opening address是什么意思_opening address的音标_用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

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opening address

网络 开幕词;开幕致辞

英 [ˈəʊpənɪŋ əˈdres]play 美 [ˈoʊpənɪŋ əˈdres]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. give an opening address 做开幕致辞

2. Bid Opening Address 开标地点

3. the opening address 开幕词

4. Two Opening Address 开幕词

5. stockholders meeting opening address detail 股东大会开幕致词

6. opening g address 开幕致辞

7. stockholders meeting opening address 股东大会开幕致词

8. opening address detail 开庭陈词


1. It does this for each function by opening the import module, looking up the function, and added that function's offset address with that module's preferred base load address.


2. After that, an opening address is scheduled to be given by the president.

在那之后,预定由董事长致词开幕词。《provided by jukuu》

3. Athletes walked into the field in orderly arrays. After the opening address was delivered, the athletes withdrew. Then there was a performance of group callisthenics.


4. Despite what is possible with Apple, Kay suspects that Jobs and his crew will likely save the biggest surprises for the end of the opening keynote address.


5. Next, let's invite Mr An to give us the opening address.

接下来, 让我们用热烈的掌声来邀请安老师致开幕词.《互联网》

6. Mr. Mugabe had been jeered and heckled by MDC legislators Tuesday during his opening address at parliament.


7. If possible, please try to attend the opening address.

如果可能的话, 请尽量参加开幕式.《互联网》

8. Some programs may support opening and saving files from FTP servers by typing an FTP address in the file open or file Save dialog box.


9. One or two appeals for funds were slipped into his opening address.


10. An opening address to the second national scientific conference of debris flow


11. Prof Light confronted this accusation head-on in his opening address to the centennial conference.


12. Address, a complex linguistic system, is both the media of information and the information itself, possessing the characteristics of opening and varying.


13. In his opening address, Baltimore outlined a set of rules for strengthening international science, particularly in developing countries.


14. He chose Boston, Massachusetts, for his opening address on Wednesday, March 8, 1961, in order to reach a wide audience.


15. Brad White, ICANN's director of global media affairs, says opening the Internet address system will have far-reaching social and commercial impact.


16. This gloomy mood was captured by the opening address to the NICs conference, given by none other than General Brent Scowcroft himself, returning to the institute named after him.

表达这一悲观情绪的不是别人,正是布伦特•斯考克罗夫特(General Brent Scowcroft)将军,他回到以他的名字命名的这所学院,在美国国家情报委员会会议上致开幕词。

17. Rumors say that during opening address the host is to pronounce something very important concerning the future of his company.


18. Now I would like to invite Mr. Wei Zhaofeng, Vice President of China Electricity Council to address the opening.


19. Otherwise, she should be late for the opening address of the conference.


20. This morning Ford CEO Alan Mulally delivered an opening keynote address at CES, unveiling Ford's latest car technologies.

今天早上,福特ceo Alan Mulally在消费电子展上发表了演讲,介绍了福特的最新汽车技术。

21. By then, many of the woks will have been removed, replaced by mobile ovens and griddles, and a weeklong soft opening will be staged at the end of the month to address any problems.


22. This gloomy mood was captured by the opening address to the NIC's conference, given by none other than General Brent Scowcroft himself, returning to the institute named after him.

表达这一悲观情绪的不是别人,正是布伦特•斯考克罗夫特(General Brent Scowcroft)将军,他回到以他的名字命名的这所学院,在美国国家情报委员会会议上致开幕词。

23. Use MS Word or Excel to create a name and address list of at least 50 people you want to contact to announce the opening of your consulting business.


24. In your opening address you talked about the tension between the need to strengthen a country's own science and technology, and the drive to collaborate with other countries.


25. The Director-General of WHO will give a keynote address at the opening session, and other WHO senior staff will take part in breakfast briefings and panel discussions throughout the four days.


26. Rumors say that during opening address the host is to pronounce something very important concerning the future of his company.


