
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˌsiː ˈəʊ]play美 [ˌsiː ˈoʊ]play

  • n. 切断

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. c o vert 隐蔽的

2. c o vering 覆盖物

3. c o nnect 连接

4. C O CARE OF 转交

5. c o mely 标致的


7. c o vered 有盖的

8. c o ngress 代表大会


1. Cross-coupling reactions under the catalysis of copper were reviewed, and the progress of research and mechanism on the construction of C-C, C-N, C-O, C-S was mainly described. 2.


2. The implicit rules build .o files from the .c files we created.

隐式规则根据我们创建的 .c 文件构建 .o 文件。

3. With the example of the ldif file, which was imported above into the LDAP server, you need to enter the following value, [o=ibm,c=us], into the names of sub entries in the realm, as shown in Figure 6.

对于在上面导入到 LDAP 服务器 的 ldif 文件的示例,您需要输入以下值,[o=ibm,c=us],作为领域中的子条目名,如图 6 所示。

4. In DG, due to its low dielectric constant, nucleophile effects only C-O scission to form ether.


5. We propose a mechanism involving breakage of the C - O bond in PO , THF and DAE.


6. Our payment term is C . O . D - cash on delivery.


7. It's www dot C-O-M-P-4-S-S dotcom.

网址是 www.comp4ss.com。

8. You can see that the Agents role is mapped to an LDAP group cn=managers,ou=users,o=ibm,c=us.

您可以看到 Agents 角色被映射到一个 LDAP 组 cn=managers,ou=users,o=ibm,c=us。



10. Diaryl ethers are important construction units in many biologically active compounds. The synthetic method for the synthesis of diaryl ethers was traditional copper catalyzed Ullmann C-O coupling reactions.


11. Aryl C-N 、 C-O bonds widely exist in numerous important products in the fields of biological, pharmaceutical, and material sciences. Cross-coupling reactions are important methods to form these bonds.


12. The amount of C-O surface oxygen-containing group obviously decreases in activation, but the amount of nitrogen-containing group of ACF does not increase with ammonium salt pretreatment.


13. At the height of the d. o. t-c. o. m bubble, we solicited online donations at $5 a piece.


14. Development of Modern EAF Multi-functional C-O Injector Technique


15. The carbon atomic charge ( Qc) on C-O bond described the structural differences among the isomers of aliphatic alcohols and was easy to obtain.


16. The simple sugars monosaccharides0 are basically aliphatic polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones: HOCH2 - CHOH n-CHO and HOCH2 - CHOOH n-1-C-O-Ch2OH, called "aldoses" and "ketoses," respectively.

单糖本质上是脂族的多羟基醛和酮,即HOCH2 - (CHOH) 2 - CHO和HOCH 2 - (CHOH) n - 1 - C: O - CH 2 OH,分别称为醛糖和酮糖。

17. Our payment term is C. O. d-cash on delivery.


18. That winter, Sandberg met with Eric Schmidt, who was then the C. E. O. of Google, about her desire to do something else at the company.


19. We summarized optimal conditions on constructing C-O and C-N bond of complicated molecular structure.


20. The main chains of organic silicone resin are composed of Si-O bond with good flexibility and larger bond energy than C-C bond and C-O bond, therefore organic silicone have excellent heat resistance and weather resistance.


21. 'I think it is C-O-L-E-H-D,' he says.

“我想是C - O - L - E - H - D吧”,他说。

22. ~ ( 11) C methylation was very important methods for synthesis of PET radiopharmaceuticals. It included C-N, C-O, C-S methylation and so on.


23. You can use a credit card or pay C . O . D.


24. And you can use letter collections (as you might in a regular expression), for example, to list the files with a "c" or "o" extension, as shown in Listing 2.


25. Enter it into your favorite text editor with the same line spacings, save as' eg1.c ', compile with 'GCC -g eg1.c -o eg1' and start GDB with 'GDB eg1'.

在您喜欢的文本编辑器中输入这个程序(要保持相同的行距),保存为' eg1 . c ',使用' gcc - g eg1 . c - o eg1 '进行编译,并用' gdb eg1 '启动gdb。

26. O-H and S-H bond insertions in Rh ( II) complex catalytic reactions of α-diazo carbonyl compounds provide direct entries to C-O and C-O bond formations, respectively and have gotten important applications in organic synthesis.


