
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈstjuːd(ə)nt]play美 [ˈstuːd(ə)nt]play

  • n. 学生;学者
  • n. (Student)人名;(德)施图登特

复数 students

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student /ˈstjuːdənt/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A student is a person who is studying at an elementary school, secondary school, college, or university. 学生

    Warren's eldest son is an art student.


  • 2.
    →see also   graduate student
  • 3.
    可数名词 Someone who is a student of a particular subject is interested in the subject and spends time learning about it. 学者

    ...a passionate student of history and an expert on nineteenth century prime ministers.






1. good student 好学生

2. foreign student 外国学生,外籍学生;留学生

3. student body 全体学生;学生的总称

4. graduate student n. 研究生;毕业生

5. Student ID 学号 ; 主键

6. girl student 女学生

7. returned student 回国留学生 ; 归国留学生 ; 回国留 ; 返国留门生

8. outstanding student 优秀学生,杰出学生

9. student loan 助学贷款

10. doctoral student 博士生

11. college student 大学生

12. student id 学生证;学号

13. middle school student 中学生

14. postgraduate student 硕士研究生

15. high school student 高中生

16. merit student 三好学生 ; 三好门生 ; 三好 ; 校级奖项

17. day-student 走读生 ; 锟竭讹拷锟斤拷

18. student council 学生会 ; 门生会

19. student life 学生生活;学习生活

20. poor student 贫困生;学困生

21. undergraduate student 本科生

22. student visa 学生签证

23. university student 大学生

24. guest student 旁听生 ; 旁听生英 ; 使开业

25. abroad student 留学生 ; 留门生 ; 留学 ; 留

26. excellent student 优秀学生;优等生

27. international student 国际学生;留学生


1. Discounts will only be given on production of your student ID card.


2. What became of that student who used to live with you?


3. A chance conversation led to a brilliant new career for the young catering student.


4. He was a keen student of the war's developments and of military history.


5. You'll quickly adjust yourself to student life.


6. And that conclusion is based only on students nearing graduation.

而且该结论仅基于快毕业的学生的表现。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

7. Some lazy college students take snap courses.


8. Each student has been given their own email address.


9. Students at university also meet those likely to be in leading jobs in the future, forming contacts for life.

学生们在学校还会遇到未来可能找到顶级工作的人,从而建立惠及一生的人脉。《16年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

10. Some college students will have to live out.


11. He had the appearance of a college student


12. Students who take more challenging classes and spend more time studying do learn more.

选择了有挑战性课程的学生会花更多的时间去学习。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

13. I was just an average sort of student.


14. And meanwhile , this case can also provide a different angle for managers and students.

同时, 为企业管理者和研究者提供一个不同的视角.《期刊摘选》

15. There are two series of readers, one for beginners and one for advanced students.

有两种系列读物, 一种是给初学者读的,一种是给水平高的学生读.《期刊摘选》

16. What did the three university ?students invent?.

这三位大学生发明了什么?。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

17. Students should aim to become more independent of their teachers.


18. She showed the technique to her students.


19. an overseas student


20. Higher education groups complained about the delays for foreign science students and scholars.


21. The students in middle schools should build up a solid foundation in English.


22. Each government has its own requirements for military service after students graducategraduate.


23. There are no significant differences between the two groups of students.


24. The 224 students who make it to the national competition get

an all-expenses-paid trip.最终晋级全国比赛的224个学生可以完全公费参赛。《17年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

25. W: Many students find English a difficult language to learn.

女:许多学生觉得英语很难学。《15年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

26. The two universities signed an agreement, under which they would exchange students and scholars.

这两个大学,签定了协议, 决定交换学生和学者.《期刊摘选》

27. The fourth part, developing healthy psychology quality of university students in the music education.

第四部分, 在音乐教育中培养大学生良好的心理素质的对策研究.《期刊摘选》

28. ...a passionate student of nineteenth century history.

