in actual fact是什么意思_in actual fact短语搭配_in actual fact权威例句

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in actual fact

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  • 实际上,实际上的情况是

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1. actual adj existing in fact 真实的

2. But In Actual Fact 但实际上

3. Causality in actual fact 事实上因果关系

4. Dead in actual fact 其实是死的

5. In actual fact them 商场商店

6. Actually in actual fact 实际上


1. In actual fact , the risks of conflicts arising are, perhaps, even higher.

实际的情形可能适得其反, 双方冲突的危险性可能更高.《互联网》

2. In actual fact, the acceleration of the CVT vehicle is much faster compared to the automatic transmission vehicle.


3. In actual fact, John has much high musical ability.

实际上, 约翰有着很高的音乐才能.《互联网》

4. We're often told that having more would lead to happiness when in actual fact, the opposite occurs.


5. In actual fact, eating the required amounts of dairy can help to sustain a healthy wait.


6. In actual fact, the heavy industries in the northeastern China were used to built war machines to enable the future invasion of whole of China.


7. In actual fact, the season has just started.


8. In actual fact, being number one, you are effectively the leader.

实际上,既然排名第一,你就彻彻底底是个领导者。《provided by jukuu》

9. In actual fact, karate, or some other physical exercise is beneficial to your exam preparation and should be a part of your revision plans.


10. In actual fact, he is not completely wrong.


11. In actual fact, the system of ideal personality designed by Sun Zhong shan is revolution only.


12. In actual fact, depression affects not only one's mind but also his body.


13. Officially he is in charge, but in actual fact his secretary does all the work.


14. In actual fact, the customers had paid the full price and the discount was pocketed by the sales staff.

事实上,该些顾客是以正价购货,而营业员则把价格差额据为己有。《provided by jukuu》

15. In actual fact, you can easily discover dioxane in shampoo and hair care products that are within your reach.


16. In actual fact, you don't need to do this.


17. In actual fact the things I like doing are mostly wholesome.


18. He looks younger than me, but in actual fact he's much older.

他看上去比我年轻, 但实际上年纪比我大得多.《互联网》

19. In actual fact, eating the required amounts of dairy can help to sustain a healthy wait.


20. Some students tend to lead their fingers down the text, which in actual fact slows down their reading speed.


21. In actual fact, he is not completely wrong.


22. In actual fact, many adults also masturbate, and this includes married couples.

实际上, 许多成年人也会自娱, 而且包括已婚夫妻在内.《互联网》

23. I never do anything on the ground that is good for health, though in actual fact the things I like doing are mostly wholesome.


24. He sounds so effortless but in actual fact it's not easy to sing it that way - one of the many talents of Leehom.


25. I thought the work would be difficult. In actual fact, it's very easy.


26. In actual fact, it would have the effect of much shunting and assembling of pulses inside the machine.


27. In actual fact, however, the penalties always much severe.

然而, 事实上,对非法流产的处罚总是要轻许多.《互联网》

28. He forecast that the repairs would cost 3000, but the actual cost was a lot less. In actual fact it was quite cheap.


29. He looks younger than his wife, but in actual fact he is older.

他看上去比妻子年轻,可实际上他比她大。《provided by jukuu》

30. He apologised as soon as he realised what he had done. In actual fact he wrote a nice little note to me


31. We only did these things symbolically, but we have been saved in actual fact.


32. In actual fact, these feelings are based on self-love, and not on a love for Christ at all.


33. I never do anything whatever on the ground that it is good for health, though in actual fact the things I like doing are mostly wholesome.


34. I thought he could speak the language fluently, whereas in actual fact that wasn't the case at all.

我本以为他能够流利地讲那种语言,而实际情况并非如此。《provided by jukuu》

35. This article recommends that the two standards be combined in practice if not in actual fact, and that the GHG focus be removed.


36. I thought she was portuguese, but in actual fact she's brazilian.

我以为她是葡萄牙人,但实际上她是巴西人。《provided by jukuu》

37. In actual fact, you don't need to do this.


38. In actual fact, primitive farming has caused extensive damage to the local ecology.


39. In actual fact things are a little more hopeful than that for two etymological reasons.


40. In actual fact, 555,301 rows are selected.


41. But in actual fact, its just opposite, the reason being that the second kind of person still has hope, while the first kind has only memories.


