
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈnesəsəri]play美 [ˈnesəseri]play

  • adj. 必要的,必需的;必然的,不可避免的;迫不得已的,非自愿的
  • n. (生活)必需品;<英,非正式>必要的事(the necessary);<英,非正式>足够的钱(the necessary)
  • 【名】 (Necessary)(英)内塞瑟里(人名)

复数 necessaries 比较级 more 最高级 most

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necessary /ˈnɛsɪsərɪ/

  • 1.
    形容词 Something that is necessary is needed in order for something else to happen. 必要的

    I kept the engine running because it might be necessary to leave fast.



    Make the necessary arrangements.


  • 2.
    形容词 A necessary consequence or connection must happen or exist, because of the nature of the things or events involved. 必然的

    Scientific work is differentiated from art by its necessary connection with the idea of progress.






necessary compulsory 【导航词义:必要的】

necessary adj. 必需的,必要的

〔辨析〕 普通用词,多指由客观因素决定的,是必不可少的。

例1: Water is necessary for life.


例2: It is necessary to perform an operation on him.


例3: It is not necessary to wear a business suit.


例4: If necessary, we can always change the date of our trip.


compulsory adj. 必须做的,规定的,义务的

〔辨析〕 指由法律、上级命令等规定或强制的。

例1: compulsory circulation/education/insuranc


例2: Questions 1-6 are compulsory.


例3: Is military service compulsory in your country?


例4: Swimming is compulsory at their school.


例5: Many young men in that country tried to get away from compulsory military conscription.



1. sufficient and necessary condition 充要条件;充分必要条件

2. as necessary 必要时

3. necessary for 所必需;对…是必要的

4. necessary evil n. 无可避免之灾祸

5. when necessary 在必要的时候

6. necessary condition 必要条件,充分必要条件

7. socially necessary labour time 社会必要劳动时间

8. not necessary 不需要 ; 不必要 ; 何必 ; 没必要

9. where necessary 必要时;需要时;必要地方

10. necessary bandwidth 通信 必要带宽 ; 通信 必需频带宽度 ; 通信 必需带宽

11. absolutely necessary 绝对必要

12. necessary connection 必然联系

13. than necessary 比应该的要冷 ; 比应该的更要 ; 比应当的要冷 ; 太

14. Necessary Roughness 辣女队医 ; 反败为胜 ; 难得坚强 ; 强硬的爱

15. if necessary 如果必要的话

16. necessary and sufficient condition 充要条件;必要且充分的条件


1. Imagination is a creative power that is necessary for inventing a new machine.


2. Therefore, team building may be necessary in order to improve the group’s performance.

因此为了提高整个团队的表现,团队建设是很有必要的。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

3. The necessary consequence is a great number of transient and clandestine connections.


4. If necessary, the airship can stay up there for days to keep out of danger...


5. The mechanic made the necessary adjustments to the engine.


6. I am a student in English major. The language is necessary to me as food.

我是一名日语专业的大学生, 语言对于我就如同食物一样,是生活的必需品.《期刊摘选》

7. His level-headed approach suggests he will do what is necessary.


8. This has made it necessary for agriculture and industry to develop very quickly.


9. He has enough money to obtain the necessaries of life.


10. In the affluent society no useful distinction be made between luxuries and necessaries.


11. The ability to do this will be necessary in future flights to distant planets.


12. Dairy produce is people necessaries of life.


13. No advance booking is necessary.


14. Repairs are necessary to strengthen the bridge.


15. Conclusion Pyloroplasty as an added procedure is necessary for Nissen fundoplication in DGE rats.


16. It is necessary initially to classify the headaches into certain types.


17. They argue that government action is necessary to curb Britain’s addiction to unhealthy food and help halt spiraling rates of obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

他们认为在遏制英国人对不健康食物成癔以及帮助遏止肥胖、糖尿病以及心脏病发病率急剧上升方面,政府行为是必要的。《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