热衷于 19 世纪历史的研究者《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

29. Student militants were fighting with the police.


30. After her divorce, Dunham married Indonesian student Lolo Soetoro attending college in Hawaii.

离婚后, 邓汉与印尼留美学者苏托罗再婚.《期刊摘选》

31. It is not so easy to get a Canadian student visa.


32. University student enrollment has grown nearly and the number of universities has doubled since 2002.


33. He became an ardent student of Marxism during college.


34. In recent years, mobile phones have become among middle school students.

近年来, 移动电话已成为很受中学生.《期刊摘选》

35. A school would not accept low-quality work from any student.


36. You are a high school student, and you have a cute girlfriend, Hotaru.

你是一个高中学生, 有一个可爱的女朋友 —— 萤.《期刊摘选》

37. He is the best student bar none.


38. Whether a student or a teacher, standard dress for scholars was clerical garb.

无论学生还是老师, 学者的标准着装是牧师装扮.《期刊摘选》

39. Students and exchange visitors are charged fee fees to help pay for the system, the.


40. The content of the course depends on what the students would like to study.


41. That student has an aptitude for mathematics.


42. As the middle school student, what respect does patriotism spirit embody in?

作为中学生, 爱国主义精神体现在什么方面?《期刊摘选》

43. ...a 23-year-old medical student.

23 岁的医科大学生《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

44. Recently I attended several meetings where we talked about ways to retain students and keep younger faculty members from going elsewhere.

近期我参加了几个会议,讨论留住学生、防止年轻教员流失的方法。《16年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

45. In one vision ( version ), students attend school for 9 weeks and then have 3 weeks off.

在一个提议中, 学生们上9周课,然后休息3周.《期刊摘选》

46. Objective To study the reasons of student fatigued fracture.


47. Each summer a new batch of students tries to find work.


48. He is a student of international politics.


49. College students focused on critical issues of interdependence between eagles and their habitats ( 栖 息

地 ).大学生把重点放在秃鹰与栖息地之间的依存关系上。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

50. The students are planning how to spend their summer vacation.


51. I don't really have a specific target. We certainly have benefited from many excellent Chinese students.

我还没有确切的目标, 从优秀的中国学生身上我们的确受益很多.《期刊摘选》

52. What do you like to do in your spare time?


53. Perfectly adequate for most household purposes, manual typewriters are especially useful for students and beginners.

手动打字机非常适合于家用, 尤其对学生及初学者更为有用.《期刊摘选》

54. There is an increasing tendency towards the use of mobile phones by school students.


55. Any teacher will tell you that students learn at different rates.


56. Go on, he said encouragingly to his student.

“ 继续. ” 他鼓励他的学生说.《简明英汉词典》

57. This model of typewriter is efficient and endurable, economical and practical for middle school students.

这款打字机工作效率高,经久耐用, 并用又经济实用,非常适合中学生使用.《期刊摘选》

58. Our teacher granted request to every student.


59. He lapsed from Judaism when he was a student.


60. The Los Angeles Math Circle, held at the University of California, Los Angeles, began in 2007 with 20 students and now has more than 250.

在加州大学洛杉矶分校组建的洛杉矶数学圈创办于2007 年,当时有20 名学生,而今队伍已经扩大到250 多人。《17年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

61. a keen student of human nature


62. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, nearly 80 percent of college students end up changing their majors at least once.

根据(美国)国家教育统计中心的数据,约80%的大学生最后都至少转过一次专业。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

63. For example, school students to work before the first application for a tax ID work visa.


64. She knows every student in the school.


65. Students are required to be in school by 8.30.


66. Either a college major is worth its cost or it isn’t. If yes, taxpayer financing isn’t needed. If not, taxpayer financing isn’t desirable. Either way, taxpayers have no business paying for students’ college education.

攻读一个大学专业的费用要么值得支付,要么不值得。如果值得,就不需要纳税人承担学费。如 果不值得,纳税人承担学费是不合理的。无论是否值得,纳税人都没有理由为大学生的大学教育费用买单。《18年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

67. a student grant/loan (= money that is given/lent to students to pay for their studies)


68. She's a student at Sussex University.


69. He stayed a student all his life.


70. It also solve the common problems completely that middle school student have in learning English.


71. a 15-year-old high school student


72. All students without exception must take the English examination.


73. The consumption conception of college students is obviously affected by advertisement today.


74. Women make up 56% of the student numbers.


75. The examiners can pitch on any student to answer questions.


76. The college students had cultivated the ability to ask questions, the cornerstone of critical thinking.

大学生已经养成了提问的能力,而这一能力就是批判性思维的基础。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