27. For example, "ou=india, o=ibm, c=in" is the suffix that is used in this article.

例如,“ou=india, o=ibm, c=in” 是本文中使用的后缀。

28. C . O erve pupillary re o e of both eyes.


29. We're going to have to put your account on C. O. D.

今后我们不得不将您的户头改为C. O. D. (交货付款)《互联网》

30. To cite just a few examples: Willis Lamb, Julian Schwinger, Eugene Wigner, Richard Feynman, s. Tomonaga, C. D. Anderson, E. Segre, O. Chamberlain and many others.

这里仅仅列举其中的几位:威利斯·兰姆、朱利安·施温格、尤因·魏格纳、理查德·费曼、朝永振一郎、C.D.安德森、E .塞雷格、O .张伯伦以及其他一些人。

31. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O' Connor is in her 70s and former surgeon general C. Everett Koop chairs an Internet start-up in his 80s.

最高法院法官 Sandra Day O' Connor 已经70多岁,前卫生局局长 C. Everett Koop 在80多岁时还担任一个新成立的互联网公司的主席。

32. Results: After low temperature O_2 plasma treatment, the atomic ratio of C ∶ O changed from 1 ∶ 0.20 to 1 ∶ 0.29 and the percent of C-O in C-C increased from 25.08% to 34.01%;


33. Calculated frequencies agree with experiment value well, and the C-O stretch frequency increased during the binding process of CO and Si_2 indicates that static potential play important role in the binding process.


34. People with C . O . P . D . often have swelling that causes the airways to narrow.


35. He took the C . O . aside for a whispered conference.


36. No, just send it C . O . D.

不用, 你用“货到付款”的方式寄.《走遍美国快乐40招》

37. The activation of C-H bond is an effective way for the concise construction ofC-C, C-N and C-O bonds. It plays an important role in the organic synthesis.


38. The Ar and CO2 in the inlet air cause about 3% error in calculation of exhaust flow, which should not be ignored in using the general C-O balance method.


39. In recent years, the transition metal rhodium has been widely used to catalyze C-H bond activation and build C-C, C-O, C-N bond in organic synthesis.


40. Although BCPL was a high-level language (similar to c), the intermediate code that the compiler generated was called O-code (Object code).

尽管BCPL是一种高级语言(类似于c),编译器生成的中间代码叫做o - code(对象代码)。

41. Calculations of bond dissociation energies and bond lengths of C-H, C-N, C-O, N-N


42. The paper discusses the V-C-O structure.


43. In the closed position of the circuit-breaker, the opening and closing spring are in charged state. This means the circuit-breaker is in a position to perform O-C-O switching sequences.


44. The results show that during the ultraviolet irradiation, the oxygen-containing groups, such as C-O, CO and C ( O) O, are introduced onto the molecular chains of HDPE, and their amount increases with increasing environmental temperature.


45. Furthermore, we expanded this method to the composition of aromatic esters by radical C-O coupling reaction.


46. With increasing the intrinsic viscosity, the dynamic moduli increase, the mechanical loss peaks shifted to high temperture and β loss peak from-C-O-vibration decreased.


47. BaseDN is a mandatory parameter that defines the default base DN for all LDAP search operations; for example, "o=acme, c=us."

BaseDN 是一个强制属性,用于定义所有 LDAP 搜索操作的缺省 baseDN;例如“o=acme, c=us”。

48. A hero named S. H. O. C. lent his Darkforce to Spider-Man in order to help him save some civilians from a vortex leading into the Negative Zone.


49. Therefore, ensure that the user cn=ldapbind,o=ibm,c=us has access to read and search the LDAP Directory Tree with the suffix o=ibm,c=us.

因此,确保了用户 cn=ldapbind,o=ibm,c=us 有权读取和搜索具有 o=ibm,c=us 后缀的 LDAP 目录树。

50. After oxygen plasma treatment, 1.5% C-O bonds and 3.5% C-C bonds cleft and carboxyl bonds were generated, while under alkaline condition the ester bonds in PHBV hydrolyzed to form more hydroxyl and carboxyl bonds.


