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英 [mæp]play美 [mæp]play

  • n. 地图;分布图;(基因)图谱,染色体图;天体图;映射;<非正式>脸,面孔
  • v. 绘制……的地图;了解信息;详细安排;映射;与……有关,与……有联系;使(基因)在染色体上定位
  • 【名】 (Map)(美)马普(人名)

复数 maps 第三人称单数 maps 现在分词 mapping 过去式 mapped 过去分词 mapped

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


map /mæp/ CET4 TEM4 [ mapping mapped maps ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 A map is a drawing of a particular area such as a city, a country, or a continent, showing its main features as they would appear if you looked at them from above. 地图

    He unfolded the map and set it on the floor.


  • 2.
    及物动词 To map an area means to make a map of it. 绘制…的地图

    ...a spacecraft which is using radar to map the surface of Venus.




  • adj.

    mappable 可在图上标示的;可用图表示的

  • n.

    mapping 地图;绘图;[数] 映像

    mapper 映射;制图人;字体映射程序

  • v.

    mapping 绘图;筹划(map的ing形式)



map atlas chart graph 【导航词义:图】

map n. 地图

〔辨析〕 指标有道路、河流、山脉等的城市、国家等的地图。

例1: There are two maps on the wall.


例2: She was looking for the city on the map.


例3: He drew a rough map of that village.


atlas n. 地图册

〔辨析〕 尤指包含世界各国及地区的地图集。

例1: She wants to buy a world atlas.


chart n. 航海图,星位图,地图;图表

〔辨析〕 尤指航海图和星位图,也可指带有说明性信息的图片、图形或图表。

例1: He has to prepare a sales chart for the coming meeting.


例2: What does the world weather chart tell you?


graph n. 图表

〔辨析〕 指用直线或曲线表示的反映两组或多组数据变化关系的图表。

例1: The doctor looked at a graph of the patient's temperature.


例2: He had to show his manager a graph of their recent sales.



1. Site Map 网站导航 ; 站点地图 ; 网站图

2. map of china 中国地图

3. distribution map 分布图

4. concept map 概念图

5. map out 在地图上标出;筹划

6. sketch map 示意图,草图

7. mind map 思维导图 ; 脑图 ; 心智图法

8. world map 世界地图

9. contour map 等高线图;等值线图

10. linear map 线性变换 ; 线性地图 ; 线形写像

11. on the map 在地图上;重要的;出名的

12. route map 线路图,铁路线图

13. Karnaugh map 卡诺图 ; 卡諾图

14. site map 地位级图;网站导航

15. map projection 地图投影

16. relief map n. 地势图;立体模型地图

17. geological map 地质图;工程地质及勘察地质图

18. genetic map n. 遗传图谱;基因图谱

19. road map 公路图

20. Heat map 热图 ; 网站点击热图 ; 热区图

21. geologic map 地质图 ; 地质学 ; 地质年代

22. electronic map 电子地图;电子海图

23. map of the world 世界地图

24. topographic map 地形图;等高线图

25. off the map 不重要的;不存在的;不易到达的

26. linkage map 连锁图




detailed map 详细地图


draw a map 绘制地图

look at a map 查看地图

open a map 打开地图

read a map 看地图


1. The map shows the principal towns and rivers.


2. After the war the map of Europe was redrawn.


3. Grammar information enables students to map the structure of a foreign language onto their own.


4. She drew a sketch map of the area to show us the way.


5. a street map of Miami


6. I've put a cross on the map to show where the hotel is.


7. The ship's route is clearly delineated on the map.


8. What do the shaded areas on the map represent?


9. I write a map for you.


10. He got out his map and hunched over it to read the small print.


11. [不可数名词]the mapping of the Indian subcontinent


12. The achievements derived from this point include genetic linkage map, physical map, transcription and sequence map.

由此策略产生的人类基因组计划主要的成果是:遗传图 、 物理图 、 转录图、序列图.《期刊摘选》

13. [B] In another case, American archaeologists Rene Million and George Cowgill spent years systematically mapping the entire city of Teotihuacan in the Valley of Mexico near what is now Mexico City.

