differentiate from是什么意思_differentiate from短语搭配_differentiate from权威例句

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differentiate from

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  • 区分,区别于:将某物与其他物进行对比,以确定它们之间的差异和不同之处。

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. differentiate one thing from another 使甲乙互异

2. differentiate virtue from evil 辨明是非

3. differentiate from first principle 从基本原理求导数

4. differentiate one variety from another 区别品种


1. Obviously, it is a very important period when germ cells differentiate from A0 to A1.


2. What if we modified the design a little bit. Say we change the color. Do you think that would be enough to differentiate from the copyrighted image?


3. The asymmetry of information can differentiate from two angle: It is the content of asymmetry information.

信息的不对称可从两个角度划分: 一是不对称信息的内容.《互联网》

4. As an important part of modern enterprise assets apart from the differences in forms, invisible assets differentiate from visible assets mainly in the excess profits which they bring forth.


5. Now you see how to differentiate anonymous content from protected content.


6. In general, it was easy to differentiate from metastasis of liver, cavernous hemangioma of liver, simple hepatic cyst.


7. Although they differentiate from each other, they are both strongly critical of the philosophical system before them, and are trying to reconsider the relationship between philosophy and social criticism.


8. According to differentiate from the task of technique teaching of sport and the difficulties in the practice teaching, the primary stage of sport skills learns and grasps the stage of sport technique.


9. The second part is trying to differentiate applications from the regular pages people use in the browser.


10. She can differentiate this kind of rose from the others.


11. On the matter, in recent years "idol otaku" are naming themselves simply as Wota as a way to differentiate from traditional otaku.


12. Objective: To discuss the disease characteristic imaging, improve diagnosis accuracy rate and differentiate from occupying lesion of ampulla around.


13. The involved bone is usually thinner than the normal bone which helps to differentiate from other lesions which tend to expand the calvarium or destroy cortex.


14. What they mean is that by working hard, a person can learn skills that differentiate him from other people, and earn for himself whatever he desires.


15. Based on the characteristics of network media, the second part addresses to the newly emerged qualities of online literature which differentiate from the tradition.


16. Business assets are what makes your application or product line unique, your organization special, and ultimately differentiate you from the competition.


17. This format helps differentiate them from the data that is rendered below the headers.


18. But the national conditions differentiate from that of western countries, it is determined that the motel has unique characteristic in our country to a great extent.


19. Recurrent naevi may sometimes adopt unusual features that make them difficult to differentiate from a melanoma.


20. In the context of message security, plaintext is used to differentiate from ciphertext to indicate that the text is not encrypted.

在讨论邮件安全性的上下文中,纯文本用于区别密码,以指出该文本未加密。《provided by jukuu》

21. Differentiate from other products and emphasize the difference.


22. Effect of GM1 on Survival of Neuron-like Cells Differentiate from Human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells


23. differentiate itself from 'the vulgar hotels and office buildings' of dubai.

让 努韦尔提交的这个迪拜歌剧院的方案,有着未来主义的风格,并且有意显示出与迪拜“粗俗的酒店和办公楼”的区别。

24. For Informational Sites: Quickly deliver attractive and engaging content to differentiate from other sites.

对于信息网站: 迅速提供有吸引力和从事内容区分,从其他地点.《互联网》

25. It helps to differentiate UK English from US English spellings, for example.


26. If one activity is involved in our work, we should differentiate it from other activities.


27. I can't differentiate one variety from another.


28. In this case, we differentiate the expected from the abnormal, or at least the noteworthy.


29. And from very early on, they can differentiate their mother from other humans.


30. The first thing that needed to be done was to further differentiate him from the gray background.


31. Adventitious buds could differentiate from yellow compact calli.


32. The results showed that spike began to differentiate from the eleventh day to sixteenth day after emergence, and lasted 32-41 days and there were differences among different varieties.


33. Several technical aspects differentiate Derby from other database systems.


34. In that way, what makes domesticated animals differentiate from wild ones?


35. Conclusion: It is assumed that indigo carmine staining is an useful aid to set early, superficial large intestine cancer diagnosis and helpful to differentiate from precancerous lesions.


36. CONCLUSION: DC can differentiate from AML cells with highly efficient induction of CI, and the functions of CI-induced DC are enhanced notably compared with CK-induced.


37. Conclusion Correctly understanding and measuring the apex pulmonis companion shadow, it 's good to differentiate from hypertrophic pleura or reading chest films.


38. These brands have expertly learned how to differentiate from the competition.


39. Conclusion CT scanning may help to diagnose partial patients with clinically suspected BTC but the definite diagnosis needs to differentiate from bronchogenic lung cancer.


40. Many scholars in western countries and China have concluded that males and females differentiate from each other in communicative style through daily observation and language material analysis.


41. The results indicated, judging of undergraduates differentiate from employee in enterprise, framing effect exist in students group;


42. Electronic flaws, called noise, that invade an analog signal are sometimes nearly impossible to differentiate from the signal itself.


