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英 [ʌnˈedɪfaɪɪŋ]play美 [ʌnˈedɪfaɪɪŋ]play

  • adj. 不光彩的;令人厌恶的;无启发性的;无益于教化的

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unedifying /ʌnˈɛdɪˌfaɪɪŋ/

  • 1.
    形容词 not having the result of improving morality, intellect, etc 无益于教化的


  • adj.不光彩的;令人厌恶的;无启发性的;无益于教化的

    ugly   /   ignoble


1. disgusting gruesome nasty unedifying 令人厌恶的


1. But at least the unedifying spectacle of comrades in Christ tearing strips off each other over gay sex will vanish from the headlines for a bit.


2. He married a number of wives in his declining years, and his life on the whole was by modern standards unedifying.


3. He wants to clamp down hard on immigration and would reinstate Mr Howard's unedifying policy of diverting asylum-seekers to impoverished Pacific island microstates.


4. On the unedifying side , numerous fellow Singaporeans have treated their healthcare professionals like pariahs.

但是, 却有许多丑陋的新加坡人,视医疗人员为避之则吉的瘟疫.《互联网》

5. We were treated to the unedifying spectacle of two cabinet ministers fighting over a seat.

我们看到了两个内阁部长为一张座位打斗的丢脸的场面。《provided by jukuu》

6. During the past few years an unedifying legal battle waged in New York courtrooms has steadily unpicked the restructurings that allowed Argentina to pick up the pieces after its$ 95bn default in 2001.


7. The unedifying saga of their divorce was played out in the newspapers.

他们那令人厌恶的离婚故事被报纸刊登出来了。《provided by jukuu》

8. In recent weeks, the local media reported prominently the unedifying spectacles of a Singaporean money changer allegedly cheating hundreds of Chinese workers of their hard-earned savings here.



1. In the wake of the unedifying disturbances outside St Patrick's church in Belfast's Donegall Street, Mr Osborne has criticised the decision by leading unionists including Peter Robinson to put their names to an open letter which described his commission's decision to prevent a loyalist band from marching past the church as "monstrous".

BBC: Parades Commission not going anywhere

2. The blame game for the disastrous financial crisis is in full, unedifying bloom, especially as it is being played by former chairmen of the Federal Reserve Board, an eminent institution where ordinarily, discretion is better part of valor.

FORBES: The Blame Game

3. Above all, though, there is the inescapable comparison between the admittedly unedifying state of the nation under Mr Netanyahu and the catastrophic situation today, 11 weeks into the Al Aqsa intifada.

ECONOMIST: Can Bibi foil Baraks bid to block him?

4. How long this unedifying game goes on remains to be seen.

FORBES: Why Oil Markets Are Watching The Wrong Middle East Crisis

5. America's support for Peru's disgraced spy chief, Vladimiro Montesinos, is one unedifying example.

ECONOMIST: Drugs and Latin America

6. She has also had to accept that the infamous "0300 call" election advertisement was an empty, and unedifying, threat, which diminished her.

BBC: Hillary Clinton: A year in the shadow of Barack Obama

7. One Independent councillor in 2009 found the daggers drawn at county hall in Truro an unedifying spectacle.

BBC: Cornwall Council confidence vote in Alec Robertson

8. The ANC's unedifying internal wrangles are only adding to South Africans' growing sense of gloom.

ECONOMIST: South Africa

9. And there is no denying that he has shown an uncanny instinct for gauging the national mood, unedifying though that often is.

ECONOMIST: What next, President Putin?

10. In an unedifying end to this gripping chapter in the assembly's history scuffles broke out between members outside the chamber after his re-election.

BBC: NEWS | Programmes | BBC Parliament | When the assembly worked

11. And just to complete the day, there was the unedifying sight of coach Henk Ten Cate having to restrain a graceless group of Chelsea's defeated players confronting referee Mark Halsey at the final whistle.

BBC: Ramos takes centre stage

12. His sentiments were echoed by The Guardian's Andrew Clements, who called the production "an unedifying exercise in postmodern, operatic grunge".

BBC: Royal Opera House shrugs off first-night catcalls

13. Another Labour peer, Lord Davies of Stamford, characterised the pay gap as "highly unsatisfactory and unedifying" and suggested that companies should have to publish reasons for the decisions they take over pay-scales.

BBC: Minister: Concerns over executive pay 'justified'

14. Equally, if the prime minister wants to draw a lesson from an unedifying episode, it should be that too much leash is being given to freebooting ministerial acolytes.

ECONOMIST: Rumour, tittle-tattle and gossip

15. On this view, these institutions are little more than con-tricks at the moment, built on the illusion that you can turn management into a science and dedicated to the unedifying goal of teaching greedy people how to satisfy their appetites.

ECONOMIST: Schumpeter



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