51. C: Let me see. Yes, there are two flights: one is 8 o 'clock in the morning, the other.


52. Did he send the package C . O. D.


53. Under the ship, he printed in big red letters: C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S!


54. The N-heterocyclic carbene formation to ligand compounds with the transition metals, can catalyze the formation of the C-C, C-H, C-O and C-N.


55. The results show that during the ultraviolet irradiation, the oxygen-containing groups, such as C-O, CO and C(O)O, are introduced .


56. The receiving party is responsible for C . O . D . collection.


57. I will very appreciate if the C/O can be offered.


58. The chief incident in the day was the C . O .'s order group .

这一天的重要事件是指挥官的 “ 命令发布会 ”.《辞典例句》

59. Thermodynamic analysis for phase equilibrium of mc ( b)-c-o system in ultra-high temperature conditions


60. Many natural products, drugs and dyes contain C-N, C-O bonds, so the transition metal-catalyzed construction of C-N, C-O bonds is an effective strategy.


61. I'm paying little extra to have them sent C . O . D.

我要多付一点,让他们用“付到付款 ” 的方式寄.《走遍美国快乐40招》

62. Many geo-chemistry methods are used in this research, which includes inclusion analyzation, c-o stable isotope, trace element and rare earth element and try to explain the diagenesis solution and the origin of the rock.


63. No, they're sending them C . O . D.

不用, 他们用“货到付款”的方式寄.《走遍美国快乐40招》

64. C . O . P . D . is a new name for emphysema and chronic bronchitis.


65. Strong and complex bands attributed to ether and hydroxyl C-O stretching between 1200 and 940cm~ (-1).


66. We can send it C . O . D . or you can pay by credit card.


67. In 2007, the O. e. C. D. reports, about 17 percent of the French were over 65, a relatively low figure for Western Europe.


68. The red shift of C-O-C stretching vibration frequencies of IR reveals that the coordination interaction may take place.

配位体的C - O - C红外伸缩振动频率向红移,提供了两者发生配位的迹象。

69. Shortly after that misadventure, according to a family friend, C. O. Byrd, she signed on as a Confederate spy and ended up with a price on her head.


70. Syntheses of precursors of si-ti-C-O fibers with low specific resistance


71. The red shift of C-O stretching frequency decreases as the number of methanol molecules m increases, or as gold cluster size increases.


72. In EIMS there are many frame-rearrangement ion peaks. The cleavage of C-O, C-F. C-CF3 bonds and the formation of five-or four-membered heterocyclic ring ions containing nitrogen by losing CO are major mass spectrometric characters.

在EIMS中,均存在较多的骨架重排离子峰,其中C O,C F,C CF3,键断裂及失去CO形成的五元,四元含氮杂环离子是重要质谱特征。

73. The vibration frequencies of C-O and N-O exhibit blue shift and red shift after adsorption respectively, we first give the mechanism of charge transfer and σ bond bend to explain the situation.


74. "It was like dating," says Dave Goldberg, Sandberg's husband and the C. E. O. of the online company SurveyMonkey.



1. Liberals think they smell more than a little H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y.

FORBES: In Defense of Arizona's Medicaid Rationing

2. It's like they spell colour, c-o-l-o-r, we spell it c-o-l-o-u-r,

这就像他们拼写颜色这个单词,c-o-l-o-r,而我们拼写成c-o-l-o-u-r,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 美式英语和英式英语

3. And yet you can find him all over a recent prospectus filed with the SEC for Hydrogen Power, a Seattle company with a volatile stock on the o-t-c bulletin board.

FORBES: Magazine Article

4. The o-t-c market is an eclectic assortment.

FORBES: O-T-C Trading for Experienced Investors

5. So far 700 outfits on the o-t-c bulletin board and Pink Sheets have been linked to the Vancouver area.

FORBES: Magazine Article

6. The American Stock Exchange and the o-t-c bulletin board are willing to list these latter-day stock vendors.

FORBES: Gold Rush

7. That's m-a-c-a-r-o-n.

VOA : special.2010.04.12

8. In 2002 the company had done a reverse merger with ProHealth Medical, an o-t-c bulletin board stock, that resulted in Langley's RHL Management getting 5.5 million shares.

FORBES: On The Cover/Top Stories

9. These traders hope to get rich by shaving small slices off marketmaker spreads in o-t-c stocks like Dell, Amazon.com, Excite, Yahoo!

