most fairly翻译_most fairly短语搭配_most fairly权威例句

学考宝 作者:佚名


most fairly

adv. 公正地;(用以强调)简直,竟然;一定地;相当地;公平合理地


英 [məʊst ˈfeəli]play 美 [moʊst ˈferli]play

权威例句 实用例句


1. Its hatch is bigger than most and its rear roofline is fairly high, so it accommodated my sons' two small bicycles with space to spare — a big surprise.


2. I had a few reld-tionships at college, most of which were fairly short-lived.

我同大学同学有一些联系,但大多数都十分短暂。《provided by jukuu》

3. The fdisk family, which ships as part of the util-linux-ng package on most distributions, enables fairly direct editing of MBR data structures, but it cannot create or modify file systems.


4. Most of those friends, from a fairly early age, had been science fiction.


5. And third, though the white armies advance separately, most of them keep fairly close to one another, and if we fail to gain a quick decision in attacking one of them, all the others will converge upon us.

第三,白军各个虽然分进,但多是比较地密集,打它们中间的一个如果不能迅速地解决战斗,其余各个就都来了。《provided by jukuu》

6. Now at least they get 12 weeks, albeit unpaid, after which most return to work fairly promptly.


7. Some two hundred eruptions have been recorded down through the centuries, but compared with other volcanoes, most of its eruptions have so far been fairly light in terms of death and destruction.


8. We also leverage the fact that most modern operating systems possess fairly robust protections for system APIs.


9. XPath, as is the case with most XML specifications that are fairly modern and current, is namespace aware.


10. Most Western companies are fairly strict about employees wearing the proper business attire and presenting themselves in a professional way.


11. The genes that control the stress response keep most people on a fairly even keel, only occasionally priming the body for fight or flight.


12. An interesting question is why most commercial organizations tend to maintain fairly stable goals.


13. Most arrive with a fairly simple mission: to customise existing products for the Chinese market.


14. This rally in equities, for example, took most markets from fairly valued at best to bubble territory in less than a year.


15. The planting of winter and spring-flowering bulbs will supply colourful decoration at a time when most gardens are looking fairly desolate.


16. In the competitive universe that most businesses operate in, it seems fairly likely that Groupon is simply re-allocating money between restaurants.


17. In our solar system, planets for the most part have fairly uniform circular orbits.


18. Most of them have fairly good education.


19. If "entitled" is the most common adjective, fairly or not, applied to millennials (those born between 1981 and 1995), the catchwords for Generation Z are practical and cautious.

如果说“有权享用”是形容千禧一代(1981年至1995年出生的人)最常用的形容词——无论恰当与否——那么描述 Z 世代的关键词则是“讲求实际”和“谨慎小心”。

20. One great feature of the site is that answers come in fairly quickly and, generally speaking, most questions have multiple answers within an hour.


21. These achieve higher margins than most commodity chemicals and enjoy fairly stable demand.


22. The syntax used in Listing 2 should be fairly easy for most developers to understand: using parenthesis to delimit groupings, | characters to indicate choices between alternatives, and?


23. It seems that most businesses have fairly similar requirements relating to the issues of sending data either between applications or between themselves and their trading partners.


24. Most MMOs ask that much, and the answers are fairly straightforward.


25. The kernel boot process is fairly complicated but very fast, as most of the code is written in the system's machine language.


26. You also leverage the fact that most modern operating systems possess fairly robust protections for system APIs (see sidebar).


27. Until just recently, most of us thought the sand had come from an ancient mountain range fairly close by that flattened out over time.


28. If they see a person on their own then most observers are fairly good as estimating that person's age.


29. The third difference is that DVCS are much quicker than centralized version control systems because most operations occur on the client and are fairly instaneous.

第三个差异是 DVCS 比集中式版本控制系统快得多,因为大多数操作在客户机上进行,速度非常快。

30. A fairly strong cold wave will hit most of China within 3 days, bringing massive snow and rains, the National Meteorological Center reported.


