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英 [ˌɪnɔːˈspɪʃəs]play美 [ˌɪnɔːˈspɪʃəs]play

  • adj. 不祥的;不吉的,恶运的

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inauspicious /ˌɪnɔːˈspɪʃəs/

  • 1.
    形容词 An inauspicious event is one that gives signs that success is unlikely. 不祥的

    The meeting got off to an inauspicious start when he was late.






1. inauspicious topic bringing bad luck 乌鸦嘴

2. ill-fated inauspicious 恶运的

3. inauspicious day 凶日

4. inauspicious manifestation 黑祥

5. inauspicious abode 凶宅

6. inauspicious matter 凶事

7. This Inauspicious Day 这个吉利日子


1. He now has the inauspicious designation of being a part of the Cavs' worst two losses of the season.


2. According to the five ceremonies auspicious, inauspicious, fine, guest, military, we analyze the jade articles' distinctive status and important effect in the ceremony civilization.


3. The monks told him that an inauspicious stele was hidden inside and would bring along disasters once exposed to the outside world.


4. America has had an inauspicious start to the 21st century, to put it mildly.


5. In cultures that don't celebrate Halloween and Valentine's day but consider other days particularly auspicious or inauspicious, does this effect also happen?


6. Dutch statisticians have established that Friday 13th, a date regarded in many countries as inauspicious, is actually safer than an average Friday.


7. Ancient Chinese people thought that dreams can imply auspicious and inauspicious things.


8. There was an astronaut who peed in his spacesuit before liftoff-- a seemingly inauspicious start to what became the first American manned spaceflight.


9. My words with inauspicious thunderings shook heaven.


10. Whateverthe truth, the White House has made an inauspicious start of its fight withCongress over federal spending.


11. The Chinese people stress to send gifts in pairs, for odd Numbers are regarded as inauspicious.


12. Answer: well, nobody may take it into much account, because it will be considered inauspicious.


13. For China's estimated 130m migrant workers, this inauspicious start to the Year of the Ox is only likely to get worse.


14. From these inauspicious beginnings, the world of software development has given rise to numerous other myths.


15. The likeness is indeed true, but it is a dull, dead , unfeeling, inauspicious likeness.

真的,它确实很象, 但却是一种呆滞死板, 暮气沉沉, 毫无情感的相似.《辞典例句》

16. Dutch statisticians have established that Friday13th, a date regarded in many countries as inauspicious, is actually safer than an average Friday.


17. The Chinese people stress to send gifts in pairs, for odd numbers are regarded as inauspicious. So, dual Euler method is better than quaternion method in the solution of the singularity of the Euler equation.


18. The likeness is indeed true, but it is a dull, dead, unfeeling, inauspicious likeness.


19. The Chinese people stress tosend gifts in pairs, for odd numbers are regarded as inauspicious


20. Great care was taken to ensure that no inauspicious influence would affect the marriage.


21. The typical answers were inauspicious.


22. This language taboo is also due to people wishing the good life, that is why people shun the inauspicious thing as much as possible.


23. And less than five weeks ago, after 105 days, we crossed this oddly inauspicious finish line, the coast of Ross Island on the New Zealand side of Antarctica.


24. After an inauspicious start, Scotland went on to win the match by three goals to two.

在不顺的开场之后,苏格兰队最终以3比2赢了比赛。《provided by jukuu》

25. It mainly includes two parts: auspicious& inauspicious signs from heaven.


26. Bad luck has it that most primary commodity and food prices have risen at this most inauspicious time.


27. The sublime may be dangerous, but it is not inauspicious or a portent of good or evil.


28. Caption :15 August 2007: Ronaldo is sent off at Portsmouth as Manchester United make an inauspicious start to the 2007-08 season.