18. Marcella took me out to buy necessary supplies.


19. It is not always necessary to gut the fish prior to freezing.


20. No previous experience is necessary for this job.


21. Institutional changes are also necessary to maximize the potential of this new physical and human investment.


22. Arguably, the criminal is a necessary member of society.

无疑地, 罪犯是社会不可避免的一种人.《期刊摘选》

23. I'll make the necessary arrangements.


24. I can shut myself off if necessary.


25. Hunter Normalization: A Necessary Evil?

猎人标准化: 一场不可避免的灾难?《期刊摘选》

26. They were destitute of necessaries of life.


27. Thus, an amplifier is necessary.

因此, 一个喇叭筒是必需品.《期刊摘选》

28. At the very least, it has awoken us from our national fever dream of easy riches and bigger houses, and put a necessary end to an era of reckless personal spending.

至少它将我们从“一夜暴富和豪宅”的民族热梦中唤醒,并且给挥金如土的个人消 费时代划上了一个必要的句号。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

29. Learning Tourism English for backpackers is necessary.


30. We should reserve necessaries of life and aseismatic goods and materials providing disaster relief.


31. Necessaries are goods and services suitable to the condition in life of a minor.


32. The government's claim that war was necessary was clearly mistaken.


33. For her, books were as necessary to life as bread.


34. It might be necessary to make a few slight modifications to the design.


35. It is essentially necessary that I should have an answer to this question.


36. Superior technique is a prerequisite to maintaining the necessary speed of play.


37. Please just take the necessary for a long walk.


38. Reserve necessaries of life and aseismatic goods and materials providing disaster relief.


39. I can take the car if necessary.


40. Because the company was doing more business it was necessary to expand the factory.


41. It's necessary for leading cadres to keep frequent contacts with the masses.


42. In brief, it is very necessary to use body language appropriately to assist the teaching.

总之, 英语课堂上适当使用体态语来辅助教学是必要的.《期刊摘选》

43. She searched her desk for the necessary information.


44. We are still looking for someone who combines all the necessary qualities.


45. It does not purchase the necessaries of life, nor relieve those who are in want.

金钱贮藏着而不用来购买生活必需品, 也不用来赈济那些生活匮乏的人.《期刊摘选》

46. Our income allows only the necessaries of life.


47. Sometimes it is necessary to say no.


48. Reorganization is necessary on the distributive side of this industry.


49. So are problems linked to absence of latrines, absence of anything necessary.

所以,现在面临的问题是没有厕所, 没有任何必需品.《期刊摘选》

50. "We will take the necessary steps," she said sternly.


51. It doesn't seem necessary for us to meet.


52. Some forethought and preparation is necessary before you embark on the project.


53. The people lacked the necessaries of life.


54. A sensible balance between the two is necessary in order to enjoy life in its entirety.


55. A clearly quantifiable measure of quality is not necessary.


56. Apodeictic : affirmation or negation is taken as necessary.

必然的: 其中肯定或者否定被视为必然的判断.《期刊摘选》

57. It has been found necessary to make some cuts in the text.


58. Examples show that the sufficient conditions are not necessary.


59. We will do whatever is necessary to stop them...


60. We can cut the head of instruction book like an irregularly notched if necessary.


61. He had the ruthless streak necessary to carry him into the Cabinet


62. He lacks necessaries, let alone luxuries.

他缺乏必需品, 更不用说奢侈品了.《辞典例句》

63. Give us the luxuries of life and we will dispense with necessaries.


64. Military action may become necessary.


65. We had to go without many necessaries.


66. For him, reading was a necessary prelude to sleep.


67. Dreams are necessary to life.


68. The report concluded that no substantive changes were necessary.


69. This is not only unavoidable but also economically necessary.


70. We have taken necessary precautions against fire.


71. This place is rather cramped.


72. So, improvement the national development static and optimization of the financial structure are the necessary choice.