43. Dense areas indicate tissue that is more glandular than fatty, which can make calcifications and masses more difficult to identify or differentiate from normal glandular tissue.


44. They are sometimes difficult to differentiate from aromatic or olefinic absorptions.


45. Conclusion HRCT was an optimal imaging modality for the diagnosis of pneumatization of the inferior turbinate and may help the clinicians to differentiate from other causes of the inferior turbinate hypertrophy.


46. As a result, it is a new annalistic format with policy thinking that differentiate from western normal FDI theories.


47. You can name each window, and you can place a status bar at the bottom of each window to differentiate one from another.


48. Electronic flaws, called noise, that invade an analog signal are sometimes nearly impossible to differentiate from the signal itself.


49. College student market has its own needs, and their travel behavior differentiate from other groups.


50. It is necessary to differentiate from fibrosarcoma, synovial sarcoma, metastatic adenocarcinoma etc, morphologically.


51. False-positive results mostly are caused by the inflammatory pseudotumor, analysis of its time-attenuation curve could help differentiate from the malignant nodule. Tuberculosis is the main disease that brings false-positive conclusion.


52. And this spin magnetic quantum number we abbreviate as m sub s, so that's to differentiate from m sub l.


53. Highly competitive markets where a newspaper attempts to differentiate from others.


54. CT and MRI findings were difficult to differentiate from those of glioma or inflammation.


55. Objective: To discuss the disease characteristic imaging, improve diagnosis accuracy rate and differentiate from occupying lesion of ampulla around.


56. ICC is a combination of many abilities that differentiate from adding cultural knowledge and facts up by using the language.


57. Conclusion CT scanning may help to diagnose partial patients with clinically suspected BTC but the definite diagnosis needs to differentiate from bronchogenic lung cancer.


58. Wevin has done a detailed outdoor industry investigation, the industry benchmark for enterprise-depth analysis, and strive to make Mai Gewei differentiate from competitors.


59. As an important part of modern enterprise assets apart from the differences in forms, invisible assets differentiate from visible assets mainly in the excess profits which they bring forth.


60. The storage and management of spatial data is a key feature by which GIS differentiate from other information systems.

对空间数据(Spatial Data)的存储和管理是地理信息系统区别于一般信息系统的显著标志。

61. Distention from ascites (Fig. 148-3) is sometimes difficult to differentiate from truncal obesity.

腹水的膨隆(图148 - 3)有时难以同躯干性肥胖鉴别。


1. But with little to differentiate it from competitors, some feel Google may struggle to make an impact.

BBC: Google's Keep is new entrant in digital memo market

2. The key opportunity and challenge will be articulating (and demonstrating) precisely how these immunokinase signaling interventions can differentiate from the existing, precedented approaches.

FORBES: Immunokinase Drug Candidates: $12B in Value Creation and Counting

3. First issued in 1999, the card itself is reportedly made from titanium to help differentiate it from other cards.

FORBES: Millionaire Credit Cards: What's In Their Wallets?

4. Relay also seeks to differentiate itself from large grocery players with its emphasis on local products.

FORBES: Relay Marches On Washington: Grocery Delivery Startup Gets $8 Million For Metro Expansion

5. As the family company evolved, the owners decided to differentiate from the major mall developers like Simon Property Group ( SPG), Taubman ( TCO) and CBL Properties ( CBL), and instead focus on being the leader in the growing shopping center sub-sector.

FORBES: Stock Up On This Grocery-Anchored REIT

6. Netflix hopes such original content will lure in subscribers and further differentiate it from competitors, including Amazon Inc.

WSJ: Netflix Returns to Profit; Subscriber Ranks Grow

7. Greater hostel numbers mean that these properties need to differentiate from each other in order to get people to stay with them.

FORBES: A Glam Option For Frugal Travelers: 'Boutique Hostels'

8. It also sought to differentiate itself from the evasive dilly-dallying of some Asian governments.

ECONOMIST: Can Brazil hold the line?

9. That would differentiate from the 720p-capable smartphones today.

FORBES: CES: The Six Features That Will Define The SuperPhone of 2011

10. The interior will have more of a luxury feeling to differentiate it from the sportier Regal.

WSJ: GM in next phase of hoped for Buick revival

11. All-in-all this sounds like a promising development in TiVo's struggle to differentiate themselves from generic DVRs.

ENGADGET: TiVoToGo officially supports PSP and iPod

12. Chambers says they can differentiate from peers with architectural play, not specific pieces of hardware or software.

FORBES: Cisco CEO John Chambers: Live From The Gartner Conference

13. As a result, Amazon can differentiate itself from all the other retailers in only two ways: better product access and price.

FORBES: Amazon's Thin Margins Do Not Support Sky-High Valuation

14. Later, certain aspects of this convergence would be polemicized against, and rejected as a Yahweh only party sought to differentiate itself from those that it would now label as other, and call Canaanites, as distinct from Israelites.

