old stuff翻译_old stuff短语搭配_old stuff权威例句

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old stuff

网络 旧东西;旧物;老套

英 [əʊld stʌf]play 美 [oʊld stʌf]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. old-stuff with good taste 都是老东西

2. Obsolete old stuff 过时的陈旧的东西

3. Used the old stuff 用过的旧东西

4. Old stuff stores 调剂商店

5. Obsolete the old stuff 过时的陈旧的东西

6. the same old stuff 旧调子 ; 老一套

7. Same old stuff 炒冷饭 ; 同样的旧东西 ; 如果您喜欢

8. the old stuff 卖乜鹑


1. Their so-called new proposal is nothing but the same old stuff.


2. And I'd say, "Why you bringing up old stuff?"


3. B: Nothing much-the same old stuff. A lot of bad news as usual.


4. Auctioning items on ebay - Want to get rid of all your old stuff?


5. It made us throw away our old stuff and spent large sums of money on the new stuff to satisfy the same old need.


6. Again it was cheaper just to lay it over the old stuff.

每个都是直接加在旧的设施之上。《provided by jukuu》

7. Kunshan major companies and the existence of old stuff recycling business.


8. I like to put the old stuff by and save some time for the frequently-used stuff.


9. They got a lot of old stuff here.

这里还有不少老古董诶。《provided by jukuu》

10. We need your old Stuff!


11. Their music was a mix of old stuff and selections from the new album.

他们的音乐是旧资料与新唱片选曲的混合物。《provided by jukuu》

12. Mr. Liu's speech on sales efforts, which was a repetition of the old stuff , bored everyone.

刘先生关于销售策略的报告, 老生常谈,大家听了颇感腻味.《互联网》

13. Nothing much-the same old stuff. A lot of bad news as usual.

没什么- - - - - -还不是老一套,坏消息连篇。

14. The method of work of the same old stuff with a new label intensified failure in the years of ideological struggle between the new and the old.


15. Of course, many men will proclaim their allegiance to the same old stuff.


16. You don't have to obediently listen to the old stuff.


17. Janice has a lot of old stuff she doesn't use anymore.


18. Lumber is in current old stuff ( rolled steel, lumber, cement and plastic ) in have special advantage.

木材在当今四大材料 ( 钢材 、 木材 、 水泥和塑料 ) 中具有非凡的优势.《互联网》

19. You may produce and give away more& more free stuff and people will come back not only for new things but you will still get a lot of hits from search engines to your old stuff.


20. So, a minute of new links and the rest of it old stuff?

就是用一种新的方式把那些旧东西连接起来咯?《provided by jukuu》

21. "But I got rid of all my other old stuff," said Arthur.


22. Most of all, remember that today's new stuff will one day be old stuff.


23. When I was about to leave with disappointment, I caught sight of a piece of oilcloth among piles of old stuff.


24. ALL would be considered OLD stuff from the WWII era and PRIOR!


25. You must have some old stuff around.


26. Why are you focusing on adding new stuff, when old stuff is not yet finished, and is becoming boring and very repetitive?


27. What is this icky old stuff?

这个让人讨厌的旧玩艺儿是 什么 ?《互联网》

28. The warehouse stores old stuff that is no longer in use.


29. March 2 is Old Stuff Day. It is all about old stuff.


30. Let's throw all the old stuff out of the house!


31. They collaborate and innovate. Sometimes the old stuff just works better or more efficiently.


32. Is the old stuff recycling industry for many years with the professional company.


33. But that's old stuff.

但是,这已是老把戏了。《provided by jukuu》

34. Unfortunately, judging from the contents page, it is already too late for him to do any fresh thinking: he has merely rehashed all his old stuff about lateral thinking and Six Thinking Hats.

遗憾的是,从目录页来判断,他要进行任何新的思考都为时已晚:他不过是重弹横向思维和《六顶思考帽》(Six Thinking Hats)的老调。

35. This whole area is a big mess of old and new stuff.


36. Another person's old stuff could be your new stuff!


37. Analyze, the old stuff road where the competitive product mainly opens the market will trend towards dead end in terms of company products.


38. Oh, same old stuff.

哦, 还是老样子.《互联网》

39. You prove how much you love someone by confessing all that old stuff.


40. I stayed in my room and looked through Tom's old stuff.


41. Their music was a mix of old stuff and selections from the new album.


42. Old stuff could become a great gift for someone else, or you could always send your old things to a charity shop.


43. To the old stuff of the teaching method, students haven't enough study enthusiasm;


44. All the things he had stolen and robbed, together with his own old and worn-out stuff, were confiscated4.


45. But isn't it the old stuff that still matters?


46. It's just a way of recycling old stuff to take advantage of our faithful fans.


47. Nah, I'm just sick of the old stuff. I need a change.


48. Nothing much - old stuff . A lot of bad news as usual.

没什么 ------ 还不是老一套,坏消息连篇.《互联网》

49. But even the old stuff didn't always work.


50. Their presentation was just the same old stuff.

他们的表演还是老一套。《provided by jukuu》

51. Say or do the same old thing; dish up the same old stuff.


52. From auctioning people's old stuff, eBay now also hosts fixed-priced virtual shops offering new goods for sale.


53. Recovery& Application in Waste Water of Making Acrylic Fiber with Wet-spinning It's just a way of recycling old stuff to take advantage of our faithful fans.


