guns and rocket engines convert chemical energy of propellants into kinetic energy of projectiles.


86. The total has rocketed from 376 to 532.


87. He worked with individual players and contributed to practice and game preparation with the Rockets.


88. Aim To ballistic paparmeter matching scheme of hybrid range enhanced shell by base bleed and rocket.


89. Clearly, satellites are not just for rocket scientists anymore.


90. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon voiced his regret over the South Korean's launch of rocket.


91. I saw the launch of the rocket yesterday.


92. The stone rocketed into the glass, splintering it.


93. And the Rockets pounded the offensive boards.


94. Rocket next Ji Qiansai 5 days later, Yao Ming also has the enough time adjustment.

火箭下一场季前赛将在5天后, 姚明还有足够的时间调整.《期刊摘选》

95. a rocket attack


96. The rocket landed sufficiently gently to avoid breaking its instrument.


97. The 4G mission is set to launch from Cape Canaveral in the United States on a space X Falcon 9 rocket in 2019.

4G 任务将于2019年从美国卡纳维拉尔角发射,搭载的是 space X 猎鹰9号火箭。

98. With a tremendous roar from its rocket engine, the satellite is sent up into the sky.

随着火箭发动机发出的巨大的轰鸣声, 卫星被送上了天空.《期刊摘选》

99. The base was under fire from tanks and rocket launchers.


100. rocketing prices


101. Investigated charring erosive characters of internal insulation of solid rocket motor under flight acceleration.


102. The performance characteristics, structure and working cycle of pulse detonation rocket engine ( PDRE ) were introduced firstly.

摘要阐述了脉冲爆震火箭发动机 ( PDRE ) 性能特点 、 结构和工作过程.《期刊摘选》

103. In 1993 a new space rocket with no wings was developed in the USA.


104. An American, William Hale, assembled a vastly improved rocket in 1846.

一个叫威廉·黑尔的美国人, 在1846年组装了一枚经过大大改进的火箭.《辞典例句》

105. Propulsion is provided by a rocket engine, rather than a propeller and rudder, which makes steering difficult.


106. So we are burning up an enormous amount of fuel at every launch just to get the rocket up to what's known as escape velocity.


107. Interviewing politicians may not be rocket science, but it does matter.


108. Now, in addition to the rocket belt, there are experiments with a turbine belt.

现在, 除了火箭背带之外, 还进行了涡轮机背带的实验.《辞典例句》

109. We saw the booster rockets disengage and fall into the sea.


110. Added a security measure to prevent an occasional bug where your SMAW rocket continuously fires.


111. It is to get the rocket going fast enough to escape Earth's gravity.


112. The nation has experienced four years of rocketing crime.


113. Other than Yao and McGrady, the Rockets are averaging a combined 30 points.

除了姚明和麦迪, 火箭其他球员场均共得30分.《期刊摘选》

114. Solid propellant is fuel and core part of solid rocket motor.


115. A response surface method ( RSM ) for structure reliability analysis of solid rocket motor ( SRM ) grain was presented.


116. This obturator can satisfy requirement of rocket engine on the interior ballistic and exterior ballistic.


117. The idea took off like a rocket.


118. For this we developed two new devices , rockets and aerial mines.


119. Using solid rocket gas generator, sea level static ejector mode experiment was conducted.

利用固体火箭发动机做为燃气发生器, 成功地进行了海平面静态自由引射实验.《期刊摘选》


1. He arranged to launch his rocket just before the moon occulted the nebula.


2. Air Force pilot Gordon Cooper became an expert on the Redstone Rocket that would launch Mercury astronauts on short training flights.

VOA : special.2009.06.10

3. "I was in a vehicle and a rocket came through the window, " he said.

BBC: Berkshire - Injured soldier rides for charity

4. There were new designs for the plane's rocket engine, landing equipment and the small rockets needed to move it in space.

VOA : special.2010.07.07

5. Two hours after Apollo Thirteen went around the moon, the astronauts fired the rocket for five minutes.

VOA : special.2009.07.22

6. "It's up like a rocket blast this year, " Leclerc said of the stock market.

