social gathering是什么意思_social gathering短语搭配_social gathering权威例句

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social gathering

网络 社交聚会;社交集会

英 [ˈsəʊʃl ˈɡæðərɪŋ]play 美 [ˈsoʊʃl ˈɡæðərɪŋ]play

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1. a social gathering 社交聚会 ; 联谊会

2. social gathering to play cardgamess 玩纸牌的聚会

3. social money gathering 社会集资

4. A casual social gathering 偶然的社交集合


1. A formal or official social gathering or ceremony.


2. A social gathering at which food is cooked by baking and then served.


3. If not, our business is just a social gathering, early to be rude.


4. Phones off. it's not a social gathering.

不准讲电话,又不是社交聚会。《provided by jukuu》

5. Perhaps it's a social gathering or a work event and you were just too afraid to put yourself out there because you think other people will judge you for it.


6. Why issue mis-truths that may come back to bite you after a social gathering?


7. The concept of the "inbox zero party" comes from Randi Zuckerberg (sister of Mark) and is possibly the grimmest idea for a social gathering ever invented.


8. At any social gathering, you know a Dragon has entered the room as the air starts to tingle with the energy they exude.


9. Social phobia is always fear a fool in front of others, before taking part in any social gathering, they will feel extreme anxiety.


10. What happens when a jobless individual attends a social gathering, only to find herself faced with the dreaded question: "What do you do?"


11. In recent years, they have become social gathering places for older Chinese Americans.


12. We had a grand social gathering last Sunday.

上星期天, 我们举行了一次社交界的盛会。《新英汉大辞典》

13. When there is a party, social gathering, or you just get in the mood, you can be very upbeat and funny.


14. His conduct at social gathering create a lot of comment.

他在社交聚会上的表现引起许多闲话。《provided by jukuu》

15. For youthful girls, it is always amazing and glad to acquire an invitation to a social gathering.


16. Maggie: Yeah. But the problem was at this type of social gathering, it would be nice to be fashionably late.


17. The same goes for social gathering, including the dinner table. Put your phone on silent and put it away for the duration of the meal.


18. This is a perfect place for meetings and social gathering.


19. At the social gathering the weather is the subject which usually breaks the ice.


20. We met at that social gathering.

我们在那次社交聚会上见过的。《provided by jukuu》

21. A social gathering, usually held outdoors, at which food is cooked over an open flame.


22. People were always afraid of fear in front of others a fool of myself, before attending any social gathering, they will feel extreme anxiety.


23. A social gathering intended to create goodwill among the participants.


24. The invitation to do so may come from a community international host family program, or from someone they have met in a class or in a social gathering.


25. We had a grand social gathering last Sunday.


26. HUI is a New Zealand term for a social gathering or assembly.


27. They might also be a social gathering or ball to mark the occasion.


28. They were invited to a small social gathering.


29. A program of music performed at a party or social gathering.

社交音乐会在社交聚会上表演的音乐节目。《provided by jukuu》

30. The same goes for social gathering, including the dinner table. Put your phone on silent and put it away for the duration of the meal.


31. You know the right time to leave a social gathering.


32. Ghosting--aka the Irish goodbye, the French exit--refers to leaving a social gathering. The next moment you're gone, in the manner of a ghost. ( Source: Wordspy) For example:


33. A powwow is a social gathering of Indian peoples to honor their heritage that has been passed down through generations.


34. If you feel depressed at a social gathering, keep it a secret.

如果你在社交聚会中感到压抑,不要声张。《provided by jukuu》

35. Stir Bar and Terrace is the hotel's spot for social gathering and cocktails.


36. The date was marked by sending poems and simple gifts such as flowers. There was often a social gathering or a ball.


37. Whether you held large and luxurious banquet, important business meeting or social gathering of good friends, our banquet team will ensure the smooth running of the meeting successful.


38. Often, this first meeting occurs by chance at a social gathering, at work or in the course of one's daily life.


39. Local citizens will frequent the baths as both an exercise in good health, as well as a popular social gathering point.


