burning out是什么意思_burning out怎么读_burning out的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

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burning out

burning out


英 [ˈbɜːnɪŋ aʊt]play 美 [ˈbɜːrnɪŋ aʊt]play

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1. bush burning-out 轴衬烧熔

2. busbar burning-out 轴瓦烧熔

3. burning out detail 油墨退色

4. burning-out zone 燃尽区

5. burning-out characteristic of pulverized coal 煤粉的燃尽特性

6. burning-out 烧坏

7. bearing burning out 轴承烧熔

8. I'm burning out burning out 我被焚烧起来


1. He was doing so much exercise he would have won a gold star in most wellness programmes but in fact he was burning out.


2. Microcomputer Auto adjusts the output power to prevent burning out the heater.


3. Based on the diffusion control model and reaction kinetics control model, the burning out time of volatile is calculated respectively.


4. The damper was left in overnight to prevent the fire from burning out.


5. Different disposal style for the reburning air& burning out air ( tangential or front and rear walls) and their disposal heights.


6. Lam said he has worried his blogging staff might be burning out, and he urges them to take breaks, even vacations.


7. If you do hang out with said friend (considering you're fading away instead of burning out, this may happen), don't take the bait.


8. The variation of strength and microstructure of green bodies were studied in the course of binders' burning out.


9. Adding to that, people who work long workweeks have a higher chance of burning out.


10. You can easily end up burning out on web participation because the loud minority twists your perception of what matters and who CARES.


11. In the bushland of Victoria, more than a dozen of fires burning out of control, but.

在维多利亚未经开垦的森林地带, 数十起大火超出控制.《互联网》

12. Accident Analyze of Silicate from Industrial Boiler Burning out Water Pipe Water Treatment is the Important Guarantee of Boiler's Safe and Economic Operation


13. There is the danger of burning out the motor if the voltage 'sags'.


14. They were raked over the coals for burning out slipshod work.


15. The fire is burning out of control


16. Prevention of Burning Out Bearing Liner of Ball tube Mill


17. Enter calcium, which, by inhibiting the activity of the sodium pump, regulates signal firing, and may conserve energy and keep the high-frequency cells from burning out.


18. Unless you are Superman, you cant sustain working long hours on end without burning out and sacrificing on quality.


19. Having a good work-life balance means there is less risk of you burning out before the holidays.


20. This feeling will increase your joy and will keep you burning out.


21. Fires were burning out of control in the center of the city


22. The oil pressure being too low is the main cause of the engine � � s burning out.


23. Electric kettle, after a period of time without burning out of the water there is rust taste, how to remove?


24. Microcomputer Auto adjust the output power to prevent burning out the heater.


25. Just make sure you have some down time when you're not working. Otherwise you're likely to end up burning out.


26. Treatment of soft copper strip burning out due to transformer bolt loosening


27. They're burning out their digestive enzymes stuffing themselves every two hours.


28. As he watches, many fall, their lives burning out like spent candles.

他看到, 许多人倒下了, 他们的生命就象烧尽的蜡烛.《互联网》

29. Causing Analysis and Countermeasure to Burner Burning Out of One 410t/ h CFB


30. The bottom line is that you are, to some extent, dependent on your job to keep you from burning out.


31. In your case, if some extra time off will lower your stress level and prevent you from burning out, say that.


32. Take breaks: This might seem counter-intuitive but working without ever taking a break or relaxing is a recipe for burning out.


33. They also keep us fresh so that we don't end up burning out after only a few hours work.


34. Sometimes, to keep them from eventually burning out, you have to protect employees from themselves and insist that they take some time off.


35. There is the danger of burning out the motor if the voltage'sags'.


36. A semiconductor diode array that is programmed by fusing or burning out diode junctions.


37. Analysis of an Accident of Turbine Compressor Bushes Burning Out


38. We read in ancient history of the cruel punishment of burning out the eyes.


39. More than 30 fires spread from Horsham, in western Victoria, to the Latrobe Valley in the east, burning out 360,000 hectares (868,000 acres).