77. She always had one or two students boarding with her.


78. We were shown around the school by one of the students.


79. First get students to form groups of four.


80. With these students it's pronunciation that's the problem.


81. Designed for nursing and allied health students, as well as consumer health researchers.

该库用户为医护人员 、 健康研究者们和学生.《期刊摘选》

82. We want to help ESL students learn English as quickly and effortlessly as possible.


83. Students of ancient times all had their teachers.


84. The course is suitable for beginners and advanced students.


85. A good student, she ran in track meets.


86. This man is a student of Shakespeare.


87. But as  the work became more difficult, the students with a growth

mind-set showed greater persistence.但是随着学业越来越难,具有发展型思维模式的学生展现了更强的毅力。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

88. A questionnaire is conducted with 978 ECEC department students for collecting data.


89. The reading course book, plus its reference books, is helpful to college students.


90. You see it in faculty members who are pleased when their students make a discovery that undermines a cherished theory that they had put forward.

这在教师的身上得以体现,如果学生的发现动摇了他们曾经提出的宝贵理论,他们会十分欣喜。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

91. In the course of a day students do far more than just attend classes.


92. In this class, students will learn how to program.


93. The findings indicate that the female students differ obviously in sports's understanding, belief and action.

研究结果表明:黑龙江大学女大学生对运动健身的 “ 知 、 、”有明显的偏差.《期刊摘选》

94. As a student he tried communal living for a few years.


95. She asked her students to get into groups of four.


96. The student is engrossed in his book.


97. In Paying for the Party , Hamilton describes what she calls the “ party pathway, ” which eases many students through college, helped along by various clubs that send students into the party scene and a host of easier majors.

在《为聚会买单》一书中, Hamilton描述了她所称的“聚会之路”,这让很多学生轻松度过大学时光,在各种各样的俱乐部的帮助下,他们去参加各种聚会,学习容易的专业。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

98. If you are a college student looking for work but worry you won’t have enough time to devote to academic subjects, consider working as a study hall or library monitor.

如果你是一名想找兼职的大学生,但却担心没有足够的时间学习,那么你可以考虑做自习室或者图书馆的监督员。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

99. This article discussed the location and the working method of student mass organization in university.


100. The organizers of the experiment concluded that far fewer students were achieving at high levels on critical thinking than they were doing for written communication or quantitative literacy.

实验的组织者总结说,比起书面交流和数据理解方面,在批判性思维方面达到高水平的学生要少得多。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

101. Jake would not countenance Janis's marrying while still a student.


102. The ASP of a student information management system, are very representative for beginners download.

这个一个ASP的学生信息管理系统, 很有代表性,供初学者下载使用.《期刊摘选》

103. Warren's eldest son is an art student, at St Martin's.


104. One who admitted as a student to a college or university.

被录取''.'入'.''''.'学者'. ''允许做为学生进入学院或大学读书的人.《期刊摘选》

105. Students and exchange visitors are charge charged fees to help pay for the system.


106. Every student whether attending school or self taught, should always have a dictionary at hand.

每一位学生,不管是在校生还是自学者, 手中都该有本辞典.《期刊摘选》

107. You probably think college students are experts at sleeping, but parties, preparations for tests, personal problems and general stress can wreck a student’s sleep habits, which can be bad for the body and the mind.

你可能以为大学生在睡眠方面是专家,但是各种聚会、备 考、 个人问题以及一般的精神压力都会打破学生的睡眠习惯,而这会对身体和精神产生不利影响。《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

108. Each student determines their own pace in the yoga class.


109. It is quite sufficient for the experiment of a middle school student.


110. a student teacher/nurse

实习教师 / 护士《牛津词典》

111. The only action she had taken about students was to turnflat the idea of student loans.


112. The researchers asked fifth graders and college students to create a recovery plan to protect bald eagles from extinction .

研究者让五年级学生和大学生分别拟定一个保护秃鹰免遭灭绝的拯救计划。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

113. College students always discuss the news.


114. a medical/science, etc. student


115. And even many other provinces such as Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi's university students have come together.