因此, 改善国家的区域发展战略、优化区域金融结构是必然的选择.《期刊摘选》

73. I think it necessary for you to learn a foreign language.


74. They must be defined in terms of activities necessary to achieve those goals.


75. The national account system that builds green is necessary and inevitable.


76. Synthetic statements are not necessary.


77. If the contract is for the purchase of necessaries this can be enforced against the infant.


78. We will use air power to protect UN peacekeepers if necessary.


79. This is absolutely necessary and perfectly just, and the whole nation understands that it is so.

这是完全必要的和完全正义的, 全国人民都明白这种必要性和正义性.《期刊摘选》

80. Only use your car when absolutely necessary.


81. Exporting is necessary for our economic survival.


82. Rule is the inherence and necessary relationship of development and changes of things.


83. This is a necessary consequence of progress.


84. So it is also very necessary to explore and research further the space mural painting.


85. He believed that in building socialism it was necessary to make thorough plans on behalf of the state.


86. Higher taxes may be a necessary evil.


87. Praise them when necessary, but don't lay it on too thick.


88. If necessary , you can contact me at home.


89. They were ready to die , if necessary, for their country.

必要时, 他们愿为国捐躯.《现代汉英综合大词典》

90. While straining the brain, you may experience the soul sound necessary for transitioning to an OBE.

拉张脑部时, 你会听到灵魂声音,这是出窍过程中必要的.《期刊摘选》

91. Some adjustment of the lens may be necessary.


92. However , in both of them, BHs are a necessary ingredient in our understanding of galaxy formation.

然而, 无论是哪一个黑洞都是解释星系形成的必需品.《期刊摘选》

93. They would take any action deemed necessary.


94. Spending on education is a positive good, not a necessary evil.

教育上的花费是积极的好事, 不是必然的祸害.《期刊摘选》

95. It may be necessary to buy a new one.


96. It was concluded that the level of change necessary would be low.


97. They've been deprived of the fuel necessary to heat their homes.


98. The government, when necessary, has recourse to the armed forces.


99. If you believe this is necessary for the applying company, please contact the Uniform Code Council.

如果你认为这对于企业是必要的, 请与美国统一代码委员会联系.《期刊摘选》

100. He has decided beforehand that a complete reconstruction is possible and necessary.


101. It's necessary for us to net the currant bushes.


102. This was a dreadful crime and a severe sentence is necessary.


103. Wastage was no doubt a necessary consequence of war...


104. Death is the necessary end of life.


105. She has enough money to obtain the necessaries of life.


106. But evolution had to do it, so it has developed the necessary sophistication for us.

但是,进化不得不做这项工作, 因此,进化为我们发展了必然的复杂化.《期刊摘选》

107. The alliance stands ready to do what is necessary.


108. I do not wish to complicate the task more than is necessary.


109. If necessary, you can contact me at home.


110. If necessary I can come at once.


111. This study provides necessary supplement for reverse resolution of total heat exchange factor applying experimental data.


112. If he makes these experiments, he will come to the necessary conclusion.

如果他做这些实验, 就会得出这种必然的结论.《期刊摘选》

113. Logic in general: contains absolutely necessary rules of thought.

普遍的逻辑: 包含思维的绝对必然的规则.《期刊摘选》

114. It is unavoidable and necessary for the discretionary power granted to the judges.


115. Is it necessary to send a car for them?

用得着派车去接他们 吗 ?《现代汉英综合大词典》

116. They has possessed themselves of all the necessary material.


117. Repeat the dose after 12 hours if necessary.


118. It's reassuring that we've got the money if necessary.


119. When completed, Michigan Truck's flexibility will allow it to augment current Ford Focus production if necessary.

当转型完成后, 密歇根工场的弹性能力将可在必要的时候增加现有福克斯的产能.《期刊摘选》

120. It is a necessary activity for the artist, and the artist alone.

鉴赏是艺术家的必需品, 同时他们也是孤独的.《期刊摘选》

121. Using likely Methods: To collect data and necessary quality control is the base of real credibility.


122. It is both important and necessary to note this difference.


123. From the ancient times, making a knot was out of necessary, inevitable behaviours.

从远古时代, 是一个结出必要的, 不可避免的行为.《期刊摘选》

124. He wasn't good navigator, so it is necessary that the coastline remain in sight as he moved from one harbor to the next.