NPR: Stocks Barely Budge; Market Ends Week With Loss

7. In two thousand two, he released his first album, "Waiting for My Rocket to Come."

VOA : special.2010.01.29

8. He kept pointing to the rocket ship and mean monkey kept taking it away.

他不断指向火箭飞船,认为猴子不停地将火箭飞船拿走心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. The Security Council on Monday adopted a declaration condemning North Korea for launching the rocket.

CNN: U.S. issues warning to North Korea for expelling inspectors

10. This meant the Apollo Eight astronauts could fire the rocket that would send them from Earth orbit toward the moon.

VOA : special.2009.07.08

11. The challenge of transforming the powder into an aerosol cloud was handed to rocket scientist Carlos Schuler.

FORBES: The Impossible Made Possible

12. This is thought to be the first rocket attack in Abbottabad, a hill resort popular with tourists.

BBC: Attack on Pakistan Military Academy in Abbottabad

13. The rocket span out of control and had to be ordered to blow itself up.

ECONOMIST: Hypersonic aviation

14. In 1974, Evel Knievel tried to jump over the Snake River canyon in a steam-powered rocket.

FORBES: Bold Prediction: Android Will Own 38.6% Of Tablet Market In 2015

15. But often, rocket and spacecraft malfunctions are much more complex to diagnose and resolve.

WSJ: SpaceX Acts Fast for New Launch

16. Three Israeli civilians and one of those soldiers have been killed in rocket strikes from Gaza.

CNN: Israeli strike kills at least 1 aid worker, U.N. says

17. Astronauts Frank Borman,James Lovell and William Anders were in the spacecraft at the top of the Saturn Five rocket.

VOA : special.2009.07.08

18. "Carl just got a rocket restart there, and he cleared me down the backstretch, " Kenseth said.

NPR: David Ragan Steals Last-Lap Victory At Talladega

19. Vega is the latest rocket to be developed by the European Space Agency (Esa).

BBC: Esa's Vega rocket puts Proba-V vegetation mission in orbit

20. They went on to storm the fort's armoury to grab guns and rocket-launchers.


21. Israel says the purpose is to keep weapons out of Gaza and to prevent rocket fire into the Jewish state.

VOA : special.2010.06.05

22. again, this is not rocket science, but let's do it anyway.

这也不是天书,没那么可怕的博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. Navi Pillay, in Geneva, criticized Hamas leaders for the harm caused to Israeli civilians by rocket fire.

VOA : special.2009.01.10

24. After a few seconds, when the X-15 was safely away, the pilot started its rocket engine.

VOA : special.2010.07.07

25. "It's not rocket science, but it has to be done right, " Mr. Koslow said.

WSJ: Texting While Flying: Help for Pilots

26. B-52 bomber, dropped from the bomber, and then accelerated to Mach 7 by a booster rocket.

ECONOMIST: Hypersonic aviation

27. "Call me Haiz" he says upon arrival in a rocket ship that opens up with a crazy world inside it.

VOA : special.2010.06.04

28. In nineteen fifty-six, the United States launched a Jupiter military rocket that flew more than five thousand kilometers.

VOA : special.2009.06.10

29. The huge Saturn rocket, as tall as a thirty-six-floor building, was the heaviest thing ever to leave Earth.

VOA : special.2009.07.08

30. The difference in air pressure made the rocket behave abnormally, and probably contributed to the crash.

ECONOMIST: Hypersonic aviation

31. Finally,on February twentieth, John Glenn climbed into his tiny spacecraft on top of the huge Atlas rocket.

VOA : special.2009.06.17

32. "You do not need to be a rocket scientist to see that our soap cleans better."

VOA : special.2010.06.27

33. From remnants of the weapons found, HRW has reconstructed the characteristics of the rocket.

BBC: Syria's chemical weapons stockpile

34. For several tense minutes, the astronauts of Gemini Six were sitting on top of a highly explosive mass of rocket fuel.