甚至不少外省,如湖北 、 湖南 、 江西的大学生也都结伴而来.《期刊摘选》

116. This elementary Chinese Culture Reader is for oversea middle school students.


117. The number of new students decreased from 210 to 160 this year.


118. Students and exchange are charge charged fees to help pay for the sistencesystem.


119. In one year she turned from a problem child into a model student.


120. He is a close student of birds.


121. Here are the results of the student activity survey at Green High school.


122. This would be an environment in which teachers and students actually knew each other.

在这样的环境下,教师和学生才可能真正相互了解。《16年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

123. a graduate/postgraduate/research student


124. He was a profound student of Soviet behavior.


125. Students should take full advantage of the university's facilities.


126. MYIF is set up school students. fellowship activities are lively and cheerful.


127. As a girl she had been a model student.


128. But I have a feeling that I am what I may call a natural student.


129. I did some waitressing when I was a student.


130. Warren's eldest son is an art student.


131. student fees (= to pay for the cost of teaching)


132. High school student everyday can Morpheus inadequacy bring about eye myopia?

中学生每天都睡眠不足会导致眼睛近视 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

133. He was a middle school student at the age of 14.


134. From  such instruction, many students began to see themselves as agents  of their own brain development.

受到这样的指导后,很多学生开始把自己视为大脑发育的推动者。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

135. Third part: Solves the university student education development method and the way.

第三部分: 解决大学生素质教育的方法和途径.《期刊摘选》

136. Despite being unaware that  there were two types of instruction, teachers reported significant  motivational changes in 27% of the children in the growth mindset  workshop as compared with only 9% of students in the  control group.

尽管不知道有这两种培训,老师们的报告却显示,参加了发展型思维模式研习班的学生中有27% 产生了学习动机方面的显著变化,而作为对比,控制组中只有9% 的学生产生了这种变化。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

137. Welcome to join the university student IDC free space forum!


138. There are an unhealthy atmosphere, the impact on college students, is very bad.

社会上一些不良的风气, 对大学生来说影响是很坏的.《期刊摘选》

139. And in some states, school students can take them, too.

在一些州, 高中学生也同样可以使用在线课程.《期刊摘选》

140. Better working conditions and higher wages have drained many university students away from the inland areas.


141. He is a persevering student.


142. Jerry was singled out as the best student.


143. I was always hard up as a student.


144. Mr Lin is a student of China's economic reforms.


145. Several colleges in our study have rigid rules about student conduct.


146. In what aspect did American college students perform well?.

美国大学生在哪一方面做得较好?。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

147. High school students psychological and physiological characteristics afford us maximum possibility to implement aesthetic education .

高中学生的心理、生理特点,为我们实施 美育 提供了极大的可能性.《期刊摘选》

148. This model of typewriter is efficient and durable, economical and practical for middle school students.

这个型号的打字机对中学生来说,高效、耐用 、 经济、实惠.《期刊摘选》

149. Students come here from the four corners of the world.


150. Dong Dong who meets Nana in a private party is a student in a high school.


151. That helps explain why, as I ’ m First ’ s Rubinoff indicated, the schools to which these students end up resorting can end up being

some of the poorest matches for them.来自 I ’ m First 的 Rubinoff 指出:这种情况有助于解释为什么这些学生最终投奔的学校可能结果却是最不适合他们的。《15年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

152. The class needs a minimum of six students to continue.


153. The study found that strong teachers in the fourth through eighth grades raised the skills of their students in ways that would last for decades.