描述:2007年8月15日: C罗在对朴茨茅次比赛中被罚下开始了曼联在2007-08赛季初的厄运。

29. These inauspicious yet historically important rooms have been hidden from the public for too long.


30. All along the way people make great efforts to avoid any inauspicious influence.


31. By the time of Downey and Fecteau's involvement in the Third Force program, its record was short and inauspicious.


32. The signs are inauspicious.


33. 9/ 11 ( 2001) another inauspicious start to the decade.


34. It was an inauspicious start, to say the least.


35. August 8, 2008, this inauspicious day, Guangzhou City Leishi Table Company officially changed its name to Guangzhou Lee Table Company!


36. The meeting got off to an inauspicious start when he was late.


37. The world's newest long-haul budget airline got off to an inauspicious start yesterday after its debut flight from Hong Kong to London was cancelled because it lacked permission to fly over Russia.


38. The triple world champion was mentor to Barrichello whose racing career endured an inauspicious, cash-strapped beginning.


39. There was an astronaut who peed in his spacesuit before liftoff? A seemingly inauspicious start to what became the first American manned spaceflight.


40. The above days were considered inauspicious for any new ventures.


41. The inauspicious direction alerts you to what you should avoid.


42. Setting a rather inauspicious precedent, the empress is said to have fortified her driver, Sun Fuling, with a generous bowl of rice wine.


43. The Chinese people stress to send gifts in pairs, for odd numbers are regarded as inauspicious.

中国人一般讲究礼品成双, 因为奇数被视为不吉利.《期刊摘选》

44. But these are inauspicious times to test the limits of Hong Kong's luxury property market which for several years has relied on demand from mainland Chinese.


45. This application will calculate the auspicious and inauspicious directions for a person based on the gender and birthdate.


46. With these inauspicious circumstances, it is no surprise the IMF is rapidly burying its multilateral consultations on global imbalances.


47. Clearly, most investors have not seen higher commodity prices as inauspicious, merely as a symptom of robust global demand.


48. The purchase comes at an inauspicious time in commercial real estate, amid falling prices high debt.

斯皮策此次投资正值商用房地产行业水深火热之时, 房价接连下挫、到处都是负债.《期刊摘选》

49. Since their inauspicious beginnings, all four of these units have embarked on a path that has taken them far from their original mandate of debt resolution units to becoming quasi-boutique investment banks.


50. People watching noted that the timing of the fire - coming at the end of the Spring Festival - was inauspicious.


51. FORLORN shop facing a dusty car park in one of the poorest parts of Phoenix, Arizona, is an inauspicious place to start a closely watched experiment in global retailing.


52. It is inauspicious to walk under a ladder.


53. Thirteen is an inauspicious number. No one like to live in that room.

13是个不吉利的数字, 没人愿意住一个有不祥号码的房间.《期刊摘选》

54. Resulting or likely to result in misfortune; inauspicious. Conclusion ( 1) There is an association early awakening with psychomotor retardation in patients with depression.


55. In India, an eclipse is considered inauspicious.


56. Naturally 2008 was an inauspicious time to start a fund, but for the year to date it's up 22%.


57. It is a superstitious tradition that corvine is inauspicious.


58. an inauspicious start


59. This procedure is very inauspicious, usually we manage it to be called "the accident".


60. Everyone agreed his remarks were very inauspicious and fined him a glass of wine. Hung-chien and Miss Sun also became drunk on all the wine they were served.



1. The Von Allmens order up Lady Linda at an inauspicious time in early 2008.

WSJ: Book Review: Grand Ambition

2. America has had an inauspicious start to the 21st century, to put it mildly.

ECONOMIST: Lexington

3. Evangelos Venizelos became leader of Greece's socialist party Pasok in the most inauspicious circumstances.

BBC: Profile: Greek Pasok leader Evangelos Venizelos

4. Saracens, back at Vicarage Road after "home" matches at Twickenham and Wembley, made an inauspicious start to the match with Alasdair Strokosch stealing their ball at the line-out before Lawson darted through to score.