27. In a sign of just how sensitive the issue is, Chairman Ping did not mention Zimbabwe's political turmoil in his opening address to the summit Friday, except in a final sentence that did not appear in the prepared text.


28. Opening a four-part series, they address the subject of value, the first conservation challenge to overcome.


29. The graduating student with the second highest academic rank; delivers the opening address at graduation exercises.


30. Okay... I mentioned the weight issue in my opening paragraph, so let me address that here... If you're so unhappy with your spouse being overweight, then go workout with them.


31. One or two appeals for funds were slipped into his opening address.


32. They made out a draft of the opening address.


33. The other half have at least one thing in common: the letter's opening with the recipient's name and address and the closing with your name.


34. In her opening address, the deputy secretary-general highlighted Africa's strong economic growth.


35. Bid Opening Address: Conference Room, 12th floor, Humei Hotel, Quanzhou, Fujian.


36. The remarks came during the opening address of OPEC.


37. After that, an opening address is scheduled to be given by the President.


38. They made out a draft of the opening address.


39. Amano made his comments in his opening address to a meeting of the IAEA's35-member board of governors Monday.


40. "If you write down your address," the woman said, briskly opening her eyes, "we will send you the money."


41. As usual, the president the opening address.

向往常一样, 总统致开幕词.《互联网》

42. Professor Li gave the opening address at the meeting.


43. Despite what is possible with Apple, Kay suspects that Jobs and his crew will likely save the biggest surprises for the end of the opening keynote address.


44. After that, an opening address is scheduled to be given by the President.

在那之后, 预定由董事长致词开幕词.《互联网》

45. Maybe, next month or next year, people will identify another opening with another set of problems that these tools can help address.


46. The other half have at least one thing in common: the letters opening with the recipients name and address and the closing with your name.


47. This morning, we gathered here to celebrate the opening of the festival. First, let's welcome vice-principal Mr. Zhou to address the opening speech with warm applause.


48. Pope Benedict was clearly supportive in his opening address, calling Croatia's membership" logical, just and necessary", and urging Croats to retain their Catholic faith.


49. Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony Address


50. The prosecution will begin its opening address.

检查官可以进行开幕词了。《provided by jukuu》

51. In her opening address, the deputy secretary-general highlighted Africa's strong economic growth.


52. RI President Wilfrid J. Wilkinson gives the keynote address at the opening plenary session of the RI Convention. Rotary Images/Alyce Henson.


53. In her opening address, Rice said moves to trim foreign aid and protect home markets are understandable under the circumstances, but in the long run, counterproductive.


54. UNESCAP Executive Secretary Noeleen Heyzer said in her opening address that rising social inequalities, exacerbated by record high oil prices, could trigger an "imminent crisis" if lower-income groups begin to lose ground.


55. On the occasion of this opening ceremony, I would like to express my appreciation to the host for this opportunity to address the meeting on the topic of …



1. An audio recording of my opening address, introduced by Seth Kahan is available here.

FORBES: Revolution At Work (Highlights: Part 1)

2. Oh, and Barbara Streisand, who wrote My Passion for Design and will deliver the keynote address at the Opening Night gala May 25.

FORBES: Barbara Streisand to Headline Book Expo

3. In her opening address, Ms Bokova stressed the importance to act where needs were most acute, pointing to Africa where over 300 of the 800 million people in the Sub-Saharan region live in a water-scarce environment.

UNESCO: Water cooperation: more urgent than ever

4. But only two days before the event, it was announced that Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, would make the opening address.

ECONOMIST: Islams political football

5. In his opening address on Wednesday night, Pope Francis joked that his electors had travelled "to the ends of the Earth" to find their new leader.

BBC: Pope Francis calls for evangelism drive

6. It was a splendid and clearly successful affair, which was covered by a camera crew from NHK. Watase-kun delivered a compelling and articulate opening address on the justification for and mission of the Tokyo Tea Party.

FORBES: First Meeting of the Tokyo Tea Party

7. He was speaking ahead of giving the opening address to the Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) of England and Wales next week.

