be careful in是什么意思_be careful in短语搭配_be careful in权威例句

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be careful in

v. 小心

英 [bi ˈkeəfl ɪn]play 美 [bi ˈkerfl ɪn]play

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. Be Careful In One's Conduct

2. be careful in one's speech 慎于言

3. Be careful in all things 凡事小心 ; 凡事要小心

4. Be careful in speaking 说话要谨慎

5. be careful in everything 事事小心


1. However, one must be careful in selecting the right material.


2. Be careful in doing this.


3. Be careful in meetings.


4. Born in 1974: Be careful in managing your finances and interpersonal issues.


5. Be careful in that shop - they have a habit of short changing you.

小心那家商店 —— 他们总是会少给你找头.《辞典例句》

6. Be careful in using precise timings as a gauge for the execution time of a method; the setup and tear down time of a test is included in the overall execution time.


7. But be careful in case your eyeballs fall out!


8. Be careful in dealing with such people.


9. You should be careful in the sun.


10. Behave yourself and be careful in what you say or do.


11. Observe your surroundings and be careful in large crowds and tourist areas.


12. Drivers should be careful in their observance of traffic regulations.

凡是司机都要注意遵守交通规则。《provided by jukuu》

13. We, ll have to be careful in doing business with them.


14. Be careful in money matters.


15. He reminded me to be careful in doing it.


16. Judges pointed out a need to be careful in such cases when the accuser was the only source of evidence, media said.


17. You can use any combination of these as long as they do not conflict, but the best way to avoid problems is to be careful in how you combine mechanisms.


18. However, I would caution the girls especially to be careful in accepting jobs abroad.


19. ASSISTANT MANAGER: Don 't worry about it, Samantha, but please be careful in the future.


20. We should therefore, be careful in using computers.


21. Be careful in management, otherwise you will soon be put out of business.


22. Be careful in the use of generalizations; where appropriate , offer specific evidence.

不要含糊的讲话; 应该有根有据的说话.《互联网》

23. Now you dawdle, be careful in the future a mixed day you.

你现在混日子, 小心将来日子混了你.《互联网》

24. Making the ticket analogy helps. Imagining a stack of tickets shrink day after day reminds me to be careful in how I spend my time.


25. I shall be careful in deciding what to do.


26. You must be careful in future.


27. Be careful in dealing with such people.


28. Therefore be careful in your selection, my young friends; be very careful;


29. Egan paused and then added, "you need to be careful in this world when you write satire."A lot of things do end up happening.


30. Be careful in all things.


31. Before I left for the airport, my grandmother told me to be careful in the mud alleys.


32. Be careful in selecting strains and highlight the characteristic of tea products


33. I have nothing to say, I want to tell you that you must be careful in the future.


34. Be careful in linking to other web sites.

在与其他网站链接时要格外小心。《provided by jukuu》

35. Harry is always on the make, so be careful in any business dealings with him.


36. A gentleman should be careful in speech and quick to act.

孔子说:“君子应该说话谨慎,做事勤劳敏捷. ”《互联网》

37. Be careful in what you wish for.


38. The fellow is as sharp as a razor. Be careful in your dealings with him.

这家伙厉害得很, 你和他打交道时要特别小心.《现代汉英综合大词典》

39. One has to be careful in watching the vines.


40. The consulate general warned Chinese students and their parents to be careful in choosing Australian colleges.


41. Do be careful in future.


42. Again, you have to be careful in what facts you choose.

其次,你在选用什么论据上必须当心。《provided by jukuu》

43. Be careful in that shop — they have a habit of short change.


44. We advise you should be careful in carrying on business with the bank.


45. The government must be careful in its exercise of power.


46. Motivate employees to be careful in the operation.


47. But be careful in the u.


48. We, ll have to be careful in doing business with them.


49. Don't stay out in the sun for too long—you can't be too careful.


50. Be careful in stock market. You can lose your money quicker than hell.


51. Do be careful in making experiments.


52. Today, be careful in everything connected to money!


53. We'll have to be careful in doing the work.

我们做这工作时得当心些。《provided by jukuu》

54. France, in particular, warns travelers to be careful in a large number of specific cities.


55. Be careful in all things.


56. Safety activists say parents should be careful in choosing a sponsoring organization.


57. Be careful in money matters.


58. You have to be careful in this dog - eat - dog world.


59. I made a silent vow to be more careful in the future.


60. The fellow is as sharp as a razor. Be careful in your dealings with him.

这家伙厉害得很, 你和他打交道时要特别小心。《新英汉大辞典》

61. One must be careful in the use of double plateholders to avoid getting out of step.


62. Judges pointed out a need to be careful in such cases when the accuser was the only source of evidence.


63. So you have to be careful in compiling information you find online.


64. Be careful in the penalty area!


65. Therefore be careful in your selection, my young friends; be very careful; confine yourselves exclusively to Robertson’s Sermons, Baxter’s Saint’s Rest, The Innocents Abroad, and works of that kind.、


66. We're new in East Asia, so we have to be careful in choosing the location for our regional office.


67. You should be careful in the sun.


68. Egan paused and then added, "you need to be careful in this world when you write satire." A lot of things do end up happening.