BBC: Saracens 19-16 Gloucester

5. Talk about an inauspicious beginning as representative of what I fear we might continue to expect from a President Perry.

FORBES: Rick Perry Clueless On Use Of Executive Presidential Powers To Kill Obamacare

6. The scandal comes at an inauspicious time for the company.


7. And the distractions of the European debt crisis made this one especially inauspicious.

ECONOMIST: A limp agreement at the UNs vaunted environmental summit

8. The week started with an inauspicious warning from Caterpillar, as the heavy equipment maker said the first half of 2013 will be more challenging from a global growth standpoint than a year earlier.

FORBES: Markets Rewind: Bulls On Parade As Dow Roars Back To 14,000 - Forbes

9. But Gold was deadly serious and set about transforming Rokoduguni's raw talent into the finished product after an inauspicious start.

CNN: From the front line to the try line

10. The day is also inauspicious for arranging celebrations.


11. For Facebook the business, which it has become following its inauspicious IPO, driving revenue growth is paramount.

FORBES: Should We Care Facebook Has One Billion Users?

12. Having played under three different managers at Celtic, during an inauspicious spell when rivals Rangers dominated, Mowbray will know the demand for success - and the price of not delivering it.

BBC: Mowbray the natural leader

13. Of course, it is distasteful and inauspicious, Thais believe to speak of King Bhumibol's death.

ECONOMIST: Thailand's succession

14. Ngwenya's night got off to an inauspicious start after the stadium announcer didn't even attempt to pronounce his name when the teams came out for the match.

WSJ: British and Irish Lions Beat Barbarians in Hong Kong

15. Her debut as a mom was inauspicious.

WSJ: This North Dakota Mom, 77, Reared 69 Kids

16. It marked an inauspicious start for a company that was troubled from the start.

FORBES: Magazine Article

17. All the more remarkable after an inauspicious start.

FORBES: Get rich slow

18. It was an inauspicious start for Kawasoe, who had been appointed to Mitsubishi Motors' top job after three company executives were arrested for paying off gangsters.

FORBES: A setting sun?

19. It has taken an inauspicious turn.

ECONOMIST: Justice, reconciliationor score-settling?

20. The 2012 race got off to an inauspicious start after the Cheltenham Gold Cup winner Synchronised was spooked on his way down to the start and unseated his jockey, AP McCoy.


21. The Year of the Snake is forecast to be challenging for Hong Kong after the city drew number 95, one of the most inauspicious fortune-telling sticks, at a temple ceremony on Monday.

BBC: China media: North Korea nuclear test

22. The seed of today's FORBES GLOBAL was planted at an inauspicious time--in the worst days of a tragic, senseless world war, one that brought to an end the first great era of international commerce.

FORBES: 85 and kicking

23. Though there are no big stars and the film has an inauspicious February release date, it was produced by Michael Bay and directed by D.

FORBES: The James Frey Redemption Train Rolls On With 'I Am Number Four'

24. Unfortunately, some rather inauspicious events leading up to that global warming meeting got it off to a chilly beginning.

FORBES: Magazine Article

25. Arguably, Total's problems in this respect are more severe than those of most of its rivals, since it derives a relatively high part of its output from geologically promising but politically inauspicious spots.

ECONOMIST: Face value

26. The latest omens, however, are undeniably inauspicious.


27. Israel sees the political and military landscape in a very inauspicious light.

WSJ: John Bolton: Its Crunch Time for Israel on Iran

28. That was an inauspicious year for many investment banks, particularly Merrill Lynch.

FORBES: Merrill Lynch's Mysterious Connection To Lehman's Cooked Books

29. After an inauspicious start 2012 must become the year of action.


30. It's a far cry from Meitec's inauspicious start.

FORBES: Greasing the wheels

31. And, given the inauspicious lead up to the meeting, she may well have earned the title.

ECONOMIST: The G8 summit: Friendly environment | The



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