key off是什么意思_key off短语搭配_key off权威例句

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key off

网络 关闭;切断

英 [kiː ɒf]play 美 [kiː ɔːf]play

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. off key 走音的 ; 不合调 ; 跑调的 ; 不正常的

2. key-off 切断

3. key on engine off 静态测试模式 ; 点火开关打开 ; 但引擎不起动 ; 点火打开引擎关闭

4. off-key 走调 ; 不平常的 ; 不和谐的 ; 不正常的

5. on-off key 开关键 ; 开关键控

6. off-key y 走调 ; 不和谐的

7. Key-Off Samples 离键采样

8. Key Off Resonance 离键共振

9. set key off 关闭图片右上角到图例


1. But when they are off key or sing at the wrong pitch, the device will exaggerate their mistake so that they can hear it in a pair of earphones they are wearing.


2. With key off, put bleed - off tubing in a fuel can and press bleed - off valve.

与关键的了, 把流血 小康 油管在燃料可以和新闻流血开关阀.《互联网》

3. You retrieve all of the user information and key the feed search off this user.


4. Oh dear, what nonsense I'm talking!' Just then her head struck against the roof of the hall: in fact she was now more than nine feet high, and she at once took up the little golden key and hurried off to the garden door.


5. The rules at the load balancer are then updated to key off these names and associate the proper back-end servers.


6. Key off, disconnect the low brake fluid level switch connector.


7. You retrieve all of the user information and key the feed search off this user.


8. A long press on the END/ POWER key turns on/ off the phone.


9. Some of his remarks were very off-key.


10. Historically, code tokens have been confined to little devices, like ones that hang off many corporate employees' key chains.


11. I took the key for the room off a rack above her head


12. Moe was having fun banging the drums and singing off-key.


13. Members then browse available cars located in their area, arrange a key swap, and off you go.


14. In my case, it was a tiny accident; when I tried to open the door to go to work, the key broke off in the lock.


15. If another key stroke comes in before the timer goes off, the original timer is canceled and a new timer is created.


16. One thing for sure, no matter how it comes off, we all need social support as a key strategy to keep it off!! What do you think about this?


17. Analysts reckon Cinda and its three other state-backed brethren are already playing a key role in peeling off bad loans from commercial bank balance sheets.


18. Key off, disconnect the cab connector, inspect all terminals.


19. The Harvard article suggests that protecting the brain with a heart-healthy diet could be the key to warding off dementia and keeping your memory intact well into your golden years.


20. The key is to find those places where you can cut off some fat without damaging the meat.


21. I pickpocketed a key off this apparatchik.

就是偷了一把我们这个组织的一把钥匙。《provided by jukuu》

22. When the yellow power input lead is connected, power will always be supplied to the memory circuit even when the ignition key is turned off.


23. What you ought to do is, let's turn off the key, get out of the car, shut the doors, open the doors, get back in and restart it.


24. Turns key tips on or off.

打开或关闭键提示。《provided by jukuu》

25. BA and AA are seeking anti-trust immunity because it will enable them to squeeze existing Heathrow-US competitors off key routes.


26. Sometimes the epithets seemed completely off-key.


27. Could you please get the key off the back of the door for me.

你能把门后的钥匙给我吗。《provided by jukuu》

28. I lifted a key off your would-be killer's body before you knocked me out.


29. Luther Head could be a key guy off the bench because he's become such a good shooter, he's improved his handle and he plays both ends while being able to defend the bigger guards.

头头作为一个优秀的射手能成为板凳球员里的关键先生,他提高了自己的持球能力,并要在球场的两端能克制住比他高大的后卫们。《provided by jukuu》

30. In practical operation, speech in one direction of transmission could be limited to this time and a new key sequence started off on reversing the direction of transmission.


31. An application security posture questionnaire, a detailed worksheet that helps extract key information about the security posture of off-the-shelf software.


32. So, take some time Monday morning to identify your key priorities and block off the time you'll spend on each one on your calendar.


33. Another reason that you aren't asked to confirm starting your car or buying groceries is that these operations are easy to undo. You just turn off the key or return the unwanted item.