31. I'm a fairly patient person and I intuitively understand most mathematical concepts, so I was able to really make this take off.


32. Most views were fairly near the truth.

大多数看法和实际情况相当接近。《provided by jukuu》

33. But in practice most large stores have fairly flexible return policies, particularly at this time of year.


34. The fdisk family, which ships as part of the util-linux-ng package on most distributions, enables fairly direct editing of MBR data structures, but it cannot create or modify file systems.

fdisk 系列是大多数 util-linux-ng 分发包附带的一部分,支持直接编辑 MBR 数据结构,但它不能创建或修改文件系统。

35. Most people are fairly confident that the workers will win through am usually win out in the end.

大部分人很有信心,认为劳方会取得最终的胜利。《provided by jukuu》

36. There has been fairly rapid growth in the most narrow measures of money, those closest to cash.


37. This rally in equities, for example, took most markets from fairly valued at best to bubble territory in less than a year.


38. The development of Shanghai's financial industry is most spectacular with a fairly large and influential system of financial market coming into shape.


39. 40 hours is a fairly average working week for most people.


40. Although I'm half joking, being able to spot an Internet centric platform or infrastructure is fairly self evident for the most part.


41. Although comparing 4kb pages seems fairly heavyweight, in most cases, the memcmp will end prematurely once a difference is found.


42. Alas, most are fairly mediocre, as managing isn't easy.


43. Good sense is the most fairly distributed commodity in the world, Descartes once quipped, because nobody thinks he needs any more of it than he already has.


44. But while they are worried about the slowing export growth, most German companies remain fairly relaxed about the future.


45. There is some subjectivity in deciding whether a word is positive, negative, or neutral, but if you try it yourself, I think you'll find that most of the time it's fairly easy to classify words.


46. But none of that changes the fact that a security scheme on which most people regularly rely has a fairly exploitable hole.


47. While most of us feel fairly complacent about the nutrients we're getting from our diets, the facts tell a very different story.



1. In fact, the Duesenberg Model J fairly blows away most cars in history, whether you judge its coachwork, engineering, or sheer presence.

FORBES: Vehicles Feature

2. But for the most part people are in a fairly dire state.

NPR: Hurricanes Wreak Havoc In Haiti And Cuba

3. So most Australians talk with a fairly neutral accent which is quite similar to British.

所以大部分澳大利亚人说话带着非常中立的接近英音的口音。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 有趣的澳大利亚英语

4. But day to day most people have fairly predictable routines, frequenting businesses near their home or office.

FORBES: Online Advertising, Coming Soon To A Neighborhood Near You

5. For the first quarter-century of the microprocessor's life, most integrated-circuit packages were fairly predictable hunks of ceramics, bought largely from one of four Japanese firms: Kyocera (its name is a combination of the words Kyoto and ceramics), NGK Spark Plug, Shinko Electronic Industries and Sumitomo Metal Electronics Devices.

FORBES: It's all in the packaging

6. Now, most investors are fairly comfortable with about a 10% level of risk.

FORBES: A Better Way to Benchmark Risk Allocations

7. And most Republican governors are fairly willing to spend public money.

ECONOMIST: Lexington

8. But Mr Martin will be able to justify the acquisition only if he can either cut costs or increase revenues hard to do when, by most accounts, Saks has been fairly efficiently run.

ECONOMIST: Retailing takeovers

9. Most players are fairly good-natured about it.

FORBES: The Waste Management Phoenix Open Is The PGA Tour's Most Fun Tournament

10. Many enterprises have been experimenting with platforms of engagement for the past couple of years, although most have experienced a fairly high failure rate.

FORBES: Enterprise 2.0: Why All Business Software Must Go Social

11. And if you're like most people, you sit fairly far back, maybe even in the very last row.

WSJ: A Front-Row Seat at the Movies

12. Gero said that the euro has been fairly steady and most analysts are expecting the ECB to cut rates, either at this meet or next month.

