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discipline /ˈdɪsɪplɪn/ CET4 TEM4 [ disciplining disciplined disciplines ]

  • 1.
    不可数名词 Discipline is the practice of making people obey rules or standards of behaviour, and punishing them when they do not. 纪律

    Order and discipline have been placed in the hands of governing bodies.


  • 2.
    不可数名词 Discipline is the quality of being able to behave and work in a controlled way which involves obeying particular rules or standards. 自律

    It was that image of calm, control, and discipline that appealed to millions of voters.


  • 3.
    有变体名词 If you refer to an activity or situation as a discipline, you mean that, in order to be successful in it, you need to behave in a strictly controlled way and obey particular rules or standards. 训练; 磨练

    The discipline of studying music can help children develop good work habits and improve self-esteem.


  • 4.
    及物动词 If someone is disciplined for something that they have done wrong, they are punished for it. 处罚

    The workman was disciplined by his company but not dismissed.


  • 5.
    及物动词 If you discipline yourself to do something, you train yourself to behave and work in a strictly controlled and regular way. 训练

    Discipline yourself to check your messages once a day or every couple of days.


  • 6.
    可数名词 A discipline is a particular area of study, especially a subject of study in a college or university. (尤指大学里的) 学科

    We're looking for people from a wide range of disciplines.



1. maintain discipline 维持纪律

2. moral disciplining 道德观范

3. mental disciplining 心理训练

4. strengthen discipline 加强纪律

5. severe discipline 严格的纪律

6. disciplining improve 培养提高

7. tactful disciplining 智能培训

8. self-disciplining standard 自律规范

9. market disciplining 市场惩戒

10. fiscal discipline 财政纪律

11. intellectual discipline 知识学科

12. discipline inspection commission 纪委

13. labour discipline 劳动纪律

14. disciplining in front of others 在别人面前管教

15. Disciplining Employees 戒律员工

16. academic discipline n. 学术科目

17. engineering discipline 工程学科;工程规范

18. Practice Disciplining 实践磨练


1. Plato lays great stress on the disciplining function of reason.


2. Doctor Winter looked up from his thumbs and watched Joseph disciplining the chairs.


3. I thought she was coming over to apologize, but instead, she started shouting at me for disciplining her child.


4. He said the introduction of market discipline to the economy was not a magic cure-all for its problems


5. Children who have a positive self-image are less likely to present behaviour and discipline problems.


6. Her husband had at last taken a share in disciplining the boy.


7. Instead, we are blessed with the disciplining power of posterity.

相反, 我们生来就享有后代所赋予的训导力量.《互联网》

8. The P. & G. site gets out of the bedroom, offering tips on grilling burgers, cleaning toilets and disciplining children.


9. Order and discipline have been placed in the hands of headmasters and governing bodies.


10. The orchestra has more discipline now, but at the expense of spirit.


11. The market for corporate control has got general attention as a backstop mechanism for disciplining management.


12. A 13-year-old male western chimpanzee disciplining playful three-year-old infant male in Mont Nimba, guinea.


13. You and I part company when it comes to disciplining a child.


14. When God seems distant, you may feel that he is angry with you or is disciplining you for some sin.


15. Discipline in the classroom is very slack.


16. It was that image of calm and discipline that appealed to voters.


17. I'm very good at disciplining myself.


18. Running a kitchen involves a great deal of discipline and speed


19. There are many ways of disciplining children that are effective and nonviolent.


20. The school has a reputation for high standards of discipline.


21. Disciplining children is another area that American parents have differing opinions about.


22. All children need discipline, to know where they stand.


23. It was like a teacher disciplining a roomful of second graders.


24. Teenagers often revolt against parental discipline.


25. After the artistic disciplining like dancing or performing, one's deportment will become obviously graceful.


26. It was like a teacher disciplining a roomful of second-year pupils


27. No doubt about it, disciplining our kids takes time and energy.


28. Hospital discipline was broken. Amy would have to explain herself


29. When disciplining, be calm, clear, firm, fast and fair.


30. After South Korean chess tournament's disciplining, already advanced into the first - class chess player's ranks at present.