超过30股大火从维多利亚西部的霍舌姆向东部的拉特罗布山谷蔓延,已经烧掉了360,000公顷(868 000 英亩)森林。

40. The fire is burning out of control.


41. That pulse is capable of burning out the electronics in a car, including its engine-management system, without harming the occupants.


42. Fires were burning out of control in the center of the city.


43. California firefighters are battling a wildfire that's burning out of control.


44. Sluggishly rising pile of fire, burning out in the col, I do not know is the red sun rising or the continuation of the evening.


45. Sometimes, to keep them from eventually burning out, you have to protect employees from themselves and insist that they take some time off.


46. The oil pressure being too low is the main cause of the engine ′ s burning out.


47. Eventually it leads to motor burning out.


48. In this article, the reasons causing burning - out of kiln's discharge duct during Zinc smelting are analyzed.


49. It was doubtless caused by one of those meteors, which the night-watcher may so often observe burning out to waste, in the vacant regions of the atmosphere.


50. They also keep us fresh so that we don't end up burning out after only a few hours work.


51. Based on the diffusion control model and reaction kinetics control model, the burning out time of volatile is calculated respectively.


52. A semiconductor diode array that is programmed by fusing or burning out diode junctions.


53. Fires were burning out of control in the centre of the city.


54. California firefighters are battling a wildfire that's burning out of control.


55. The burning out rate of corn straw, wheat straw and rice straw increase with the increase of the temperature-increasing rate.


56. California firefighters battling a wildfire that's burning out of control.


57. He woke with the jerk of his right fist coming up against his face and the line burning out through his right hand.

他的右拳猛的朝他的脸撞去,钓索火辣辣地从他右手里溜出去,他惊醒过来了。《provided by jukuu》

58. We read in ancient history of the cruel punishment of burning out the eyes.

古代历史中可看到用火灼瞎人的眼睛的残酷刑罚。《provided by jukuu》

59. In your case, if some extra time off will lower your stress level and prevent you from burning out, say that.


60. Analysis and Prevention Measure to the Insurance of PT Primary Terminal Burning Out


61. Working in 10- to 20-minute blocks allows your brain time to generate new ideas and keeps it from burning out.

不要连续工作几个小时,这样你的效率可能会下降,随着时间的推移,你的工作品质也会下降。 每次连续工作10~20分钟,可以保持你大脑活跃,可以更好地产生新的想法。

62. The fire is burning out of control.


63. All the 19 fire fighters killed in the Yarnell Hill Fire still burning out of control north of Phoenix.


64. Site Repairing Method for Type 300 Diesel Engine after Burning out of Crank shaft Bearing Liner


65. Be deceived into and be deceived into being kindling since at heart but burning out the different flame.


66. Working in10-to20-minute blocks allows your brain time to generate new ideas and keeps it from burning out.


67. Thing is I think I pushed them too hard. Thus burning out a lot of players.


68. A semiconductor diode array that is program med by fusing or burning out diode junctions.



1. That pulse is capable of burning out the electronics in a car, including its engine-management system, without harming the occupants.


2. That sick feeling you get burning out bunkers with a flamethrower in Call of Duty: World at War.

FORBES: Medal of Honor: Warfighter's Multiplayer Might Just be Interesting

3. When this operation started, we were controlling all skimming and in-situ burning operations out of the Incident Command Post in Houma, Louisiana, which has responsibility for the area where the well is at.

WHITEHOUSE: Daily Press Briefing

4. And several witnesses said a bag the man was carrying started burning, pouring out thick black smoke that enveloped him.

CNN: Man sets self afire outside White House

5. Like Moses at the hands of an insistent burning bush, getting out of the boat is a vocation that chooses you.

FORBES: The Dark Side of Leadership

6. Rubber o-rings lined those joints and kept burning propellant from leaking out.

NPR: Challenger: Reporting a Disaster's Cold, Hard Facts

7. Herb finally showed up at the course at 6:30 and those trees were just out there, burning.

FORBES: Herbert Kohler, Pete Dye and the Fruits of Creative Head-Butting

8. Onward and upward to avoiding burning out as a blogger.

FORBES: Six Tips To Avoiding A Blogging Burnout

9. You might have read over Thanksgiving weekend a piece by friend-of-the-blogger Martha Irvine of The Associated Press, who wrote about the continually recession-proof industry of youth sports, an economic engine that shows no sign of burning out thanks to ever-more parents throwing bigger and bigger piles of money into stove to stoke its fire.