1. Why carrer women are best marriage partners Guys, please, be careful in the way you interpret this articles.

FORBES: Readers Say

2. Be very careful in traffic.

BBC: How to explore Vietnam with kids

3. So it's a way of reminding you, I've got to be careful about the types of things that I put in.

因此我这是在提醒你,一定要对输入的东西的类型,多加注意。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

4. So, that kind of stuff is something to look at but I'd be very careful in buying equities.

所以这样的投资工具就是我们所要考虑的,但我对资产板块的投资会比较小心。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. "Be careful,my young friend. You are in great danger."

VOA : special.2009.05.23

6. But you must be careful. It is easy to get lost in the waves of moving sand especially during sandstorms.

VOA : special.2010.01.04

7. "We should be careful in whose hands civil society ends up - eastern Europeans have exchanged the tyrannies of socialism and party apparatuses for the tyrannies of capitalism, political elites, corporate bureaucracies and ethnic majorities determined to stamp out any kind of plural life, " she says.

BBC: Can civil society win India's corruption battle?

8. An e-mail circulated in the Kaufman County district attorney's office is advising prosecutors to be vigilant and careful in their own personal security, said a spokesperson for the office.

CNN: Prosecutor gunned down outside Texas courthouse

9. "We have to be careful in distinguishing between reality and fantasy, " said Sheen, the fictional Bartlet.

CNN: A presidential sheen

10. People in business have to be careful if they are to survive the jungle out there.

VOA : special.2010.05.16

11. Rabbi Cohen said that the Vatican would be very careful now in readmitting ultraconservatives into the church.

VOA : standard.2009.03.12

12. The Lords themselves have tried to be careful in picking their battles with Mr Blair.

ECONOMIST: Peers versus people, round two

13. Where companies need to be careful in dealing with both compliance and innovation, Kirschner cautions, is when substituting a known toxic substance with an alternative.

FORBES: How International Regulations Are Changing American Supply Chains

14. "Parliament will discuss tomorrow the new process of choosing the 100-Egyptians who will write the country's most important guide to governance so they must be careful in their choices and it must include constitutional lawyers and experts this time around, " Ashour told CNN.

CNN: Court disbands Egypt's constitutional group

15. And I've got to worry about, is somebody else using ANS, answer, as a variable, in which case I've got to be really careful. Is somebody else using x as a variable? I've got to deal with a lot of those details.

而且我还要担心有没有别人,使用了ANS,answer作为变量,这样我就必须要非常小心,有没有别人用x当做变量呢?,我需要处理很多类似的细节。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

16. "I would be careful in buying today something for far above market, " he adds.

FORBES: Most Expensive Private Islands 2005

17. Be careful in making cross-Atlantic comparisons, since there are accounting differences.

FORBES: The U.K. has joined the REIT revolution. Buy sparingly.

18. We, all children created in God's image, need to be extremely careful in uttering words that hurt and make sure to introduce only words that heal.

CNN: Chuck Hagel is a friend to Israel

19. Merchants need to be careful in ceding this position to Groupon.

FORBES: Those are Groupon's Customers, Not Yours

20. It used to be thought before people were very careful- we know that they do every terrible thing in the world in the Peloponnesian War.

人们谨慎行事之前曾考虑过,我们知道他们在伯罗奔尼撒战争中,做尽了世上的恶事古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. And you don't have to be too careful or fine about gradations of punishment in the state of nature.

而且在自然状态中,你不必,对实施惩罚的程度太过小心。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. But they have to be careful in any payments made.

FORBES: Venezuela Frees U.S. Ship And Crew After Smuggling Investigation

23. Basically, companies should be careful in selecting firms to set up and host their e-commerce sites by getting references, using established firms and asking about privacy and security upfront, the experts said.

CNN: Is the e-commerce boom fueling security holes?

24. But how carefully you estimate will determine in part how good your ultimate records are so please try to be as careful as you can, and then pick the closest option if you can't find the exact food that you're eating at that time.

你估计的仔细程度,在某种程度上,也会决定最终结果的准确性,所以请尽可能谨慎,如果找不到完全对应的食物,请选择和你当时所吃食物最接近的选项关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. So these strategies -- let's be careful here with the word weakly here -- these strategies are not weakly dominated in the original game.

所以这些策略,对于这里的弱一词,我们要谨慎对待,这些策略在原博弈中并不是弱劣势的博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. Mr Holtham added: "It's very important therefore to be careful in negotiations and also to make sure that the projects you're spending it on are really worthwhile for the economy because you will be paying for them".

