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英 [ˌjuːnɪvɜːˈsæləti]play美 [ˌjuːnɪvɜːrˈsæləti]play

  • n. 普遍性;广泛性;一般性;多方面性

复数 universalities

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


universality /ˌjuːnɪvɜːˈsælɪtɪ/

  • 1.
    名词 the state or quality of being universal 普遍性





1. universality of contradictions 抵触的广泛性

2. Particularity and universality 特殊性与普遍性

3. abstract universality 种抽象的普遍性 ; 抽象的普遍性

4. universality of management 管理的普遍性

5. concrete universality 具体的普遍性

6. Cabibbo universality 卡毕波普遍性

7. universality class 生物物理 普适性类 ; 统物 普适类



1. The universality of science as well as culture originated from cultural evolutionism.


2. The considered problems become simple and possess an evident universality.


3. The plate's universality iseasy for all to understand and the message is made easy to remember, " shesaid.


4. Universality is the first and most compelling reason to choose UTF-8.

普遍性是选择utf - 8的第一个也是最有说服力的理由。

5. Universality is the shared concern for both philosophy and science;


6. This measure has universality and can suit for almost all models.


7. The former symbolizes power, unification and universality, and the latter fertility.

前者象征权力统一寰宇, 后者象征子嗣昌盛.《互联网》

8. It is precisely in the particularity of contradiction that the universality of contradiction resides.


9. Study New Results of Scientific Thinking and Employ the Universality and Applicability of Thinking Education


10. But that should not deter us from seeing its nobility and universality.


11. At the same time, it is important to note that globalism does not imply universality.


12. Does the universality of death make things better or worse?


13. Sheldon:Understandable, but there's a universality to that story which transcends ethnicity.


14. Universality — Provides a connectivity layer spanning extended enterprise environments.


15. As to the form of universality of our concepts, it is a product of our subjective consideration.


16. Study on the universality of IGCC combined cycle system model


17. I have been amazed at the universality of all of our experiences, whatever our origins, sex or age.


18. There exist arguments between universality of human rights and cultural relativity.


19. In view of this situation, this dissertation presents a high universality of the monitoring system.


20. It has strong universality and is suitable for current transformer with various wire connection.


21. It is characterized by imagery, encouragement , self - awareness , universality and temporal nature.

它在启迪智慧 、 民化俗 、 真崇美、情养性等方面发挥着独特的功能.《互联网》

22. Isn't love specificity and universality all at once?


23. Numerical examples show the high accuracy and the universality of this method.


24. Analysis on universality of synchronous main generator of diesel-electric locomotive


25. The universality of physics means that history is provincial.


26. Israel is discomfited by these testimonies, she said, partly because of the universality of military service.


27. This method has certain universality.


28. The universality of contradiction resides in the particularity of contradiction.


29. The research result indicates that Brody distribution function has most extensive universality.


30. Explain the universality of management concept.


31. You will find the diversity and universality as well as aesthetic value of animal-inspired designs in this book.


32. On Universality of Commodity Economic Production


33. The universality of the law of conservation of energy was not generally accepted until 1847.


34. Universality and systematization are not obstacles for the development of product design.


35. One might question the universality of this method.


36. Universality and Life Dynamics of Sheath Fold-Type Structure and Movement Mode


37. Universality Study on Data Handling Program for Thermal Test of Utility Boiler


38. Universality and Particularity: Jurisprudence Construction of Modern Judicial Ideas


39. The elliptic problems are focused in universality for their deep physical circumstance.


40. They worry that it creates a falsely reassuring illusion of equality, openness, universality.


41. Unless the passion of it is to die down, it must somehow assert its universality.

除非爱情熄灭, 它会肯定自己的普遍性.《辞典例句》

42. Man's Universality and Science and Technology


43. The numerical analysis of super Feigenbaum universality in Lorenz map system


44. The universality and importance of colour sorting technology during rice processing was briefly discussed.


45. Both of these empires had aspired to a kind of universality.


46. We are find phenomenon of profit control by universality analysis, contrast index and cash flow analyses.


47. Group discussions are valuable to ascertain the universality of comments.


48. Pop culture is perhaps the clearest example of this universality.


49. Universality and Compatibility Between Cultures Cultural Differences and Social Identification of Chinese and Western Traditional Festivals


50. Augustine replaces personality and humanity with the paramountcy and universality of God.


51. The hologram package is the functional unit embodying the universality of hologram.


52. Study on universality and precision of gas turbine modeling


53. But there is a universality of limits that even New York is not immune to, and maybe makes worse.


54. They view us as strong, compassionate people who care deeply about the universality of freedom.

他们视我们为强大的、 富有同情心的人,深切守护着世界自由。

55. Universality is where the vitality of the CWC lies and the foundation of realizing a world free of chemical weapons.


56. The biothythm is discussed from the universality of the biological world.


57. But the net is losing some of its openness and universality.


58. The design follows two main principles: universality and low power consumption.


59. Critical scaling theory of nonequilibrium phase transition and its universality


60. Now researchers are applying scientific methods to the study of the universality of art.


61. The beauty of Newton's method is its universality.


62. This system has universality, expedience to use, and expansibility in practice.


63. The flag reinforces the idea of the Olympic Movement's universality, as it brings together all the countries of the world.



1. "We have to defend the principle of universality and universal access, " he told BBC News.

BBC: Cern re-creating first web page to revere early ideals

2. The interlocking U-and-A logo may not have the universality of the Nike swoosh.

FORBES: Magazine Article

3. Both of these empires had aspired to a kind of universality.

这两个帝国,都渴望一种普遍性。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. First, the universality of its menu that makes it easier to expand in different world markets.