VOA : special.2009.07.01

35. As the ratio goes down, a car is transformed from a locomotive to a rocket.

FORBES: 2012 Audi TT RS Test Drive And Review - The Power To Surprise

36. There were some concerns about the safety of the huge Redstone rocket that was to carry the spacecraft.

VOA : special.2011.05.15

37. Squeeze the throttle and the car takes off as if rocket boosters sprout from the trunk.

FORBES: Test Drive: 2013 Mercedes-Benz C300 4Matic Has Seductive Power

38. From heat waves to Hezbollah rocket strikes, it can feel like the world is coming apart.

FORBES: Dog Days, Boom Times

39. You might see a war movie in which an airplane has been hit by rocket fire.

VOA : special.2010.04.18

40. Then, factor in the near-daily incidents in Pakistan of rocket attacks, roadside bombs, market explosions.

NPR: Trip to Religious School Offers Window on Pakistan

41. Rocket fire has continued sporadically with retaliatory air strikes but there are no reports of casualties.

BBC: Israeli strikes and militant rockets test Gaza truce

42. Officials say the solid-fuel rocket could reach Israel, southeastern Europe and American bases in the Middle East.

VOA : special.2009.05.23

43. So in order to have a breakthrough, you have to have a fully reusable rocket.

WSJ: An Electric Car and a Trip to Mars

44. Instead of gunpowder or rocket motors, the railgun will use electrical power to propel the projectiles.

FORBES: U.S. Navy Pioneers Next-Gen Electric Weaponry

45. For Mr. Branson, the test flight met its most important goal: validating the rocket ship's design.

WSJ: Virgin Galactic Spacecraft Tests Its Rockets in Flight

46. Just like traveling to the moon is a fine goal provided you own a rocket.

FORBES: How Impossible Dreams Can Destroy Value In Mid-Sized Firms

47. But he has won praise at home for his support for developing satellite and rocket technology.

VOA : special.2009.05.23

48. In April last year, Seoul sent its first astronaut into space aboard a Russian Soyuz rocket.

BBC: South Korea halts rocket launch

49. The space-rocket project has been a shining success.


50. German rocket scientists, with the support of the German government, had spent fifteen years developing rockets as weapons.

VOA : special.2009.06.10

51. The twenty-two meter long rocket would put a little scientific satellite into orbit as one of the events of the international geophysical year.

VOA : special.2009.06.10

52. The filing gave coordinates where North Korea believed its missile or rocket stages would likely fall.

WSJ: Gulags, Nukes and a Water Slide: Citizen Spies Lift North Korea's Veil

53. The rocket tumbled out of control shortly after lift-off.


54. Pakistan fired artillery shells at Afghan forces, who responded with mortars and rocket-propelled grenades.

WSJ: Afghans Protest After Clash on Pakistani Border

55. The weather was good. The scientists had planned that part of the rocket would fall into the ocean after the launch.

VOA : special.2010.06.27

56. The agency is to design its own heavy lift rocket at a cost of three billion dollars.

VOA : special.2010.04.28

57. If suppliers bring it to the attention of all their customers, this number could rocket.

BBC: Gas and electricity bills hide internet savings

58. To get below the ancient lunar rocks, NASA crashed a rocket into the moon's south pole.

VOA : special.2009.12.30

59. Oh. The question of why they chose--the baby-- the kids chose the rocket ship one as opposed to the Rafael one.

这个问题是,为什么婴儿会选择火箭飞船的贴纸,而不是拉斐尔的贴纸心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. Basing Soyuz in French Guiana should give the rocket a new lease of life.

BBC: A rocket abroad - Soyuz in French Guiana

61. Second thing I would say that was valuable "Thank goodness, I did one year at Stanford Business School and learned how to read a balance sheet and understand the basics of cost accounting which is not mathematical rocket science.

我要说的第二件事是很重要的,感谢上苍,我在斯坦福商学院学了一年,学会了怎么看资产平衡表,知道恶劣,成本会计的基本知识。微软CEO-Steve.Ballmer谈科技的未来课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

62. They had to do this by firing the lunar module rocket engine for just the right amount of time.

VOA : special.2009.07.22

63. an anti-tank rocket


64. "Come on." she says. "You do not need to be a rocket scientist to understand this."

VOA : special.2010.06.27

65. He told Parliament the covert ballistic missile tests and rocket launches contravened a UN resolution.

BBC: William Hague concerned over Iranian missile tests





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