经过韩国围棋联赛的磨练, 目前已经跻身 一流 棋手的行列.《互联网》

31. The private, nonprofit board is charged with inspecting and disciplining public company accountants.


32. She left the disciplining of the children to him, and did whatever he commanded.

她把管教孩子的事都交给了他, 并按照他的指令做事.《互联网》

33. The tribunal is unique because Mr Jones is not subject to the normal police discipline code.


34. We stumbled at cooking together. We stepped on each other's toes when disciplining our children.


35. Discipline in the company was strict and no one shirked.


36. Remember, too, that disciplining your child doesn't mean controlling her - it means teaching her to control herself.


37. Disciplining children seems simple enough . Reward them when they do and punish them when they misbehave.

调教孩子似乎十分简单: 表现好时给予奖励,表现不好时予以惩罚.《互联网》

38. They set time limits while disciplining themselves to accomplish things into reality.


39. Discipline was the new coach's secret weapon.


40. She keeps good discipline in class.


41. And the big retailers are not quite the disciplining force they are made out to be.


42. The ritual is we at the reality concrete matter, to life only fine only disciplining with self-control.


43. The programme aims to teach basic management skills such as communication, running meetings and disciplining staff.

课程旨在教授基本管理技能,如沟通 、 召开会议与训导员工.《互联网》

44. He was weaned on a diet of rigid discipline and duty.


45. I also understand after meeting with a psychologist that there are other alternative ways of disciplining a child that may be more appropriate.


46. Discipline problems are by no means restricted to children in families dependent on benefits


47. We see paying down the house as a way of disciplining ourselves to live below our means.


48. But we need to ask ourselves if we are disciplining our children properly?


49. Dieting is a matter of disciplining yourself.


50. Out on the course you must discipline yourself to let go of detailed theory


51. Chen was an initiate of a Chinese spiritual discipline.


52. What was the instruction of Paul in disciplining the sinner?


53. Discipline is a necessary, but certainly not a sufficient condition for learning to take place.


54. Why are we afraid of disciplining our kids?


55. The less we spend disciplining and counseling our children the less they will feel loved by us.


56. A little discipline would do him a world of good.


57. Market for corporate control has been regarded as an effective mechanism for disciplining managers ( Jensen , 1988 ) .

公司控制权市场向来被认为是 控制管理 人的有效机制.《互联网》

58. I thought she was coming over to apologize, but instead she started shouting at me for disciplining her child.


59. Of course disciplining our children is a given in any home.


60. A decision was taken to discipline Marshall


61. The discipline of studying music can help children develop good work habits.


62. We can perfect our character by disciplining ourselves.


63. He'll never get anywhere working for himself ─ he's got no discipline.


64. But by setting aside a time each day to read and sticking to it, you are disciplining yourself.


65. Instead, we are blessed with the disciplining power of our posterity.

相反, 我们生来就享有后代所赋予的约束力量.《互联网》

66. My life is a gift from God. Guide me, disciplining me, train me in a loving manner.


67. Don't interfere while I am disciplining baby.


68. The problem is due to discipline, or, more precisely, the lack of discipline, in schools.


69. Look at disciplining our youth to stop the decades of rot we've allowed breeding mindless selfish filth.



1. Although they did not personally apply Sir Alex's hairdryer approach to disciplining workers, they still fostered a strong self-imposed fear of failure.

ECONOMIST: Fear and management

2. At the same time, the Supreme Court is disciplining more insubordinate judges.

ECONOMIST: Pervasive corruption is bad for business

3. The pontiff strengthened Vatican rules for disciplining abusive priests, and he introduced guidelines for handling reports of alleged sex abuse.

WSJ: Pope Benedict XVI to Resign

4. "That goal outweighed any interest in investigating or disciplining Assembly Member Lopez or in preventing similar occurrences in the future, " the report stated.

WSJ: DA: NY lawmaker conduct 'alarming' not criminal

5. Marijuana use laws in Arizona, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, and Rhode Island expressly forbid businesses from refusing to hire applicants and from disciplining and otherwise adversely affecting the employment of registered medical marijuana card holders based solely on that status.

FORBES: 'What Were They Smoking?' States' Legalizing of Marijuana Means Headaches for Employers

6. But there is something different about dad speaking, lecturing, cajoling, disciplining, embracing, loving and caring.

CNN: Commentary: Man up and be a real dad

7. In recent years, Vatican officials and local bishops have tussled over a range of issues including changes to liturgy to implementation of Vatican rules for disciplining sexually abusive priests.