FORBES: McDonald's Signals A Rebound in The Global Economy

5. That universality is one of the biggest threats the Church poses to oppressive regimes fearful of their survival.

WSJ: Meghan Clyne: A Japanese Lesson About China for the Pope

6. Mr Hurd, the charities minister, told the Daily Telegraph that the government would honour its pledges on universality but he would personally welcome pensioners who chose of their own accord to give the money to good causes.

BBC: Pensioner in front of heater

7. Rather, like the Passover story, the Hanukkah story has a universality that any good revolutionary would find instructive.

FORBES: Hanukkah's "Don't Tread On Me" Message Is Universal In Its Appeal

8. The early songs are lyrically naive but that simplicity has given the Beatles a universality no other band has managed to achieve.

BBC: CD Review: The Beatles

9. The groundswell of democracy surging through the Arab World in 2011 is proof of the universality of the aspiration to freedom and dignity.

UNESCO: World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

10. But it is at the United Nations with its universality, experience and operational presence in nearly every country where global governance can best come together.

UN: Secretary-General

11. And this universality was given expression in Dante's famous treatise, De Monarchia, of monarchy, that set out a model for a universal Christian state, based on the unity and oneness of the human race under a Christian ruler.

而这种特性可追溯,至但丁的著名论述《论王权》,探讨君主政权,这设定了一种普遍基督国的模式,根据统一,与独一的人种皆受基督王权的统治。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. The World Conference on Human Rights reaffirms the importance of ensuring the universality, objectivity and non-selectivity of the consideration of human rights issues.

UNESCO: Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action

13. The universality of human rights is also central to the Universal Periodic Review of the Human Rights Council, aimed at ensuring that all members of the Council, not just some, would be subject to scrutiny.

UN: Secretary-General

14. Universality is the beating heart of the body of international human rights law as it has developed over the past six decades.

UN: Secretary-General

15. Yes, Germany and the United States do share the same values -- democracy and freedom, rule of law, and the universality of human rights.

WHITEHOUSE: Germany Official Visit Arrival Ceremony

16. Universality, costliness and genetic control all suggest that music has a clear function in survival or reproduction, and Dr Miller plumps for reproduction.

ECONOMIST: Human evolution

17. Given the history and tradition of wrestling, and its popularity and universality, we were surprised when the decision was announced.

WSJ: Wrestling Dropped From Olympics

18. And the compact delivered on universality: By the early 1980s, over 90 percent of American households had basic telephone service.

FORBES: It's Time to Modernize Communications Policy

19. "Under IRB Regulations, and the application of the universality principle, all disciplinary sanctions handed down in rugby, including those arising from cross-border competitions, must be applied by all unions in membership of the IRB, " said a statement.

BBC: Richards ban to extend worldwide

20. Does the universality of death make things better or worse?

死亡的普遍性让事情更好还是更糟糕了?死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. If that happens, and it is far from certain, it could help fulfil the promise of universality made in the early 1960s at the Second Vatican Council, but which Pope John XXIII did not live to nurse to maturity.

ECONOMIST: The Roman Catholic church

22. Through their struggles and their desire for dignity and freedom, slaves have contributed to the universality of human rights.

UNESCO: Message from the Director-General on the occasion of the International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

23. "I was surprised by the magnitude of the depletion of species and its universality around the globe, " Dr. Andrew Rosenberg, an HMAP project leader told CNN.

CNN: Future protection of the oceans could lie in the past

24. I have been amazed at the universality of all of our experiences, whatever our origins, sex or age.


25. But the net is losing some of its openness and universality.

ECONOMIST: How the threats to the internets openness can be averted

26. First, by seizing every opportunity to reaffirm the universality and indivisibility of human rights.

UN: Secretary-General

27. While Nintendo and Sony have clinged to old-fashioned idea of pushing relatively expensive, proprietary hardware and then holding your customers captive, the biggest mobile gaming franchises are reaching for true universality.

FORBES: Does PS Vita Mark the End of Portable Game Consoles?

28. Brunei, which along with Qatar, and now Saudi Arabia, will be sending its first female athletes this year, also is using the universality condition to send a woman.

WSJ: Menu

29. Good proportions, clarity at a small scale and a certain indescribable universality, said Noun Project co-founder Edward Boatman, as he clicked through a presentation of some previously-prepared medical icons.

FORBES: Can Graphic Design Help You Find Cheap, Healthy Food?

30. Difficult questions they have previously shied away from - like how the NHS is funded, the size of the welfare state and the universality of benefits like winter fuel payments - may now have to be considered, he added.

BBC: Osborne says UK at risk if eurozone 'goes belly up'

31. "We have found a way forward which will provide for universality and availability of flood insurance, " she said.

BBC: Spelman: Government nearing deal on flood insurance

32. But Ms Lamont is personally thirled to the concept of spending prioritisation, rather than unquestioning universality - and saw this as an opportunity to argue that her stated approach, derided by the SNP, tallied with the seeming private views of the finance secretary.

BBC: First minister's questions

33. There will always will be something beyond the fundamentals of matter unified or not else there would be no framework for their universality, and thus the ability to study astrophysics.

FORBES: Connect

34. She has read the book four times. "I think if anything, this story talks about humanity and the universality of humans and how there's goodness in people and you just have to get to know one another."

VOA : special.2010.07.08

35. The longevity and universality of biggest mobile games creates the kind of cross-over opportunities video games do not possess.

FORBES: Does PS Vita Mark the End of Portable Game Consoles?



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