42. Metrics and measurements must be defined and validated as providing feedback that the goals are in actual fact being achieved.


43. In actual fact, the sun shines all the time, whether clouds obscure it or not, but we don't see that - that's how it is.


44. People talk as if he was a monster-in actual fact he was a very kind guy.


45. All these months we thought she was quietly working in the back office when in actual fact she was writing a bestselling novel.


46. I saw him very often, in actual fact, we met three times a week.


47. Some students tend to lead their fingers down the text, which in actual fact slows down their reading speed.


48. In actual fact, as long as the two sides trying hard to run a business in the marriage of love, there can be sweet like honey.


49. This is correct, although in actual fact there are at least nine senses and most researchers think there are more like 21.


50. He apologized as soon as he realized what he had done. In actual fact he wrote a nice little note to me.


51. In actual fact, I couldn't even imagine just how interesting it is until I came to Chelsea.


52. He forecast that the repairs would cost 3000, but the actual cost was a lot less. In actual fact it was quite cheap.


53. However, in actual fact, benefit adjustment is still heavily focused on the dimension of material, while the spirit benefit adjustment has not been actively implemented.


54. But in actual fact there are ways to fool those fingerprint scanners.


55. In actual fact, the human body also has the function of volatile nitrosamines.


56. In actual fact, these are all bequeathed methods of Tai Gong.


57. James looks younger than his wife but in actual fact he is five years older.


58. But in actual fact, I haven't made this machine so that I can emulate things that already exist.


59. In actual fact, I think you're right. And I can't find her passport anywhere. So she must have taken that too.


60. In actual fact, John has much high musical ability.


61. In actual fact mathematicians had certainly thought about numbers far larger than these,


62. In actual fact, showbiz culture is totally different from culture of traditional meaning.



1. And that's why all those reactions, first of all, in some sense what I put up was kind of a trivial statement in actual fact saying they all happen spontaneously because I didn't specify what we were starting with exactly, what concentrations we were starting with.

首先这就是为什么所有的这些方程,在某种程度上,我举得这些例子说它们自发产生,这是一个琐碎的陈述,因为我没有说明,我们从什么地方开始。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

2. The National Autonomous University of Honduras said that only people murdered in San Pedro Sula were tallied in the group's report -- and that in fact the actual murder rate in the city is even higher.

CNN: Inside San Pedro Sula, the 'murder capital' of the world

3. In fact, claims of safety appear to be contradicted by actual measurements as reported by the New York Times.

FORBES: Radiation Found in Food and Water in Japan [Updated]

4. "Because we are a fabric company people often think we are only involved in fashion but in actual fact there are a wide range of uses for the product within health, furniture and in cars, " he says.

CNN: From chemistry to catwalk

5. However, some Facebook ads such as Sponsored Stories are in fact actual posts that a brand simply pays to distribute more widely, while others are brand ads with a notice that a friend likes the brand.

FORBES: Move up t Move down

6. In fact, is there an actual price-tag for saving the earth?

FORBES: The Future of Life On Earth: A Two-Part Discussion

7. Lost in the media buzz is the fact that few have cited any actual evidence of antitrust violations.

FORBES: Understanding Internet Competition: Why All High Tech Markets Are Not Equal

8. Although in actual fact, it's not quite so strange for me because I have three names and as does my brother.

BBC: Baby Talk

9. It's also lighter in terms of actual weight, shedding an ounce from its predecessor -- a fact that's really only noticeable when holding both devices in your hand.

ENGADGET: Barnes & Noble's Nook Tablet gets real, we go hands-on (video)

10. But legally requiring fertility clinics to disclose to donors at age 18, at minimum, anonymized medical information and actual identifying information unless the donor opts-out ignores both how fertility treatments are provided in the US and the fact that parents are routinely given all that information during the donor selection process.

FORBES: Balancing the Rights of Donor Offspring With Those of Donors: But What About Parents?

11. What the standard does contemplate is a showing of a substantial likelihood that, under all the circumstances, the omitted fact would have assumed actual significance in the deliberations of the reasonable shareholder.