54. B: Nothing much-the same old stuff. A lot of bad news as usual.

没什么- - - - - -还不是老一套,坏消息连篇。

55. Janice has a lot of old stuff she doesn't use anymore.


56. I daresay anything he had to say in the lecture would have been old stuff to you.


57. That is afraid of old stuff, probably I also want.

那怕废旧材料, 或许我也想要.《互联网》

58. I'm sure we ate our little sack lunches, played on the swings, slid down the slide - typical six-year-old stuff.


59. Sometimes the old stuff just works better or more efficiently.


60. Trading your old stuff with others is a great way to save space (one in, one out!) and money.


61. I am who I am. what regulation. old stuff? Who are you?

我就是我. 还什么校规校纪. 老腐朽? 我倒要问你是谁?《互联网》

62. I am proud to use my old stuff.


63. The combination of old stuff available instantly and newer stuff by mail has proved immensely appealing.


64. This deadline is how long you allow yourself to keep all your old stuff in storage before you get rid of it for good.


65. Any old stuff will do.



1. The assumption is that if African purchasing power remains relatively constant over the next few years and the cost of imported replacement weapons remains significantly higher than the cost of the old stuff, total numbers will decline over time.

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

2. "I like to see all the different old stuff, " says Puii Ouengsaengphakorn, a 23-year-old student at Bangkok's Mahanakorn University.

WSJ: A Newer Nostalgia

3. Oracle, notably, is finally selling its Fusion line of software that promises to be the best of the old stuff with the ease-of-use of the new.

FORBES: What Workday's IPO Success Says About Software

4. So you can how old some of this stuff is and how things have changed.

CNN: Bob Franken: U.S. forces secure Iraqi airstrip

5. But this is all old fogy stuff.

FORBES: As The Value Of Content Declines, The Need To Analyze It Increases

6. "We're fighting the perception that our old stuff is good enough, " he says.

FORBES: Magazine Article

7. Year after year, upwards of 75% or even 80% of your total IT budget is chewed up by the care and feeding of the old stuff that has little or nothing to do with opportunistic insights and better customer engagement and meaningful customer-centric innovation.

FORBES: Dear CIO: Is The Time Bomb In Your IT Budget About To Explode?

8. "I'm a Mac user, but on my Mac I have multiple instances of Windows--XP, Vista, very old Windows stuff and the very latest stuff, like Windows Server 2008, " he says.

FORBES: Magazine Article

9. What I saw from Microsoft was all of that old stuff with a lot more added on top.

FORBES: First Round Of Xbox One Vs. PS4 Goes To Microsoft

10. We can't--we don't have the room to make these big old projects or stuff like that.

NPR: A Year Later, Hurricane Victims Remain Homeless

11. It is old stuff put in the right order!

FORBES: Selling Invisibly

12. When it is ground into nanoparticles it can still block harmful ultraviolet radiation, but it allows visible light to pass straight though, which means modern sunscreens can appear completely transparent, while offering the same protection as the old white stuff.

ECONOMIST: The risk in nanotechnology

13. The new stuff is so good no one wanted the old stuff.

FORBES: BlackBerry 7's Strong Reviews?

14. But forget about that old history stuff.

FORBES: Why The Heck Is DHS Buying More Than A Billion Bullets Plus Thousands Of Guns And Mine-Resistant Armored Vehicles?

15. The family, despite their grief, eventually decided it was time to go through the old man's stuff, which was piled high in a second-floor bedroom that was always kept locked.

CNN: Apparently This Matters: Pet tortoises

16. On the bottom was all slimy mud, broken bottles and bits of glass and bricks and nails and old stuff, everything.

NPR: Excerpt: 'Kieron Smith, boy'

17. Moving along in parallel with all this weapons stuff was the old Bushehr power reactor.

FORBES: Israel Has Nuclear Weapons, But Only Iran Has Nuclear Power

18. just, yeah, take my mom's old stuff.

或者是来自我妈妈的旧东西。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 时尚让人兴奋

19. I like old stuff.

我喜欢古老的东西。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 喜欢毕加索吗?

20. But it's still just a subset of NCAA tournament fans that will be jazzed up by digging through the old stuff.

FORBES: Magazine Article

21. This is the same old stuff they have been peddling for years. (Laughter.) Although, as Bill Clinton pointed out the other day, this time their agenda is on steroids. (Laughter.) They want even bigger tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

22. No wonder it is easier just to sell the same old stuff or work on operational improvements.

FORBES: How To Know Your Company Is (NOT) Ready To Innovate And What To Do About It

23. Because in the old world, getting stuff wrong was unacceptable.

CNN: Why the best thing you can do is fail

24. You can't do that with the old stuff.

NPR: Vinyl Still Sells in New Orleans

25. For a 13-year-old it was heady stuff.


26. Have when-it-rains-it-pours Morton and other traditional producers stopped selling the plain old white stuff?

FORBES: Magazine Article

27. So I like watching the old stuff and watching the masters' work.

我喜欢看以前的东西和大师们的作品。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 学习制作动画

28. Despite these high-end stereo trends, there are some audiophiles who still go for the old stuff.

NPR: Vinyl Still Sells in New Orleans

29. "The game is profoundly rooted in old English stuff and we never lost that, " he adds.

CNN: June 29, 2012 -- Updated 1447 GMT (2247 HKT)

30. This old economy stuff was no fun.

FORBES: Mad Hatchery Syndrome

31. The trope is old stuff, but Monteiro embroiders it brilliantly.

NEWYORKER: The Last Dive

32. "I went back to all of my old stuff that my dad and I used to work on, " revealed Woods, whose father Earl died five years ago.

BBC: Tiger Woods returns to father's putting lessons

33. As Bill said the other day, this is the same old stuff, just on steroids. (Laughter.) Just more of.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House







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