他不擅航海, 所以当他从一码头驶到另一码头时,得一直沿海岸线航行.《简明英汉词典》

125. Yet I have but a word to say: that it is necessary.

然而,我只有一句话要说: 这声音是必要的.《期刊摘选》

126. Inheriting to tradition is necessary, is also inevitable.

对传统继承是必要的, 也是必然的.《期刊摘选》

127. So it's necessary to apply the computer control system to improve the heating quality and efficiency.


128. Idleness is not just a vacation, an indulgence or a vice; it is as indispensable to be brain as Vitamin D is to the body...[idleness]is, paradoxically, necessary to getting any work done, he argues.

“懒惰不仅是休假,是放纵或是一种恶习,她对我们的大脑来说是不可或缺的,就像维生素D对身体一样……自相矛盾的是,“懒惰”对于完成任何工作来说都是必要的。”他说道。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

129. Give us the luxury of life and we will dispense with necessary.


130. Scientific work is differentiated from art by its necessary connection with the idea of progress.


131. And we create opportunity for assessment and intervention, to help clients and communities cope effectively with the reality and change that reality when necessary.

我们还创造评估和介入的机会,来帮助委托人和社区有效应对现实情况以及在必要的时候改变那种情况。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

132. It was necessary to discover the truth or otherwise of these statements.


133. I kept the engine running because it might be necessary to leave fast...


134. The shoe is the daily necessaries of life of people.


135. A radical overhaul of the tax system is necessary.


136. Hospital admission is not necessary in most cases.


137. It is necessary to examine how the proposals can be carried out.


138. Such phenomenon had necessary relation with lotus leaf ( used for wine pot seal ) through scientific analysis.


139. The Japanese government's claim that war was necessary was clearly mistaken.


140. It is, however, necessary on occasion to work outwith these hours.


141. Other modes necessary as deemed by the drafting unit.


142. The army needs men who are willing to fight, when necessary...


143. They always sum up their ( work ) experience whenever it is necessary, so they improve rapidly.

他们总是随时总结经验, 所以工作质量提高很快.《现代汉英综合大词典》

144. Persistent and d forceful attempts are necessary to get the child's attention at times.


145. To develop our industry and agriculture rapidly is necessary.


146. We are willing to make any concessions necessary to this end.


147. All these are now viewed as necessaries.


148. Questioner: Is conflict necessary then? It may perhaps, after all, be the natural order of things.

发问者: 那冲突是必然的了? 毕竟, 那也许就是事物的自然规律.《期刊摘选》

149. I couldn't enter the country because I didn't have all the necessary documentation.


150. ...a small parcel of necessaries tied up in a handkerchief and carried on a stick.


151. Therefore, the temporary abandonment of certain places or cities is not only unavoidable but also necessary.

因此, 若干地方,若干城市的暂时放弃,不但是不可避免的,而且是必要的.《期刊摘选》


1. As completely as was possible and is necessary, would you choose to do it?

如果完全可能而且必要,你会这样做吗?媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

2. Even after the downgrade the French Finance Minister Francois Baroin said no new cuts were necessary.

BBC: European austerity: More pain than gain?

3. After many years of gathering the necessary information, it became possible to learn longitude by observing the stars and the moon.

VOA : special.2010.07.14

4. His level-headed approach suggests he will do what is necessary.


5. I did not intend to fight unless it became necessary in self-defense and in the performance of official duty.

VOA : special.2010.02.15

6. Is that level of spending really necessary to secure the homeland and global stability?

FORBES: The Debt Ceiling Was a Distraction. The Crisis Is With Waste

7. even as Israelis had the kind of security necessary the orphan and the widow, the oppressed, the fatherless, those whose humanity has been rendered invisible.