FORBES: Free enterprise comes to Wall Street

10. These traders hope to get rich by shaving small slices off market maker spreads in o- t-c stocks like Dell, Intel and Microsoft.

FORBES: Guerrillas on Wall Street

11. It is possible for U.S. investors to buy shares on the o-t-c market or on the main exchanges through a brokerage account in Vietnam, which you must have in order to buy individual shares.

FORBES: Red Shares

12. Thanks to market reforms inspired in part by FORBES' exposs of excessive spreads in o-t-c markets in 1993 and 1996these young marketmakers are often able to dance around the big players.

FORBES: Guerrillas on Wall Street

13. The I.O.C.says its efforts are the beginning of a worldwide tsunami-warning program.

VOA : special.2009.03.17

14. It was a short way of writing a different spelling of the words all correct. Some foreign-born people wrote all correct as o-l-l k-o-r-r-e-c-t, and used the letters O.K.

VOA : special.2010.02.28

15. Sitting next to Serge Milman in Broadway's trading room is Steven Girden, 36, a former o-t-c marketmaker at Bear, Stearns' risk arbitrage desk.

FORBES: Free enterprise comes to Wall Street

16. The team examined results from a Norwegian study of nine hundred fifty-four people with C.O.P.D.

VOA : special.2009.06.03

17. C-A-T-W-O-M-A-N."

VOA : special.2009.06.07

18. Example: the agreement with Lighting Science Group, a Dallas firm whose shares trade on the o-t-c bulletin board.

FORBES: As a businessman, he's been mixing with a sketchier crowd.

19. Hordes of penny-stock hustlers have headed south to the American Stock Exchange, the o-t-c bulletin board and the Pink Sheets since the Vancouver Stock Exchange disappeared in 1999.

FORBES: Magazine Article

20. Example: the agreement with Lighting Science Group, a Dallas, Texas firm whose shares trade on the o-t-c bulletin board.

FORBES: As a businessman, he's been mixing with a sketchier crowd.

21. Earlier, Lerner's right-hand man General Charles C Krulak said he believed O'Neill quit as manager because of the financial limits he was expected to work under and because he thought he was bigger than the club.

BBC: Randy Lerner explains Martin O'Neill exit from Villa

22. Can you spell h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e?

FORBES: Pork Holding Up Senate Sandy Relief Bill Funneled Into The Troughs Of GOP Deficit Hawks? You Betcha.

23. Besides SCI and biotechnology research, most of the budget is used for ethical and over-the-counter (o-t-c) products.

FORBES: Indonesia's Kalbe Farma Expands From Health Care To Juice Drinks and Beyond

24. Lichtman's most recent expos is of an o-t-c Bulletin Board company called DNA Medical Technologies, of Hiawatha, Iowa.

FORBES: Streetwalker: An optimist on the sidelines

25. Then there is the loosely regulated o-t-c market, where outfits like First Jersey Securities are having a field day (FORBES, July 16, 1984).

FORBES: Magazine Article

26. GCC hello c So you see two similarities between the first version, GCC hello.c, and the second version but obviously I've just added which part for that second line.

你将会在第一个版本,和第二个版本GCC,-o,hello,hello,c之间,看到两点相似之处,很显然我们在第二个版本的第二行添加了一些东西。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

27. The United States is one of thirty-one countries in the O.E.C.D Gaetan Lafortune says in recent years many of the countries increased their efforts to hire foreign nurses.

VOA : special.2010.06.07

28. Mosaic is spelled m-o-s-a-i-c.

VOA : special.2009.01.02

29. Is that Meco or M-E-C-O?

NPR: Former Astronaut on NASA Risk Assessment

30. Shapiro is still a director at 360 and says he hopes to make investors in the o-t-c bulletin board stock whole.

FORBES: Magazine Article

31. Now the company is back from bankruptcy, trading on the o-t-c bulletin board and narrowing its losses.

FORBES: Trial by Fire

32. Barbara Ryan, the pharmaceuticals analyst at Deutsche Bank, wrote in a note to investors that she expects Pfizer to at least spin off the baby formula and o-t-c units.

FORBES: Will Pfizer Break Up?

33. Yet there it is, on signs and over storefronts, in big, bold letters: C-O-M.

CNN: Stops and Starts



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