[B] 再举例来说,美国考古学家雷尼·米利和乔治·考吉尔花费数年时间,系统地绘制了整个特奥蒂瓦坎古城的地图。这座古城位于墨西哥山谷,临近今天的墨西哥城。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

14. It is these markers that are used to do genetic mapping.


15. It was even marked on the map as a scenic route.


16. Can you find Black Hill on the map?


17. He folded the map up and put it in his pocket.


18. A cartographer is a person whose job is drawing maps.


19. ...a spacecraft which is using radar to map the surface of Venus.


20. She tapped on the world map with her pointer.


21. large-scale maps


22. The island is a small green dot on the map.


23. She slowly unfolded the map.


24. The complexity of the road map puzzled me.


25. The researchers mapped not only the city’s vast and ornate ceremonial areas, but also hundreds of simpler apartment complexes where common people lived.

在研究人员绘制的地图中,不仅有该城市庞大而华丽的礼仪区域,还有数百个供普通百姓生活的简易公寓建筑。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

26. An overlay showing population can be placed on top of the map.


27. You are in this place on the map.


28. Map design will never be the same.


29. She took out a map and indicated the quickest route to us.


30. Can you find Black Hill on the map ?


31. This will help you visualize and map the network.


32. All the maps we had were wildly inaccurate.


33. To map 100 mutants by this method would necessitate nearly 5,000 crosses.


34. Map and compass : In case you wander from the trail.

地图和指南针: 迷路时用得上.《期刊摘选》

35. The resulting settlement maps show how the distribution and density of the rural population around the city changed dramatically between AD500 and 850, when Copán collapsed. 

由此获得的聚居点地图显示了在公元500年到公元850年之间,科潘崩溃时,城市周围乡村人口的分布和密度是怎样发生显著变化的。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

36. He taught me the elements of map-reading.


37. I'm trying to read the map.


38. Do you have a map of the town centre?

你有市中心的地图 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

39. The earthquake centres had been plotted on a world map.


40. He traced the route on the map.


41. to read a/the map (= understand the information on a map)


42. I'll draw you a map of how to get to my house.


43. Have you got a map of the city centre?


44. ...better mapping of the ocean floor.


45. They checked the accuracy of the map by testing 200 hair samples collected from 65 barber shops.

他们通过检测从 65个理发店收集的 200 份头发样本检验了地图的准确性。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

46. He showed me our location on the map.


47. Don't go by that old map.


48. The map shows the position of the new landfills.


49. A list of symbols used on the map is given in the index.


50. Get the best of all worlds on one map on your own mobile phone.


51. The map reference is Y4.


52. ...the attempts of the Edinburgh Festival's organisers to put C.P. Taylor firmly on the map...


53. The map on the wall is a bit crooked.


54. All we had to do was follow the map.


55. He has his career path clearly mapped out.


56. This could put cider back on the map as one of our great national drinks.


57. It is hard to map all the regions of big countries.


58. It is now possible to map the different functions of the brain.


59. a map of France


60. The map of the heavens showed all the northern constellations.


61. And if it was, how did analogical mapping influence the learning achievement?

若有, 类比对应又是如何影响学习?《期刊摘选》

62. Could you scale a map?


63. I could pinpoint his precise location on a map.


64. He unfolded the map and set it on the floor...


65. He laid the map out on the table.


66. The exhibition has helped put the city on the map.


67. Are you any good at map reading?


68. gene mapping


69. The map wasn't much help.


70. Move the map layer below the feathered white eye lid layer.


71. Sue spread the map out on the floor.


72. Open the map on the table.


73. Any halfway decent map will give you that information.


74. Successive development programmes funded by both NSK's ETC and Division developed the MAPS system into BeSt.


75. The map shows the distribution of this species across the world.


76. Country boundaries are shown on this map as dotted lines.


77. ...geological maps, books and atlases.


78. He unfolded the map and set it on the floor.


79. He studied his map, trying to memorize the way to Rose's street.


80. maps on television.