FORBES: FOCUS: Markets More Focused On FOMC Than ECB

13. It responded to most of my inquiries fairly quickly, hit most of the right customer-service notes on the emails, and eventually came through with something resembling a refund.

FORBES: Fourth-Quarter Loss Aside, Here's the Real Reason Groupon Is No Amazon

14. He was fairly confident that most farmers in the area would be able to ride out the latest crisis.

BBC: Northumberland: A farmer's view

15. This is fairly standard throughout most of Europe but rare in England, where players usually train for up to two hours in the morning four or five times a week.

WSJ: English Premier League: Manchester City, Soccer's New New Money

16. Most are fairly small outfits for specific tasks, such as energy research.

ECONOMIST: Brazil's presidential campaign

17. Most Pakistanis are fairly centrists and most of the political parties, in fact, are secular.

NPR: Who Might Follow Musharraf?

18. Most of the results have been fairly disappointing, however.

CNN: Robots aren't good at talking to themselves

19. For the first quarter-century of the microprocessor's life, most integrated-circuit packages were fairly predictable hunks of ceramics, largely bought from one of four Japanese firms: Kyocera (its name is a combination of the words Kyoto and ceramics), NGK Spark Plug, Shinko Electronic Industries and Sumitomo Metal Electronics Devices.

FORBES: It's all in the packaging

20. There are thousands of games for the iPhone and Android, but most are fairly simple from a processing standpoint.

FORBES: Connect

21. While wind and solar sites may seem fairly obvious to most people, biomass and geothermal probably don't.

FORBES: America's Best Places For Alternative Energy

22. Despite the considerable and, perhaps, justifiable hysteria surrounding the prospect of the expiring Bush-Era tax cuts, this year-end, at its most basic level, is fairly consistent with past years when we faced prospective increases or decreases in tax rates.

FORBES: Major Year-End Income Tax Considerations

23. And Athens was until only fairly recent times in human history the most famous democracy that ever existed. I say fairly recent times until you know the American democracy.

而雅典是直到近期为止,一直是人类历史上曾存在过,最著名的民主之城,我所谓的近期,当然是指在美国民主出现之前。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. In contrast, the governments of most East European countries run fairly modest deficts.

ECONOMIST: Emerging-market measles

25. Most Republicans interviewed seemed fairly supportive.

NPR: Stormy Weather Might Just Help This GOP Ticket

26. Google's main gateway is still a search box, which is most useful when people have a fairly specific search term in mind.

WSJ: Quora and Others Are Racing to Fill Gaps Left by Google

27. Although the government's spending plans received a fairly critical reception, most of the barbs (for once) were aimed at the chancellor and his typically labyrinthine new command-and-control systems for monitoring the journey of every tax pound.


28. because most people here tend to be fairly well rounded from what I've seen, so.

因为这里大部分人都很全面,就以我的观点来看。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 学习和交际都重要

29. Chelsea supporters and most of the media are fairly emphatic in suggesting that Abramovich needs to lock up Lampard right away, not just for his loyalty to the club and the fact he wants to stay, but also because he has been productive.

WSJ: Soccer: Chelsea Figures Out How to Say Goodbye to Frank Lampard

30. The Valley is fairly different from most of the country and most of the world.

FORBES: Elections From Silicon Valley: If It Were Just The Valley Voting In This Election, A Robot Would Be President

31. It is safe to say that most successful investors are fairly strong willed and their opinions are not easily swayed.

FORBES: Biggest Investor Mistake: Absolute Certainty

32. Because most of their patients live fairly close by, it's generally not a problem to do a home exam and get back to the office in the hour that is scheduled for an appointment.

CNN: 'Ideal' doctors stress quality of over quantity

33. For the most part, these are fairly benign.

ECONOMIST: Dont mention the war



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go aloft是什么意思_go aloft短语搭配_go aloft权威例句

go aloft是什么意思_go aloft短语搭配_go aloft权威例句








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