BBC: Wales

27. Let's be careful here; let's do this for Firm 1 and we'll do Firm 2 in a second.

这里要稍微注意一下,我们先写公司1的然后再写公司2的博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. The SEC says that should ensure that the firms will be more careful in screening the borrowers who take out the mortgages, car loans, and credit card debt that make up the packages.

FORBES: Financial Reform Fades But The Need Escalates

29. Although he is not sure his tweeting tipped off the burglars, he says he will be more careful in the future about what he shares online.

FORBES: Traveling this summer? Don't forget to pack your privacy.

30. "We really do have to be very careful about trying people in civil courts, in giving them a status beyond what is wanted,".

VOA : standard.2010.01.30

31. He gestured with his middle finger, then pulled out a revolver and thrust it in the Malaysian's face, telling him to be more careful in future.

CNN: A Tale of Two Countries

32. Until there is a risk both of discovery and punishment, such bad behaviour will continue, except now people know to be more careful in their shady dealings.

FORBES: Reviews Redux: Let's Up The Ante

33. This is not just pedantry, although I am happy to admit to wanting to be careful in my use of language.

BBC: Computer user

34. When you get into the center aisle, be careful in the middle part because that's the highest selling area, and where they put the most heavily laden salt and sugary products.

CNN: Our obsession with sugar, salt and fat

35. Ministers must be particularly careful in how they attempt to dismiss the Julia Langdon book.

BBC: Books reveal cabinet warfare

36. In other cases, it simply needs to be more careful in explaining the benefits of its policy changes.

FORBES: News Flash: You Never Really Had A Vote On Facebook Anyway

37. Do we we all just need to be more careful in crafting our Facebook privacy settings?

FORBES: This drummer's changing her beat

38. I would be careful and not have all your money invested in stocks. I would look at a lot of these distressed debt--some of the distressed debt that has gone down. I don't know if you understand that but some of the debt that--even bank debt, which is the highest level, I think, has become very cheap.

我会非常的小心,不会把你们的钱全部都,投在股票上,我会寻找一些,不良债务--一些不良债务的价格已经下跌了,我不知道你们是不是理解这些东西,但一些债务--即使是银行债,它们的保险级别较高,我觉得,价格都已经很便宜了。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. But it also means they need to be very careful in their choices: If they move into a residential care facility expecting high levels of assistance, they need to be very sure the operator is equipped to deliver that service.

FORBES: Not Your Grandmother's Assisted Living Facility

40. That's why it's all in French, because it's not copyrighted, and we have to be careful with that in here with these camera rolling--cameras rolling.

都是法文,因为没有相关版权,而且我们必须得特别小心,何况我们还在录像聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. So this is an 'in shoes', be careful where we are here, this is an 'in shoes in shoes' argument, at which point you might want to invent the sock.

所以这是一个不断换位思考式的过程,注意一下这里的措辞,这是一个换位再换位思考的过程,说明我们也要换来换去思考博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. We also need to be careful, in our excitement about the technology, not to over-hype it to a skeptical public.

FORBES: Out Of The Cloud, And Into The Business of "Yes, Now"

43. We need to be very careful in making this judgment.

ECONOMIST: By invitation: Iraq

44. "First of all, I want everybody here to be careful about what you post on Facebook because in the YouTube age, whatever you do, it will be pulled up again later somewhere in your life.

VOA : special.2009.09.14

45. It is a slippery slope. And, we're not careful, before we know it all of us will be in a much more dire situation."

VOA : standard.2009.11.11

46. That in turn means they must be careful in what they do and say in this political cycle.

ECONOMIST: Can Democrats and Republicans ever work together again?

47. I'm going to go there initially, so I can move this over here, so I can get the base part of that over there, I want to put that one there before I put this over here, finally I get to the point where I can move the bottom one over now I've got to be really careful to make sure that I don't cover up the bottom one in the wrong way before I get to the stage where I wish they were posts and there you go.

我要先把其他的放到多余的柱子上,然后把最底下的放到目标柱子上,我要在把除了最底下的圆盘,其他的圆盘挪过来之前,把最下面的圆盘放在这儿,因此我得出了最下面的盘子,应该如何摆放的结论,当我没得到其他盘子的正确摆放位置的时候,要很小心的确认没把错误的盘子,放在最下面的盘子上面。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

48. In terms of cost differentiation between duplicate funds, Fuhr said investors need to be careful in understanding that often annual costs are adjusted based on level of assets in the fund.

FORBES: In ETF Space, Not Easy Fending Off The Copy Cats

49. "Pinnacle West is an excellent managed utility that I like over the long term, but investors need to be careful in the short-term, as PNW faces an uphill battle against their regulator as they try to raise prices, " she says.

FORBES: Magazine Article





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