34. One thing for sure, no matter how it comes off, we all need social support as a key strategy to keep it off!


35. Key location getting off place machine and the superordination machine serial news report being that entire system middle is the most important and degree of difficulty is maximal.



切断, 断开CAB接头, **检查所有端头.《互联网》

37. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) frets that looser rules will let key derivative traders, such as hedge funds, off the hook.


38. The key to pulling this method off then is to make sure your two colors really contrast.


39. Nina pulls Jamey off decoding the key card to help forensics on the unidentified body.Jamey is clearly disappointed that Nina brought in Milo, an outside contractor, to work on the key card.


40. The register_globals configuration key was already defaulted to off in PHP V4.2, which was controversial at the time.

register_globals 配置键在 PHP V4.2 中已经默认关闭,当时也引起了争议。

41. This means that if someone cracked the mathematics of the key exchange, they'd be no better off to decrypt another session.


42. Attracting foreign investors will be a key to pulling off a listing of this size.


43. Key problem that takes off to want that the new course reform exists up to now is: The individual life still is subjected to many durances that shouldn't have.


44. Through the peephole I said to him: "my key broke off in the lock."


45. Someone took a key off the ring?

有人从钥匙圈上拿走了一把钥匙?《provided by jukuu》

46. I took the key for the room off a rack above her head.


47. Likewise, other rates that key off Treasury rates — foreign bond and corporate bond yields, for example — could rise.


48. The rules at the load balancer are then updated to key off these names and associate the proper back-end servers.


49. Through the peephole I said to him: My key off in the lock.

对着门上的窥孔,我对他说: “ 我的钥匙断在锁里了. ”《互联网》

50. Key games using mobile bottom, use the key off the key box.

游戏用上下左右键移动, 用上键+空格键起跳.《互联网》

51. You may be able to key off something said by the introducer or open your presentation with a humorous story or anecdote that relates to the context of the meeting.


52. When working with MapReduce, the map function's job is to pick some value to work off of, along with some key.

当使用 MapReduce 进行处理时,map 函数的任务是选择一些要处理的值,以及一些键。

53. Nina pulls Jamey off decoding the key card to help forensics on the unidentified body. Jamey is clearly disappointed that Nina brought in Milo, an outside contractor, to work on the key card.



切断, 移开仪表盘.《互联网》

55. The key pattern of pay off in the future is financial service.


56. Before removing fog light, remove ignition key and switch off light switch.

拆卸雾灯前,请先取下点火钥匙并关闭灯开关。《provided by jukuu》

57. Above all, remember that consistency is key - if you keep at it, your hard work will pay off.


58. Humming among musicians was only one key off original recordings, while non-musicians were off by two keys.


59. Step off the key-locked elevator into a home where steel, glass, stone and wood mingle to stunning effect, yielding an experience that is at once striking and serene.


60. The reasonable touchdown technique is the key of the take off technique.

合理的着地技术是起跳技术的关键所在。《provided by jukuu》


1. Internal and external threats reach new levels of sophistication every day, and a deeper level of insight into critical systems is key to fending off threats.

FORBES: 10 Security Essentials For CIOs

2. 's transparent attempt to recreate Lil Wayne's "Lollipop" success, complete with mumbled, off-key singing.

NPR: T.I.'s 'Paper Trail' A Testament To Writing

3. By backing off key innovations it will hand the initiative back to Apple, which has had its own problems in innovating the iPhone.

FORBES: Samsung Galaxy S4 Release Announced But Is It Ready For Prime Time?

4. The Marek's disease virus switches off the genes controlled by HIC1, meaning it turns off key genes that would normally work to block tumours.

BBC: Chicken virus study sheds light on human cancers

5. Sunk just off Key West , an island in the Straits of Florida, in 2009, the Vandenberg is the second-largest artificial reef in the world, attracting a diverse range of marine animals and plant life.

CNN: March 7, 2013 -- Updated 1201 GMT (2001 HKT)

6. Regardless of whether Cuba's recent history will be shaped more by fear than affection for Fidel, one still marvels at the improbable ability of a poor Caribbean island lying just 90 miles off Key West to defy ten American presidents for half a century while under embargo.