BBC: Kenny MacAskill

8. The opening address of will be given by Ms Fiona Hyslop, Minister for Culture and External Affairs.

UNESCO: UK World Heritage Education Conference

9. Former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm underscored the point with an address whose opening line declared, with a strange note of defiance it wasn't the only thing strange about the speech that the heart of America wasn't to be found in corporate board rooms.

WSJ: Dorothy Rabinowitz: The Fourth Estate, Still Thrilling to the Spirit of '08

10. Delivering his own opening address before several hundred dignitaries and media professionals, the Minister of Information and Culture, Dr. Sayed M.

UNESCO: Communication and Information

11. On the same day, Irina Bokova gave the keynote address, opening the 7th Annual Blouin Creative Leadership Summit, held at the Metropolitan Club in New York.


12. The opening address will be given by former First Lady of the United States Laura Bush, who is Honorary Ambassador for the UN Literacy Decade (UNLD).

UNESCO: Main Menu

13. Any European heads of government who found these surroundings a mite unsettling will doubtless have been reassured by the opening address from Silvio Berlusconi, the balding, barrel-chested prime minister of today's Italy.

ECONOMIST: Charlemagne

14. The opening ceremony included an address by Mr Annan calling on Mr Kibaki and Mr Odinga to take the process seriously.

BBC: NEWS | Africa | Chance of hope as Kenya talks begin

15. While this is an important move given Gaza's effective fusion into Sinai with the border opening, it does not address the looming threat from Egypt itself.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The real Egyptian revolution

16. The search box at the top of the screen lets you search for a place or a business, and the expanding information pane at the bottom of the screen shows relevant information, such as address, opening hours, ratings and reviews, images, directions and other information.

FORBES: Google Maps App Comes To iOS 6

17. In her opening address, Ms Bokova praised African governments for the progress that has been achieved and stressed that it should not be undermined.

UNESCO: Communication and Information

18. In her address at the opening of the Charity Gala, the Director-General highlighted the rights of all children, such as the right to survival, protection and education.


19. Earlier in the day, US Secretary of State Colin Powell delivered an opening address spelling out the US' determination to defeat global terrorism.

BBC: US Secretary of State Colin Powell

20. Following the opening address, the 100-plus participants circulated through four stations led by employees.

FORBES: Should Car Buying Be Like Online Dating Versus a Dental Visit?

21. At work, this could mean the CEO opening her address book and providing introductions, making herself available for meetings and dinners, and providing the necessary tools, recognitions, access and incentives to fuel the team to perform at the highest level.

FORBES: 3 Leadership Lessons From The Edge: From The Bush To The Boardroom

22. Irina Bokova will address the opening of the Ministerial Forum of the Asia Pacific region, in the presence of the Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina.

UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

23. John Vine, Chief Constable of Tayside Police and president of the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland (Acpos), gave the opening address.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Rural 'drug factory' warning

24. Medvedev was expected to make the opening address at 6:30 on Wednesday evening.

FORBES: Medvedev Reportedly Postponing Trip to Davos

25. Martin stood before the crowd next, opening his address with an Islamic blessing.

CNN: Behind the Scenes: Apology for a desecration

26. Opening Address by Prof.

UNESCO: Diversity of Cultural Expressions

27. Venture Beat managed to record Ambinder's opening address at the conference -- we've added it after the break.


28. The opening address was given by former First Lady of the United States Laura Bush, who is Honorary Ambassador for the UN Literacy Decade (UNLD).


29. The opening address is given by HRH Prince Philippe of Belgium and eminent scientists and decision makers from the industry are participating in this Closing Ceremony, in particular Ada Yonath, Chemistry Nobel Laureate in 2009 and Andrew Liveris, Chief Executive Officer of The Dow Chemical Company.

UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

30. As sure as Christmas is on 25 December, the local organisers have many problems to address before the opening match, but drumming up interest in the competition is the least of their worries.

BBC: Ghana embraces Nations Cup fever









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