这项研究发现,在四年级到八年级期间,优秀教师对学生的技能培养效果能持续数十年。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

154. His paintings had a strong influence on me as a student.


155. This set of textbooks is intended for university students.


156. The course allows students to progress at their own speed.


157. No student is to leave the room.


158. If you are a student, you can omit questions 16–18.


159. He believes that he and his compatriot student are the future leader.


160. The whole class gathered around the student who had been unfairly failed, and demanded another examination.

那个学生在考试中因受到不公正的对待而不及格, 全班同学站在他的一边要求让他重考.《简明英汉词典》

161. She is a student of keen observation.


162. This is the first time the federal government has measured economic understanding among school students.


163. Any high school student could tell you the answer.


164. It will save the student from wasting his time in exercises.


165. Each student has been given his or her own email address.


166. She set her things around the monastic student bedroom.


167. Continuous rain prevented the high school students from taking any outdoor exercise.


168. Qawasmeh knew she had to help her 735 elementary and high school students understand.


169. She's probably the brightest student in the class.


170. The student was out of his depth in discussion on the Middle Ages.


171. Student numbers are expanding rapidly.


172. Students have little or no choice in the matter.


173. Evolution of minerals and living organisms is governed by common ontogenetic laws.


174. Furthermore, the program's bilingual format helped to attract beginners as well as advanced students.


175. International students are welcomed. They may enter the universities and business schools at various points.


176. The impoverished university student already became in the university not allow to neglect special groups.


177. “Middle school is an important age because students have enough math capability to solve advanced problems, but they haven’t really decided what they want to do with their lives,” said Loh.

“初中是一个重要的阶段,因为学生有足够的数学能力来解决难题,但他们还没真正决定想要怎么过自己的人生,”Loh说《17年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

178. Google has teamed with IBM to provide cloud computing to university students and researchers.


179. We contended that every college student must have a command of a foreign language.


180. One student commented that she preferred literature to social science.


181. Within a few years of the exhibition, modern female art students were cutting their hair style.

在展览的这几年中, 现代女性艺术学者纷纷剪掉她们的长发,一种发梢齐肩向内的发型.《期刊摘选》

182. Students must have access to good resources.


183. Imagine how intimidating it be for prospective students unfamiliar with the complexities of higher education to navigate this kind of information and then identify which schools are the best fit.

试想一下,对于不熟悉复杂高等教育的准大学生,查找这类信息并确定合适的学校将是一件多么吓人的事。《15年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

184. What's the weather like today? A weather quiz for beginners and elementary students.

今天天气怎么样? 为零起点初学者及初级学生准备的天气测试.《期刊摘选》

185. We try to help all students realize their full potential.


186. Each student makes only one item themselves.


187. We restrict the number of students per class to 10.


188. Students nowadays will be the work force of society and the master of environment in future.


189. The first year provides students with a sound theoretical basis for later study.


190. She is the student who pronounces best in the class.


191. Fewer students require fewer teachers.

学生少了,对教师的需求也就小了。 《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

192. I watched a group calisthenics performance put on by middle school students just now.


193. Students on leave of absence for sickness should present a health certificate when resuming study.


194. Shockingly, the two groups came up with plans of similar quality (although the college students had better spelling skills).

令人震惊的是,两个组提出的计划在质量上非常接近(尽管大学生的拼写能力优于五年级学生)。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

195. She is held in high regard by her students.


196. Theauthor tried to find out the problems through sample investigations carried out in middle school students.


197. No, I'm not a student. I'm a doctor, actually.


198. I got into conversation with an Italian student.



1. an assiduous student


2. While still a student at San Jose State University, I co-founded Intelligent Buying Inc.

FORBES: David Gorodyansky - Archive

3. Like others at St Patrick's Church the Polish student knew Tobin as Pat McLaughlin.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Glasgow and West | Angelika diary mentioned accused

4. He recalls endless summer days as an Oxford student.


5. The Department of Education reported last year that about two-thirds of graduates from four-year colleges had student loan debt.

VOA : special.2010.04.15

6. One is a 16-year-old Akron-area high school student who has been charged with attempted murder.

WSJ: Toll of Alleged Online Plot May Rise to Three

7. STUDENT: PROFESSOR: Oh, I'm sorry. So it's n minus l minus 1.

学生:,教授:不好意思,这是n减去l减去1.化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

8. Student-founded alumni groups play a very important role in recruiting students to attend their alma maters.

FORBES: Creative Koreans

9. As student roles evolve within a more personalized, tech-rich learning environment, teacher roles should evolve accordingly.

FORBES: What We Can Learn From A Dinner Controversy In The Desert

10. The 21-year-old singer-songwriter, has enjoyed widespread success since being spotted as a student in a Brits School showcase.

BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | James Blunt album sales pass 5m

11. In the end, the male student got the opening and Rife was offered a secretarial job.

NPR: Excerpt: 'When Everything Changed'

12. Yes, of course. I need your student ID please.


13. In the '70s, he had been a leftist student who managed to escape before being arrested.

NPR: A Poet Returns to Turkey in 'Snow'

14. "I've been waiting since midnight, so 12 hours now, " said Fahir Wardak, a 21-year-old student.

CNN: iPhone 5: The wait is over

15. Thinking it was only natural to want to help children and grandchildren, many co-signed student loans.

FORBES: Move up t Move down

16. The 17-year-old student, from Wellington, Shropshire, was last seen in the town on Sunday evening.

BBC: Georgia Williams

17. "There's also a lack of long-term planning from the government, " said James Kamau, a university student.

CNN: Kenyans unite to raise funds for citizens battling drought

18. But one of the two bills he signed into law also made unrelated changes in the federal student loan program.

VOA : special.2010.04.15

19. I remember when I was a student in Paris I remember going up to-- and that's where they massacred lots of people.

我记得自己在巴黎上学的时候去过个地方,有很多人在那里被屠杀1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. In fact, this is the Harvard student who wrote Prufrock; Eliot wrote Prufrock largely when still at Harvard and in the years immediately following.

实际上,写这首诗时他还是哈佛的一名学生;,艾略特在哈佛时以及随后的几年里,完成了这首诗的大部分。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. When Tiger Woods was a student, in the mid-nineties, not everyone knew who he was.


22. Our education system is built to measure and reward the wrong end of the student.

FORBES: Clearing the Path for Learning

23. Take, for example, Katie Sepich, a 22-year-old graduate student at New Mexico State University.

CNN: If DNA collecting banned, rapists will go free

24. Camacho has an engaging, grad student demeanor and he uses coffee mugs to illustrate his answer.

FORBES: YouTube And The 2009 Davos Questions

25. Most likely a colleague of the teacher who prepared each student for the exam.

FORBES: Are New York City Students Getting Smarter Or Are Regents Exams Getting Easier?

26. Even for full-time courses, student loans are pitifully small.


27. And he knew this. He had obviously been a successful student at St. Paul's School in London and then later in college at Cambridge University.

他认识到了这一点,显然他曾经是一个优秀的学生,在伦敦圣保禄学校,还有随后的剑桥大学。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. Pinault walks a fine line between being a student of artists and their patron.

WSJ: Collecting Art With Fran?ois Pinault

29. Second, I consider myself still a student of subtraction, not a master of it.

FORBES: How to Remove Activities From Your Life and Increase Productivity

30. Until recently, however, the tools to enable differentiated instruction to meet student needs were scarce.

FORBES: How to Bring Quality Online Education to a Global Student Population

31. The teacher wrote about him to a friend: "I have a student who will make his mark in music,if anybody will.

VOA : special.2009.02.08

32. Bill benefits when expected were forced to rely on student loans or consumer debt.

FORBES: Magazine Article

33. The first time she walked down the steps at work, her student assistant cheered.

CNN: 'I couldn't walk': Woman loses 276 pounds

34. The interviewer wants to know if the person understands the demands of life as a medical student and doctor in training.

VOA : special.2009.06.02

35. David Alcorn, president of the student union, said the name change was a good idea.

BBC: Students' backlash at Leeds Met Uni name change plan

36. This week in our Foreign Student Series, we discuss rules about getting a job while studying in the United States.

VOA : special.2009.01.29

37. In just a moment the hearts are gonna start flowing from bottom to top and the cookies are gonna start moving left and right and they seem to be somewhat synchronized with the music, perhaps based on trial and error by the student who implemented this one.

刚刚那一刻,那些爱心们从底部上浮到顶部,饼干人则向左向右移动,它们似乎都随着音乐的律动而变化着,也许这是那个制作该动画的同学,不断尝试的结果。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

38. Create a uniform definition of child at under age 19 and eliminate the student exception.

FORBES: Navigating The Maze Of Child Tax Credits

39. This enhances the educational experience obviously by increasing student diversity: we have students who are living abroad and coming in for the classes.