后来,这个集合过程的一些方面又被争论,并且被否决,因为耶和华,只是唯一要将自己区分的一方,但它现在却被当作另一方,叫作迦南,与以色列完全不同。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. From the exterior, the best counterfeit golf clubs these days can be hard to differentiate from legitimate clubs.

WSJ: PsstWanna Buy a Counterfeit Golf Club? | Golf Journal by John Paul Newport

16. Canada is constantly struggling to differentiate itself from its overpowering neighbour, the United States.

ECONOMIST: Gods own republic?

17. They both proliferate, increase in number, and they differentiate; they differentiate from immature B-cells into antibody producing cells.

淋巴细胞将迅速增殖,数量大幅提高,同时发生分化,幼B淋巴细胞分化,形成能够分泌抗体的细胞生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. In a time when the venture capital industry has been shrinking, firms need to show how they differentiate from the rest.

FORBES: GGV Capital, With $625 Million In New Funds, Targets China, U.S. Growth

19. Well, it would be useful because if I could take cells from the skin, find stem cells in the skin and then de-differentiate them so that they were now capable of becoming liver, or brain, or things that they're not going to become in their normal site, then that could be a very powerful tool for medicine.

这是因为,如果我能取一些皮肤细胞,找一些皮肤干细胞,并将它们去分化,那它们就能分化成肝脏,大脑或其他一些,它们原本分化不出来的细胞,这可以成为一个医学利器生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. Insurers are balking at paying for "flood damage, " which they differentiate from "hurricane damage" that is caused primarily by wind.

FORBES: Home Builders Over The Hill?

21. Southwest aggressively promoted this campaign to differentiate itself from competitors, thereby gaining market share.

FORBES: AirTran In Belly, Southwest Ready To Kick Some Tail Fin

22. The Equus, if nothing else, will help differentiate Hyundai from others in its league.

FORBES: Hyundai's Challenge To Mercedes: Should Either Brand Be Nervous?

23. It helped to differentiate them from the retail bankers who rolled coins in branches.

FORBES: Magazine Article

24. When and why did some Israelites adopt a Yahweh-only position, and seek to differentiate what they would call a pure Yahwism from the cult of Baal, for example?

何时,为何以色列人采纳了耶和华,唯一的地位,并且试图与他们所说的纯耶和华崇拜区别,比如说,与Baal宗教?旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. Some of the early patients testing the device said they could distinguish boundaries between objects and differentiate light from dark.

CNN: FDA approves first bionic eye

26. If it plans to survive, it needs to differentiate itself from the competition and leverage its strengths.

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

27. Now, you'll hear reports in the literature, you'll look in the newspaper, you'll hear about scientists that have found ways to trans-differentiate cells, that is move them from one pathway to the other.

如今,你通过听文献讲座,看报纸,会听说科学家们已经发现了,转分化细胞的方法,即把这些细胞从一种分化途径转到另一种生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. The company also sees this as a new way of presenting news and a potential way to differentiate from other news organizations, Rothschild says.

FORBES: Yahoo's Signal Predicts Presidential Election: Obama Over Romney

29. Given that tobacco companies are all but prohibited from advertising, how can a premium brand differentiate itself from the cheaper competition when it sells its cigarettes in an identical box?

FORBES: Time to Stop Bogarting Cigarette Stocks

30. Women tend to dress smartly and soberly, in part to differentiate themselves from the hordes of garishly dressed would-be starlets.

ECONOMIST: Business travel

31. Siblings who obviously share a tremendous amount, and can be extraordinarily similar are precisely the siblings who can struggle and wrestle the most to differentiate themselves from one another.

兄弟们有很多的共同点,但就是这些有极大相似点的兄弟却,正是最能斗争和对抗的,以便与将彼此区分清楚。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. The Lib Dems must decide whether they can differentiate themselves from the Tories whilst still making a success of the coalition.

BBC: A postcard to the Westminster village

33. And this spin magnetic quantum number we abbreviate as m sub s, so that's to differentiate from m sub l.

这个自旋磁量子数我们把它简写成m下标s,以和m小标l有所区分。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

34. The government implemented the MTOPS measurement in the early 1990s to differentiate supercomputers from low-end computers.

CNN: Turning the U.S. into a super-computer power

35. His team will delete truly bad ideas, or ones that fail to differentiate from existing successful companies.

FORBES: START.ac launches 1st Crowdfund for Tech Startups

36. In a Twitter-native world, it is easier for consumers to differentiate exposure from endorsement.

FORBES: Celebrity Endorsements: 15 Minutes of Fame...Or Shame?

37. How can you differentiate yourself from others with the word that you own?

FORBES: The Power of Owning a Word







a back answer是什么意思_a back answer的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

a back answer是什么意思_a back answer的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句








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