ECONOMIST: Forest harmony

7. He sure managed to sing a very happy song which turned out to be very off key for anyone who bought the mezzanine shares or the IPO.

FORBES: Don't Cry For Groupon's Andrew Mason

8. Is it time for Cisco to shed weight and sell off some key business units?

FORBES: Cisco Should Consider Losing Linksys, Selling Scientific Atlanta

9. Allen, Lubchenco and some biologists reintroduced 23 sea turtles to the Gulf off Cedar Key, Florida, Wednesday morning.

CNN: Allen: 'Our first goal is to do no harm' in Gulf

10. The president didn't give the speech exactly that Senator Kerry was expecting so his response, I think, was off-key.

NPR: Former Bush Speechwriter Reviews Iraq Address

11. The 6-foot-11 forward was a key player off the bench during the Knicks' strong start, but hadn't played since December before returning Monday against Charlotte.

WSJ: Knicks' Rasheed Wallace retires again from NBA

12. Over the summer, revolutionary fighters edged closer to Tripoli, cutting off key supply routes for Gadhafi's remaining forces.

CNN: As ruler, Gadhafi sought world stage

13. The multi-million pound scheme could help ease chronic congestion in the city by taking buses off key roads.

BBC: Bus-only tunnels plan for Cambridge 'realistic'

14. You know, just learn to turn the key on and off, maybe a little bit more, not run the tractors quite as hard.

NPR: The Toll of High Gas Prices: Two Stories

15. Their question: Why had the U.S. Food and Drug Administration delayed approving Encysive's Thelin, keeping the key drug off the market for another year?

FORBES: Magazine Article

16. Take his scrum-half Matty Smith, called back from loan at Salford to end his time at his home-town club with three key play-off matches as he again deputises for the injured Kyle Eastmond.

BBC: Saints' Mick Potter keen to exit with Grand Final win

17. If I could get used to navigating via the numeric keypad with the num-lock key off, I'd be perfectly happy with the new keyboard.

CNN: Tips and taps to relieve your carpal tunnel and repetitive stress syndrome

18. The key is turning off your conscious mind and turning on your unconscious one.

FORBES: Magazine Article

19. Right from the start, Chelsea looked off key and when skipper John Terry failed to head away Paul Konchesky's cross, Gera was on hand to hook the ball in after Bobby Zamora had nodded it his way.

BBC: Didier Drogba

20. The key to pulling off a party that has so many moving parts is to keep each hors d'oeuvre simple, Mr. Bouley notes.

WSJ: David Bouley on Spontaneous Entertaining

21. Graham Napier was stretchered off after Key drove the ball against his ankle.

BBC: Essex win title as Kent miss out

22. Wolff likes his young team and figures it can contend awhile longer before GM Billy Beane is forced to sell off key players.

FORBES: World Series 2012: Modern Ballparks Power Up The Giants and Tigers

23. Hence the renewed concern that the current spike could knock recovery off key.

FORBES: Oil Spikes, Double Dips And Dilapidated Dollars

24. The Very Reverend Bob Key has been signed off with stress since his suspension.

BBC: Sir Philip Bailhache writes to archbishop over dean

25. Engaging with your key audiences during off-season periods can provide them with time to think more advantageously about their needs and how your products and services can help deliver their desired results.

FORBES: To Every Marketing Plan, There Is a Season

26. His vocals are often rushed and hopelessly off key, which is a shame because when he's in tune, like on the Bob Seger number We've Got Tonight, he's really rather good.

BBC: Edinburgh Fringe: David Hasselhoff is Hoff the wall

27. Pondexter had a chance to win the game at the end of regulation, but her jumper from the top of the key bounced off the rim.

WSJ: Pondexter lifts Liberty over Shock in OT

28. Diageo said that while sales at American resorts and airports had fallen, trade at the key US off licence market had remained unchanged.

BBC: Tequila graphic

29. Nowadays a moderately skilled hacker needs only a couple of minutes to crack its key with an off-the-shelf wireless card.

FORBES: Magazine Article

30. Rajaratnam, aware of this requirement, instructed his subordinates to move key dealings off the Internet and onto the phone.

NEWYORKER: A Dirty Business





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