即使以色列有必要保证,孤儿,寡妇,受压迫的人以及父亲过世的人,他们的人性被淹没。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

8. Now defragmentation as an aside is not so much necessary these days because hardware has gotten so performance.

在硬件性能如此好的今天,碎片处理显得并不是那么的重要。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

9. The Myth Of Stars 06.12.02 Movie stars are absolutely necessary to launch a hit picture.

FORBES: Hollywood's Bottom Line

10. We will take whatever action is necessary to restore faith in our exam system.

BBC: Government calls for 'fundamental reform' of exam system

11. This is because politicians almost always will do what is necessary to stay in office.

FORBES: Four Reasons Why Big Government Is Bad Government

12. Are we teaching students the necessary skills?


13. The company will pay a price but it is necessary because it caused the harm.

FORBES: Do the Right Thing. Even When It Hurts

14. All the necessary conditions were fulfilled.


15. And he's going to have to rectify the circumstances that made his destruction of the earth necessary in the first place.

他不得不修正,他认为有必要毁灭人类的情形。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. Does the president believe that head-slapping and simulated drowning are necessary tactics to use against suspected terrorist.

NPR: White House Reacts to Interrogation Claims

17. Having a car is ideal, although cycling is sometimes necessary because of parking restrictions.

BBC: Escape from New York

18. But they also made it clear that they are willing to act alone, if necessary, to pass a health care bill.

VOA : special.2010.02.27

19. When they thought it was necessary, they maintained peace by destroying communities and forcibly moving populations.

一旦他们觉得有必要,就会为了维护和平,毁灭其他群体,强制迁移人口。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. And what we saw last time is that this was necessary to make things work, this part of it in particular.

上节课我们讲,这是对外做功的必要条件,特别是这个部分。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

21. All this is necessary to any performance in life which is magnetic, powerful, rich in meaning.

NPR: An Athlete of God

22. Protective measures are necessary if the city's monuments are to be preserved.


23. She made sure there were a large number of workers to give the necessary attention to all the kids.

VOA : special.2009.08.23

24. Each of these waves is regarded as in some way necessary for the proper construction of a just city.

每一波,在某些程度上,都被视为是真正建立正义之城的必需条件。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. The treatment for mild hypothermia starts with getting out of the cold and,if necessary, changing into dry clothes.

VOA : special.2009.12.30

26. This often leads to the executive not bringing the key, necessary qualities to the table.

FORBES: Preparing To Fire an Executive

27. Designing networks and thoughtfully engaging them is clearly a necessary skill for the 21st century.

FORBES: Hack One: Launch a Network

28. But I think, you know, maybe that was necessary because it's an important relationship.

但是我认为,可能那是必需的,因为这层关系太重要了。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 英国的首相们

29. Emperor Norton said this was necessary because Governor Wise had ordered the death by hanging of John Brown.

VOA : special.2009.12.14

30. So I'm not quite sure whether that's necessary, it's exactly an aspect of, say, the race card.

NPR: Injecting Race into Politics

31. The last mission carried all the equipment necessary for manned flight and tested life-support systems.

BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | China space mission 'on track'

32. Do whatever is necessary.


33. Once Mr. Bernanke assents to the double-dip recession scenario, he will fight deflation by any means necessary.

FORBES: Fed's Next Move Will Be To Ease Interest Rates

34. Today,we tell about how people learned an important piece of information necessary for safely sailing on the oceans.

VOA : special.2010.07.14

35. It contained all the necessary information about the moon and stars that sailors would need to help them learn their longitude.

VOA : special.2010.07.14

36. Ogilvy had secured the necessary permissions, found backers, and begun building supports and tracks.

NEWYORKER: Brooklyn Circle

37. Ms. RICE: We will see what is necessary to do in the Security Council.

NPR: Iran's Nuclear Demands Strain U.S.-Russian Ties

38. In some sense, strictly speaking they shouldn't be necessary because the fact that my specification starts with an assumption, says, hey you, who might call square root make sure that the things you call me with obey the assumption.

在某种意义上严格的来讲,它们不是必要的,因为我已经对假设做了声明,也就是说,如果你要调用我的,求平方根的函数,请确保你传递给我的,参数满足假设条件。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

39. If people are on the verge of dying, perhaps it is necessary to overlook that injustice, but I think it's important to keep in mind that we're still committing injustice by taking people's belongings or assets.