FORBES: Youth Sports Arms Race Reflects Successful Exploitation Of Reasonable Parental Anxiety

10. He said there was no evidence the list found in Scotland, which mentioned burning out a car and listed a number of "targets" in Cambridge, was written by Mr Cowan.

BBC: Andrew Farndon

11. At the time, there was intense political pressure in the Republic to come to the aid of Northern Catholics who were being attacked by loyalist mobs intent on burning them out of their homes in areas of Belfast and Londonderry.

BBC: Missing arms files turn up

12. One reason that women are burning out early in their careers is that they have simply reached their breaking point after spending their childhoods developing well-rounded resumes.

FORBES: Why Millennial Women Are Burning Out At Work By 30

13. The problem is that while clear-cutting sections of rain forest and burning out all the underbrush makes great soil for pastureland, it only does so for about three years.

CNN: The death of Z Cludio and Maria

14. More than 30 fires spread from Horsham, in western Victoria, to the Latrobe Valley in the east, burning out 360, 000 hectares (868, 000 acres).

ECONOMIST: The worst wildfires on record give Australia a week in hell

15. X-43A will set off on its own, burning hydrogen as it streaks out across the Pacific.

ECONOMIST: Jet propulsion

16. Its sales were also hurt after General Motors and Volkswagen rolled out traditional gas burning, yet price-competitive entry-level models.

FORBES: Significant Layoffs Coming At Buffett's China Auto Co BYD

17. He said a controlled burn had been permitted nearby the day before, and troopers were trying to find out if burning continued into Wednesday.

NPR: Authorities: 4 Dead In Fiery Highway Crash In Ga.

18. In western Victoria, a fire in Kentbruck is burning out of control.

BBC: Searing temperatures fan Australia wildfires

19. And Benioff described how he spends a third of his time in Hawaii to avoid burning out.

FORBES: Benioff On Where He'll Compete Next

20. Counselors at Beth Israel Medical Center have been advising families camped out at hospitals to avoid burning out by leaning on their personal support networks, trying to take time away, even just reading a book.

WSJ: In Boston, Families Grapple With Long Road Ahead

21. So at this point they just seem to be burning, if not out of control at this point, it looks like a fire maybe sort of 10 feet wide at this point on the second floor.

CNN: Cooper: Rocket strike leaves strange scene

22. One is burning out ( physically and mentally) elite athletes, particularly those from well-heeled families that afford the time and money spent, through year-round travel programs and private sessions in a single sport.

FORBES: The Big Thinkers of the Aspen Institute Are Thinking About Youth Sports

23. At the end of the carnival, the ringers proceed through their own village, collecting rubbish at each house and burning it out front, involving everyone present in the ceremony.

UNESCO: Culture

24. It could mean that more gamers are burning out or taking a year off, and we may see an even bigger launch month for whatever comes next year.

FORBES: 'Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2' Sales Don't Point To Franchise's Decline

25. Legal muir burning is being carried out at the moment by hill farmers and landowners.

BBC: Wildfire

26. The tools and strategies to keep employees engaged is under constant scrutiny, but are they evolving at the required pace to retain talent with the desirable Emotional Intelligence, instead of burning them out?

FORBES: Workplace Stress is Curveball Lobbed at Employee Emotional Intelligence

27. After his wife's death in 1970, he set out to do just that, by burning out his nights and reputation in the company of homosexuals although some biographers argue that all he did was finally let fall the mask and reveal his true self.

ECONOMIST: French muses

28. They're burning themselves out with long hours at work.

FORBES: Hard Sell

29. While my dough did slow down the blade, I never felt like the machine was in any danger of burning out the motor.

FORBES: Still Made by Hand: The Original Food Processor

30. Rescue workers have been plunging into the burning wreckage to pull out survivors.

BBC: 27 March









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