12. In fact, bowl game qualifications are often more important than the actual game outcomes.

FORBES: A BCS Playoff TV Contract Will Be Worth More Than $1 Billion

13. In actual fact as you said somewhere around 30, 000 people have filed so far.

BBC: Money Box - Saturday 30 December 2000

14. And the fact that top-tier racing game players have proved their mettle in actual race cars when given proper training implies that there are many useful skills that transfer from the virtual world to the real one.

FORBES: New Study Claims Gamers are More Unsafe Drivers

15. The fact that these monumental technocratic advantages produce so little in the way of actual investing advantages is merely the cherry on top of the whole thing, the enormous contextual joke that makes the whole insufferable enterprise so endearing, the hapless geniuses at the center of it so adorable.

FORBES: The Silly Season of Forecasts

16. In actual fact, all of these points amount to much the same thing women's workout gear is still woefully inadequate.

WSJ: Tina Gaudoin on Style: Will the Runway Ever Meet the Road?

17. Maybe we should say, the mere fact that it's possible for A and B to be separate--for A to exist without B for example, that's clearly where they're separate-- the mere fact that it's possible for them to be separate doesn't mean that in the actual world they are separate.

也许我们应该说,A和B有可能不同,比如 可能A存在,而B不存在,这是它们明显的不同之处,它们有可能不同,并不意味着,在现实世界它们也是不同的死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. In actual fact, the Court of Appeal in London only released it after it had been published by a US judge.

BBC: Secret cases: Who could be affected?

19. In actual fact short-term spikes in cost suggest episodic price movements of inputs.

FORBES: More On Africa's Power Problems And Possible Solutions

20. Although the media often portrays their grievances along ethnic lines, in actual fact, many Chinese scholars, lawyers, environmentalists and businessmen are sympathetic and appreciate that their interests are aligned.

FORBES: Tibet Needs Entrepreneurs Like The Tatas And Rockefellers

21. In fact, there was a policy an actual written corporate policy that laid out how much in bribes were to be paid as a function of the contract value.

FORBES: Bad Diligence? Malpractice? Or Just Chutzpah?

22. Can his old friend persuade him that, in actual fact, the Islamic Republic needs them in order to survive?

ECONOMIST: Iran and its currency crisis

23. In fact, companies like banks that used their newfound liquidity for acquisitions often cut jobs, which almost offset actual job creation.

FORBES: Connect

24. In fact, I found only some ratings, no actual reviews, but in every case, it received very high scores.

FORBES: The Best Vodka I Ever Tasted

25. Economists tend to measure these things in terms of the actual job that is, in fact, created.

WHITEHOUSE: Vice President Biden on Congressman Bartons Apology to BP

26. "And,I quite often feel I am walking through history, which is exactly what I am doing in actual fact and that is what anyone else is doing.

VOA : standard.2010.07.22

27. So in 1642, you see Milton softening a bit, in part because he's interested in getting married himself and, in fact he's married within a month of the actual publication of this treatise.

所以在1642年,弥尔顿变柔和了点,部分原因是他开始关注结婚,事实上,他在这篇论文出版的一个月内结婚了。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. In actual fact, it is one of the craziest watch projects of the decade!

FORBES: Connect

29. The University of Honduras said only people murdered in San Pedro Sula were tallied in the group's report -- and that in fact the actual murder rate in the city is even higher.

CNN: Inside San Pedro Sula, the 'murder capital' of the world

30. The actual reductions in energy usage they give us are nothing at all, in fact, to do with the use of renewables or green energy.

FORBES: Lying With Numbers: Green Energy Edition

31. "Everyone thinks we've got a fortune hanging around, but in actual fact the company's got a big debt, " he said.

BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Lloyd Webber could sell theatres

32. But Judge Birss said granting permission to discontinue the cases was not a simple matter, due largely to the fact that the actual copyright holders were not in court.

BBC: Law firm ACS: Law stops 'chasing illegal file-sharers'

33. It's a great irony that the nation that has produced more high-quality Test spinners than any other, India, only gets half the benefit of this change the recalibrated umpiring parameters, but not the actual system itself thanks to its opposition to the use of DRS. In fact, Indian cricket officials are even able to block the DRS from being used in multi-team tournaments in which India is involved.

WSJ: Why Test Cricket Is All In a Spin









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