如果人们在死亡边缘挣扎,也许忽视这样的不公平是必要的,但我认为即使这样,我们依然要铭记,我们的行为不公正,这是在占有他人的财物或资产。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. But the committee said the government had failed to prove such a change was necessary.

BBC: MPs condemn plan to scrap GCSEs

41. During the trial, he argued that he had the right to use whatever means necessary to protect himself and his family.

VOA : special.2009.11.01

42. He said southern defenses around the fort were so strong that a major military effort would be necessary.

VOA : special.2009.08.06

43. Solyndra was preparing to make necessary job cuts in light of its difficulty generating revenue.

FORBES: Corruption And Election Tricks Are Adding To The U.S.' Energy Troubles

44. Developing repeatable processes and data governance will be necessary to create a sustainable information advantage.

FORBES: Why Business Leaders Must Master Data And Analytics

45. Have we at least found something interesting,necessary, unique to death when we say,Nobody can die my death for me.

我们是否至少找到一些有趣,必要,独特的东西,当我们说“没有人能代替我死亡。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. Some plans succeed garnering profits for the inventor, employees and those providing the necessary capital.

FORBES: Why The Recession Recovery Remains Anemic

47. We should have boarded the vessel on the high seas and, if necessary, confiscated its cargo.

FORBES: How to Stop North Korea

48. Dan Becker says it's necessary to take into account the energy expended to produce the fuel.

NPR: Environmentalists Weigh In on Ethanol

49. For him, and I quote him, "Fortune is a woman and it is necessary to hold her down and beat her, and fight with her."

他认为,"命运就是女人,必须控制并将她打倒在地,与其斗争"古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. He made a wisecrack about dealing with deflation, if necessary, by dropping dollar bills from aircraft.

FORBES: The Bupkes Bond

51. This material will be necessary to do the listening exercises for the course, which is sort of the backbone of the course.

做听力练习时我们必须使用这些材料,听力训练是课程的核心内容聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. He said the first great fact was that laws were not necessary to keep slavery out of California and New Mexico.

VOA : special.2009.03.19

53. Good relations between Hawaii and the United States were necessary to keep the port open to American ships.

VOA : special.2010.07.08

54. To combat this, the reserve is trying to raise awareness and necessary funds by encouraging tourists to visit.

BBC: The rhino wars of central Kenya

55. While not necessary, booking in advance is recommended in order to avoid the queues.

BBC: A night at Sydneys Australian Museum

56. In very severe cases, it can even defile some common objects, and in those cases, the source of impurity might have to be isolated or excluded if necessary.

在一些非常严峻的情况中,它会玷污一些普通的事物,在这种时候,不洁之源,也许只能被孤立,严重的话需要驱逐。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. Such a prospect would encourage hospitals and doctors to accept a painful but necessary reform now.

ECONOMIST: Health-care reform in America

58. Probably the best answer is our body is worn out during the day and sleep is necessary to put it back into shape.

最佳的答案应该是,一天下来,我们的身体已经疲惫了,有必要进行睡眠,以恢复状态。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. They found a genetic mutation that seemed to indicate a bone marrow transplant was necessary.

FORBES: Sequencing A Child's DNA -- And Convincing An Insurance Company To Pay

60. Interpret guidelines and take action to implement necessary changes to address issues at hand.

UNESCO: Vacancy : Chief of Section (5/7/2011) (ED 109 - (P5))

61. Given those challenges and costs, it is therefore necessary to drive the cost per kilowatt-hour down.

FORBES: Connect

62. Of course, both are necessary if the private sector is truly going to expand employment.

FORBES: Barack Obama: The Anti-Capital President

63. Fate will permit no apocalypse before its time, before the necessary and painful steps that have to lead up to the Last Judgment.

命运在来之前不会允许人们去启示别人,必须要自己去经历必要而又痛苦的那几步,才能走向最终的审判。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

64. He used strong language and seemed to say that the United States would fight, if necessary,to defend its claim.

VOA : special.2009.02.19

65. It is always a good idea to keep a lot of necessary supplies in the home even before winter begins.

VOA : special.2010.01.05







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