81. The geographical explorations had revealed the inadequacies of the existing maps.


82. He was able to pinpoint on the map the site of the medieval village.


83. But I gave you a map so you wouldn't get lost!


84. Cerling’s team collected tap water samples from 600 cities and constructed a map of the regional differences.

瑟林的团队收集了 600个城市的自来水样本,然后制作了一幅标明地域性差别的地图。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

85. an unexplored region that has not yet been mapped



1. Mr Nadello said Microsoft had invested "significant dollars" in getting Bing on the search engine map.

BBC: Search engine Bing gains market share

2. The meeting will take place in the Map Room here at the White House.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

3. We told you last week about a newly completed genetic map of the organism that causes late blight.

VOA : special.2009.10.27

4. Now many images can be found on a unified website, including The Gough Map.

UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO - Oxfords new Digital.Bodleian features UNESCOs Memory of the World Gough Map

5. Also on the table are a compass, map, knife, dark glasses and small mobile phone.

BBC: 'CIA agent intercepted' in Moscow by FSB

6. Scientists have checked the map against the distribution of matter obtained by other means.

BBC: Science & Environment

7. You can also draw a shape on the map to look at a particular region.

FORBES: Interactive Map Charts Mexico's Drug War

8. Many canals were built along map grid lines.


9. His plan: Map out and classify all manner of ideas and draw connections from them.

FORBES: Where Ideas Come From: Nature vs. Nurture

10. In one near-Borgesian instance, a hungry woman eats a map and is then consumed by wanderlust.

CNN: 'The Leper's Companions'

11. Some doctors say that separating the samples can help them better map any cancer.

WSJ: Prostate-Test Fees Challenged

12. The researchers knew it would be easier and less costly to map a smaller frog with fewer chromosomal pairs.

VOA : special.2010.06.29

13. It's quite interesting and they became very proud. The parents came in. When they saw the map, "oh, this is where I come from".

这很有趣,孩子们也,深感自豪,当家长走进来看见地图后,他们会说:“喔,这是我的家乡“媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

14. Use that map to improve your retention of the ideas and concepts you wish to remember.

FORBES: How To Remember Everything

15. The site's interactivity is powered by software that creates a virtual map of the handsets.

FORBES: Ditching The Dummy Handsets

16. A few years ago, researchers completed what they called the first large map to show genetic links with Parkinson's disease.

VOA : special.2009.04.07

17. In addition, a developer can focus a user attention with a heat map look and feel.

FORBES: SAP Goes Mobile With Windows 8 Apps

18. The results, which resemble a heat map, showed large spots of red on both devices.

FORBES: Eye-Tracking Study Finds iPhone, iPad Draw More Attention Than Android Devices

19. And you can see this expanding rings of activity of stimulating, Cause a pattern of activities that move forward from the back of the brain to the front of the brain, in a very regular pattern which we call a visual field map.

眼睛在前面,指向这个红点,大家看到,刺激活动不断扩大的环路,引起一个活动的模式,从大脑的后不向前部移动,这一模式十分规律,我们可以称其为视觉分布图。7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

20. She unfolded the map.


21. Historians say British mapmaker Bartholomew Gosnold first made a map of the island for the rulers of England in sixteen-oh-two.

VOA : special.2011.07.25

22. There is no record of any similar medieval map with such scale or accuracy.

UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO - Oxfords new Digital.Bodleian features UNESCOs Memory of the World Gough Map

23. For example, camera data uploaded automatically helps fill in gaps in the master map.

FORBES: Mobile, Social, Crowd, Cloud: Why These Concepts Matter

24. It's my geography, sir.The Map of Africa you set us.


25. And in the long term,they say, knowing where different genetic traits may be found on the map could lead to better plants.

VOA : special.2009.10.20

26. He was interested in math and in geography, and thus in maps and map making.

彼得对数学和地理也很感兴趣,进而喜欢地图和制图欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. And along with his brother Julio he put California on the world wine map.

NPR: Ernest Gallo Did a Fine Job Marketing Wine

28. The map gives Dixon and his team a good idea of where to look.

NPR: History Emerging from the Ice

29. The devices can magnify parts of the map or locate temples or other famous landmarks.

FORBES: Magazine Article

30. And then, finally, the last tactical skill that you're going to get out of this course is you're going to have the ability to map scientific problems into a computational frame.

接下来,你们将带着走出这个课堂的,最后一个技能是,你们将学会,把科学问题,转换进计算机的框架之内。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

31. Well, this statement here say "oh hi world" is going to map very specifically to this line here.

大家看,这里的“oh,hi,world“,是不是正好对应于这一条语句呢。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

32. So you're going to be able to take a description of a problem and map it into something computational.

因此你们能拣出,一个问题的主要描述,并将其编成计算性的东西。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

33. So it's a little spot, a little dot on the map.

所以,它是个小地方,在地图上,它也只是一个小点。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 和纽约的留学生

34. Couldn't tell you that I've ever thought about Ramona Valley or could even find it on the map.

NPR: Ramona Valley: New American Viticultural Area

35. `It's just here,' he said, pinpointing the ruins on the map.