40. Many people are "not boring" in the way that they can carry a conversation or can be good at a social gathering.


41. At the social gathering the weather is the subject which usually breaks the ice.


42. If you feel depressed at a social gathering, keep it a secret.


43. We're having a little social gathering tonight, can you come?

我们今晚要开个小型社交会,你能来吗?《provided by jukuu》

44. It was an annual event for the CEO and meant as a social gathering where no formal business was to be discussed.


45. But the problem was at this type of social gathering, it would be nice to be fashionably late.


46. Understanding and tolerant, they can be helpful in any situation. They usually liven up any social gathering with their ideas and verbal facility.

善解人意和容忍大度 的他们乐于助人,通常以他们 的 思维和口才 活跃于任何社交活动。

47. A social gathering at which food is cooked by baking and then served.


48. Time spent only with those of your "rank and ilk" at a social gathering.


49. A powwow is a social gathering of Indian peoples to honor their heritage that has been passed down through generations.


50. Social gathering: a bridge for communication and cooperation between journal editors


51. Local citizens will frequent the baths as both an exercise in good health, as well as a popular social gathering point.


52. We are invited to a small social gathering.


53. The invitation to do so may come from a community international host family program, or from someone they have met in a class or in a social gathering.


54. Leaving a financial crisis is like leaving an awkward social gathering: a good exit is essential.


55. The whole affair seemed more like a social gathering than an exhibition of mighty women, such as might have taken place in Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia.



1. He is thankful to have that powerful vote-gathering machine which is the Christian Social Union on his side.

ECONOMIST: Germanys election

2. Gathering social scientists and policy-makers from Lithuania, Estonia, Italy and Japan, this one-day conference will explore social reform in Europe and several countries, the trends and perspectives of the pension systems, labour legislation and gender equality.

UNESCO: All Events | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

3. Let's pretend that you meet somebody at a social gathering.

假设你在一个社交聚会上遇到了一个人。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : What do you 课堂

4. Abrams, starts at a social gathering in New York and ends in devastation, thanks to the arrival of a khaki-colored beast the size of Lincoln Center.

NEWYORKER: Cloverfield

5. But the gathering of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) in Dresden on November 13th-15th was anything but routine.

ECONOMIST: The venerable but defeated SPD picks a new champion

6. For example, let's pretend that you were at a social gathering at somebody's home,

例如,假设你在一位朋友家里的社交聚会上,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I wonder if 课堂

7. The hour-long session at 10 the next morning, conducted over bagels and coffee, was more a social gathering than a summit meeting, finally bringing together all four players: Starr and Dash, Cacheris and Stein.

CNN: Tick, Tock, Tick... ...Talk

8. News organizations might abhor sites like the The Huffington Post or The Drudge Report, but the First Lady of online news, Arianna Huffington, told a gathering of Brazilians on Friday that social media is actually good for journalism.

FORBES: In Brazil, Arianna Huffington Says Social Media Good For Journalism

9. In Latin America and the Caribbean, MOST works inter alia by organizing regional fora of Ministers of Social Development and gathering young social scientists in the annual MOST summer schools.

UNESCO: CLACSO Conference debates state of the social sciences in Latin America and Caribbean | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

10. This ranged from day-to-day activities like gathering food to social organisation, relationships, and the use of simple technology.

BBC: Cultural habits of chimps

11. It is expected to be a purely social gathering and nothing more should be read into it, the aides say.

CNN: McCain, Daschle to meet this weekend

12. social gathering


13. Those were questions asked and debated at the 2011 Social innovation Summit, a Silicon Valley-based gathering held in November that brought together more than 300 leaders of nonprofits, celebrities, government representatives, and executives from Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and elsewhere.

FORBES: Social Innovation: Is It Really Here to Stay?

14. This week, I am in Oxford, England at the 2013 Skoll World Forum, a gathering of nearly 1, 000 influential social entrepreneurs and thought leaders.