WSJ: Bid to Remake Church Will Focus on Vatican Administration

8. In the course of that meeting, Rush said he called out officials who worked the game Michael Greenstein, Tony Padilla and Brett Nansel for not disciplining either Miller or Buffaloes coach Tad Boyle for their behavior.

NPR: Ex-Pac-12 Ref: I Was Trying To 'Lighten The Mood'

9. His mother, who is divorced, had mentioned that one of her sons was rebellious and that she had taken him to La Familia for disciplining.

NEWYORKER: Silver or Lead

10. It is the disciplining force, I think, that you will carry with you into your deliberations.

CNN: Transcript: White House Counsel Ruff's opening statement

11. So although violent crime still blights Africa's most populous country, attention is turning to disciplining policemen for human-rights abuses.

ECONOMIST: It will not be easy to clean up the country's police

12. Despite the occasional disciplining of officers, the regime's security forces operate with scant accountability.


13. His new reform agenda extends well beyond disciplining the welter of public subsidies and other budget busters.

FORBES: Magazine Article

14. His two-hour testimony prompted the disciplining of 15 nightshift workers, and the ICAC arrested six civil servants suspected of falsifying work records.

CNN: The Whistleblowers

15. Mr. GINGRICH: Well, we recommend a much stronger system of training, disciplining and organizing those militaries which are willing to participate.

NPR: Overhauling the United Nations

16. Cardinal Ratzinger was named the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, making him Catholicism's theological watchdog in charge of monitoring and disciplining clergy who advocated teachings that ran contrary to Vatican positions.

WSJ: Pope Defended Church Teachings

17. But the law is, at best, a blunt and unpredictable instrument for disciplining bosses.

ECONOMIST: Shareholder activism

18. Congo needs to show its resolve by disciplining its army.

ECONOMIST: Congo and Rwanda

19. Conservatives wanted a less activist government that would let markets perform their disciplining functions.

FORBES: The Ultimate Lesson of the Great Recession

20. That might seem extreme, especially if you are not familiar with the unique challenges of disciplining a special-needs child.

WSJ: How Machiavelli Saved My Family by Suzanne Evans

21. It said it had found no evidence of illegal conduct at the The Times and The Sunday Times other than a single incident, which led to the disciplining of one employee.

BBC: Scotland Yard

22. Normally, the board would have had a tough choice in disciplining the one executive who personifies the brand.

FORBES: Executives Behaving Badly, Boards Behaving Well

23. That goal outweighed any interest in investigating or disciplining Assembly member Lopez or in preventing similar occurrences in the future.

WSJ: Prosecutor was GOP pick for NY attorney general

24. Red Bulls teammate Tim Cahill says the issue is "not about points" but rather about disciplining the fans involved.

WSJ: Henry: Deduct points from teams with abusive fans

25. Passion seems to lie in coldness rather than heat, lies exactly in the restraining and disciplining of passion.

激情似乎存在于寒冷而不是酷热里,恰恰存在于,对激情的抑制。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. They press on to study exactly how the stocks performed after the shareholders reached for their management-disciplining device and sued the company.

FORBES: Securities Class Actions Mostly Punish Shareholders, Study Finds

27. Only in cases where managers were accused of illegal insider trading does the stock price show above-market returns in the post-disciplining phase.

FORBES: Securities Class Actions Mostly Punish Shareholders, Study Finds

28. Arizona and Delaware extend that by forbidding businesses from refusing to hire applicants or disciplining employees on the basis of drug tests that reveal marijuana components or metabolites.

FORBES: 'What Were They Smoking?' States' Legalizing of Marijuana Means Headaches for Employers

29. Speaking of Mr. Bloomberg, he said: "We told him from day one that the agreement that was on the table did not stop him from disciplining teachers, " he said.

WSJ: Deal May Ease Evaluation Plan

30. With grandchildren, parents and grandparents need to come to an agreement about what household rules the kids need to follow, how much disciplining the grandparents will do and how much baby sitting they are willing to take on.

WSJ: Tight Budgets Are Forcing Many Adults to Move Back Home

31. Combined with new technology and financial innovation, this should have made markets more efficient at disciplining economic performance.

ECONOMIST: World economy



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