36. Framingham is a town halfway between Worcester and Boston and you see it more or less in the middle of the map right here.

弗明汉是在伍斯特和波士顿间的一个小镇,它差不多就在地图的正中间,这儿关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. He says the display was designed to look like a map of the local Washington Metro train system instead of a tree.

VOA : special.2009.12.01

38. isopluvial map


39. So here are the payoffs: Let's just map the notation we just developed into this game.

收益是这样的,让我们来看一下这个博弈中的符号博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. You can see them on your map, and they really run in strips from north to south.

你们可以在地图上看出来,它们以条状从南至北分布。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. He imagined sticking pins in a map, until the map was filled with pins.

FORBES: Gratitude Leads To Growth

42. Gasque sees it, map makers should prize locally used apostrophes as mainstays of history.

WSJ: In U.S., Apostrophes in Place Names Are Practically Against the Law

43. But now we are in emotional territory and these charts map the emotions out.

FORBES: Move up t Move down

44. And then, what they did is they made a map of where the particles scattered once they struck the screen.

他们做的是,绘制粒子每次散射位置的图,每当他们撞击屏幕的时候。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

45. This is one of the reasons it was chosen for the genetic map, also called a genome.

VOA : special.2010.06.29

46. The genetic map,or genome, of the panda is the first for a member of the bear family.

VOA : special.2010.01.19

47. She's put British swimming back on the map and it's also good for female sport.

BBC: Sports Personality 10: Rebecca Adlington

48. In central New York state, there are 5 lakes that look like fingers on a map.

VOA : special.2009.01.05

49. And,in the long term,they say, knowing where different genetic traits may be found on the map could lead to better plants.

VOA : special.2009.11.03

50. The team was to create the first map of the area and find a possible path to the top of the great mountain.

VOA : special.2010.06.30

51. So, I taught myself how to program because I wanted to learn how to draw a map on the screen.

所以,我自学怎样编程,因为我想,学习怎么在屏幕上画一张地图出来。Twitter之父Jack.Dorsey演讲:好奇和灵感的力量课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

52. We talked about modern imaging methods and this is an example of an fMRI, a functional MRI; a map of the brain that not only shows you the anatomy of the brain but shows you something about the chemistry of what's going on inside.

我们还说到现代影像技术,这里是一幅脑部功能性磁共振成像图像,一种功能性的磁共振,图中不仅可以看到脑部解剖学图像,也可以看到一些脑内的生化过程生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. But the high voter turnout and election victory just put Sharif back on the map.


54. Take a look at this BBC map if you are currently staying in Cairo.

BBC: Navigating the traveller exodus out of Egypt

55. We've seen the price of oil, lately, move all over the map. It went up to $100 recently and it was just as late as late 1990s that it was under $20 and people just don't know where it's going to go.

我们都能看到现在石油的价格,一路飙升,最近达到每桶一百美元,而在上世纪九十年代末,每桶石油还不到二十美元0,人们根本无法预想石油价格,还会飙升到什么地步。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. Once the vehicle has been located, the vehicle's icon will be shown on the map.

ENGADGET: OnStar Family Link brings loved ones closer together through vehicle tracking

57. Did he do a handstand, solve the four-color map theorem?

他会倒立,解决这个四色地图原理?心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. People would screenshot their iPod song or a Nike Plus map or their Notes app.

FORBES: Path CEO Dave Morin: The First Version Of Your Mobile App Will Fail

59. Important quest locations are called out on the mini map, making them easy to locate.

FORBES: Hands-On With The Elder Scrolls Online At PAX East 2013

60. Google technology allows each person who tells a story to show where he or she lives on a map of the United States.

VOA : special.2010.03.03

61. He should change his strategic focus to Iran which threatens to wipe Israel off the map.


62. In the past,he noted, the national government had tried to divide free states from slave states by a line across a map.

VOA : special.2009.04.23

63. Eventually, I found my arms reluctantly outstretched with a ludicrously large tourist map in front of my face.

BBC: A caffeinated return to Florence

64. Israel points out that President Ahmadinejad has said the Jewish State should be "wiped off the map."

VOA : special.2009.05.23

65. They're all over the map.

他们全部能够计算。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课



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