FORBES: Connecting the Dots for Basic Health Care: A Skoll World Forum Update

15. The girl was left inside the family's house during the social gathering, while other members of her family were tending to horses, the sheriff said.

CNN: Sheriff: Father kills man sexually abusing his daughter

16. News media will become more of a hybrid between the traditional ways of news gathering, and the new way of journalism that uses social media and entrepreneurship to tweak and tweet the journalists or publishers way to an audience.

FORBES: In Brazil, Arianna Huffington Says Social Media Good For Journalism

17. Social commentator and university professor, Frank Furedi, says that the "sub-cultures gathering around these networks will become very powerful".

BBC: If your face fits

18. The torch relay is an event, a happening, the social gathering of communities many of which don't unite round much else these days.

BBC: Going for the happiness gold

19. Mainly established to serve as an advocate service, the union building also became a social gathering place, and eventually the tradition of late-night jam sessions was born.

BBC: Kansas City's Midwest renaissance

20. The client recently met someone at a social gathering who expressed interest in funding a new venture, but Wolkstein is advising otherwise.

FORBES: 6 Ways To Get A Job After You've Been Your Own Boss

21. "Any adult who uses the internet or a social gathering website to bully or harass another person, particularly a young teenage girl, needs to realise that their actions can have serious consequences, " said Los Angeles federal prosecutor Thomas O'Brien, who brought the charges.

BBC: Myspace website

22. Content Curation tools are the next-generation digital content platforms having evolved from content aggregation (gathering links, like Google News) and social bookmarking tools (like Delicious and Digg).

FORBES: Content Curation Tools for B2B Marketing

23. In the first example, you could be at a social gathering and you really feel the need for some nicotine.

在第一个例子中,你可能在一个社交聚会上,你特别想找个地方抽根烟。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : Do you mind 课堂

24. By engaging with citizens through social media tools, a head of state can better gauge the nature of a movement gathering online, and match it with the appropriate response, according to Jared Cohen, director of Google Ideas, and author of Children of Jihad.

FORBES: Nearly One Year After The Start Of Arab Uprisings, Few Arab Leaders Understand The Power Of Social Media

25. Or maybe you're at a social gathering at somebody's home.

又或者你在朋友的家里参加一个社交聚会。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : What kind of 课堂

26. In another situation, you can be in a social gathering

在另一种情况下,比如你在一个社交聚会上,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I think 课堂

27. Different social media sites gain a reputation for being the gathering place for certain groups Tumblr has fashion, Posterous has actors, Pinterest has food and crafts, Facebook and Twitter have, you know, most things.

FORBES: Google+: Photographers' New Hangout Sparks A Stunning Book In 3 Months

28. Pressure is gathering for another public relations revolt against the social networking giant.

BBC: Facebook's battle with privacy and profit

29. Eventually we noticed that hawker centres have become some kind of social gathering place where family and friends come.

BBC: Why are there hawker centres in Singapore?

30. This month thousands of supporters from Europe and the U.S. will visit Venezuela as it hosts an annual gathering of activists, called the World Social Forum.

NPR: Venezuela Copes with Crumbling Infrastructure

31. Closed door offices spread out over multiple floors with a lack of social gathering places often create communication patterns that are equivalent to remote working.

FORBES: Remote Working: Who's Right?

32. Social media offers an inexpensive, quick way of gathering marketing insight.

FORBES: Social Marketing Starts With Listening

33. Or in another example, maybe you met somebody at a social gathering last week.

在另一种情况中,假设上周你在一个社交聚会上见到了某人。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I'm frustrated 课堂

34. The bad guys are increasingly using social media to try to find a way in, either by gathering intelligence or by befriending employees who may be tricked into opening an e-mail with nasty code within.

ECONOMIST: Businesses and cyber-security

35. Although the idea of ending social promotion is gathering pace, there is disagreement over whether it raises academic standards.

ECONOMIST: Education

36. As the cost of gathering, storing and processing data steadily declines, Big Data technology helps us listen in to what the social web is saying.

FORBES: Not Your Grandmother's Presidential Debate





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