学生的多样性,提升了教学体验:,居住在海外的学生,赶来上课。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

40. This week in our Foreign Student Series, we discuss costs for higher education for international students in the United States.

VOA : special.2009.01.22

41. But professors at big schools say there is not enough time to write evaluations for each student in large classes.

VOA : special.2009.03.05

42. Student: I see two people holding hands pressed together Professor Paul Bloom:Two people holding hands pressed together ? Anybody have a different reading?

我看到两个人紧握着手,两个人紧握着手,有人有不同的解读吗?心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. I guess you got a higher score, as you are a Brown student. How did you prepare for the test?

能被布朗大学录取,我猜你的分数一定很高。你是如何准备考试的呢?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 被学问的自由所迷住

44. A college or university's international student office is a good place to start getting to know the school and the country.

VOA : special.2009.03.19

45. Groups were assigned and the students came from all over the world, so we made great efforts in the selection of the student groups that we put together.

对来自世界各地的学生,进行分组,我们花了很大力气选择,放在一起的组。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

46. student-led


47. This week in our Foreign Student Series, we talk about support services for international students in the United States.

VOA : special.2009.03.19

48. It consisted of good grades, athletic accomplishments, and leadership positions in various student organizations.

FORBES: You're Not "On Track"

49. Neuroscience student David Cox blogged on the Guardian website about the science behind revision.

BBC: Tips on how to survive the exam season

50. For a community-minded and well-rounded student, this could be a lucrative scholarship to win.

FORBES: Ten Scholarships For Average Students Who Are Not Athletically Inclined

51. STUDENT: Right, we're going to do that in a second, but the answer is Fibonacci numbers, we define the first two.

学生:听不见:,我们马上会试一试,但是答案是斐波那契数列,我们可以定义下最初的两个数。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

52. His education law,still in effect, required states to show yearly progress in student learning as measured by the states' own tests.

VOA : special.2010.07.22

53. Tobin Green, the division's chief of operations, and a friend and former student of Eliot Cohen.

NPR: 'Gamble' Author: Iraq War Only Halfway Over

54. STUDENT: No. Not unless he wants to break the vase into little pieces and stuff it in the corners.

学生:【听不见】,教授:不,除非它想把花瓶打成碎片,然后把它们堆到角落里。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

55. I was a first-year student at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, and was relaxing between classes at the student union building.

VOA : special.2009.08.16

56. When a student says, you know, "Thanks for that lesson, I really enjoyed it," or you know, or something like that,

当一个学生说,“感谢那门课,我真的很喜欢它,”或者其他类似的话,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 在公园相遇的老师

57. Birkbeck says it has seen falls in its own student numbers of a similar magnitude.

BBC: Joan Bakewell urges action on part-time students

58. The team includes Muslims and Christians,mothers,a librarian, a business student and a woman who competed in a beauty pageant.

VOA : special.2010.07.30

59. Hirsch was engaged in lifelong disagreement with Gadamer but he was a student of Wimsatt, the author of "The Intentional Fallacy."

赫施一生都不同意葛达玛的观点,但他是温姆斯特的学生,温姆斯特是《意图谬论》的作者之一“文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. During our Foreign Student Series we also talked about student life in the United States and programs to help international students.

VOA : special.2009.07.16

61. She said the company should give a prize to the best student in a high school near the factory.

VOA : special.2009.03.29

62. The instruction I always give at Buddhist student group meetings whenever somebody comes in and needs instruction, they're pretty simple.

在佛教学生社团聚会时,每当有人前来,需要指点时,我都会给一些建议,都很简单。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

63. Looking back, Ms. Romine wishes she had taken only "a bare minimum" of student loans.

WSJ: To Pay Off Loans, Grads Put Off Marriage, Children

64. The endowment at Yale is something like two million dollars per student now that's just sitting there as money that could be spent.

耶鲁基金总额目前折合下来是,每个学生两百万美元,这笔钱就放在那里,随时可以折现花掉金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

65. I don't know how to make this point any clearer than to share with you a sampling of the student evaluations.

最能让这个问题明了的方法是,和你们分享一些学生们的评估抽样。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课



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